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Chapter 191: The Village Master's Plan

In a canyon that is only tens of feet at its narrowest point and only a hundred feet at its widest point, thousands of people and horses are running around in fear in the dark night. If they are not trampled to death, they will be killed by their companions, because at this time,

Instinctively, people or others who are close to them will be considered in danger. As long as they think they are in danger, they will instinctively thrust out the sword and gun in their hands.

Therefore, the situation in the canyon outside Raofeng Pass can be described as tragic... or should be said to be very tragic.

Anyone who has driven a flock of ducks or a flock of sheep must have seen a group of frightened ducks or a group of sheep. What happens to a group of ducks or a group of sheep after being frightened? They will not pay attention to what is in front of them.

Whether it's a single-plank bridge or a hanging bank, they will follow the one in front. Even if they fall to death, they will "never look back".

Holding torches, riding horses, and carrying sharp knives and spears, they were ready to go out and kill the soldiers guarding the pass. When they arrived at the original camp of the Hu soldiers, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

The strong smell of blood, the strange smell of burning hair and flesh is nauseating, and there is... a thick layer of mud on the ground... no, it's meat...


Some people couldn't bear it and started vomiting, and then as if it was contagious, many soldiers started vomiting.

Those Song soldiers who didn't vomit were in a daze looking at the tragic situation at the scene. What kind of tactics is this... is... what turned these Hu army camps into slaughterhouses.

They were at the city gate at the pass just now. Although they saw the flames shooting into the sky and heard the continuous explosions, the situation they imagined in their minds was completely different from the situation on the scene.

In fact, whether they are Hu Bing or Song Bing, as long as they are veterans, they must have seen fire attacks and used gunpowder. Even if they have not personally used it, they must have seen it. However, their past fire attacks mostly used vegetable oil.

, animal oil... In short, it was done with common oils, but it is absolutely impossible for those oils to burn people like this. And the sound of their explosions, they always thought it was something like a thunder bomb, but the situation at the scene now tells

They, it was definitely not a thunderbolt bomb, because the "crater" they saw on the ground was definitely not something that could be exploded by a thunderbolt bomb.

"Send the order, the horse soldiers will continue to chase and kill the fleeing thieves, and the infantry behind will take in the prisoners, treat the slightly injured, seriously injured...send them a ride." The guarding general woke up from the shock and ordered.

In this era, population is actually wealth. Northern Mongolia often launches invasions against surrounding tribes or small countries. In fact, the purpose is to rob young men, women and food. For them, other things are secondary.

Of course Dasong has a large population, but the vanguard officer who exterminated the captives had given him an order to capture as many Hu soldiers as possible. Those who were slightly injured were not to be killed but were treated. However, those who were seriously injured were to be sent away decisively. This

All kinds of medical treatments are a waste of medicine. Dasong does not have so much food and medicine for them to consume, and there is no manpower to take care of them.

Such a strange order was certainly not Meng Lianggon's original intention, but that of his wise brother Ma Hanshan.

As far as Mahanshan is concerned, the number of young people is not large, no matter how large it is, but those cripples with broken limbs and half-lived dogs must have a compassionate heart and give them a ride without any hesitation.

They suffered in this world.

Boom boom.

There was an explosion again, but this time the explosion was different from the one when we attacked Hu Bing's camp. The explosion was louder and duller. The infantry standing on the ground actually felt the ground shaking a little...

"Come on... follow me and kill the thief..." the guard raised his sword and shouted.


All the soldiers shouted in unison and rode their horses to pursue him outside the pass.

However, they were disappointed. Their dream that they thought they could finally kill each other today was shattered.

Because, they found that along the way, those Hu soldiers who had not escaped all raised their weapons and stakes and kneeled in the sea of ​​​​blood in the mountain of corpses to surrender. Their eyes were full of horror, and they stared blankly at the pool of flesh and blood next to them... Maybe that

It’s the companion I drank with last night….

Da Song is peace-loving, humane, and advocates human rights. The most important thing is that Song people are all disciples of saints and practice kindness. Therefore, Song troops will never kill prisoners. This is known to soldiers from all over the world.

Yes, fight against Song Jun. If you can't defeat him, raise your weapon and kneel down. You will definitely survive.

However, perhaps because of the saint's benevolent thinking, the people of the Central Plains were always bullied by their neighboring countries, whether they were rich or powerful or weak. Because all the Di Yi and Southern Barbarians knew that they could win if they invaded the Central Plains.

Looting countless people, land and wealth, if you lose, just kneel down and surrender. You won't die anyway, so what are you afraid of?

There were explosions every moment in front, but Hu Bing couldn't feel it anymore. In fact, they were frightened to death. The more they were frightened, the more they would become numb.

Five or six miles away from Raofeng Pass, the last line of Wagonshan militiamen ambushed. Shi Hualong still attached great importance to this last pass. He put seventy or eighty people here, seven of them with the strongest individual combat effectiveness.

Eighty people.

These dozens of people are responsible for collecting the war horses escaping along the canyon, and intercepting the fish that escape the north. Although there have been many ambushes before, there are so many thousands of people, and the militiamen enter the scene and fight directly without using blades.

, it is inevitable that there will be some who are unwilling to surrender and are not afraid of death and will slip through the net.

In the end, seventy or eighty people were intercepted, and 50 people were left behind by firing mines on the way. In fact, Shi Hualong only took more than a hundred people to attack thousands of Hu soldiers.

Just over a hundred people turned Hu Jun's camp into a Shura field. If Hu Jun knew the truth, would he go crazy... No, he wouldn't go crazy, but he might hang himself in shame.

This is a very classic special battle. When the news gets out tomorrow, it will definitely shock the world.

Of course, the disappearance that is reported tomorrow is not that the three hundred militiamen of Wagangzhai defeated thousands of Hu soldiers, but that Dasong's vanguard officer who exterminated the captives led two hundred border troops to defeat thousands of Hu soldiers who invaded Dasong.

However, this kind of news can fool ordinary people at the lowest level. People in the circle or in the military will definitely not believe it, because everyone in the world knows what Dasong's border guards are.

Therefore, it will definitely not take long for the truth to be discovered by those who are interested.

However, for Ma Hanshan, it doesn't matter if he knows him in the future, he doesn't have to admit it.

"Captain Wan, how is the situation? Did the barbarians escape? Are the brothers injured?" Shi Hua led the raiders to the last ambush point.

"Report to the commander, I seriously protest. Our individual soldiers are the strongest, but you let us fight mosquitoes and catch horses here. I...I will sue you to my superiors..." The company commander guarding this ambush point has been captured.

The militiamen below have been scolding me all night. They can't get the task of participating in the war. What's the use of your company commander?

"Shut up, go back and copy "Modern Special Operations" fifty times." Shi Hualong shouted with a glaring look.

The so-called "Modern Special Operations" was of course written by Ma Hanshan. The whole book is only tens of thousands of words, and it is all composed of various battle cases he had seen in his previous life, and then pieced together.

However, even if it is written in pieces, it is already quite powerful in this world. Because there is an unknown age gap between the combat thinking and the ordinary combat thinking in this world.

"But... Captain, you are partial, why is it that other companies have meat to eat, but this company is here to drink some leftovers..." The company commander risked his life and failed to make a killing on the front line. He felt very unhappy.


"Yes, I'm just biased. How could I leave you bastards to guard this last line of defense if I wasn't biased? Bastards, report your results." Shi Hualong shouted loudly.

"Yes, the first company of the special operations was ordered to ambush and pick up leaks in Heishui ditch. They picked up 1,100 war horses and killed 130 Hu soldiers... This company slightly injured five people and ten people were slightly injured..." The first company

The company commander's report on achievements and battle losses, and the so-called classification of minor injuries and so on, were naturally based on the standards set by Ma Hanshan. The standards set by Ma Hanshan were naturally the legal standards in his previous life.

"You bastard, what do you mean by picking up leaks? You bastard should be visiting the antique market." Hearing this, Shi Hualong kicked him and the company commander laughed and said, "Damn it, how come all the soldiers were killed?"

"Captain, there are so many ambushes in front of us, but they all ran here without fear of death. There is absolutely no possibility of being 'reinforced' by such a person, so we simply cut him down to save trouble." The first company commander said disapprovingly.

"Hmph, who told you that it's impossible to reform? As long as our village leader is here, even stones can be reformed. You bastard actually killed more than a hundred coolies in our village?" Shi Hualong raised his leg and kicked him again, scolding.

He said, "The first company commander violated battlefield discipline and was punished by copying the "Battlefield Discipline" and the "Commanders' Code" fifty times each."

"Ah!" After killing so many enemies and picking up so many war horses, it was nothing but a failure, and yet he was still punished? The first company commander held his head with one hand, pointed at the division dragon with one hand, shook his body and shouted, "Division Commander

, wait, I will definitely file a complaint against you to the village owner."

"Haha, whatever, now I order everyone to assemble, each company reports its battle losses, and then returns to the division..." Shi Hualong said with a smile.

"Captain, are we going back like this? We have consumed so much ammunition and just picked up these horses? Where are our coolies? I estimate that at least two thousand Hu soldiers surrendered and two thousand laborers." The first company commander is really not afraid of punishment.


"Do you understand or does the village leader understand? Do you think tonight's special battle is a battle plan made by someone in our division? It is a battle plan made by the village master. The village master asked us to come quietly and return quietly. Alas...

I admire the leader of the village more and more. In the real strategizing, the decisive victory is thousands of miles away. The leader of the village is in peace, but he knows Raofengguan three thousand miles away like the back of his hand, and designed this battle for us...

"Shi Hualong sighed. He was completely in awe. The leader of the village was not only great in economics, but also a genius in fighting wars. Zhuge Kongming was not so powerful in the past.

"It's the battle plan designed by the village leader... Haha, no wonder he put me on the last line of defense... Haha, okay... the village master is indeed a wise and powerful man." The company commander laughed, and Shi Hualong was speechless for a while. Damn, the village master's

The plan is still my group leader’s plan. Aren’t you always here to pick up the slack? Why are you so happy with the village leader’s plan?

Soon, the militiamen of Wagang Village gathered together, cleaned up the battlefield, and quietly left the battlefield outside Raofeng Pass with more than a thousand war horses they had "picked up".

Really come gently and leave gently, not taking away a trace of clouds...only...just taking away a few war horses...

This chapter has been completed!
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