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Chapter 150: Shi Liyuan

Ma Hanshan collected the five taels of silver Shi Yuzhi was carrying, and then gave him a shareholder card of Lin'an Park Special Advertising Investment Company. In this way, an advertising company that still existed in Ma Hanshan's mind sold one hundred shares.


Of course, one hundred shares cannot be worth only five taels of silver. According to Ma Hanshan's setting, the value of the advertising company is one million, divided into 10,000 shares, and the price of one share is one hundred taels. So five taels of silver is sold for one

One hundred shares were given to Shi Yuzhi. It was obvious that he was giving money.

Haha, in theory, he is giving away money, but he hasn't invested a penny yet. He just sold an idea for five taels. In fact, this guy is giving away money. Moreover, he has also trapped a significant shareholder.

So, will he ultimately invest money in this advertising company?

He has no such plan. He plans to build this advertising company. What he invests in is ideas...concepts and so on. The concepts and operating methods are his equity.

A company must have capital to operate, right? Who invests this money?

Haha, he just thought of a clever plan to get those dandies and profiteers to invest.

For example, Hu Bucai, Mo Shouqiang, etc.

Is this operation feasible? In modern society, it would be difficult to succeed, but in Dasong, Mahanshan can easily operate successfully. Not only can it be easily operated successfully, but it can also make those "shareholders" grateful.

"What is this?" Shi Yuzhi was confused as he held the shareholder card given to him by Ma Hanshan, thinking, five taels of silver can be exchanged for such a card?

"This is your shareholder card. Open it and take a look. It contains your name, number of shares held, and stock price. Let me tell you, don't lose it. This card is worth ten thousand taels now, and it may be worth next year.

One hundred thousand taels may be worth one million taels in the future. Also, this is also proof of annual dividends. There is also a token that is being made. I will give it to you when it is made. It is for attending the shareholders' meeting.

Token." Five taels for ten thousand taels, Ma Hanshan was sending money and also baiting.

Sure enough, Shi Yuzhi heard that this scrap of paper was actually worth ten thousand taels. He was so excited that he stood up from his chair with a roar and held Ma Hanshan in his arms.

"Oh, you are really my biological brother, Kanshan. From now on, you will be my biological brother. Anyone who bullies you is bullying me." Master Kanshan's name has not yet been announced, but many people in the circle have directly

Think of mountain viewing as the epitome of Mahan Mountain.

"Hey, brother Shi, what are you doing? I don't like being held by a man. Let me go, let me go. That's it for ten thousand taels. What will you do if you receive dividends of ten thousand taels or tens of thousands taels every year from now on? Call me.

Daddy..." Ma Hanshan pushed Shi Yuzhi away and said with a smile.

"Go away, I don't like dad, I like brother, damn, my dad only gives me so many taels of silver a month, and the money my brother gives me can easily be a hundred or two thousand taels, and now it's ten thousand taels, brother, you're right

My best person..." Shi Yuzhi solemnly put away the shareholder card and said seriously, "Brother, tell me what you have to say."

Shi Yuzhi was not stupid. Ma Hanshan gave him so much money and now gave him shares, of course, not because he was handsome, but because he had a father who was a prime minister.

"It's nothing... Oh, if you insist on saying there is something, it's okay." Ma Hanshan raised a blank shareholder card in his hand and said, "The advertising company will soon have a lot of business, which means that it will appreciate in value soon.

Therefore, tell Hu Bucai and the others that if you want to make money, you must sell it quickly. If it is too late, the price you want to buy will not be the same."

"That's it...Brother, what does an advertising company do?" Shi Yuzhi suddenly realized that after talking for a long time, he didn't even know what advertising was or what a company was.

"Advertising means spreading the word, and the company...is the chamber of commerce and trading company...Brother Shi, actually you don't need to care about these details. If you are really interested in knowing more, you can come and apply for the private school in Lin'an Park Special Zone after it is established." Ma Hanshan not only

We plan to train a military-like security team and run schools in the "special zone".

He most recognizes the power of models. The "special zone" he created is actually a model for future reforms. He claims that he cannot help Long Guangning, does not want to be an official, and does not want to interfere with political affairs. But in fact, he has already

It got mixed up unknowingly.

"Okay, don't worry about these details." Shi Yuzhi, like most dudes, gets a headache when he hears the word "study".

"Let's get down to business. Let me tell Brother Shi a way to make money." Ma Hanshan smiled evilly and said in a low voice, "During the IPO period of the advertising company, there is a commission for the shares sold by the agent."

"What do you mean? That is, if I sell the shares, the company will pay me back?" Shi Yuzhi liked this kind of thing the most.

"Yes, if Brother Shi can act as an agent, you can get a 20% commission." Ma Hanshan said with a smile.

"Really! Then I'm leaving...I'll find someone to buy shares." Shi Yuzhi jumped up when he heard this, damn, 20%...it's just like picking up money.

"No hurry, no hurry, it's already lunch time. It's not too late to leave after lunch. Also, isn't Brother Shi going to take me to your mansion? I won't forget it, right?" Ma Hanshan's evil smile grew stronger and stronger.


Haha, silver is such a wonderful thing.

In the afternoon, Ma Hanshan brought half a car of gifts and followed Shi Yuzhi to the Prime Minister's Mansion. In the evening, he saw Shi Yuanli, who was inferior to Da Song and outnumbered ten thousand people.

He had always thought that a treacherous minister like Shi Liyuan had a sharp mouth and a treacherous face, but only after meeting him did he realize what it means to be a traitor but yet loyal.

Not only was Shi Liyuan not what Ma Hanshan imagined, but he was completely opposite to what he thought. Not only was Shi Liyuan handsome, but he also had a standard Confucian look, and his movements were full of scholarly temperament. It can be seen that if he were a few years younger,

, you can even call him handsome guy Shi.

At first, Shi Liyuan only regarded Ma Hanshan as Shi Yuzhi's friend and greeted him very politely and kindly. However, when he learned that Ma Hanshan was the Mahanshan of Watan Village where Zuixianjiu was brewed and fire lamps were produced, his attitude immediately changed.

Became very enthusiastic.

It was so different from what he imagined that Ma Hanshan could not adapt to Shi Liyuan's enthusiasm for a while. He could not have imagined that his name was already so famous among Lin'an's upper-class circles.

Yes, No. 1 and 2 kerosene lamps are now on the market. Because of the Imperial Palace and General Meng's Mansion, General Bi's Mansion used them first and became popular as soon as they were put on the market. Because Ma Hanshan controls the pace of shipments, now there are people waiting for goods at Ruyi Warehouse almost every day.

, it really feels like it’s hard to find a light. In order to get more goods, those retailers even automatically organized bidding to buy goods.

If Ma Hanshan hadn't fixed the price long ago, it is estimated that a No. 2 kerosene lamp could now be sold for the price of an outrageous wind lamp.

Ordinary people know that fire and water lamps are the latest and most powerful lamps, but do not know about Mahanshan. However, in the upper class, it is just the opposite. Everyone does not care about the current price of kerosene lamps, but they are discussing who invented the kerosene lamp and fire and water.

As the prime minister who governs the country, he certainly pays more attention to the producers of kerosene lamps than others. Of course, it is not difficult for Shi Liyuan to understand all this.

Shi Liyuan invited Ma Hanshan to the study for a chat, which shocked Shi Yuzhi. It was strange that his father rarely invited people to the study to talk, so why did he fall in love with Ma Hanshan.

As the first civil servant, Shi Liyuan's study is of course different from Bi Jiyu's. Bi Jiyu's study is like a weapons exhibition room, while Shi Liyuan's study is like a miniature library.

The whole room is full of books. Shi Liyuan's study actually has three large bookcases, all three bookcases are filled with books. The only direction where there are no bookcases is the direction with the window. Under the window, there is a large desk. On the table

There are also books, as well as pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

The study is actually quite big. In addition to books, Ma Hanshan also discovered that there are many calligraphy and paintings in this study. Several large painting jars and porcelain tubes are filled with calligraphy and paintings, as well as two boxes in the corner. Ma Hanshan guessed that in the boxes

It should also be calligraphy and painting.

"Now I finally understand why Prime Minister Shi can be so knowledgeable and able to govern Dasong. It turns out that Prime Minister Shi has read so many books." Ma Hanshan suppressed his nausea and started the quick-talking mode.

"Haha, Xiaoma... Master Mazhai has misunderstood. If I want to read the books here, I will probably have to read them for a lifetime without eating or drinking." Shi Liyuan said with a bit of pride, "I will only briefly read it at most.

Half of the time, actually, reading a book like this is wrong. When reading, you should carefully appreciate the meaning of the book. But there is no way, time waits for no one. If I spend too much time reading, I will have no time to plan for things."

Huh, old guy, think I'm stupid, let alone all of them, you, old guy, haven't even read half of it.

"Having read half of it, it's a huge volume. It's really admirable." Ma Hanshan patted his words gently, and he understood very well that this study was not a study, but a treasure house of traitors.

These books are Shi Liyuan's property. Shi Yuanli is indeed different from others. He directly puts his wealth where others can see it. If it weren't for people like Ma Hanshan, they would never have thought of this level, especially those so-called literati who saw so many books in Shi Liyuan's collection.

, I must have a little more respect in my heart.

What a clever idea. No matter whether you dig a cellar to store the money yourself or deposit it in a bank, there is a risk of being exposed or lost. But if you change it to a book collection, it is so safe and concealed.

The method of exchanging money for calligraphy, painting, books, periodicals, antiques, and antiques to hide wealth was a method used by many corrupt officials in Mahanshan's previous life. In this world, Shi Liyuan may be the first person to use such a wonderful method.

"Haha, it is better to have no books than to believe in books. Running a country is not just about reading a lot of books." Shi Liyuan seemed to be in a good mood. He pointed to the chair next to the desk for Ma Hanshan to sit down, and then said, "Master Ma is very intelligent and young.

He established a scientific discipline at such a young age, and when it comes to knowledge, it is probably unparalleled by anyone in the entire country."

"Shi Xiangmiu praised me. This junior is just for fun. He has never thought about a master sect or anything like that, and he doesn't care about it." Ma Hanshan was shocked and secretly thought that this old guy had checked me out.

"Really? Is it just fun for Master Mamen to invent the method of brewing Drunk Immortal Wine, invent new lamps, develop perfume and lipstick, and capture a battalion of Hu soldiers?" Shi Liyuan said with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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