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Chapter 204: The Owner Runs Fast

"Those two women belong to the owner of the village. They won't tell lies..." Wu Guangjie's expression suddenly changed. He originally thought that they wouldn't tell lies, but...can they really not tell lies?

They can be bribed by a village owner, but can't they be bribed by a prefect?

Wu Guangjie has no confidence. He knows very well that people who can be bribed have absolutely no loyalty at all. They only care about whose side they are on and who offers greater benefits.

"Someone is coming... someone is coming..." Wu Guangjie's face was as dark as water. After a moment of silence, he yelled for someone to come...

"Report...report to the village owner...there are...many people...surrounding...surrounding..." Wu Guangjie was stunned for a moment, and just as he spoke, why did someone come in? So many people surrounded him? Suddenly, he understood that this person came in

Zhuang Ding did not come in just after hearing his call.

Wu Guang jumped up with a roar, reached out and grabbed Zhuang Ding's chest and shouted: "What are you talking about? There are so many people."

"The village...the owner of the village...many people came outside...surrounded...our village..." Zhuang Ding gasped.


As soon as Zhuang Ding finished speaking, Gongsun Zhi stood up in a hurry and overturned the table.

"Go, hurry up and let everyone guard the gate of the village... Hurry..." Gongsun Zhi pulled Wu Guangjie's hand away and asked Zhuang Ding to pass the order and protect the village with all his strength. Anyone who dares to step into the area of ​​Zhuangzi will be killed.

Zhuang Ding left in a hurry. Gongsun Zhi pulled Wu Guangjie and said, "Master Zhuang, if my guess is correct, the people surrounding Zhuangzi must be officers and soldiers. Let's run quickly..."

"Officers and soldiers? Gongsun, are you saying that that old dog Hu Ju is taking our benefits while sending people to arrest us? It's impossible. Our informants in the city have no news at all?" Wu Guangjie

Now he is a little confused, his brain is a little weak, how could this happen?

It happened so suddenly that he couldn't wrap his head around it.

In Mingzhou City, not only each government office and department has its own people, but also the officials from top to bottom are in secret communication with me. They should tell themselves if there is any news. Even if they can't inform them, they still have their own spies in Mingzhou City.

, there are informants all over every corner, how come they have no news? With so many people dispatched, there must be some movement, right, but they can’t see it? Or... they have all been arrested?

Caught? Wu Guangjie shuddered involuntarily.

"Master of the village, I bet that the people who surrounded us are not from Mingzhou, maybe from Yuezhou, maybe from Taizhou... No matter where they are, since the government is deliberately recruiting people from other places to surround the village, they are trying to put us at risk.

In the place of death... Master of the village, if you leave the green hills behind, don't worry about running out of firewood, run quickly... go to the secret passage..." Gongsun Zhi is really a qualified think tank, he actually knows that the people surrounding Wujiazhuang are not from his house.

"But...my village..." Wu Guangjie felt dizzy. Wujiazhuang was going to be gone. This was his root.

"Master... As long as people are here, Zhuangzi will be there sooner or later... Hurry... hurry up..." Gongsun Zhi pulled Wu Guangjie and ran to the backyard. In Wu Guangjie's bedroom in the backyard, there was a secret passage leading directly to the seaside. On the seaside

, there are always two boats with water and food ready to go out to sea at any time. This is Wu Guangjie's most secret escape route. No one except himself and Gongsun Zhi knows this secret route.

"But...but my father and the others..." Although Wu Guangjie was cold-blooded, he still couldn't bear to abandon his parents, wife and children like this.

"Manager, they want to arrest you. As long as you are safe, the old manor, young man and his wife will be safe. After the manor escapes, find someone to run it. If all the manor owners are lost, then Wujiazhuang will be safe."

It's really gone." Gongsun Zhi's mind was very clear. Your uncle and Zhuangzi are all surrounded. If you stay here, you will die.

"Really? Can it still work? Do we still have money?" Wu Guangjie said as he ran, one of his shoes was missing, and he was in a state of panic.

"Of course, the village owner forgot, Jiandao, our money and food are all on Jiandao..." Gongsun Zhi kicked open the door of Wu Guangjie's room, ran to the big bed in the room and groped for a handle

, with a slight pull, there was a crash, and the big bed flipped over, revealing a dark hole.

Gongsun Zhi did not apologize anymore and jumped into the secret passage himself.

It's important to escape. Whether Wu Guangjie can make a comeback will be discussed after he escapes.

As long as they escape, it doesn't matter even if Wu Guangjie can't make a comeback. The money and food hidden on Jiandao will be enough for them to live a wealthy and happy life. As for the other people in Wujiazhuang, they can just settle down with their destiny.

Although Gongsun Zhi said that he had escaped and resumed operations, he knew in his heart that this time the officials did not use Mingzhou's Yamen agents and Mingzhou's Xiang army to round up Wujiazhuang, but used forces from other places to round up Wujiazhuang. This shows that

No matter how much money you have, it is impossible to operate people. If you are caught, death is what awaits you.

Collaboration with the enemy is an absolute capital crime.

Everyone else thought that Wu Guangjie was just colluding with pirates, but only Gongsun Zhi knew that those "pirates" were not ordinary pirates.

"Gongsun...light up the lamp...light up the lamp..." Wu Guangjie saw Gongsun Zhi jumping into the secret passage. He hesitated for a moment and jumped in too. He touched a mechanism control at the entrance and turned it. The big bed rolled over.

After a few noises, it returned to its original state. The secret passage was as dark as ink, and you couldn't see your fingers.

Gongsun Zhi took out a lighter and lit it with a ding. He took a wind lamp from the wall and lit it. The light immediately illuminated the secret passage.

Tsk, these lighters and lanterns are so convenient. That guy named Ma is really a genius. He can actually come up with such a wonderful thing. Master Wu Zhuang is really wrong. He shouldn't be an enemy of such a genius.

Gongsun Zhi walked with the lantern and thought, if Wu Guangjie gave up Fan's Shipyard and did not become an enemy of Ma Hanshan, would this secret passage not be used now?

Everyone has a secret. Gongsun Zhi knew that Ma Hanshan made the lighter and the angry wind lantern. He also knew that the siege of Wujiazhuang must be related to Ma Hanshan. However, he did not tell Wu Guangjie what he knew.

, just like Wu Guangjie didn't tell him that pirates were not real pirates.

On the seaside, there are two or three huts on the wild pier, where two or three families of fishermen live. In the sea, there are several fishing boats and two medium-sized cargo ships.

The so-called wild wharf is not a formal wharf. It is very normal for a wild wharf to have several fishermen and several fishing boats. However, the strange thing is that there are two cargo ships, which does not match.

What's even more strange is that the fishing boats don't seem to go out to sea for fishing. The boats are broken and they will never be able to go to sea...

A thoughtful person can spot the problems with this wild pier at a glance.

The people from the Wagangzhai Social Investigation Bureau are certainly thoughtful people.

Although there are not many people in the newly established Social Investigation Bureau liaison station in Mingzhou, they are all capable members brought by Chen Heizai from Lin'an. Of course, they can see that this wild dock is different.

So, I don’t know when there was a small boat not far from the dock. There were two security guards and an agent from the Social Investigation Bureau on the boat... Well, it was just a detailed operation.

They saw the strange ships that suddenly appeared in the evening, and of course they also saw the people who got off the ships. Of course they also knew what these people were doing. They had been on this island to monitor Wujiazhuang for two days, and they were waiting for these people.



The bottom of the bed in the hut in the middle of the wild dock suddenly opened automatically, and a hole appeared with a light in the hole.

"Who?" The "fisherman" who was sleeping on the bed shouted and sat up from the bed. At the same time, he already held a sharp short knife in his hand.

"Asshole, who can come out from here?" Wu Guangjie's voice came from the cave.

"Ah, owner?" The "fisherman" on the bed jumped out of the bed, stretched out his hand, and the entire bed slid to one side.

Something happened... If something hadn't happened, the village owner wouldn't have come out from here... The "fisherman" thought to himself as he lit the lamp and took out several machetes and a baggage from the corner.

Gongsun Zhi and Wu Guangjie came out of the cave and were very satisfied to see that the "fishermen" were ready.

"Master, I'll call them..." said the "fisherman".

"Wait a moment and ask two people to drive the boat. The others will stay and continue to live as usual." Gongsun Zhi said to the "fishermen".

"Okay, Mr. Gongsun." The "fisherman" responded and left.

After a while, three "fishermen" led Wu Guangjie and Gongsun Zhi towards the dock...

"Look... there's some movement... there's some movement, Lao Liu, here's our chance to make a meritorious deed. Unexpectedly, we have the chance to make a meritorious deed so soon." The person on the small boat behind the reef not far from the dock said excitedly.

"Shh, be quiet..."

"Lao Liu, why don't we take action?"

"Can the three of us defeat them? There are quite a few of them."

"What are you afraid of? If you can't beat them, blow them up."

"Idiot, the main thing in the village is the living people."

"Don't make any noise, check your weapons, and then follow quietly."

"Follow up?"

"Yes, they dared to go out to sea in the dark, and their hiding place must be not far away, maybe on a small island."

"Dare our little boat go out to sea?"

"What are you afraid of? If they move, follow them..."

The so-called Jiandao is actually a name randomly given by Wu Guangjie. It is located in Changguo County, which is fifty or sixty miles east of Haizhongzhou.

This is an uninhabited island with an elongated shape. Wu Guangjie discovered that there was fresh water on the island, so he built a secret treasure cave on the island.

The treasure cave is very hidden. The entrance is in a half-submerged cave. This cave is hidden in the water. Normally, only one-third of the cave entrance is exposed to the water. Only when the tide is low, the entire cave entrance is exposed. Therefore, even if someone comes from the island

While passing by, it is impossible to discover that there is another cave in the cave.

The cave not only contains gold, silver and jewelry, but also all daily necessities and food. The food stored is enough for a dozen people to live here for two months.

"Master, wait until the tide goes out..." Wu Guangjie's boat arrived at Jian Island.

"How long will it take for the tide to recede?" Wu Guangjie asked.

"It will take another three hours." Gongsun Zhi looked at the sky and said, "Let's launch the boat and let's go into the cave to rest."

A lifeboat was put down on the ship. Gongsun Zhi and Wu Guangjie got off the boat and paddled into the semi-hidden cave.

The boat that sent them here sailed to an inhabited island two or three miles away from Jiandao. There were twenty or thirty families on the island, more than a hundred people, all of whom were Wu Guangjie's people. Their presence

, of course to protect Sword Island.

Not going to an inhabited island but hiding in a cave on an uninhabited island is really unexpected and cunning.

This chapter has been completed!
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