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Chapter 230: Intent

"Ma, what do you want to do?" Hu Ju was really afraid. What did this kid want to do? A businessman actually wanted to interfere with the government?

"What don't you want to do? I am a small businessman. In the eyes of you scholars, I am no different from a pariah. What can I do?" Ma Hanshan said with a smile, "However, I think if Mr. Hu makes such a discount,

, the emperor will definitely be happy. Mr. Hu, you have been an official for so long and you still don’t understand? If you want to be promoted quickly and become a big official, then do what the emperor likes."

What does the emperor like now? Condemn Dong Hu, unite with Mongolia to destroy Hu?

But how can a small businessman understand this?

Hu Ju began to carefully examine the older child Ma Hanshan. Well, he is no longer a child in this world. The legal age for marriage in Dasong is sixteen for men and fifteen for women. Ma Hanshan is now an adult.

"You must have some conspiracy. If you don't explain it clearly, don't expect me to do anything." Hu Ju said seriously.

"Haha, Mr. Hu, it's you people who say there is a conspiracy. What conspiracy can a merchant like me have?" Ma Hanshan said lightly, "Since Mr. Hu is not willing, I won't force it."

You don't force yourself? It's not like this bastard.

Hu Ju was surprised again when Ma Hanshan didn't force himself. He didn't believe that Ma Hanshan could be so easy to talk to, so why didn't he force himself?

"You...what do you want to do?" Hu Ju really couldn't figure out what this bastard wanted to do.

"Master Hu, since you don't want to, please come back." Ma Hanshan actually wanted to see the guest off. Hu Ju stood up dubiously, and just as he walked out, Ma Hanshan said, "Oh, Master Hu, wait a moment, help me by the way."

Bring something back to your master."

"Would you like to bring it to me?" Hu Ju was surprised.

"No, bring it to Brother Bucai." Ma Hanshan took out a sign and a brochure from the cabinet and handed it to Hu Ju. "Brother Buwei is a shareholder of our advertising company. This shareholder certificate and shareholder nameplate should have been overdue a long time ago."

I gave it to him, I’ve been in Mingzhou, so... I’m sorry to bother Mr. Hu, but I can take it back with me by the way.”

"Not talented? Advertising company? What the hell are you talking about? What the hell are shareholders?" Hu Ju was completely confused. Why did his youngest son get involved with such a bastard?

"Advertising companies are... oh, how can I explain it to you? To put it simply, they are trading companies that use various methods to advertise other people's products, people and events... We in the science department call you trading companies, chambers of commerce, etc.

Such business groups are called companies." Ma Hanshan scratched his head and explained reluctantly.

"Um, it's so complicated... Why did my son get involved with you again? Ma, I'm warning you, you can manipulate me, but if you mess with my family, I will never let you go. At worst, you will fight to the death.

Hu Ju said bitterly.

What Hu Ju was thinking was that Ma Hanshan was digging a hole for him, and this little bastard wanted to completely drag him down.

Therefore, he was very angry and his whole body was shaking with anger.

Haha, Ma Hanshan is not trying to drag him into trouble, he is just telling him that it is best to be obedient, otherwise, the hat on his head will be taken off in minutes.

Ma Hanshan smiled and said: "Mr. Hu, you are overthinking. Although I am the largest shareholder of this advertising company, I only hold 30% of the shares. The other shares are owned by Brother Bucai, Brother Yu, and Brother Shouguang.

, Brother Chunlai and other brothers, oh, Uncle Yang is also a shareholder of the advertising company. Mr. Hu, don’t underestimate this advertising company, it will become the most powerful company in Dasong, and the shareholders are all big

Where are the pillars of the future?"

Yes, they are all pillars, and they are all second-generation officials. This company is really powerful, so powerful that Hu Ju’s hands and feet get cold just listening to it.

"Yuzhi...but Shi Sanlang? Does Shi Xiang know?" Hu Ju stuttered. What is this little bastard doing? How could he attract so many officials' children...

"Haha, he said he was Shi Sanlang, but Shi Songzhi said he was Si Lang. I couldn't figure it out either. However, when I went to the Shi Xiang's house for dinner, I, the Shi Xiang, also called him San Lang." Ma Hanshan told Hu Ju calmly,

Not only was I familiar with Shi Yuzhi, I had also been to Shi Xiang's house and had dinner with him.

People who know Shi Xiang are no longer ordinary people. Those who know Shi Xiang are related to historians. People who can go to historians are not ordinary people. People who can eat at the same table as historians have a very special relationship with historians.

Generally speaking, no one who is not close to him would have the opportunity to have dinner with Shi Xiang at home.

Eating is an art as well as a philosophy. People who understand it can see many things from eating. For example, when a man and a woman eat out, if the man not only shows intimacy and attentiveness at the table, but also rushes to pay the bill after finishing the meal.

, it means that the man is pursuing the woman and has not succeeded yet. If a man and a woman go out to eat, although the man is very diligent, he no longer has that intimate relationship. After the woman pays the bill, the two are not husband and wife, but they are also discussing marriage.

Married. If in the above situation, the man is very polite, hard-working, rushes to pay the bills, and even lets the woman walk, it goes without saying that the woman is his boss, superior or customer...

This really scared Hu Ju. He didn't expect that this guy named Ma had such a close relationship with the Shi family.u





Of course, at the same time, he felt at ease. This bastard had such a close relationship with the Shi family. There shouldn't be any danger if his son got involved with him. If there was danger, would Shi Xiang let Shi Sanlang fool around with him?

After Hu Ju felt at ease, he thought more. Could it be the intention of the Prime Minister for this bastard to ask him to submit a memorial?

No, if it was what Shi Xiang wanted, he could just tell him directly.

Hu Ju felt that it could not be what Shi Xiang meant, but he soon found a reason to think that it was Shi Xiang's meaning, because the government and the public were now spreading rumors that Shi Xiang was powerful and had unruly behavior. Therefore, Shi Xiang had been keeping a low profile recently.

, Rumor has it that he has seconded or pretended not to know about many things suggested by the military attaché a while ago... , Prime Minister Shi is deliberately keeping a low profile?

"Mazhai Master, are you really not going to harm me?" Hu Ju had already made up his mind. No matter whether this was Shi Xiang's intention or not, it didn't matter even if Shi Xiang didn't know about it. Since Shi Sanlang was hanging out with this bastard,

Even if something happened, Shi Xiang wouldn't be able to ignore it.

"Master Hu, Ma is a money-giving boy who specializes in giving you official posts and money. How could he harm you?" Ma Hanshan smiled and stuffed Hu Bucai's shareholder certificate and a copy of "Songfeng News" into Hu Ju's pocket.

in hand.

Hu Ju accepted the offer. He determined that if this guy got mixed up with Shi Yuzhi, it would definitely not be detrimental to the historian. As long as it was not detrimental to the historian, everything else would be trivial.

"What is this? Songfeng newspaper? This is the Di newspaper? You bastard actually publishes the Di newspaper. You want to die." Hu Ju opened it and was shocked again.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Hu, what are you talking about? This is a newspaper, not a Dibao, but a private newspaper. This is the first issue of Songfeng Newspaper. Recently, it will be every three days, and it should be every ten days in the future.

." Ma Hanshan opened the newspaper, pointed to the small characters under the three words "Song Feng Bao" and said, "Mr. Hu, please see clearly, this was approved by the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Work. The two prefectures, three departments and six ministries, as well as the palace, now read "Song Feng Bao"

Where is the Wind Report?"

Did the palace also read it? If it is true, does it mean that the emperor has approved this newspaper? Is it true or false? Who is this bastard? Even the palace... Oh, I understand, this newspaper says, "Ode"

Feng Bao is a subsidiary of an advertising company, so Yang Xianshan must have established connections in the palace.

Hu Ju really didn't think wrong. Although Long Guangning agreed to Ma Hanshan's publication of "Song of the Wind", in terms of procedures, he still asked Ma Hanshan to send Yang Xianshan to the palace and the six departments.

The emperor's brother-in-law came forward, so of course no one said anything. Anyway, the palace had already agreed, and the six volumes would be released just like others even if they didn't agree.

"What kind of things are printed in this Fengfeng newspaper?" Since it was approved by the palace, Hu Ju felt relieved and started to care about the contents of the newspaper.

"There are several sections, including international affairs, local customs, laws and regulations, poetry and songs... Sir, please read, this issue mainly writes about the victory of Raofengguan, the denunciation of Donghu, etc." Ma Hanshan said with a smile.


"Okay, I will take it back and read it slowly. From now on, I will give you a copy of each issue." Hu Ju said while collecting the things.

"Okay, officials above the fourth rank will be free for one month, officials below the fourth rank will be free for two months, and ordinary people will receive newspapers for shopping." Ma Hanshan said with a smile.

You are older than your father, you bastards, you are high-ranking and well-paid, but you still want to take advantage of me? Just dream, what I will do in the future is to try my best to take money from you old bastards.

"You..." Hu Ju was speechless, put away his things and left in a hurry.

The next day, Hu Ju followed Ma Hanshan's wishes and submitted the memorial. After Long Guangning received the memorial, he sighed in his heart again, that boy is really a monster. He actually arranged something like this for what he thought was very troublesome. Moreover, let

It's really remarkable that the two opposing factions in the DPRK either agreed or kept silent.

In fact, this is not a big deal. Ma Hanshan just took advantage of the psychology of hundreds of officials. The people who presented the memorial were all people from the Shi Party, and those who were sent as envoys to Hu and Meng were also people from the Shi Party. Moreover, the envoys were

The purpose is the alliance with Mongolia proposed by the Party of History. What else do they have to object to?

The other faction is already weak, and they are willing to seek compensation from Donghu. As for the idea of ​​uniting with Mongolia to destroy Hu, many people in the Northern Expedition faction think it is feasible. Therefore, they naturally will not say anything, so, because

Both the DPRK and the Central Government were busy with envoys, but no one noticed that the Forbidden Army had "disbanded" thousands of soldiers. Where did the "disbanded" soldiers go? Of course they went quietly to Chengzhou, and they will become the first batch of Dasong's new army.

A division of warriors.

In this way, the new army was quietly established amidst the busy business of envoys. The officials in the court and the two factions who had been quarreling all thought that their intentions had finally been achieved this time, but they did not know that they all agreed with Long Zhen.

Quang Ninh’s intention.

The envoys in the court were sent out, the people who surrendered to the army surrendered, and all the officials were quiet, but Ma Hanshan became busy again.

Ma Hanshan met with Zhang Zi, Shen Wuwan, Sixingfang and Wang Zhitan who came from Wagangzhai to hold a meeting. The topic was naturally the changes in the Wagangzhai products they were selling and acting as agents.

This chapter has been completed!
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