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Chapter 178: The Emperor Was Really Furious

Ma Hanshan successfully became a shareholder of Fan's Shipyard, with the same number of shares as Fan Ziyuan and the same size. However, the two added an agreement that Fan Ziyuan would be responsible for all the factories in the shipyard, and Ma Hanshan had the right to provide advice, but

The final decision was made by Fan Ziyuan. As for external affairs and the development direction of the shipyard, Ma Hanshan's opinion was the main one.

In this way, in fact, Ma Hanshan became the big boss of the shipyard, and Fan Ziyuan became the technical director. Of course, these were all Fan Ziyuan was happy with, because management was indeed not his strong point. Since the imperial court needed fewer ships,

, the shipyard has been in decline. Let alone development, it is difficult to maintain its original status. In fact, the third position in the shipbuilding industry has long ceased to exist.

Ma Hanshan is not polite at all. It can be said that this arrangement is just what he wants. He likes to have the final decision-making power in everything he does. Although he is also democratic and will listen to other people's suggestions, he does not have the final decision-making power in his hands. He has a decision-making power in everything he does.

A feeling of dissatisfaction.

After the internal affairs of the shipyard were settled and the two parties signed a contract, Ma Hanshan sent people back to Lin'an and asked Liu Heizai to take a small team of security guards to Zhaobaoshan Fan's shipyard to establish a security team. He also ordered him to bring two scouts to the shipyard.

An information liaison station was established in Mingzhou. The so-called reconnaissance company has become larger and larger. Liaison stations have been established in Dasong and Dazhou, the main capitals of Donghu. Mahanshan has no need to use the unreasonable name of reconnaissance company, which is out of date.

Now, he plans to change this so-called reconnaissance company into the Social Investigation Bureau.

Well, the Social Investigation Bureau is an indispensable and important department in Wagangzhai. Information from all over the place is gathered every day, so whether Ma Hanshan is having a romantic day or being too busy every day, he still knows about the major events happening in various places. For example,

, he knew that Shi Lizhong had returned to Lin'an half a day earlier than Long Guangning.

Lizhou Road and Jingnan Road are next to each other. The safety of Jingnan Road is related to the safety of Guogai Mountain, the hometown of Mahanshan. Therefore, Jingnan Road, Lizhou Road, Jingzhao Road, Nanjing Road and other places were the earliest establishments of Mahanshan.

Contact station place.

Shi Lizhong is the transfer history of Lizhou Road and is the brother of Shi Liyuan. Of course, Ma Hanshan pays special attention to it. What's more, the meeting of thousands of horses a while ago was delivered on the site of Lizhou Road, so now,

There are many more "scouts" on Lizhou Road than on other roads. Every move of Shi Lizhong, even if he goes to drink wine one day, is recorded by Shen Lang.

After hurriedly arranging some urgent matters, it was already evening in the blink of an eye. Fan Ziyuan held a banquet at the shipyard to welcome Ma Hanshan and others. All the key members of the shipyard came to accompany him. He learned that the shipyard would have two owners in the future, and that the new owner would bring

When the order form for a hundred large ships arrived, everyone was immediately excited and lined up to toast the new owner.

Ma Hanshan didn't expect that these shipbuilding guys would be so enthusiastic. It was hard to refuse the hospitality, and it was hard not to refuse someone's drink, so he had no choice but to accept everyone who came.

Su Ying knew that this guy would definitely get drunk again tonight.

At this time, two fast horses that had run away and were foaming at the mouth arrived at the gate of Lin'an City. The people on the horses raised a sign in their hands and shouted for urgent news... Lizhou's pacifying envoys urgent news...

The border towns in Dasong all have pacification envoys, and the pacification envoys mainly control the military affairs of the prefectures, states and border armies along the border towns, so the urgent reports from the pacification envoys must be related to military intelligence. Urgent reports related to military intelligence must be kept

Of course, the city officers and soldiers did not dare to stop them. They glanced at the special pass token in the postman's hand, waved his hand, and pulled away to let the horse pass.

At this time, the sky was getting dark and it was going to be dark soon. The streets were crowded with people, and the postmen kept shouting all the way to the Bank of China.

At this time, all the provinces and departments had already finished get off work. However, the Yintai Division, which receives memorials and documents, was on duty. Of course, the two governments were also on duty. Otherwise, who would have received emergency military information after get off work? deal with?

The postman ran all the way, holding back his breath, and finally rushed to the provincial government office. He shouted an urgent message from Lizhou, and then he tilted his body and fell off the horse.

When the person on duty at the Banking Department heard the emergency call outside the door, he put down the tea cup in his hand and walked out slowly.

Humph, I don’t know how many people are calling for emergency all day long, but there are not many real urgent things to report. Some assholes just find some novel things and report something auspicious. You bastards are looking for trouble. So, if you hear the emergency call

If you report it as if it is really urgent, you will be exhausted.

The clerk on duty took off the "identity" token from the fallen postman and took a look at it. Then he took out the sealed and sealed copper box from the leather bag on his waist. He made sure that the seal was complete before checking the fallen postman.

Is the postman still angry?

"Sir... Your Majesty, this is an urgent message from the pacifier on Lizhou Road." He shouted as he ran inside.

"Where is the emergency report? From Lizhou Road? Bring it quickly..." There is no need to rush for emergency reports from non-bian towns, but urgent reports from border towns must be checked as soon as possible, because almost all emergency reports from border towns are

It has to do with military intelligence. If you delay the military intelligence, you will be beheaded in minutes.

The man on duty took the box from Shizhong, glanced at the seal and the secret lock, and his expression suddenly changed.

Sure enough, it turned out to be military intelligence...

Lu Lu!

The gentleman on duty quickly ran to the Privy Council. This kind of urgent report had a special seal. Anyone who knew about it would know who the report should be sent to just by looking at the seal. Therefore, he didn't even want to read it and ran to the Privy Council envoy on duty.

Send it.

Hu Ju is just a Zhengzhi, and he was not on duty originally, but he is a "motivated" person. He often does "technical" work such as "shoe brushing". His replacement is "shoe brushing" technology.

The most low-key clever trick, and tonight he took over for the Deputy Privy Councilor again.

"Your Excellency, Your Excellency... Your Excellency, Your Excellency, is not well..." Before entering the door, Mr. Lin Geishi called out.

Haha, everyone likes this trick. He deliberately shouts before he enters the door, and then pretends to run out of breath. This means that he wants others to see that he is working very hard and is about to run out of breath.

"Mr. Lin, why are you so panicked? Why is the Prime Minister so bad?" Hu Ju walked out of the duty room and said with a unhappy look on his face.

"Eh...Hu Chengzhi hasn't returned home yet? Oh...I understand, Mr. Hu is on duty tonight on behalf of the Prime Minister...Okay...Okay, military situation on Lizhou Road..." Lin Guishi handed the box to Hu Ju, and then handed it over again.

A receipt book.

Hu Ju took the box and signed his name on the receipt book.

What a great opportunity. I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to see the emperor alone tonight if I take over my shift.

Haha, although we have the opportunity to see the Emperor every day, it is not easy to see him alone. Even a person responsible for carrying out the emperor's decree rarely has the opportunity to see the emperor alone. The important thing is that now he is sending an urgent report to the emperor.

It is an honor to meet the emperor alone. There is no need to say anything, just meet him alone. This is an excellent opportunity for the emperor to deepen his memory. This can leave a deep impression on the emperor's mind. There is an impression.

People, promotions are definitely much higher than people who have no impression.

In the history of Dasong, there are two people who have been promoted the fastest and most often. One is the Bachelor Liu who bought the house in Ma Hanshan, and the second is Hu Ju. However, the promotions of the two people are not the same concept at all. Bachelor Liu is

He is really talented, and he has been promoted all the way through his political performance. But this Sir Hu Chengzhi relies on his work. As for the officialdom, he can be said to be the master among the masters.

So, how could he meet the emperor alone without making the deputy and the emperor unhappy? This was something he was very troubled about.

"Eunuch...please wait a minute..." Hu Ju held the box at the door and thought hard about the best way to get the best of both worlds. Suddenly, Li Dangchen, the Imperial City Secretary, passed by, and his heart moved, and he came up with a plan.

"Hu Chengzhi? Why are you still here?" Li Dangchen looked at Hu Ju strangely and said.

"Master Li, it's great to meet you. I'm worried about how to get into the palace." Hu Ju handed the box in his hand to Li Dangchen and said, "Sir, this is an urgent report from the Lizhou Route Army. Please

You shall present it to the Emperor immediately."

"Military information on Lizhou Road? So, the wild dogs have attacked my border town again. How can this be unreasonable? You bastard has no credibility at all." Li Dangchen did not accept the box. Huh, other reports, our family can do it for you. Military information is urgent.

Well, you'd better send him to the palace yourself.

Li Dangchen knew Long Guangning's thoughts best. The emperor was now thinking about the Northern Expedition again. This kind of report about the bastard's intrusion would definitely make Long Yan furious. He would definitely curse again when he turned around. He didn't want to touch this.


"Yes, the wild dog is disgusting. Mr. Li, this is an urgent report from eight hundred miles away. It needs to be reported to the emperor immediately..." Hu Ju said as he moved the box forward.

"Well, we really need to let the Emperor see it immediately...Have we notified the Privy Councilor? I'm afraid that after the Emperor sees it, he will immediately summon the Privy Councilor to discuss it." Li Dangchen said as he walked down the aisle, "Let's go in with our family.


It is troublesome for others to enter the palace, but Li Dangchen, a dual-career eunuch, feels like going home when he enters the palace. As long as the palace door is open, he can come in and out at any time.

"Yes...yes...I will arrange for someone to inform the Privy Councilor and follow Mr. Li into the palace immediately." I'm so happy that I can see the emperor alone soon.

Hu Ju was very happy and ordered the envoys in the courtyard to inform several privy envoys, and then he followed Li Dangchen into the palace.

Long Guangning was reprimanding his youngest son Long Gui in the Qinzheng Hall. Suddenly the young eunuch reported that the Privy Council had requested Hu Ju to see him.

"What's the matter?" Long Guangning was very unhappy and just started to scold him, but was interrupted.

"Hu Chengzhi said there was an urgent call on the road to Lizhou," the young eunuch replied.

"Oh? Pass it in..." Long Guangning thought for a moment and said.

Lizhou Road was a border town, and it might be a military situation, so no matter how unhappy he was, he had to review the report immediately.

"Your Majesty...this is the Qinzheng Palace..." The song is a bit strange. Qinzheng Palace is also Long Guangning's sleeping palace. Generally speaking, the emperor should not receive his ministers in the sleeping palace, so the young eunuch specially reminded it.

"Oh, I'm a little sick, so I'll see you here." Every father who is angry with his son will feel tired, even the emperor. Long Gui is the most naughty among the princes, and often makes Long Guangning angry.

"Yes." The little eunuch exited and told Hu Ju.

After a while, Hu Ju went to see Long Guangning and presented a report that had been urgently delivered from 800 miles away.

Long Guangning read the report and was furious as Li Dangchen had inferred.

This chapter has been completed!
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