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Chapter 186: Finding Mr. Lift

"Your Majesty, Meng Silang...can you really destroy those thousands of Hu soldiers?" Li Dangchen was still struggling with this matter. He had a lot of struggles today.

"Idiot, it doesn't matter whether he can do it or not. What's important is that only if he leads the troops will the monster help. I don't know if Meng Silang can do it, but I believe that the monster can do it if he can say it." Long Guang

Ning was in a good mood. He glanced at the wilted Li Dangchen and said, "Is there anything else? What else did that kid say? Why did he go to Mingzhou? By the way, that monster is really careless.

Businessman, he didn’t ask me to help him with anything?”

Li Dangchen thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "There are still some unimportant gossips. Apart from these gossips, he didn't make any requests?"

"Oh? That's really weird? It's not like his character. That kid is very picky. For every effort he puts in, he must get back a portion of his effort in return. He gave me such a strategy and promised to

Hu Bing was wiped out, so he has no reason not to ask for something back." Long Guangning didn't believe that Ma Hanshan would do voluntary work. He straightened up and said, "Come on, tell him what he said from beginning to end. Don't miss anything.

Miss one word..."

"Your Majesty, I think your Majesty should give Meng Lianggon an order first... He left for Lizhou yesterday to take up his post. It is estimated that he is not far away now, and he should be able to catch up... The matter is urgent, and time is of the essence, Your Majesty."

Li Dangchen was really tired. He wanted to squint first, but he couldn't hold it anymore.

"Oh, that's right...well, Li Dangchen, go back to the inner chamber and rest for a while. After I have arranged things, you can tell me the whole process of the conversation with that boy. You must have missed something."

Long Guangchen waved Li Dangchen out, and he walked around in the palace again. He had to think about how to issue this edict. Being an emperor does not mean that you have to be lucky or rainy. Unless you issue an edict, everything will happen in a matter of minutes.

It will be rejected by Zhongshu and Menxia Province.

However, it is impossible to issue a central decree for such a major military matter. It would be too unserious. If the central decree is acted upon, the local military and political chiefs may not cooperate. Even if they cooperate on the surface, they will sabotage work behind the scenes, which will be troublesome.

Therefore, this imperial edict must be drafted by Zhongshu and reviewed by the disciples, so that it will appear serious.

However, now the chiefs of each province have taken down their duties... But the military situation is so bad that we can't wait until tomorrow morning...

Long Guangning decided to first give the order to Meng Lianggon in the form of a Zhongshu, and then ask Zhongshu to draft an order tomorrow and send it to all the yamen in Lizhou, asking them to fully assist Meng Lianggon in resisting the enemy.

After half a stick of incense, a small eunuch came out of the palace and went straight to the Imperial City Division. After a while, the two men from the Imperial City Division and four horses left Lin'an City.

The edict was usually read out by the eunuch, but now he had to catch up with Meng Lianggon on the way, so he had no choice but to send someone from the Imperial City Department.

Lin'an Song is to the east and Shiquan is to the west of Xuefang. If we take the easier land route, the distance will be two to three thousand miles. If we are not in a hurry and go west by water, the distance will be hundreds of miles farther than the land route.

The most comfortable way is to get on the boat at the north gate of Lin'an and go north along the Grand Canal. When you get to Jiankang, take the river all the way to the west. After arriving at Ezhou, turn into the Mianjiang River and go north to Xiangfan, and then row hundreds of miles to Jinzhou.

That is Ankang Prefecture], then abandoned the boat and went ashore and walked north for more than a hundred miles to Shiquan.

If you want to hurry up, you can first take a land route, ride a horse or take a car from Lin'an to Chizhou, Anqing, Pengze and other places to change boats and go north. This can save some time and eliminate the need to bump around on the horse all the time.

At this time, the Lizhou Tea Horse Division was already in a state of suspension and was about to be cut off. Therefore, for Meng Lianggon, the so-called Lizhou Tea Horse Division, no one actually gave him a set time to take office. In other words,

He could travel three to four hundred miles a day at the fastest speed and arrive in his post within a few days, or he could take a boat and travel all the way for a month or even two months before arriving at his post without anyone paying attention to him.

However, Meng Lianggon listened to Ma Hanshan's words and wanted to do a good job in office and then make meritorious service and be promoted. Therefore, he chose the shortest distance to take office on horseback.

The shortest journey is, of course, to go straight northwest from Lin'an, cross the river to Tongling or Chizhou, then continue to the northwest, reach the old nest of Mahan Mountain, Suishui County, and Fuyang County, and then turn westward through Jiyang County and cross Guangzhou.

Transformed the army, left Junzhou and entered Jinzhou on Lizhou Road.

The shortest distance is nearly two thousand miles. Meng Lianggon planned to walk two hundred miles a day, so that he could reach his destination within ten days without being too rushed.

Meng Lianggon set out from Lin'an early in the morning on the sixth day of May. He first walked north for a while and passed through Dusong Pass and entered Anji. Then he turned west and entered Ningguo.

Because we had just traveled, the people and horses were in good spirits and ran in a hurry. It was only in the evening when we arrived at Ningguo.

In the morning, Ma Hanshan did not come to see him off. Meng Lianggon felt a little depressed, so he found a place to stay, went to bed early, and set off before dawn the next day. He planned to rush to Tongling today and cross the river before looking for him again.

Place to stay.

On the tenth day of May, Meng Lianggon drove for four days and finally arrived at Hutou Pass in Huangzhou. There was an inn here at Hutou Pass, and he was too lazy to find a place to stay, so he planned to stay at the inn for free for one night.

Modern society requires proof of accommodation, and ancient inns also require proof of accommodation. If you are an official, you must also show an official identity certificate, so that you can get it for free. Of course, some inns are not open to the public and only accept official officials.

Meng Lianggon showed proof of fish charms and a letter of appointment issued by the Ministry of Officials, and successfully checked into the inn at Hutou Pass.

This inn is pretty good, the rooms are clean and the bedding is clean.

Of course, the inn also provides food, although it is not good, it is better than eating dry food. Meng Lianggon ate it in a hurry, made a cup of tea, held it in his hands and thought about his thoughts.

Tomorrow, whether we take the direction of Xinyang Army or Suishui County, we will be very close to Guogai Mountain, Brother Ma's hometown. Do you want to go into the mountain to have a look? He has heard about the magic of Wagang Village countless times.

I really want to see how magical Wagang Village is, which is run by my brothers, and why it can produce so many exquisite products and wonderful tea and wine.

Go...I have to go and have a look. Anyway, no one will care if I arrive sooner or later.

Ma Hanshan told him that no matter when he goes to Suishui County or Fuyang County, as long as he sees Youyi Gaolou or an inn, and shows the water tank pendant he gave him after entering, the store will immediately provide him with free services, answer all his questions, and help him.

He prepares everything needed.

No matter in Dasong or Donghu, as long as you see a pot lid sign and go in and tell him the name of Ma Hanshan, you can get help.

The water tank pendant is the symbol of Mahanshan. Anyone who has this kind of pendant is Mahanshan's brother or friend. This kind of weird pendant can be carved from jade or red sandalwood. People who are sworn to Mahanshan may be regarded by Mahanshan.

People who are regarded as brothers, jade carved water tank pendant.

The place with the pot lid sign is the Wagonzhai Reconnaissance Company...which is the liaison station of the Social Investigation Bureau that Mahanshan is planning to change its name to.

The sky was hazy and it was going to be dark soon. Meng Lianggon decided to go to Suishui tomorrow to try out whether this weird pendant was so magical. Then he would stay in the county for one night and head north to Guogai Mountain the day after tomorrow.

It is more than 300 miles from Hutou Pass to Suishui County. You have to get early tomorrow to get there before dark. Go to bed early...

Just as Meng Lianggon lay down, there was suddenly a rapid sound of horse hooves coming from outside the house. The sound of horse hooves suddenly stopped outside the door of the inn.

"You two... you two are so late. Do you want to stay? We only have single rooms here, and they cost one tael of silver per night." Meng Lianggon heard the postman's voice.


At the sound of copper coins, Meng Lianggon guessed that the person who entered the door took out a handful of copper coins and gave it to the postman. It didn't sound like the sound of a sling of coins, it should be that he took out a handful of copper coins to give a tip.

Sure enough, after the ring of copper coins, the guest who entered the door spoke again.

"I'm looking for someone. If the person I'm looking for is here, I'll stay here. If he's not there, I'll leave." One of the guests said in a very clear voice, "Does your station have a person named Meng Lianggon?

Adults checking in?”

"Who...who are you..." the postman asked warily as he looked at the ten or twenty copper coins in his hand.

"Haha, brother, don't worry, we are not bad people. We came from Suishui County. The boss said that Mr. Meng should stay at Hutouguan Inn tonight." The visitor said.

"No matter who you are, we cannot leak the information of the guests staying here. Please go back..." With a clatter, the postman returned the copper coins in his hands to the other party. The postman thought to himself, are you kidding me?

Shuixian County is more than 300 miles away from here. Traveling more than 300 miles to pick up someone? I believe it.

Tsk, this postman is quite responsible.

The post was not a big place, and Meng Lianggon lived close to the front yard. In the quiet night, Meng Lianggon could hear clearly what the post guards in front of them were saying to them, and he couldn't help but secretly praise the post guards for their sense of responsibility.

"Da Lang, there is no need to ask. Master Meng must live here. Look, his horse. The owner said that Master Meng is riding a Feixing Bai Zhang horse. Look, the white Zhang horse in the stable is Meng

Yours." Another younger voice said.

"It's really...Mr. Meng...Mr. Meng...We were sent by Yigao Restaurant to pick up Mr. Meng..." The guy who spoke before suddenly shouted loudly inside.

"You...you don't want to die, don't you...there are officials living inside...get out...get out..." The postman was shocked and angry.

"Hey, how can you treat your guests like this..." Meng Lianggon came out. The person who came said that he was sent by Yigao Restaurant, so he knew that the person who came was not suspicious. He smiled and said, "The bosses of the two are...

Called Li Ergou?"

"This young master... you... you can't be so rude by calling our boss by his nickname..." the man said with a blushing face.

"Haha, if I don't call your employer by his nickname, how can I prove that you were sent by him to pick me up? Meng is just curious, why did you come so far to pick up Meng, and how did you know that Meng would be at Hutou Pass?

Settlement." Meng Lianggon was really surprised. Even if he was Ma Hanshan's brother, they didn't need to travel more than three hundred miles to greet him.

"You...are you Mr. Meng? Oh, it's great...I finally found Mr. Tiji...Sir, I don't know why the boss asked me to pick you up so far. In fact, we didn't enter Jingnan Road, so we don't know your accuracy.

Therefore, the boss sent five groups of people to check the places where adults may stay along the route, and there will always be a way to pick up adults." What the guy named Dalang said is absolutely correct, Wagangzhai Society

The investigation bureau's contact point on Huainan East-West Road has not yet been established, so it is impossible to accurately grasp Meng Lianggon's whereabouts during this section of the journey.

This chapter has been completed!
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