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Chapter 157: Manager Shi and Manager Zhou

After all the dandies paid money and received the so-called shareholder cards, Ma Hanshan left Zhou Hanwen and Shi Yuzhi behind.

"Brother, do you have any instructions for me?" Shi Yuzhi was in a very good mood. He was now a truly rich man, so of course he was in a good mood.

"Manager Shi, there are two reasons for keeping you here. One is that we can't treat each other as brothers in formal occasions from now on. You have to call me Mr. Ma or Mr. Ma. You can also call me Master Ma, and I will call you

Manager Shi. "Your uncle, brothers are on top of brothers all day long, making it like a society.

The main thing is that he doesn't want to be brothers with this guy.

"Okay, Mr. Ma, then... why do you call me Manager Shi? What does manager mean?" Shi Yuzhi now regards Ma Hanshan as the God of Wealth. Of course he will not refuse whatever the God of Wealth asks him to do.

"This is the second thing. Starting today, the advertising company will hire you as the business department manager. Your salary will be 910 taels per month, which is 10 taels more than your father. I wonder if Brother Shi is willing to take on this important task."

Ma Hanshan is really generous. For this society, this salary is simply sky-high.

In Dasong, the official salary is the most generous in history, and it is also the most generous salary in Dasong. In the society, the most ordinary worker only has a monthly salary of 2 taels. The monthly salary of the chief shopkeeper of Ruyi Building is only a mere 100 taels.

Shi Yuzhi basically didn't have to do anything, but Ma Hanshan paid nearly a thousand taels of salary. Isn't he stupid?

Of course Ma Hanshan is not stupid. Not everyone can get a thousand-two-month salary, so he must have a good father. Shi Yu had a good destiny and was reincarnated as the son of Shi Xiang, so he got such a high salary.

"Ah! Brother...Mr. Ma, are you telling the truth? Do you really hire me as a manager? Do you really give me 910 taels per month? Haha, I am willing, I am so willing...Mr. Ma, you are really good to me.

Brother..." Shi Yuzhi was ecstatic. Damn it, Ma Hanshan is really his God of Wealth. Whoever dares to show his teeth to the God of Wealth in the future will be killed by me.

"Okay, if you are willing, go back to Mr. Qi to go through the formalities, and then you will become the management shareholder of the advertising company." In his previous life, what kind of person Ma Hanshan had not fooled, and Shi Yuzhi was like this.

It doesn't take any brainpower to make him dizzy.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Ma, who is this... manager?" Shi Yuzhi found that now that he was hanging out with Mr. Ma, who was much younger than him, he had to study all the time, otherwise, he would not know what he was talking about.

"Haha, don't worry about these details. You can understand the manager as the person in charge. In other words, from now on, you will be in charge of the business department. Manager Shi, you have to work hard and don't live up to the company's expectations of you." Ma Hanshan

After a pause, he said, "As for the specific matters, I'll let Mr. Qi tell you later."

"Haha, great...Mr. Ma, after I become the business leader, do I have to come to the company every day..." Shi Yuzhi is not a fool. Of course he knows that work requires working, and nine hundred and ten taels is the salary.

, you have to work to get a salary.

"Well, in principle, yes, but the specific situation will be arranged in detail later. I will have a few words with Mr. Zhou first." Ma Hanshan asked them to stay. The main thing was to chat with Zhou Hanwen.

Shi Liyuan was the right prime minister, and Zhou Yinglong was the left prime minister. One was in charge of military affairs and the other was in charge of administration. This was the ideal design of the late Emperor Dasong. But the reality was that Shi Liyuan was powerful and he was in charge of everything.

However, Zhou Yinglong is not a mediocre person. He can still control the main military affairs even though Shi Liyuan is so powerful. He can't do it without a few brushes.

Of course, Ma Hanshan didn't know how capable Zhou Yinglong was. The reason why he wanted to be friends with Zhou Hanwen was just because in the future, if the emperor wanted to reform the military, Zhou Hanwen and his father would have to cooperate. He made friends with Zhou Hanwen, and his target was his father.

"Master Zhou, please have tea... Oh, I should call Mr. Zhou a shareholder of Zhou... Master bought a hundred shares? That is considered a major shareholder." For now, one percent of the shares is considered to belong to the major shareholder, because

Ma Hanshan does not intend to let Zhang Zi and others buy shares in the advertising company, so other shareholders of the advertising company except Ma Hanshan will only get one or two points of shares.

The reason why Ma Hanshan established an advertising company is not only to do advertising, but more importantly, this company is a gift-giving platform. What a great gift-giving platform this is. If you want to curry favor with anyone, you can make them a shareholder and give them money every year.

, the gift was given openly and no one could get a handle on it.

The most important thing is that advertising companies don’t have any fixed assets. If someone does something and gets shut down, it doesn’t matter.

Haha, a man who has been the boss of a society has to find his way into the mountains at the same time. He has even thought of letting Aniu hold his shares in the advertising company on his behalf. Anyway, the advertising company is ready to give up nothing.


"Mr. Ma is so polite. I should thank Mr. Ma for giving us the opportunity to make money." Zhou Hanwen said.

"Mou Ma takes the liberty to ask Mr. Zhou Gui Geng and whether he has achieved fame now?" Ma Hanshan scratched his head and said, "Oh, it's really hard to talk like this. Let's be honest. The advertising company wants to hire Mr. Zhou as an administrative manager. The salary is the same as Manager Shi's.

Same, I want to know if Mr. Zhou is interested."

In the era of Mahanshan's previous life, it would be a matter of pride to be spotted by a large company and hired as a manager. But it is different in this era. In this era, the status of businessmen is extremely low, let alone working for a businessman, the status is even higher.


Although Zhou Hanwen is also a second-generation official and also hangs out in the circle of dandies, he is really different from Shi Yuzhi. At least, he is really famous and he has passed the provincial examination.

In Dasong, the children of senior officials have the opportunity to become officials even if they do not study. Because of the enyin system, they may become enyin officials at any time. If I have a title, I may inherit the title after I die.

.【In the Dasung system, a son may not necessarily inherit his father's title, it depends on the emperor's mood.】

Therefore, it is difficult to ask the second generation of officials to take up business positions.

Because there are few people who are as knowledgeable and free-spirited as Shi Yuzhi.

"What does the administrative manager need to be responsible for?" Of course Zhou Hanwen will not be like Shi Yuzhi. After all, he is just a playboy in name. His tutor is much better than Shi Yuzhi's. His family has given him the opportunity to study and pursue an official career.


"It's administrative matters, such as disciplinary management of the company, communication with the government, etc. A company is actually like a yamen. It is divided into many departments. Between departments, and between colleagues,

They all need discipline and coordination." Ma Hanshan thought for a moment and said, "I personally think that if your goal is to be an official in the future, the experience here will be very helpful to your career. Of course, the premise is

, you can’t be like those rotten scholars who treat businessmen and merchants as bitches.”

For a long time, scholars have looked down on businessmen and the idea of ​​belittling businessmen has been deeply ingrained in the bones of these so-called scholars. The reason why Ma Hanshan absorbed so many dandies as shareholders, in addition to adding a protective shield for himself, also has another function: from the scholar class, from

The ruling class started, slowly infiltrating new ideas and slowly improving the social status of businessmen.

Damn it, use the method of moisturizing things silently, and clean the brains of you old and stubborn descendants first, and let's see what you do.

"Oh, do I have to go to the company to work every day? How many hours do I have to work every day?" Zhou Hanwen thought for a moment and said.

"As for work and rest time, now all companies in Lin'an Park have one day off every ten days. In the future, they may have two days off every ten days, four and a half hours a day. However, Mr. Zhou and Manager Shi are special. They only have five days off every ten days to come to the company.

That’s it.” Ma Hanshan thought for a while and said.

Of course, there is no such concept of week in this world. When we were in Wagangzhai, Mahanshan stipulated that we should have one day off every ten days, that is, every ten days. But the people in Wagangzhai were afraid of poverty, so even though there were regulations,

I never took a break and worked all year round.

You can earn "overtime pay" and work for the village. Everyone is happy doing it, so Ma Hanshan doesn't force anything.

The current system of Lin'an Garden is all copied from Wagonzhai's. Of course, it is also ten days off and one day off. For ordinary people in this time and space, ten days off and one day off is already very good. But Ma Hanshan has thought about it, when everything is stable

Okay, maybe this rest period should be changed to ten days and two days off.

Haha, after all, he came from time travel, and Ma Hanshan's ideas are very unique in this world.

"But, I have to take the examination next year." Zhou Hanwen was moved.

"It doesn't matter, just ask for leave to take the examination. Let me tell you, in Lin'an Park Special Zone, there are many people who are going to take the examination." Although Ma Hanshan did not like the imperial examination system in this world, he hoped that he would

There are more people taking the exam.

It's one thing to dislike or oppose, it's one thing to ask your own people to take the test.

What he thinks is that he can change when he has the ability. If he is not able to change now, then he should "take advantage" of this system as much as possible. If there are many people who have accepted the influence of his modern thoughts, they will be named on the gold list and become

It would be wonderful to become an official. A single spark can start a prairie fire. In the future, these people will bring their own modern ideas to become officials all over the country. Doesn't that mean they will bring their ideas to all parts of the country?

Therefore, although Ma Hanshan opposed the imperial examination, he supported his own people to take the imperial examination.

"What Mr. Ma means is that I can continue my studies, continue taking exams, and if I graduate from high school, I can resign from this position at any time?" Zhou Hanwen finally became happy.

"Of course." Ma Hanshan paused and then said, "However, before you two officially start working, you must first participate in our "cadre study class" and learn the scientific theories of science."

The theory is nonsense. The main purpose is to let these guys learn Arabic numerals, the basics of modern mathematics, and some modern business terms. In short, it is a replica of the "night school" in Wagonzhai. What they learn is what the primary school students in his previous life learned.


In the Lin'an Park Special Zone, Ma Hanshan wanted to set up a school, but he didn't know when the school would be completed. Now the "cadres" of various companies must first learn some "modern" things before they can work. Therefore, Ma Hanshan had to set up this "cadre"

"Study class".

"What kind of cadre training class?" Shi Yuzhi and Zhou Hanwen said almost in unison.

"It's about learning new knowledge that you will definitely use, new knowledge that you have never been exposed to. Not only you, but everyone working in the company must learn it, including cadres from several other companies." Ma Hanshan felt that he was really tired, doing so

For whom are you busy?
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