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Chapter 183: Wu Guangjie is Here

"Wait a minute." Li Dangchen was a neat person, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do anything about the Imperial City. So, he did what he said, but as soon as he raised his feet, he was stopped by Ma Hanshan.

"Brother, do you have something to bring to the emperor?" Li Dangchen stopped and turned to ask Ma Hanshan.

"Yes, sir, you are really smart. Three sentences: cut off the encirclement and overthrow the rebel army, make nonsense claims and jointly claim compensation, and combine the true and false to communicate secretly to show goodwill to the two southwestern barbarians." Ma Hanshan thought for a moment and said slowly.


Li Dangchen repeated it in a low voice, then raised his head and looked at Ma Hanshan in shock.

"Is this sentence for Meng Lianggon to cut off the enemy troops from behind and attack them from behind?" Li Dangchen said in a low voice.

"The emperor gives it to whomever he likes, but the key point is to cut off the consequences, which is not something everyone can do." Ma Hanshan smiled meaningfully.

Huh, so what if I tell you the plan? Which of you can defeat the Hu soldiers? Even if you can defeat the Hu soldiers, how can you prevent others from retreating? You must know that the combat effectiveness of the Hu soldiers is much stronger than that of the Song soldiers.

The border between Shiquan and Hu is mostly surrounded by high mountains. It is not that easy to break off the Hu soldiers. It is necessary to lead the troops over the steep slopes and dense forests. Only by unexpectedly appearing behind the Hu soldiers can it be useful. Moreover, crossing mountains and ridges cannot be a large-scale operation.

, Therefore, this strange army needs to be strong in combat power and have advanced weapons to be able to stop an enemy that is ten times our size and engage in a flanking attack with the soldiers in Raofeng Pass.

Of course, the only team in Dasong that has such fighting strength and selected weapons is the militia of Wagang Village.

The militia of Wagang Village has now grown to less than a thousand people. Why are there so many militiamen? There is no way. Now that the industry of Wagang Village is gradually expanding and the population has grown to thousands, someone has to maintain law and order and protect the village.

The most important thing is that there are too many secrets in Wagang Village, and militiamen must be strictly guarded. For example, Snake Valley is now undergoing large-scale full-time mining. Therefore, non-oil production personnel are now strictly prohibited from entering the entire Snake Valley. Not only are there intersections

card, and there are light and dark sentries and patrols throughout the day.

There is also the place where the oil is "steamed" and the place where weapons are developed. In addition to high walls, there are also militiamen strictly guarding it. The place where the oil is stored is also defended at all levels. The leader of the village has said that that place must not be used.

Careless, if it is detonated by someone else, the entire Watank Village may be wiped out.

Those gasolines are what Mahanshan is most worried about. Although they are hidden in the cave, Mahanshan feels very worried. That stuff is more dangerous than gunpowder. Once it explodes, the power of black powder is even greater.

If the emperor asked Meng Lianggon to lead the army to resist the enemy, Ma Hanshan could mobilize two hundred to three hundred Wagangzhai militiamen to join the battle with improved gasoline bottles, rope mines and rope grenades.

Yes, all "firearms" have been improved. The biggest improvement is the grenade, which has been changed from the original ignition type to the drawstring type. Apart from the power, it is basically the same as the wooden handle grenade of Mahanshan's previous life. Of course, since there is no

Detonators are artifacts that do not have yellow powder, so the detonation method is actually different. To put it bluntly, whether it is a grenade or a mine, it is just a big firecracker. The difference is that because the amount of powder and the charging equipment are different, the power

It's just much bigger than a big firecracker.

The most technologically advanced thing is that Wagonzhai has developed a grinding wheel and flint similar to the lighters in Mahanshan's previous life, and a detonating device for grenades and mines. In fact, it uses a pull cord to cause the grinding wheel and flint in the mechanism to create sparks.

The gunpowder in the small medicine chamber was ignited to detonate. This was definitely a pioneering work. No matter in time or space, no one had ever thought that a grenade could be detonated like this.

Of course, to be advanced, it was still in the time and space of Mahanshan's previous life. Even the earliest wooden-handled grenades and landmines were detonated with yellow gunpowder and detonators. Ma Hanshan knew about these things but didn't know why, so he could only tell him

Those disciples could make such things, but they could not be instructed on how to make such things.

Ma Hanshan regretted it extremely. In his previous life, his chemistry scores were too poor.

In fact, it is useless no matter how good his chemistry score is, because many things require the support of basic science and industry. Where in this time and space can there be basic science and industry?

Travelers are not omnipotent. Ma Hanshan knows this very well, but he always laments that he did not study well in his previous life.

Li Dangchen thought for a while and understood what Ma Hanshan meant. Although the strategy was very old-fashioned and could even be said to be an old strategy that everyone understood, it was not something everyone could implement. Who could do it? Of course it was recommended by him, Ma Hanshan.

Because only people recommended by him will help. In other words, he is the only one who can cut off the enemy from behind and overwhelm the thief army.

So, it is easy to understand that making Hu scold Yan and joining forces with Meng to claim compensation is to go to Dong Hu and scold their mother, and then demand compensation from them, otherwise they will join forces with Mongolia to attack Hu. Haha, this kind of thing, for those bitter and rotten scholars

, is very ungentlemanly, and they will definitely disdain or even oppose it. Therefore, it is also necessary to find someone who is brave, resourceful and not corrupt. Li Dangchen thinks it is easier to find such a person.

Li Dangchen half-understood the words that the true and false jointly communicated with each other to show their goodwill to the two south-western barbarians. He understood that these words had the same meaning as Bi Juyu and the emperor's advice last night, and that they pretended to show their goodwill.

, also pretending to be friendly to Hu, that is, talking to people and talking to ghosts, plus a few actions, so that both of them think that Song is on good terms with him, and then they both consume each other, and Da Songzuo reaps the benefits.

The strategy was a good one, but Li Dangchen always found it difficult to operate. He was worried that Meng and Hu would join forces to split up, which would be really troublesome.

As for the show of goodwill to the two southwestern barbarians, Li Dangchen really couldn't figure it out for a while. However, he believed that the emperor could understand.

So, he hugged Ma Hanshan, jumped on his horse and galloped away.

Ma Hanshan looked at Li Dangchen who was walking away, and couldn't help but sigh: "Oh, the emperor is also pitiful. There are so many civil and military people in the dynasty, and there are probably not many who are truly loyal to the emperor and the country. Otherwise, why would a body be left behind?"

The crippled man is so busy."

Haha, he doesn't know that most emperors and I trust the most eggless people, and how many "emperors" have been established in the past dynasties.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand. These physically handicapped people are not welcomed anywhere except the palace. They do not know anything and can only survive in the palace. Therefore, they can only be loyal to the emperor. And

The emperor, from birth to death, the people I have the most contact with are this kind of eggless people, so I have feelings, so I trust them.

After being dazed by the river for a while, Ma Hanshan quickly returned to his residence to write a letter.

He had to write to the divisions Hualong and Yu Tianchuan in the village and arrange for them to send troops to Meng Lianggon.

Of course, he had to write to Meng Lianggon and "suggest" him how to stop the Hu soldiers from attacking.

I just sent someone to send the letter back to the liaison station in Lin'an to release the carrier pigeon, and the security guard sent from Lin'an Park arrived.

Ma Hanshan was also a resolute person. With a single order, Liu Heizai began to establish the security department of the shipyard and sent people to establish a liaison station in Mingzhou.

The security department is the guarantee for the safety of the shipyard, and the liaison station is the guarantee for Ma Hanshan's remote control command. Both are very important and should not be neglected. Fortunately, Liu Heizai has now grown into a person who can take charge of his own affairs, and Ma Hanshan is very pleased.

In fact, people in this era are very simple, because they don’t have so many distracting thoughts, and they grow up very quickly.

However, this also makes Ma Hanshan very entangled. He likes people of this era to be simple and loyal. But he also hates people of this era. They have been brainwashed by Confucius, Mencius, Cheng and Zhu. Your uncle's human nature and thinking have been imprisoned. How can you still have something?

What kind of creation? Alas, Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism and Confucius and Mencius thought have their glorious places, but...but you can't prosper a country by talking about it. You will starve to death. You still ask others to show integrity and treat money like dirt. This is not


Shangchang Village at the foot of Zhaobao Mountain...well, there was no village here originally, but it became a village after the shipyard was built, so it is called Shandang Village. At nearly noon, two Chinese boats sailed upstream and docked at Sunchang Village

At the pier, four strong men dressed as servants got off the boat first, then two middle-aged men in bright clothes, and then two strong men dressed as samurai.

A group of eight people entered the village carrying gifts.

Ma Hanshan was planning his fleet, and the security guard came in at 147 to report that there was a visitor.

A visitor came to visit? Ma Hanshan was stunned for a moment and said, "Is it someone named Wu?"

"Yes, he said his name is Wu Guangjie." 147 responded blankly.

"Well, there are always customers passing by, so please come in." Ma Hanshan said with a smile.

It was indeed Wu Guangjie who came. Originally, he had no intention of meeting Ma Hanshan so soon or in person. However, after going to Mingzhou City to inquire about Ma Hanshan again in the morning, he decided to visit Ma Hanshan immediately.

His visit this time was called a visit, but it was actually a bottom-up visit.

Comrades all said that Mahan Mountain was not easy to mess with, so he had to explore the bottom of Mahan Mountain first.

After a while, Wu Guangjie and his warehouse manager entered the flower hall.

"Mr. Ma...Mr. Ma is so nice...I've heard that Mr. Ma is young, but I didn't expect him to be so young." Wu Guangjie smiled as he entered the door, approached with fists clasped, and bowed deeply.

Well, the posture is low enough.

Ma Hanshan was very surprised. Why did Wu Guangjie have such a low profile? Unlike the rumors, wasn't he a local tyrant?

"Master Wu Island? Please sit down." Ma Hanshan didn't want to see this guy, so he didn't need to shake hands. He gave them a casual fist pump and asked them to sit down.

"I don't dare, I don't dare, how dare I call myself the owner of the island? Wu is just a fisherman, haha, fishing in the sea is hard, haha." Wu Guangjie was stunned for a moment, and then said loudly.

"I've heard that Master Wu Dao...well...I also injured the dog raised by Master Wu Dao. Is Wu Dao here to seek justice?" Ma Hanshan is an upright person. He doesn't treat people he doesn't like.

Those who are willing to deal with it don't even bother to talk about the situation.

However, when he talks like this, it's impossible to continue the conversation. As the saying goes, don't hit someone with a smiling face. If he says this, isn't it just a slap in the face of others?

Wu Guangjie knew that Ma Hanshan was difficult to deal with, but he didn't expect that this guy would be so... so disrespectful, not saving any face at all.

"Haha, Mr. Ma is just joking...just joking..." Wu Guangjie suppressed the anger in his heart with great difficulty, and made an awkward haha, but said bitterly in his heart, bastard, you are crazy, you

If you continue to be crazy, sooner or later you will pay back tenfold.

This chapter has been completed!
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