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Chapter 161: Asking not to disturb

"Your Majesty, the humble minister is back." Li Dangchen was a eunuch, so it was naturally easier for him to see the emperor than for others.

"Tell me, please, tell me what trick that kid is up to." Long Guangning actually fell in love with Ma Hanshan like a man possessed. Perhaps it was because the future blueprint drawn by Ma Hanshan for him was so perfect. Apart from anything else, he only wanted to regain the power of Ma Hanshan.

The lost rivers and mountains can fascinate a leader who still has "calcium".

In his heart, Long Guangning wanted to do the Northern Expedition and regain the northern territory. Otherwise, he would not have condoned Han Qizhou's Northern Expedition. However, although he had ideas before, he was not that courageous, and there were too many constraints, so he always

Han Qizhou took the lead, and he secretly supported the plan. In this way, Han Qizhou could only bear the responsibility after failure.

Because of this, he always felt sorry for the Han family.

"The boy asked me to tell the emperor to be calm. He is making preparations. He wants to set an example for the emperor, a model for reform. The first step is to train a security team with more combat effectiveness than the existing army."

Li Dangchen lowered his voice and said, "Your Majesty, he said that when the number of the security team is large enough, the uniforms and flags will be changed, and that will be a new type of army, an army that can sweep away the barbarians."

"Really...really...Ai Qing...he really said that...he really wants to train an army for me?" Long Guangning was so excited that he was shaking all over. He was so excited when he heard the words "an army that can sweep away Hu Bing"

He was full of fighting spirit and excited.

"The emperor is a model, a model for the army. How can he, a businessman, have so much capital to form an army? He just told the emperor that his reform method is feasible. Besides, he has so much energy, the emperor

Do you dare to let him form an army on his own?" This is a question from the soul. I believe that no emperor would dare to let a businessman form an army.

Long Guangning was stunned. Yes, even though he believed in that boy, it was a matter of the country and the country. Even if he had the courage, the ministers of the DPRK would not let him be willful.

"Then...how many people will he train?" Long Guangning lost his excitement just now.

"He will train five battalions for the emperor." Li Dangchen paused and said, "The boy said that after his security team is trained, the emperor can let the imperial guards compete with them. If they defeat the imperial guards, the emperor will train

The new army will have a reason."

"Train new troops?" Long Guangning was a little confused.

"The boy said that the military system is rotten to the core. If it is not reformed, the country... the country will perish... Your Majesty, this is what the boy said..." Li Dangchen has never seen anyone so bold.

He dared to say that the country would perish, and he felt frightened even when he told it.

"I know it was him who said it. You don't need to panic. That guy told me a long time ago that the national system must be reformed and the army must be reformed. Otherwise, not only will it be impossible to enrich the country and strengthen the army, but it will also be in danger of ruining the country... Alas, you don't know. I

I also have this kind of worry. But...but...I am incompetent." Long Guangning said, his eyes were red, and he was excited again.

Of course, this excitement is different from the excitement just now.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, why don't you order him to serve as an official in the court... That boy is full of clever ideas, maybe... maybe..." Putting aside the idea of ​​patriotism, Li Dangchen is Long Guangning's confidant, and he certainly doesn't want the Long family to be unable to rule the country.


Therefore, what he said was sincere and not because he received the benefits from Ma Hanshan.

"Oh, it's useless. That kid said that if I don't do anything, he won't do anything. If that's the case, it's better to support the outside world. Take your time. If that kid is really serving the country, he will definitely cause trouble for me.

It came from something." Long Guangning has thought deeply about what Ma Hanshan said many times since he met Ma Hanshan, and he agreed with Ma Hanshan's views and actions.

"I'm afraid that he will do too many things and make it difficult for the emperor." Li Dangchen curled his lips and said that he was a little jealous that Long Guangning trusted Ma Hanshan so much.

"What else did he say?" Long Guangning said with a smile, "Why did that kid buy so much land? He wouldn't farm here.

"Haha, it would be great if he just farmed. He wanted to build a micro city. In his words, it was to build a special zone. Your Majesty, his place is two miles wide and eight miles long. He said he wanted to build a city similar to

He praised the miniature town that was different from any other city. He said that it was also a model for the emperor and a model for political reform." Li Dangchen was worried when he thought about the plan mentioned by Ma Hanshan. He turned around and asked those big talkers and scholars

Knowing that, memorials must be flying all over the place, putting pressure on the emperor every day.

Because everything Mahanshan did was different from what those people praised.

"Haha, that's great. I'm looking forward to it." Long Guangning smiled calmly and said, "Didn't he say what he needed me to do?"

"Yes, that boy was so bold that he actually asked the emperor to leave him alone, especially not to allow the Lin'an Mansion to interfere. He also said that if the emperor was so courageous, it would be best to take his part out of Qiantang County and establish a

The special management area under the direct control of the palace... It's really unreasonable. This guy really doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, and he talks nonsense. He also said that even if the emperor wants to do it, he doesn't dare to do it and can't do it. It's just a talk.

...Asshole... The whole world belongs to the emperor. If the emperor wants to do it, how could he not be able to do it..." Li Dangchen became angrier as he spoke.

Of course Li Dangchen was not angry, he was just helping Ma Hanshan by accepting so many benefits from him.

"Okay, okay, don't speak for him anymore. He is right. I want to do it, but I don't dare to do it, and I can't do it. Alas, I can only let him bear the pressure alone." He said

Apart from what you mentioned above, what else is special about our special zone?" Long Guangning sighed and said.

Li Dangchen saw through Long Guangning's thoughts, his old face turned red, and he quickly took out a letter from his sleeve and said: "Your Majesty, there are still many things to do. He has a letter to the Emperor, saying that all his plans are written in the letter.


Long Guangning took the letter and didn't read it immediately. He kept pacing in the hall with it in his hand. He felt that he had a lot to say in his heart, but he didn't know where to start.

"Queen, please step aside. From now on, keep in touch with that guy, but keep it a secret." Long Guangning turned around a few times, waved his hand and said.

"Yes, I take my leave." Li Dangchen bowed and took a few steps back, then turned and left the side hall.

Of course we have kept in touch. Didn't that guy give us the money just to keep in touch? Li Dangchen pinched the two shareholder cards in his sleeves and felt happy in his heart. This guy Ma Hanshan is... not bad...

After Li Dangchen left, Long Guangning opened Ma Hanshan's letter and was dumbfounded. He didn't recognize many words.

There was no way, this kind of letter could not be written by others, and Ma Hanshan didn't know many traditional Chinese characters, so he could only write the simplified Chinese characters he knew. This stumped Long Guangning.

Fortunately, what Ma Hanshan wrote was in vernacular, not the stereotyped stereotypes or classical Chinese used by the government. So Long Guangning kept guessing, and after reading the letter, which was half traditional and half simplified, he realized that it had taken him six hours.


"Okay...okay...haha...the bastard really can do it...Oh, it's a pity...I can't do anything...it's so difficult..." After understanding all the words, Long Guangning read it again, sometimes high-fiving and sometimes looking sad.

His face was full of lamentation.

Burn after reading!

Oops, it’s such a pity that I was asked to burn the letter after reading it... After Long Guangning read it, he actually burned the letter as requested by Ma Hanshan.

In the history of history, the king of a country has never communicated like this with a commoner. They are really a strange pair.

Many miracles in the world are often created by weird people. There is a fine line between genius and idiot, and weird people are often geniuses.

Weird things can create miracles. Is it not surprising that Mahanshan, a social tycoon from time-to-time, changed the history of Dasong?

Wu Zhongyong had a headache. He was very troubled because his master asked him to kill Ma Hanshan, but his sister's lover in Pagua Xiaoyuan, who was his boss, asked him to tie up Ma Hanshan.

Also, Shi Songzhi also asked him to kill Ma Hanshan, but he himself did not want to kidnap or kill Ma Hanshan because he was not sure whether to kill or kidnap him.

The more reports he sent out, the less sure he became. Judging from the information collected, his master Quan Guanqing underestimated this Ma Hanshan, thinking that he was just a big boy who only knew how to investigate things. In fact, this was not the case at all.

Just from the defense layout of Lin'an Garden and everything he encountered at Baoshishan Villa that night, it is enough to show that this eldest child is a master of defense.

Before it got dark, Wu Zhongyong was lying on the big soft bed of his eldest sister in the Loquat Courtyard. Next to him, of course, was the eldest sister who didn't even have a piece of cloth.

The eldest sister leaned sideways, holding her head with her left hand, gently stroking Wu Zhongyong's chest with her right hand and said, "Your heartbeat is a little chaotic. Is there another woman outside?"

"How is that possible? I can't feed you enough, so how can I still have the energy to deal with others?" Wuzhong said, turning his head and kissing the "big grapefruit" next to him.

"If it's not that there's another woman, or there's something on your mind, what's on your mind, can you tell your sister?" The eldest sister said, twisting Wu Zhong's chest muscles.

"Sister, you really think too much." Of course Wu Zhongyong couldn't admit that he was worried, because he couldn't sue her about his worries.

"Hmph, you are panicking. Just now... I knew from your intensity and time that you were hiding something on your mind. Otherwise, why are you always distracted? You can't even concentrate on doing that with me. In your heart

It's not a small thing to hide." The eldest sister gave him a hard squeeze and sat up straight with a cry. Two "big grapefruits" were dangling in front of her chest, which dazzled Wuzhong.

This is his favorite. If he saw this situation in normal times, he would immediately be impulsive, but now he is not interested at all.

"It's been two years. In the past two years, I have worked hard for you and how many things I have done for the so-called Guards. You...you don't believe me now?" Wu Zhongyong was also annoyed, and jumped off the big door naked.

Bed, pointing at Big Sister Loquat and scolding back.

"Okay, I believe you, but you must take down that kid tonight." The eldest sister said calmly, not caring how excited he was.

"I don't understand why he must be tied up, why not just kill him?" Wu Zhongyong really couldn't understand why.
This chapter has been completed!
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