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Chapter 159: Three secret agents

Because of the unpleasantness just now, Wang Lianhua only drank a cup of tea and asked a few simple questions before leaving. Ma Hanshan asked Li Dangchen to wait and personally escorted Wang Lianhua to the outside of the yard.

Although he was dissatisfied with Wang Lianhua's behavior of forcing the door open, Wang Lianhua was the established "hooker" partner, and it was necessary for Ma Hanshan to express some goodwill. What's more, he also had to help Shen Lang resolve the grudges between them.

"Master Tiju, I heard a rumor that you were in love with Hu Ju's daughter, but the old guy beat them up? I don't know if this is true." You can be a matchmaker, but you have to get it first.

Be clear about the parties’ intentions.

"Master of the horse garden, what does this have to do with you?" Wang Lianhua was like a cat whose tail was stepped on. She was so angry when she heard this that she almost jumped up.

"Of course it's relevant. If it is, I plan to help you realize your dream and let your beauty come home. If not, I'm going to help her secure a match and find her a Prince Charming." Ma Hanshan glanced at Wang Lianhua and said, "

You have to think carefully before you speak. A manly man, you won't dare to love or recognize him, right? Oh, I'm just annoying you people. You are brainwashed by those bitter and rotten people, and you don't even dare to have humanity. What's wrong with liking someone?

Is there anything you dare not say?"

Experts believe that the words of "sages" may not be suitable for all times, and the so-called Neo-Confucianism is to suppress human nature. Ma Hanshan deeply believed in this, so he hated the so-called explicit learning that suppressed the praise of people.

"I...I...Who are you going to introduce to her?" Wang Lianhua lowered her head and said.

Although he didn't have the courage to admit it in front of others, his meaning was quite clear when he said this.

"You have nothing to do with this. You only need to tell me whether you like her and love her. Does she like you as much as you do? If so, Mr. Ma's deeds of kindness every day will make you lovers happy." Ma Hanshan said calmly.


"Yes, we all like each other...but her father...well...don't tell me." Wang Lianhua was silent for a moment and finally admitted.

"Okay, that's fine. You don't have to worry about his father. I guarantee that he will happily marry his daughter to you. Prepare the betrothal gift and wait for my letter." Ma Hanshan said very confidently.

"Really?" Wang Lianhua was very surprised. He didn't believe that an unknown person, who was almost about to take action half an hour ago, would be so kind to help him, so he immediately continued, "Why? What do you have?


"Of course it's true. Pearls are not that real. As for why, I'll tell you when it's done. Don't worry, I won't ask you to do anything just because I'm helping you." Ma Hanshan knew that recruiting a spy leader was definitely not that easy.


"Haha, even if it succeeds, I won't thank you." Wang Lianhua hugged Ma Hanshan and left Lin'an Garden quickly.

Ma Hanshan looked at Wang Lianhua leaving and felt uncertain. This guy... this guy... looks a bit like a stone in a pit. Will his efforts be in vain?

Huh, believe it or not, I will get you down, Ma Hanshan suddenly widened his eyes and stared at Wang Lianhua on the canal bridge in the distance and said in his heart.

Wang Lianhua walked far away and was out of sight. Ma Hanshan sighed softly and waved to the security guard standing at the entrance of the garden not far away.

"Owner, the security guard will report to you at 258." The security guard ran over and stood at attention, saluting.

"Go to Courtyard No. 2... that's the east courtyard to find Mr. Qi... Forget it, I'll go by myself." Ma Hanshan waved his hand, raised his legs and trotted to Courtyard No. 2.

There are many houses in Lin'an Garden, and there are three courtyards with three entrances and three exits. The front one was originally called Linhe Courtyard, but was now converted into Courtyard No. 1 by Mahanshan. It is specially used as a place to live and to greet guests.

The building to the east of the garden was originally called the East Courtyard, but it was now converted into Courtyard No. 2 by Mahanshan. The temporary offices of the management company and the investment company were located there. The West Courtyard, now Courtyard No. 3, was converted by Mahanshan into a management office.

The residence and other scattered bungalows are all used as dormitories for security guards.

When you work as a security guard in Lin'an Garden, you have to live in the garden no matter how close your home is. If you want to go home? You have to wait for a day off.

The advertising company is a gift-giving platform. Ma Hanshan does not plan to put it together with other companies. He plans to list it separately. Management companies, investment companies, and later media companies, as well as other companies, will all be placed in the special zone building under design.


The so-called special zone building will be the center of the so-called CBD of the entire special zone and the center of this special zone. And the current Lin'an Garden will be transformed into a leisure area by him.

Mahanshan is really a waste of money. He actually wants to turn a good garden into an amusement park... However, Mahanshan is an over-plucked person. Of course, the amusement park cannot be free. But the key point is that it is free across the river.

Qiantang Lake, is there anyone coming to his amusement park? This is where he is hesitant, and maybe he still needs to consider it.

Although the Lin'an Park Special Zone is only a few miles in size, to build an area that transcends this era is a very huge project based on individual strength.

So, there is no rush.

But it happened that Ma Hanshan was very anxious.

I found Qi Nanyue in the east courtyard, asked for two shareholder cards, wrote two names and numbers on them with a pen, and then hurried back to the front hall of Courtyard No. 1.

"Haha, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for keeping my father-in-law waiting for so long." Ma Hanshan came in and apologized repeatedly.

"Master Kanshan is very affectionate. It took a long time to see Master Tiju off." Li Dangchen said with a smile.

"Haha, it didn't take that long to send the master Tiju. It's just that it took me a while to give them a few words of encouragement when someone picked up their belongings on the way." Ma Hanshan took out two shareholder cards and handed them to Li Dangchen and said, "Father, what do you mean?

By coincidence, what they picked up turned out to be the shareholder card of my father-in-law’s brother. If it’s just right, please bring it back to my father-in-law.”

Li Dangchen took the shareholder card handed over by Ma Hanshan with great confusion and opened it. Sure enough, his brother's name was written on it, as well as the number of shares, value and other data.

Both of them are worth 5,000 taels, so the total is 10,000 taels.

Of course, his younger brother could afford ten thousand taels of silver, but Li Dangchen knew that his younger brother would never buy any shares. Even if he wanted to buy it, he would only buy it after discussing with him.

Obviously, this was a gift from Mahanshan to him.

This kid is on the road, he has beautiful hands, and giving gifts like this is foolproof, not bad, not bad.

With a smile on his face, he said: "Master Kanshan, then our family will make a trip for you."

"Thank you, thank you, father-in-law... In order to express my gratitude to your father-in-law, I have ordered Ruyilou to send the best banquet... My father-in-law has a special status, so it is more convenient to drink at home." Ma Hanshan whispered.

The smile on Li Dangchen's face grew wider, and he thought to himself, "This guy is really a genius. Not only does he know how to give gifts, but he also thinks of every little thing that is inconvenient for our family. It's really rare."

"You are so attentive when looking at mountains. No wonder the emperor likes him so much." Li Dangchen lowered his voice and revealed a message to Ma Hanshan. The emperor liked him very much.

Day, is it true? The emperor likes my money. Although Ma Hanshan thought so in his heart, he said: "Haha, my father-in-law also likes to joke with me."

"What we say is true. Do you know why I left the palace? Let me tell you, it was the emperor who asked me to come and see the master." Anyway, there is no way to verify this kind of thing, so it doesn't matter if Li Dangchen just brags about it.

Although Long Guangning never said he liked Ma Hanshan or showed anything, Li Dangchen could see that the emperor really valued this boy. As for what he valued, Li Dangchen hadn't figured it out yet.

However, since the emperor values ​​​​him, it would not be wrong to have a good relationship with this boy. What's more, this boy is a wonderful person, and it will be beneficial to meet him every time.

"Young man, thank you, father-in-law." Ma Hanshan stood up and bowed to Li Dangchen.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. You should thank Your Majesty for seeing the mountains..." Li Dangchen said with a smile.u





"Thank you, Your Majesty. You should thank Your Majesty for seeing the mountains..." Li Dangchen said with a smile.

"Yes...yes, I should also thank the emperor...but my father-in-law has worked hard, so he also needs to thank you..." Ma Hanshan said with a smile.

"Okay, we are all members of our own family. We are not polite. Let's talk about business. I heard that Kanshan has come up with a new trick, which has caused a sensation in the whole city." Although Wang Lianhua had asked just now, Li Dang

I would like to ask again.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just about the advertising company. Those dudes were brought in by Zhou Hanwen and Shi Yuzhi. They are the sons of the prime minister. There's nothing you can do even if you don't want to come." Ma Hanshan changed the subject and said,

"Father-in-law, talking about the advertising company, I have something to ask my father-in-law for."

"I've already told you what's going on with your kid. We're all on our own, so what do you ask for? If you have anything to do, tell him immediately." Li Dangchen really liked Ma Hanshan, but as a eunuch, he couldn't get too close to him.

The eunuchs of this era are not as domineering as the eunuchs of the Ming and Qing dynasties in another time and space. Their social status is low, so they have a heavy inferiority complex. In addition, they are people around the emperor, and because of their status, they dare not

If you interact too much with people outside the palace, you will get into trouble every minute, so it is difficult for them to make friends with people outside the palace.

"Yes, yes, it's my fault. You shouldn't be so polite. My father-in-law, I need to find some top painters. I wonder if my father-in-law has any recommendations?" Ma Hanshan said with a smile.

"Oh, let's find some painters, right? I thought it was something. Another day, I will ask them to come and see the mountain." Although Li Dangchen works in the palace, he is the chief minister of the imperial city, so he needs to find a few painters.

It's really not difficult to be a painter.

"Great...my lord, how is the emperor's health lately?" Ma Hanshan thought about it and turned the topic back to the emperor.

"The emperor is in good health, but he is a little worried...Look at the mountain...Is it safe here?" Li Dangchen whispered like a thief.

"Don't worry, father-in-law, the partition wall will definitely have no ears." Ma Hanshan knew that this eunuch was about to get down to business.

"Well, very good." Li Dangchen still said in a suppressed voice, "Since the last talk with Master Kanshan, the emperor seems to have regained his old ambitions. Unfortunately, although he is the emperor, he is unable to do many things.

What worries him is that there is no one with whom he can discuss matters."

"My father-in-law went back to tell the emperor that it is urgent. Master Kanshan is preparing something for the emperor that the emperor likes..." Ma Hanshan and Li Dangchen muttered, leaning their heads against each other. They were indeed spies.

Ma Hanshan, Wang Lianhua, and Li Dangchen are all secret agents in essence.

This chapter has been completed!
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