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Chapter 188: Talk about the combat plan first

As the saying goes, the mantis stalks the cicada before the oriole is behind. The people of Northern Mongolia bribed Donghu's capital to send troops to harass Dasongbian Town, hoping to realize their own strategic ideas. Such an obscure and profound idea can be said to be unconstrained, thinking that no one can do it.

But it happened that an older boy with a background of bandits saw through it. What was even more frightening was that this older boy used the trick to make Song Chao express his intention to unite with Monk Hu to destroy Hu, and even secretly sent an envoy.

What no one expected was that this big kid not only came up with a plan to pretend to unite with Mongolia, but also came up with a plan to eat the thousands of invading Hu soldiers and use this to "blackmail" the Donghu.

If this plan succeeds, what Dasong will receive will not only be a little compensation, but more importantly, a change in the mentality of Dasong people. This will be a great tonic that will excite the whole people. How many years have you been oppressed by Donghu?

For so many years, he didn't even dare to speak loudly. Now, Dong Hu can actually be made to give in... This is definitely a major event to inspire people's hearts for Da Song.

The Hu soldiers outside Raofeng Pass are still working on time every day, and General Hu is still craning his neck to wait for news.

But they don't know that danger is approaching quietly, their fate will turn, and their lives will end.

Meng Lianggon, the vanguard officer who exterminated the captives, finally arrived in Jinzhou. He changed horses at the inns along the way, and it only took him two days to reach the distance of a thousand miles.

Because of the war, all relevant government offices gathered in Jinzhou. This was convenient for Meng Lianggon. He did not have to go to Xingyuan Mansion to submit his appointment and go through the handover procedures. Meng Lianggon refused the banquet of the Jinzhou governor and entered the camp.

After ordering two hundred elite soldiers, he quietly left the city and quickly disappeared into the mountains. He came and went like the wind. Everyone felt as if a person like him could never come here.

However, soon, Meng Lianggon appeared at Raofeng Pass with two soldiers, inspected Raofeng Pass, and then explained some things, whispered to the guard for a while, and then left the pass.

General Rao Feng Pass guard was a little confused. He didn't understand what this so-called pioneer officer meant. He walked around the pass and left? Can this be used to retreat the enemy? No, it seems that what he just said was not retreating the enemy, but capturing the enemy.

However, can the enemy be captured in this way? The defender did not believe it.

However, the vanguard officer made it very clear that after seeing the signal he sent, he would organize all the personnel to launch an attack. Of course, it was a feint, and the purpose was to make the Hu soldiers agitated.

Feint attack? If we are guarding the gate, is it possible that we should take the initiative to attack Hu Bing?

He couldn't figure out why he was doing this. The defenders were inferior to the Hu soldiers in terms of numbers and combat power. If they went out to fight against the Hu soldiers, they would be killed...

Raofeng Pass is easy to defend but difficult to attack. If it were not so, it would have been broken by Hu soldiers long ago.

Not only were the guards at Raofengguan confused, but the pacifiers, governors and other civil and military officials stationed in Jinzhou were also confused. What did the imperial court mean? It was just a matter of sending a young man who had never led an army.

But is there such a pioneer officer? When he arrived, he did nothing and "disappeared" with two hundred soldiers. Is it possible that he could destroy the captives with these two hundred soldiers? Isn't this a joke? When everyone

What a fool.

Meng Lianggon also had this idea of ​​treating everyone as fools before he arrived in Shiquan. However, after he arrived in Shiquan, he no longer had this idea. Because the mountains here told him that Ma Xiandi's strategy was feasible.


While Guan Guan and the people in the state were still in a daze and expressed their incomprehension, Meng Lianggon had already led two hundred border guards carrying "ammunition" upstream along a small river ditch and arrived at a place called Er

Meet Shi Hualong in the canyon of Mu Land.

Haha, the governor of Jinzhou thought that Meng Lianggon asked him for two hundred soldiers to fight against the Hu soldiers. Who would have thought that he wanted two hundred soldiers just to be porters, asking them to help carry ammunition and weapons.

As the name suggests, Ermu Land is a canyon only as big as Ermu Land. Five hundred people gathered in such a small canyon looked like a lot of people.

Shi Hualong took out a hand-drawn map... Well, the militiamen in Wagang Village had all learned the modern map drawing methods brought by Mahanshan to draw maps and topographic maps, so what Shi Hualong took out was indeed a map.

A map, but it doesn't have any accuracy. Strictly speaking, it's just a schematic map of the terrain, with some hills, woods, canyons and so on drawn on it.

"Mr. Meng, we will destroy these Hu soldiers tonight... Come, let me talk about the battle plan first. This is the valley where we are, and this peak is the mountain to the west of us. After climbing over this mountain, there is a small village below.

"Of course, this village is empty now, all the people have run away... I don't know how many of them were killed by those wild dogs." Shi Hualong pointed at the map and said, mentioning Hu Bing, this guy was a little distracted, because he was very

Hate Hu Bing, everyone in Wagangzhai hates Hu Bing.

"Division Commander, it is said that the Hu soldiers did not seem to kill many people this time..." Meng Lianggon read the battle report when he handed over the troops in Jinzhou, which contained battle damage records.

"Hmph... Regardless of whether he killed him this time or not, they all deserve to be killed anyway. Tonight is the day they die." Shi Hualong said bitterly.

"But... the division commander, Ma Xiandi, said that we should capture as many Hu soldiers as possible. Only the living are useful for bargaining in negotiations, and the dead are worthless." Meng Lianggon had now understood Ma Hanshan's intention, and just

At the beginning, he also thought about killing one of them.

"Hmph, I don't know what the village owner is thinking. Why should he keep them and give them food and drink... Could it be that he wants to bring back Wagang Village to work as coolies? There are too many to accommodate, so we still have to kill some...

"Shi Hualong only knows that the two hundred fake Hu soldiers caught last time in the village are working very hard now. If there are hundreds more, it will be really wonderful.

"Haha, division commander...this is to be used to negotiate with Donghu...you can't just look at your Wagonzhai..." Meng Lianggon said with a smile. He felt that Shi Hualong's thinking was too narrow, why did he only think about it?

What about your Wagang Village? You should focus on the overall situation and look at the entire Dasong.

"Is it possible that I still think about the emperor? We had nothing to eat, drink or wear at the beginning. Did you think about us? Did the emperor think about us? Why should I think about him? We have nothing to do with others.

There is no salary to help you fight the war, so why don't we just ask a few prisoners to work?" Shi Hualong felt that his reasoning was very reasonable. Meng Lianggon heard this and was speechless. He was right. At the beginning,

They were about to starve to death. Who thought about them?

Although Meng Lianggon also grew up under the "sage" idea of ​​monarch, minister, father and son, he was still different from his fathers. Although he was still framed by the concept of monarch, minister, father and son, he also believed that no one should suffer from hunger.

The poor and all the people should have a chance to survive. Why do those scholar-officials occupy so much wealth and resources without having to work? This is so unfair.

"Okay, let your village leaders think about this issue. What we have to do now is how to take down these Hu soldiers. You continue to say... Do we need to enter the small village on the other side of the mountain first?" After a moment of silence, Meng

Liang Gong asked.

"Yes, over this mountain is the small village. The mountain opposite the village is the mountain to the east of Raofengguan. It seems to be called Raofengling... This mountain runs northeast to southwest. Wait a minute

We first sneaked into the small village on the other side of the mountain to hide, and then after dark, we climbed up to Raofengling and walked south from the mountain... that is, walking back. Oh, I was the one who led my people back from the top of this mountain...

You take your people... cross the valley and climb to the opposite mountain, and also go south..." Shi Hualong said as he drew arrows on the sketch to mark the marching route, and also wrote some text marks in some places, such as what

Which position should be reached in time and so on.

These are all taught by Ma Hanshan. Although they are very basic things, in this world, they are very advanced concepts. At the very least, Meng Lianggon, who is said to be familiar with military literature, has never learned such things.

"What are we going to do in the mountains?" When Meng Lianggon first met Shi Hualong, he thought that the peasant-like "division commander" was a rough guy, and he wanted to fight with him, so he doubted his ability, but

Now...he has changed his mind.

"After you arrive at the position, wait quietly... Note that when you wait quietly, you cannot detect any sound, and you must not let the enemy find it. If anyone disobeys the order, he will be punished on the spot." Master Hualong said in a deep voice. Suddenly, Meng Lianggon felt this

The guy who looked like a farmer uncle began to exude that frightening murderous aura again.

"Hmm...then what?" Meng Lianggon felt that he was now the leader of Shi Hualong's team.

"Then, when you wait for my signal and see the red fireworks, you light torches and shout in unison... Have you seen those buckets of fire water? Do you know how to make torches? My people have scouted and there are bamboos in the small village.

, after climbing over there, chop bamboo to make a torch... When you see me sending out blue fireworks, you lead people to rush down. Listen carefully, you can't let go of any Hu soldiers, not even one. If you guard the west slope from

If a Hu soldier is taken away, I will ask you for it." Shi Hualong said very seriously, without any intention of joking. Meng Lianggon felt uneasy again. The opponent's force is ten times his own. Why don't they let one go? Maybe?


However, he saw that Shi Hualong's face was full of confidence, as if this was not worth mentioning at all.

"Well, I understand..." Meng Lianggon nodded and said, "That's all we do? Don't we need to... fight with Hugou?"

"No need... It's not easy for you to do what I arranged... By the way, how did you contact the gatekeepers? The gatekeepers, after entering the dark side, must start to interfere with Hu Bing to attract their attention...

..." Shi Hualong thought for a moment and then said, "By the way, can you march at night? No torches are allowed..."

This is a big problem. Soldiers in this era have never been trained to march in the dark. What should they do?

"This... is a bit troublesome..." If it were him, Meng Lianggon thought it would be fine, but with two soldiers...

"Captain Liu is...coming...to march at night. You lead ten people and hold search lights to guide Mr. Meng and others..." Shi Hualong was actually prepared.

The so-called search light is a square-shaded wind lamp with light in only one direction. The four-direction lampshade, only one direction is transparent, and the other three direction lampshades are mirrors... This kind of lamp is very suitable because it only has light all the time.

This kind of action.

This chapter has been completed!
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