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Chapter 10: Supporting the Village Lord Hong Fu

Fifty militiamen from Wagang Village actually defeated Liu Mazi's 120 bandits? Qi Nanyue did not expect such a big surprise when he returned to the village. After learning what happened, he looked at his student Ma Hanshan's

The look in his eyes was different. This person was definitely not his former student, but he was indeed Ma Hanshan. Qi Nanyue was surprised and surprised, and then fell into deep confusion.

"Hey...hey...Mr. Qi, what are you doing? What's that look in your eyes? You won't go out for a few days and you'll just get into the bad habit of cutting off your sleeves..." Ma Hanshan pretended to be disgusted and took a few steps away from Qi Nanyue.

Qi Nanyue's face changed, and he felt as if he had seen a ghost, but he was even more surprised in his heart. Look, look, how could the former Ma Hanshan say such a thing?

"What? Are you still being stubborn and silent?" Ma Hanshan continued to squeeze out.

"I... don't like male... lust..." Qi Nanyue had to respond.

"Oh...that's good...that's good. I'm so worried. I'm so handsome, and I will never allow a man who likes men to be around me..." Ma Hanshan said seriously.

"Yes... yes... the village leader... have we defeated Liu Mazi?" Qi Nanyue quickly changed the subject.

"Defeating Liu Mazi is so messy. Is such a small thing worthy of talking about?" Ma Hanshan's character in his previous life was gradually revealed. Even speaking, it made people feel at a loss. What is so wet and broken?

"Yes... yes... wet wet water... oh... the village leader said that you don't have to worry about such details..." Qi Nanyue now didn't know how to properly communicate with this "student village leader".

"Well, let's not mention these things. Let me tell you, have you gained anything? Come on, tell me quickly. The money is waiting for use in the village." Ma Hanshan stopped talking nonsense and entered a serious mode.

"Thanks to Hong Fu, the leader of the village, we have gained a lot from this trip. We have found three larger warehouses and companies to underwrite our tea, and we have also done some other things." Qi Nanyue bowed to Ma Hanshan.

"Okay, I've said it many times, don't always salute. I hate this. Also, it's nonsense to rely on the village owner for great blessings. If I, the village owner, have great blessings, someone should come directly to buy it.

, Why do you need to work so hard on business? Stop talking nonsense and tell me the specific situation." Ma Hanshan hates to say a salute before saying anything, and puts the blame on the person above him for everything. It is too false.

What's the point of deducting achievements from the people above? The ancients described things like population growth, increase in food production, long droughts and rains, etc. as the emperor's blessings and blessings for the world. nnd, the scholars in ancient times didn't know what was going on in their minds

What is the growth? Population growth can be regarded as the emperor's contribution. Is he so capable? Even the Three Palaces and Sixth Court can't take care of it.

"Reporting to the leader of the village, this time I went out to Lin'an, the capital of Dasong, Bianliang, the capital of Donghu, and the larger Fucheng along the two cities. In Lin'an, I negotiated with Shen Wuwan, the owner of Ruyi Warehouse, and he will underwrite it first.

Five hundred catties of green incense and one thousand catties of red rhyme. In addition, Wanyan Xiangnan, a Hu merchant from Donghu, Nanjing and Bianliang, is also willing to buy one thousand catties of red rhyme and two hundred catties of green rhyme. There are also several small traders who can also buy some red rhyme.

Tea, I calculated the total amount of Hongyun tea underwritten by these warehouses, and we can basically clear the warehouse." Qi Nanyue stood in front of Mahanshan and bent down to report.

"Mr. Qi, sit down and say...what do you mean by underwriting? Agency sales?" This time it was Ma Hanshan's turn to not understand the words here.

"It's not a consignment, but... it's to take over the sales of a region. For example, if we reach an underwriting agreement with Ruyi Warehouse, we cannot provide underwritten goods to Lin'an and nearby Pingjiang Prefecture, Qingyuan Prefecture and Yuezhou Prefecture."

"Oh, it's just an agent. Why is it so complicated as you said? Well, okay, I didn't expect this Ruyi Warehouse to have such a forward-looking business vision. Not bad, not bad. By the way, he didn't want that... Jiankang Mansion, did he?

?" Ma Hanshan was very happy. He never expected that in this era of time and space, the agency form actually existed. It was really great.

"Jiankang Mansion? He didn't want it." Qi Nanyue was stunned and said.

"Ah...he didn't want it? That's great. Jiankang Mansion doesn't want agents for the time being." Ma Hanshan suddenly felt that although people in this era already understand the agency form of business, they still don't have a deep understanding of region, transportation, etc.

Jiankangfu is such a unique place.

From the map, Jiankang is another Jinling city that was very developed in many dynasties in time and space. This is a treasure place. Ma Hanshan feels that such a place has great potential.

"Oh? The leader of the village is..." Qi Nanyue's thinking was the same as that of everyone in Dasong. He didn't understand why Mahanshan wanted to keep Jiankang.

"This... you will understand later. Now you don't have to worry about these details. What's the price? Does the price meet our expectations?" The tea in this room is the future of Wagang Village, so Ma Hanshan attaches great importance to it.

"Congratulations to the leader of the village. He is a very blessed man. The prices are all beyond our expectations. Good price, good price. The red rhyme tea was sold for 800 yuan, and the green incense was sold for 30 taels of silver." Qi Nanyue deducted the good price again.

It's on top of Mahan Mountain.

Ma Hanshan was speechless. He was really hopeless. Negotiating a good price had nothing to do with whether I was lucky or not.

However, the price did exceed Ma Hanshan's expectation. He expected that Hongyun tea would be worth five or six hundred silver, and a pound of fermented old tea leaves would be worth a stone of brown rice. As for Green Fragrance, he thought it was worth two taels of silver.

Thinking that Qi Nanyue actually sold three taels, three or four shi of polished rice, and sold a whole house of tea, the people in Wagang Village were starved for a long time.

"Haha, that's great, great work, Mr. Qi, you have done a great job." Mahanshan clapped his hands and laughed and said, "Mr. Qi, I want to reward you and give you a grand prize. Our Wagang Village is different from other villages.

Others only have punishments but no rewards, but we have punishments and rewards."

The next day, an announcement written on big red paper was posted on the wall outside the door of Juyi Hall. It was the announcement that Qi Nanyue and Liu Heizai had won the award. The reason why they won the award was very good. Qi Nanyue was selling tea.

The price was higher than expected, which added a lot of income to Wagang Village. And Liu Heizai was the militiaman named Jianglaoyawo bandit.

One sentence left the old crow's nest thirty young, shouldn't it be rewarded? What an achievement this is.

What made Ma Hanshan both happy and sad was that Qi Nanyue went out to the mountain this time and found a seller of gunpowder, as well as a brewer, a blacksmith, and a pottery maker...

As for gunpowder, you can just buy it when you have the money after the tea leaves are shipped. However, the blacksmith is in a lawsuit because he is unwilling to help Donghu's Ordnance Inspection Station, and the brewer is unwilling to work in Guogai Mountain, but the pottery master is.

If you are willing to come, the reward you want is very scary, twice as much as a normal craftsman.

It doesn't matter if you ask for money. Ma Hanshan thinks that even if you ask for twice as much, it will be more than ten taels of silver. It's worth it. In the previous life, such a master would get several times the salary of an ordinary person. But the man in prison has more headaches. As for the

That guy who doesn't want to come to Guogai Mountain, why did he forget what Wagonzhai is for? Huh, if he gets annoyed, he can just kidnap him back.

What does Ma Hanshan want these people for? Of course it is to make money and manufacture "selected" weapons.

The wine in this world is too light and unpleasant to drink. Ma Hanshan thought that liquor with 40 or 50 degrees would be easier to sell. So he wanted to steam the wine.

Ma Hanshan knew the process of steaming wine and what equipment to use, but he didn't know how to turn grain into lees, so he had to find a brewer. It was easy to find a craftsman, let them make wine steaming equipment and wine containers. So, blacksmith

, potter, wait for the master craftsman, he has to get a batch back to Watan Village.

Moreover, to manufacture "advanced" weapons, craftsmen are also indispensable.

"Mr. Qi, how do you contact the Donghu businessman? Contact him and let him pick up the goods himself. He can pick up the goods himself and the price can be reduced." The next day, Ma Hanshan said to Qi Nanyue, "As for that Ruyi Warehouse, since he

When I get to Xiangfan, I'll go and meet him for a while. I really don't understand why I have to meet the owner to buy some tea..."

"Haha, he said that he would be willing to underwrite any goods in the village from now on." Qi Nanyue said with a smile.

"Okay, he is quite discerning and knows that we will have good things in Wagang Village in the future. Let's do this. We will go out to Xiangfan tomorrow, but the Donghu people... send someone to deliver the message. The domestic security in Donghu is worrying.

Delivery is too risky." Ma Hanshan knew very well that the most difficult thing in this time and space is not production, but transportation.

"I talked about it at the time, but they insisted that we be responsible for transportation to Bianliang for delivery." Qi Nanyue said helplessly.

"Okay, let's dry him out first. I don't believe they can get such good tea elsewhere." Mahan thought for a moment and said, "Let's go meet the owner of Ruyi Warehouse tomorrow."

Ma Hanshan's idea is that safety comes first. If Ruyi Warehouse can eat Hu Shang's thousand kilograms of red rhyme tea, he can sell it to him at a lower price, and Hu Shang will let him eat himself.

"Okay... okay, I'll ask someone to pack the tea." Qi Nanyue wanted to say something, but after thinking about it for a moment, he swallowed the words he said. Now the village leader is no longer the student he used to be. He can

Whatever he thought of, he must have thought of it too, no need to say more.

One thousand kilograms of red rhyme, five hundred kilograms of green fragrant, a total of fifteen hundred kilograms of stuff. If it were placed in Mahanshan's previous life, any minivan could easily pull it on the road. But in this era, transporting fifteen hundred kilograms

Traveling three to four hundred miles from east to west is also a troublesome matter.

However, luckily, Liu Mazi sent camels and mules in time. Moreover, because Wagang Village was originally a place where tile jars were made, the road out of the mountain was very wide, and there were several broken carriages in the village.

Fifteen hundred kilograms of stuff, if the cart is good and the road is good, and if the horses are old and strong, they can be loaded into one cart. But the tea is large, the cart is junk, and the horses are skinny, so Ma Hanshan ordered three carriages to be loaded.

Everything was ready, and just as Mahanshan was about to set off, a message was sent from the mountain gate, and the cave master of Shuilian Cave came again.

Damn it, this guy is not here to borrow food again.

Si Xingfang was invited in. Fortunately, this guy was not here to borrow food, but to borrow tea.

Ma Hanshan was a bit dumbfounded. He said he wanted to lend him a hundred catties of tea before, but now he came to borrow it again. It was really funny.

However, after Ma Hanshan thought about it for a moment, he was immediately filled with joy...

This chapter has been completed!
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