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Chapter 140: Visiting the Washing House

"Master, please bow to me, my disciple." The one who responded the fastest was Shen Qing. This guy was good at counting. While others were still surprised, he had already calculated the benefits.

"You...you are not qualified to be my disciple now. Work hard and let me see what you are capable of." Ma Hanshan does not accept disciples casually. If he does not have real ability, he will never accept him as a disciple. Disciple's.

"Master, although my brother has never studied the principles of inquiry, he has been studying business management and business strategies for many years, but he has never had the chance..." Shen Ji wanted to intercede with his brother, but was interrupted by Ma Hanshan .

Ma Hanshan said with a long face: "Shen Quancai, first of all, the first rule of our sect stipulates that disciples are required to serve their teachers as their fathers, but they do not need to be called master or master, they can be called teachers or teachers. Second, business ethics , it’s not just words, it needs practice to test whether it is reasonable. Chongqing has never even been a small businessman, how can he come up with the research results of business ethics? Do you know, I hate those who sit in the office and talk and talk, etc. Those bullshit experts and masters with unrealistic so-called results.”

"Chen Qing, are you ready to join the Lin'an Park Special Zone? Do you agree with any work assigned to you by the special zone management company?" Ma Hanshan looked at Shen Qing seriously and said.

Studying how to smelt copper or how to build a car is something you can’t brag about, because many people in the industry will understand it as soon as you hear it and see if it is feasible. But doing business is different. There is no such thing as serious business in this world. Business Tao theory, Business Tao has always been the object of exclusion in feudal society. Therefore, no matter how many theoretical achievements Shen Ying has, they need to be verified in reality to know whether they are correct or not.

Just like many modern business theories, even Mahanshan who traveled through time cannot be sure whether the modern business theories or forms of his previous life will work in this society.

"Agree." Shen Qing said simply, not having any objection because he could not become a disciple. He looked at Ma Hanshan and said, "Boss, I am not qualified to become a disciple, but am I qualified to join the science school?"

"It's very smart. You can join the science department first and become a member of the science department. It's not too late to become a disciple after your research has produced results. Don't worry, I will give you the opportunity to practice. The special zone has changed from management model to business model to society. The models are all brand new, and I hope your research will play a role in them. Report to the management company tomorrow, and you can choose the middle management position." Ma Hanshan's Waganzhai model, special zone model, is to put it bluntly, a reform pilot, because he The practices are different from the current ones.

In fact, this was a great opportunity for Shen Qing to verify what he had studied. If he missed it, he might not have the chance to verify what he had studied.

There is no business management or industrial management in this world. Ma Hanshan hopes that what he researches can fill these two gaps.

If his research is really suitable for this society and feasible, he can set up a school of industrial and business management.

"Master, are you qualified to be my disciple?" Yuan Fu finally spoke.

"Wait until you are named on the gold medal list. I can accept you as my disciple." Ma Hanshan said in a profound voice, "Yuan Fu, I have no other meaning when I say this. I just want you to spend the days working in Lin'an Park Special Economic Zone." , don’t give up your studies. I promise you that you can also choose the job you like, and whether you can get the gold list or not, your job in Lin’an Park will be retained forever. Also, before the examination, your working hours are Half of others, but the salary is the same as others in the same position."

"Does the sect master want me to get a status among the officials?" Yuan Fu thought for a moment and said.

"Haha, Yuan Fu is really smart. Yes, that's what I mean. You don't have to be an official to be named on the gold list, but with this golden body, many things will be much easier in the future. Don't you like to combine vertical and horizontal lines?

Is it a skill? Let me tell you, study it carefully and join forces to form alliances. It is not only political, it is also a business principle." Ma Hanshan hopes that this guy can become an expert in negotiation.

In Ma Hanshan's view, the so-called art of combining vertical and horizontal alliances is actually to check and balance mutual shareholdings and negotiate interests. Whether it is the business empire he is building or the state affairs that will involve Long Guangning in the future, smart negotiations are indispensable.


His "brain" naturally refers to a strategy with a broad vision.

"Thanks to the sect master for showing his love, Xiaosheng worked hard for it." Yuan Fu bowed and said.

"Yuan Fu, what I don't like the most in science is those old-fashioned, irrelevant, and backward stereotypes of so-called scholars. Therefore, whether in the company or in society, those predecessors

Throw away all the things left behind, except those that are excellent and suitable for society, and call on everyone to throw them away." Ma Hanshan pointed at Yuan Fu and said, "For example, what a niche, what is too polite and pedantic?

Yes, don’t overly imply class. Because I am providing you with such good conditions, not because I am a Bodhisattva, but because I need a talent who can develop for the society or my company. Take it from Business Tao.

, is actually another manifestation of the relationship between supply and demand..."

"Yes...received..." Yuan Fu continued to bow and said.

Ma Hanshan had no choice but to act on the spot and give a class on ideological enlightenment and scientific outlook promotion to his new apprentice, two newly hired staff, and his sworn brother.

As a result, although he has always emphasized that there is no need to be pedantic in formal etiquette, at this dinner, he kept hearing people thanking the sect master for enlightening, thanking the sect master for teaching, thanking the host for clarifying doubts, etc. Ma Hanshan thought it was unnecessary

form of politeness.

Whether it is this time and space or the time and space in Ma Hanshan's previous life, the most formal politeness is the etiquette of the Japanese. He was obviously thinking about how to kill the other person, but he still had to bow and salute. Ma Hanshan felt sick every time he thought about it.

Because Ma Hanshan accepted his disciples and gave a free "class", the meal lasted quite a long time. Shen Shimo went into the restaurant and it was already midnight when he came out. The meal lasted for more than an hour.

Meng Lianggong said that Shen Ji and Yuan Fu would have to leave for a new life tomorrow, so why not have a good night tonight and let him invite everyone to listen to music at the Happy House. However, Ma Hanshan refused and suggested that they go to the nearby city west

Let's take a walk around Washe, find a place to drink tea, listen to a book or something.

Are you kidding me? Going to Happy House means meeting Lin Xian'er? He doesn't want to see Lin Xian'er now.

It is almost certain that Lin Xianer is definitely not a woman who plays and sings in the romantic field. If he wants to compete with her for endurance, he believes that the other party will reveal her flaws.

The tile house in the west of the city is the largest tile house outside the city, and the one beside Qiantang Lake is even bigger.

Ma Hanshan and others entered the tile house and took a look around. Finally, Ma Hanshan chose to watch the play.

What is kicking? This is what Ma Hanshan wanted to know. After entering the shed, Ma Hanshan suddenly realized, well, it turned out to be acrobatics. He thought it was a martial arts competition.

Like many people in his previous life, Mahanshan got many ancient things wrong, such as tiles and tiles. In that era, they interpreted them as the land of romance, but in fact they were large entertainment markets that were opened every day. "Temple Fair". Also, at that time, many people thought that sumo wrestling was a show played by the Japanese. In fact, sumo wrestling originated from the Han Dynasty and was introduced to the Japanese country in the Tang Dynasty.

The classic program that represents kicking is bowl kicking, which is a kicking skill that includes spinning on a carpet, kicking on a big tank, kicking on a person, spinning on a carpet, kicking on a bench, and so on. What Ma Hanshan never expected is that kicking also includes kicking a ball, as well. It's kickball. He always feels that this kickball is the origin of football.

Don't say that the ancients didn't know how to do business. Ma Hanshan knew how to do business after seeing this team. There are actually VIP seats and ordinary seats in the shed. Damn it, in this time and space, someone actually has a VIP system.

The so-called VIP seats are the most suitable seats in a circle. This circle is equipped with not only stools but also tables, and tea and snacks are provided. As for ordinary seats, there are seats for sitting on the floor, some for sitting on benches, and some for standing. In short, , there is a difference, but VIP consumption is not low.

Ma Hanshan and others found a place to sit. Perhaps because it was night, there were not many people in the shed, especially the VIP seats. Together with Ma Hanshan and the others, only two tables were occupied.

Mahanshan, who has been through society and traveled through rivers and lakes, still retains many of the habits of people in rivers and lakes even after traveling through society. For example, whenever he goes to a place, whether indoors or outdoors, he will definitely check the safety immediately. Whether he is standing or sitting, he will definitely not Show your back to others.

Even when watching kicks, Ma Hanshan kept this habit. When he entered the field, he scanned the entire field.

As someone who has been there, he could tell at a glance that the four guys at that table were definitely not good people.

Originally, Mahanshan didn't want to be so close to those four guys, but everyone said that the seat next to them was the best, so Mahanshan sat next to them.

The four of them all wore scribes' clothes and scarves, and actually held folding fans in their hands. They pretended to shake them from time to time, and shook their heads and made comments, looking like nerds. But this can only fool ordinary people, Ma Hanshan. A quick glance showed that they were Xibei people and definitely not real scribes. Moreover, the guy in his twenties sitting in the middle showed frivolous and lewd eyes from time to time.

Ma Hanshan judged that they were not good people, which meant that they were not ordinary people or ordinary dudes. They were evil people who had seen blood.

Rogues and scoundrels are not unique to modern society, they have existed since ancient times, and these four guys are just that kind of people.

However, although Ma Hanshan saw that they were not good people, he did not know that the identity of the most frivolous guy among the four was unusual. His father was the cousin of Prime Minister Shi Liyuan and the son of Shi Lizhong, the current transfer envoy of Lizhou Road. Shi Songzhi.

It is difficult for people in the circle to evaluate who this guy is. It is said that this guy is talented, but small-minded and lustful. This guy is not an ordinary lusty guy, he is very lusty. Generally speaking, any woman who is attracted by him, no matter how difficult it is, he will... You have to get it. This guy is cruel, but also timid. He is also a greedy person, but he always pretends to be content.

There is another guy who is quite handsome. Although he wears the clothes of a scholar, he is actually a master of martial arts. He is Hu Zhongyong, a disciple of Quan Guanqing, the leader of the Lin'an branch of the Beggar Clan.

This chapter has been completed!
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