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Chapter 173: A cup of tea after dinner

The Dragon Boat Festival banquet held by Mahanshan was also very "modern". In addition to the traditional singing-style drinking banquet that people are accustomed to, Mahanshan also introduced elements of the Western-style cocktail parties in previous generations. After entertaining the guests to eat and drink, they continued a Western-style party.

Tea party at the reception.

This so-called tea and wine party is the main part of his banquet today, because he wants to introduce the design of Lin'an Garden Special Zone at this tea and wine party.

The tea party was held in the main courtyard of Lin'an Garden. In the courtyard, there were many chairs. It was a bit like a theater party, but there was no stage or actors, only a few "paintings" hanging on the wall.

"Brother Ma, we have had enough food and drinks, what are you doing?" Zhang Zi pretended to be very puzzled, looked at the hall filled with tea, water, tobacco and wine and said, okay, no cigarettes... Ma Hanshan again

When I think of going to the sea, I must go to the sea to look for seeds, sweet potatoes, potatoes, and tobacco.

There is no fleet, so why go to sea?

Fleet... He made up his mind that after the Dragon Boat Festival, no matter how busy he was, he would take time to go to Mingzhou to find Fan's Shipyard and receive the half of the shipyard Bi Jiyu sent.

"Haha, Zhang Caidong only knows that he can live to be ninety-nine by walking a hundred steps after a meal, but he doesn't know that a cigarette after a meal...is a cup of tea after a meal and that he can live until the iron tree blooms. Legend has it that the iron tree blooms in a hundred years, but in fact, it may not even take a hundred years.

Flowering, so not many people can see the iron tree blooming. However, good living habits can make people healthy and live longer. What are good living habits? For example, a cup of tea after a meal, and then listen to Ma’s introduction while drinking tea

These on the wall." Mahanshan's investment promotion is about to begin.

For this new type of social activities or business activities, a play must be performed. Ma Hanshan is the protagonist of this play, and Zhang Zi and Shen Wuwan are the main supporting roles. How to start and end, and what they need to do in the middle.

It was discussed long ago.

"Brother Ma, is that a painting hanging on the wall? Why does it look a bit like a map and a bit like... In short, this is not a painting." Shen Wuwan took over and said.

"Yes, this is obviously a map. Owner of the horse garden, do you want to teach us how to read a map?" someone asked with a smile.

"No, this is the map, it's Lin'an Garden... No, look, everyone, Lin'an Garden only occupies one-third of this map..." Don't think that these businessmen or local tycoons are uneducated. Some of them also know how to read maps.

"You are all wrong. Only one is a map, and the others...are not paintings? But...Master Ma, what kind of houses are the houses in these paintings? Where are the houses? I travel all over the country, at home and abroad, to

I have been to a lot of places, but I have never seen a house like this." said a businessman in his forties who looked smart and capable.

He is not bragging. When Songjing was in Bianliang, he was the largest shipowner in the country. Now that Songjing has moved to Lin'an, he is still the largest shipowner in the country... It should be said that he is the largest shipping owner in the two countries, Dasong and Donghu.

Enterprise. However, his main business is on rivers, and sea transportation is very small, accounting for only 10 to 20% of the total transportation volume. He does not go to sea, it is not that he has no ships, but that he has no business. All the business going to sea has been taken over by Zhang Zi.

In fact, Dasong does not have much shipping business. In this era, people are ignorant and afraid of the sea, and have no awareness of sea rights.

Although Dasong's shipbuilding technology is the strongest on this continent, and even the strongest in the world, there are not many sea-going ships built, and the sea-going ships built are only used for diplomacy. For example, for exports

In order to show the power of Dasong, Korea built two "Shenzhous". How big were the "Shenzhous"? The length was more than ten feet, the depth was three feet, and the width was two feet and five feet. There were sixty sailors on board, and they could carry

Two thousand dendrobium millet, more than 20 meters long, ten meters wide, and more than ten meters high. Such a ship is not a small boat even in modern times. It is said that when this ship arrived in Goryeo, the Goryeo people were so frightened that they could not even think about it.

I never thought that such a big "palace" could sail in the sea.

Seeing how "enthusiastic" these "Gods of Wealth" were towards these pictures, Ma Hanshan smiled happily. The more enthusiastic they were, the more money they could get from them.

"Haha, fellow Caidong and bosses, you are all right, and all of them are correct. Indeed, this is a map, a detailed map of Lin'an Park Special Zone. Look, this is Lin'an, and this is the small street outside.

...Well, this is the hill a few miles away..." Ma Hanshan walked to several "paintings" with a small stick and pointed at the map of the Special Administrative Region drawn by Pei Yanzu.

"And this one is a vector map...well...you may not understand what I am talking about, but it is enough to know that this one is a map. And this one is the masterpiece that I want to introduce to you today...Everyone,

Do you know how great this painting is? Everyone will witness a modern, advanced micro-city here... built in the north of Lin'an City..." The so-called vector map is the world's first drawn by Pei Yanzu under the guidance of Ma Hanshan.

A flat map, the same flat map used by Mahanshan in his previous life.

No one was interested in maps, maps, or anything else, but out of respect for Mahan Mountain, everyone still listened.

Zhang Zi took a look at everyone's expressions, smiled, and asked again.

"Brother Ma, we don't care what the picture is. What we care about is why you are talking about this. Also, Brother Ma, you haven't answered the question asked by Captain Zhu just now. Where is the scene in this painting? What is the scene in the painting?

Why are these houses different from the houses in my Dasong?" Zhang Zi spoke again.

"Right away, right away, Zhang Caidong, don't worry." Ma Hanshan glanced at Zhu Shipong and said, "Boss Zhu, your question is good. I guess no one here has seen this kind of house. Because this is... a modern house.

I call it an arcade...please see, these houses are three stories high and have wind and rain-proof corridors in front of their doors. In other words, after these houses are built, people can go shopping leisurely even if it rains.

Yes, the usable area of ​​such a house is much larger than that of the popular houses in Dasong. Why? You should be able to see that arcades are generally square, unlike today's houses, which are full of edges and corners.

, the more square it is, the more usable area... This kind of arcade actually has many advantages, so I won’t go into them one by one. If you need to know more, please read the special zone planning manual.”

Mahanshan not only drew maps, made plans, and made large billboards, but also printed many brochures, which introduced in detail the functions of each area of ​​the Lin'an Park Special Zone, as well as future development plans, etc., of course, one after another is indispensable.

Jinxiu article introducing the concept and functions of CBD. The booklet not only contains text, but also has many beautiful pictures.

This 16-page booklet is quite exquisite in this era. It can be said that it has never been exquisite. Because of printing this booklet, Mahanshan used many epoch-making new technologies.

For example, using waterproof ink, such as using color illustrations, of course, these colors are actually two-color or three-color color printing, not true color printing.

At this time, Qi Nanyue arranged for someone to come in and distribute brochures to everyone, and the hall was suddenly filled with the scent of ink.

The reason why such a beautiful booklet can be printed is because of the printing master Fang Zhengyin introduced by Shen Ji. This guy was a disciple of the great printing master Bi Sheng, and his printing skills have become so superb that he surpassed his ancestors. He definitely lives up to his name and is authentic.

A printing master. Fangzheng Yin is not only good at printing, but also good at engraving. He can also make some small tools. No wonder he can become close friends with Shen Ji.

"Master Ma Yuan, what do you mean, Lin'an Park Special Zone is going to build this kind of arcade?" Shen Wuwan also added.

"The correct statement is that the overall architectural style of the special zone will be this kind of arcade building. Of course, the three courtyards in Lin'an Garden will be retained. I am not a prodigal, so I will not demolish and rebuild them. Please take a look, Among the specifications of the entire special zone, Lin'an Garden is more special and has a different style. Moreover, the function of this area is an area for leisure and entertainment. To put it bluntly, Lin'an Garden will become a place for eating, drinking and having fun in the future." Ma Hanshan tapped the paintings on the wall with a stick and said, "Now, let me introduce each area of ​​the entire special zone..."

In fact, Ma Hanshan didn't know how to speak, but he was a natural speaker. A clumsy person with a clumsy tongue would never be able to become a big boss in a group of more than ten thousand people.

Therefore, without any preparation, Ma Hanshan "casually" introduced the functions of each block of Lin'an Park Special Zone, and everyone was fascinated by it. Mainly because they had never heard of the concept Ma Hanshan mentioned. For example, CBD, Such as industrial areas.

Master Kanshan, can you please explain to me what CBD and industrial zones are? How do you feel that if you put several workshops together, it becomes an industrial zone?

Of course, Mr. Ma Hanshan, the master of mountain watching, will not explain what CBD is and what an industrial zone is. If you don’t understand, just read the promotional magazine... Haha, everyone knows about the brochure, but Ma Hanshan suddenly popped out a word from the magazine, and everyone I don’t understand. Where is the magazine? Let’s take a look at it...


Someone actually applauded? That is necessary. No matter whether the speech is good or not, you have to give people a few rounds of applause.

Everyone turned around and saw that it was Zhang Zi who was applauding.

Well, Zhang Zi is from a big place, rich and powerful, and he often brings back some treasures from overseas. I am waiting for him to bring back overseas women... He already applauded, so I should agree with him.

So, everyone clapped with the same thought.

"Mr. Ma, District Chief Ma... what... in the CBD area, can we build our own house?" Zhang Zi clapped his hands a few times and raised his hand.

"You can buy land and invest in building your own house in any area. However, except for the leisure area where you can build the style you like, the style of houses in other areas must be arcade style. You can not only invest in houses, but also in workshops and residences. , shops, etc., this special zone welcomes everyone to invest." Ma Hanshan said with a smile.

"That's great. Shen is going to buy land to build a Ruyi Warehouse headquarters next to the CBD headquarters building... Well... Now that public carriages are open between the Special Economic Zone and the Imperial City, I think the prospect of building a department store in the commercial street is also Quite good..." Shen Wuwan is not just asking for help, he really wants to invest.
This chapter has been completed!
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