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Chapter 223: All Your Honors Are Door Dogs

At nine o'clock the next day, Shi Liyuan and Zhou Yinglong, the prime ministers of the two houses, led their deputies into the palace to see the driver. Long Guangning gave him a seat and Bi Jiyu also arrived.

Seeing that Marshal Bi also entered the palace to see him, Shi Liyuan and Zhou Yinglong both murmured in their hearts, had something serious happened? Why didn't they receive the report?

For normal reports, Zhou Yinglong should see the military report first, and Shi Liyuan should see the non-military report first. If there is no report from the two governments, it should be reported directly to the emperor, or from the Imperial City Department.


The two old guys looked at each other and found that each other's eyes were blank. They knew that the other party had not received the report. In other words, what the emperor wanted to say today was not an ordinary thing.

Of course, maybe it was something the emperor himself thought of.

"My lords, have you heard some discussions among the public recently?" Long Guangning took a sip of the fragrant tea brought by the young eunuch and glanced at the important ministers sitting on both sides.

"The emperor is referring to..." Everyone was a little confused. The emperor couldn't be bored and summoned everyone to the palace to chat.

"Discussions about the war at Raofengguan." Long Guangning picked up a memorial on the case and said, "A few days ago, the imperial city inspector reported that the people in the public scolded me as a cowardless bandit, and called the ministers a dog in the door... Everyone

Do you know what this means?"

Damn it, it’s just a matter of scolding the emperor for having no courage, but he actually scolded the emperor as a gangster. If he really wants to rebel, aren’t they afraid of beheading and annihilating the clan? If it’s just an official scolding, how can the common people be so arrogant? How unreasonable,

Those who deserve to be killed must be killed.

What made them most angry was that it was enough to scold the emperor, but why did he even scold our ministers and call us dogs? This is really unreasonable. I can't bear it and must be investigated and punished severely.

In ancient times, ever since there was a saying that the imperial censor could hear what he said, the officials and officials turned into street shrews and cursed people every day. Of course, the people they scolded included the emperor. Moreover, I don’t know when it started.

Officials are proud of daring to scold, proud of scolding harshly, and proud of scolding the emperor. It seems that the harsher the scolding, the more daring the scolding, the more loyal the emperor and the more patriotic.

Selling directly to gain fame is the favorite method used by Qingliu people.

Swearing is the prerogative of officials. When did it become the turn of the common people to speak nonsense? Therefore, several important ministers present, including Bi Jiyu, who has retired, are very angry.

"Your Majesty, the people are shameless. They lied about the emperor's etiquette and attacked the court officials. I ask the emperor to issue an order to strictly investigate and kill the people who made such lies as a way of respecting and serving the purpose." Liang Chengda, the minister of Zhongshu, stood up and saluted Long Guangning.

This Liang Chengda was a Jinshi, but he had been in politics for more than ten years without any political achievements. The reason why he climbed to this position and became rampant in the court was because he was good at flattering and being ruthless, and he acted as Shi Liyuan's pawn in the Han Qizhou incident.

He killed countless people. Shi Liyuan admired him very much. In order to strengthen his control over the three provinces, Shi Liyuan got him to serve as the minister and right servant of Zhongshu Province.

The heads of the three provinces are all prime ministers. Originally, the minister was the minister, and the minister was the minister (Pingzhangshi).

Shu Ling actually controls the three provinces, as if he is the chief governor of the three provinces, and Liang Chengda has a long history, and even rides on the head of the official officials of the other two provinces in the three provinces, as if he is the deputy governor.

Hearing someone call the officials dogs, he doesn't mind, because he often said that he is Shi Xiang's dog. But it is not okay for someone to call his master Shi Liyuan, so others are still thinking about whether what Long Guangning said is true.

When he was lying, he had already jumped out.

Long Guangning glanced at Liang Chengda who was standing in the hall, said nothing, and turned to look at Shi Liyuan, meaning, Prime Minister, take care of your dog until he squeaks?

When the emperor spoke, what he said, what kind of expression he said, etc., all have profound meanings. Some words must be answered by the ministers, some words do not need to be answered by the ministers, and some words must be put forward by the ministers.

Suggestions, some words, do not require the advice of the minister, let alone the minister's plan.

What Long Guangning said just now certainly needs to be answered by the ministers here, but it is obvious that the answer the emperor wants is not Liang Chengda's nonsense. If it is just how to deal with those who curse, the emperor needs to take it seriously.

Come out and talk to the two chiefs?

"Your Majesty, have the detectives from the Imperial City Department found out clearly why people are saying such treacherous things?" Shi Liyuan quietly glared at Liang Chengda, then stood in the palace and saluted.

"Haha, you two gentlemen, please go back and sit down and talk." Long Guangning waved his hand to signal Shi Liyuan and Liang Chengda.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Shi Liyuan and Liang Chengda returned to their seats and sat down.

"My lords, according to the report from the Imperial City Department, the reason why I and my lords are being scolded is because I and all the officials have done nothing, and the corpses have been eaten...all the monarchs and ministers have neglected their duties..." Long Guangning glanced at Shi Liyuan and Zhou Yinglong, and then

Said, "The thieves invaded our border town, Jinzhou Shiquan, for no reason. Thousands of soldiers and horses were invincible, and they reached Raofeng Pass in a short time. Fortunately, the natural dangers of Raofeng Pass stopped the thieves. Later, the famous general of our dynasty, Meng Silang, made a surprise attack.

We attacked the enemy and wiped out more than 4,000 Hu soldiers in one night. This is a great victory and the whole country celebrates it."

"But, what about after the celebration? Have you done anything?" Long Guangning glanced at the people present with a serious look, and said in a low voice, "No, you have done nothing.

Soak in the small victories….”

The emperor actually cursed people. This had never happened before. In the past, even if the emperor was angry, he would not curse people in person. At most, he would get sulky.

What Long Guangning said would be nothing in modern times, but in ancient times, when ancient people were thin-skinned, this was a very serious rebuke. Therefore, even Shi Liyuan felt that his old face was getting hot.

Bi Jiyu had actually retired from political and military affairs, but he was very ashamed after hearing these words. However, after he was ashamed, he immediately realized that the emperor was different today. The reason why the emperor said these words must be... did the emperor have something?

What are your thoughts...?

Bi Jiyu opened his cloudy old eyes, and a bright light suddenly appeared. The old general was wondering, is the emperor going to do something?

What Bi Jiyu thought about was that Long Guangning had regained the imperial power, but Shi Liyuan didn't think much about it, but he thought of an emergency thing to please the emperor.

"Your Majesty, the thief should apologize for this matter, Dasong should pay compensation to Hu Ting, and we must be high-profile and ask the lion to speak loudly." Shi Liyuan looked like he suddenly woke up.

When Shi Liyuan said this, Zhou Yinglong was a little confused. This guy always spoke on Hu Gou's side. Why did he suddenly suggest operating on Hu Gou? Could it be that he had some conspiracy?

But Liang Chengda, the loser, was confused. He didn't know whether he should follow or not. The master didn't prompt him. What kind of operation was this? This was inconsistent with the master's usual behavior. Didn't he always shy away from Dong Hu? Why?

Suddenly tough?

There are rumors in the market that Shi Liyuan is a spy placed in Dasong by the Donghu people decades ago. Liang Chengda has also heard about this rumor, and he even thinks that it is true. However, since he is a spy of the Donghu people, why now... Could it be that...

, the rumors outside are all false? Could it be that Shi Xiang is a person who loves Dasong and is loyal to the emperor?

Liang Chengda kept looking at Shi Liyuan, hoping to get a hint from his face. But no, Shi Liyuan was extremely serious now, straightening his back, sitting on half a pier, waiting for the emperor's instructions very respectfully.

"I second the proposal." Zhou Yinglong, who had been silent until now, spoke up.

Shi Liyuan's hand stretched out very long. Although he has not yet completely controlled the Privy Council, this old man has already mixed many of his people in the Privy Council. The Privy Council is basically under his control. In the court, Shi Liyuan is constantly sniping at Zhou Yinglong.

He often used the ministers he controlled to "besiege" the Privy Council. Therefore, Zhou Yinglong regarded Shi Liyuan as his enemy. The two had never seconded each other's ideas. The best situation was to not obstruct or disrupt the situation, but now Zhou Yinglong actually seconded Shi Liyuan.

's advice.

It was really unprecedented, and everyone was surprised.

Zhou Yinglong seconded the proposal entirely out of national considerations.

Donghu invaded the south for no reason. Although Hu Ting had sent envoys to explain that the action was not Hu Ting's intention, and dealt with a group of ministers. But who knows whether what the Hu people said was true or false? Besides, whether it was Hu Ting's intention or the people below him privately

These actions have hurt Dasong and caused spiritual and material losses to Dasong.

Therefore, Donghu should apologize and compensate, and must not let the matter go unnoticed.

Haha, if it had been a few decades ago, Donghu would never have just sent an envoy to explain, let alone apologize. Maybe, Donghu would have used this to directly send his troops south.

But it's different now. Dong Hu no longer has such ability.

This was a good opportunity, so Zhou Yinglong seconded Shi Liyuan's suggestion.

"Okay...Okay...Haha, the thief is disgusting. Our government must let the world know that the thief violated the border for no reason. It is absolutely impossible to just let it go. The thief must apologize and compensate." Long Guangning showed his long face,

He didn't expect that Shi Liyuan actually had the same idea as Ma Hanshan.

No one could figure out why Shi Liyuan would make such a suggestion, and Long Guangning didn't understand either. However, it didn't matter whether he understood it or not. If someone put it forward, the purpose had been achieved, so Long Guangning was very happy.

"Your Majesty, a lot of time has passed since the Battle of Raofengguan, so this matter needs to be dealt with urgently." Zhou Yinglong stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I suggest that we send an envoy to Donghu immediately to put forward our request."

"The Prime Minister is right, this matter should be handled quickly. Your Majesty, I recommend Tiezui Imperial Envoy Zhongcheng Li Zhixiao to envoy Hu. Li Zhongcheng is eloquent and has a voice as loud as a bell. Moreover, the learned Li Zhongcheng has studied Hu Shihu

It can be said that he knows Hu very well, so that Hu Dingke can enhance the prestige of our country." In return, Shi Liyuan also seconded Zhou Yinglong's proposal, but he rushed to recommend his own people as envoys.

As long as the mission is successful, you will be rewarded when you come back, such as promotion and salary increase. The key is that you can control the risks when you go on an mission by yourself. Therefore, Shi Liyuan hurriedly grabbed this job.

Just as Long Guangning was about to nod his head, the old commander Bi Jiyu spoke.

"Your Majesty, I believe that the suggestions from Prime Minister Zhou and Shi are very necessary and very appropriate. However, Dong Hu is used to being arrogant and thinks that his strength is still the same as before. If there is no other action to cooperate and he just sends an envoy to make a request, the thieves may not be able to do it.

Submit." Bi Jiyu paused and said, "So, the old minister suggested that while using Hu, we should also use Meng and make military preparations."

This chapter has been completed!
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