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Chapter 136: Talking


Lin Xianer slapped the table hard, with an angry look on her face. She glared at Hou Donghai and asked, "You bastard, why didn't you report it immediately? This is such important news. Do you know what they were talking about in secret?"

"This...that...of course I don't know." Hou Donghai trembled and said.

I said it was a secret conversation. How could the secret conversation know? Alas, why is the princess so insane today? Is she really obsessed with that kid? No, we have to find a way to kill that kid.

"If you don't know, try to figure it out. Don't think that Bi Jiyu is just a useless old man now that he doesn't care about military affairs. He is very prestigious in the Dasong Dynasty, both in civil and military affairs, whether he is the leader or the leader of the battle.

Everyone gives him three respects. What he said to Emperor Dasong is also very weighty." Lin Xian'er was really angry. She nodded at Hou Donghai with a trembling hand and said, "Find a way, find a way to figure them out right away.

What did they talk about in secret? Also, let people keep an eye on Bi Jiyu... If what they talked about was related to government or military affairs, Bi Jiyu would definitely take action after they finished talking. Find out every move Bi Jiyu made after they talked in secret, including what he saw.

Who and where did they go..."

"Yes, my subordinates will arrange it immediately... then... that person named Bi will enter the palace the next day." Hou Donghai bowed and accepted the order, but he didn't understand why the princess always caught things that others thought were unimportant, even though they were clearly not important.


"Enter the palace the next day? Shopkeeper Hou, do you still think that little bastard is unimportant? Think about it, Bi Jiyu entered the palace after having a secret conversation with him, don't you think it's strange? You bastard, you didn't report it to me in time.

I, if I had known that he had visited Bi Jiyu and that Bi Jiyu had entered the palace, I would definitely not have met him like this. Oh, what on earth does this bastard want to do?" Lin Xianer became even more angry, really

Damn you, I missed such important news.

"Bi Ji's visit to the palace is not necessarily related to that bastard. This old guy has been in the palace frequently recently. According to the information we got, he only talked about trivial matters with the emperor and did not involve government affairs at all." Hou Donghai still disagreed.


"Get out, get out right now. I'm telling you Hou Donghai, if you don't find out the content of their conversation and Bi Jiyu's entry into the palace the next day as soon as possible, you can go back to your hometown." Lin Xianer was really angry.

, this bastard still has such an attitude, it’s really annoying.

"Yes." Hou Donghai bowed and exited, then hurried downstairs.

Lin Xian'er was sitting on the chair, holding her chin with one hand, looking at the light and meditating. Xiao Tao stood beside her and watched her meditate. Alas, that little bastard is really a monster. He made the princess so troubled. Is he really such a great person?


So, what did Bi Jiyu and Long Guangning talk about when they entered the palace that day?

Haha, of course we are talking about Mahanshan’s advice.

What Bi Jiyu couldn't understand was that the emperor attached extraordinary importance to Ma Hanshan's advice, and approved and believed it without hesitation.

Not to mention Bi Jiyu, even Long Guangning himself couldn't figure out why he believed in Ma Hanshan so much. This was a major military and national event. Does he, a village boy, understand?

But facts speak louder than words. Isn’t it obvious that Northern Mongolia became more powerful after Hu was destroyed? Isn’t it also true that Northern Mongolia has always coveted Dasong? This is something everyone in the Dasong Dynasty knows.

But the question is, why does no one have any objection to Lian Meng's annihilation of Hu? Is it because the courtiers are not as smart as a village boy?

Are the people in the court not only blinded by hatred, but also harboring evil intentions?

After Bi Jiyu left the palace, Long Guangning summoned Wang Lianhua, the director of the imperial city. The monarch and his ministers murmured in the study room for a while, and Wang Lianhua left with a solemn expression.

The next day, a total of ten investigators from the Imperial City Division quietly left Lin'an in five batches. Except for the emperor and Wang Lianhua, no one knew where they went or what mission they were performing.

Lin Xian'er, the soon-to-be queen, has become the woman of Mahanshan. The news has spread throughout Lin'an and nearby prefectures, and has spread outward at an extremely fast speed. For a time, this matter has become a topic of conversation after dinner.

Who is Lin Xian'er? Everyone in Dasong knows that she is the most beautiful and talented oiran in Guangling, and is now the pillar of Happy House. But, who is that person named Ma Hanshan? Except for a small number of people in Lin'an City, she knows

Besides, to others, he just fell from the sky and came out of the earth.

Who is this bastard? He plucked the queen of flowers before the flower festival. How can he be reasonable? What should he do to the people in the world who are looking for flowers? What should he do to those rotten talents?

Haha, you can do whatever you want. The owner of Ma Dazhai has no time to talk to you. Even Lin Xianer has no time to talk to you now. He is very busy. He is talking with the plasterer about building a house and the gardener about landscaping.

After a while, I met with the merchants who supplied the materials...

In a word, after Ma Hanshan spent hundreds of thousands of taels of silver to declare that Lin Xian'er was his, he seemed to have forgotten about it.

The architectural style of the "Special Zone" has been determined, with a strong southern style arcade as the main design. As for how to build it, that is what the builder thought. What style has been determined, the next thing Mahanshan needs to do is the overall layout, where

A road, a street, where are the workshops, where are the residential areas, how are the streets laid out...

Ma Hanshan believes that the overall layout is very important, so he is prepared to spend great efforts to protect it. However, other things can be carried out simultaneously, such as establishing a company.

To build a mini-city, not counting the construction work, the workload of administration, management, preparation and other matters is very large. Therefore, a company must be established to recruit professional talents to divide the work and follow up.

How to set up this company and what kind of company to set up is also a headache. Should it be an overall IPO or a separate IPO? This gave Ma Hanshan, who was an undercover agent, a headache.

It is impossible to build such a large piece of land entirely on your own. Attracting investment is a must, and a management company must be established first.

A management company was established, called Lin'an Park Special Zone Management Co., Ltd. The largest shareholder is naturally Ma Hanshan, and other shareholders include Shen Wuwan, Zhang Zi, Meng Lianggon, Lu Wenkuan and others. Of course, some shareholders are public and some

It is not open to the public. Of course, the ones on display are Shen Wuwan and Zhang Zi.

The management company does not have much capital, with assets of only three million. To put it bluntly, the management company will play the role of "urban management" of this mini-city from now on. Its status is semi-official, and its function is to manage this "special zone".

As for the name "Special Zone", Zhang Zi and Shen Wuwan were very confused and didn't know what the meaning of these two words was.

Of course, it is difficult for Ma Hanshan to explain to them now, because in order to explain the meaning of these two words, he needs official approval.

For this official recognition, he was also very confused. Should he go directly to the emperor and ask for an imperial edict, or should he go down one level and ask Lin'an Prefecture for an administrative license?

In addition to requiring an imperial edict or administrative permission, the management company must also ask the official to arrange for two representatives to sit in charge. This is meaningful. Otherwise, it would be meaningless to call it a special zone.

In addition to managing the company, Ma Hanshan also established a Lin'an Park Special Economic Zone Investment Co., Ltd., with himself as the general manager and Qi Nanyue as the temporary deputy general manager. He also transferred two "trained" accountants from Wazhai to assist him in handling specific matters. .

For such and such companies, except for Shen Wuwan and the people from Wagangzhai, everyone looked confused. What is a company, what is a limited company, and what kind of general manager is there? What do deputy general managers do?

Haha, do they understand or not? Ma Hanshan didn't bother to explain to them. Anyway, he just called it like this. As for the official side, he planned to find connections to complete the required procedures.

Of course, in this era of time and space, it is impossible for a company that even the official does not know what it is to be managed like Ma Hanshan did in his previous life. We can only apply the existing management methods of chambers of commerce and trading companies.

After a few days of tossing, two houses were vacated in Lin'an Garden as temporary offices for the two companies, and the relevant personnel officially moved in.

I don’t know whether it was because of its popularity or because of Ma Hanshan’s murderous aura, but after these two companies’ signs were put up, Lin’an Garden became less haunted.

Haha, of course it's not like this. The reason why Lin'an Garden is haunted is just a trick played by some people who are close to Zhang Zi. This kind of thing was discovered by Qi Nanyue the first time he entered Lin'an Garden. What? Ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night, crying in the middle of the night, etc. are all tricks of the rivers and lakes. An old Jianghu like Qi Nanyue can solve them easily.

The first thing that needs to be done to manage the company is to form a security team, which of course falls on A Niu and Liu Heizai.

Liu Heizai now also wears many hats. As the security director of the management company, he is also one of the leaders of the reconnaissance company's Lin'an liaison station.

"Master, when the announcement was posted, the response was very enthusiastic. Hundreds of people lined up to sign up immediately. We all want to be..." The recruitment announcement of the management company is also very characteristic of Ma Hanshan. There are many positions written on the announcement, as well as The requirements and benefits for each position are stated, but the number of people required is not stated.

"You can accept as much as you want first, and then you will be auditioned. I have prepared the methods and materials for the audition. Just follow what I wrote." Ma Hanshan stays at home every day, and he is not someone who sleeps in. How can he select all kinds of people? Talent, he has already written down the methods.

Haha, you get what you pay for, awesome, do you have unlimited needs? Of course not. Anyway, no one in this world has such a high salary as a management company. Ma Hanshan is prepared to recruit in a targeted and long-term manner, and then conduct auditions, training, and assessments. , and then leave behind truly talented and useful people.

It's really amazing that this guy can use this method to select lower-level talents.

"Yes, Master." Liu Heizai took the information given by Ma Hanshan and went to choose his security guard. A Niu rubbed his hands and stepped forward to ask Ma Hanshan for something to do. Ma Hanshan didn't wait for him to speak, and handed over a paper bag and said , "A Niu, you go find some house builders and ask them to build a big frame by the river. I have drawn pictures of the length, width and height of the frame. It must be built according to the diagram. First, Let them quote."

"Yes, Master." As long as he can follow the master, Aniu will be very happy no matter what he does.
This chapter has been completed!
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