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Chapter 237: Hu Huang Wanyan Yan

Wanyan Xun sat on the dragon chair, and on both sides of the hall sat Wanyan Shouxu, the official of the main palace, Wanyan Chenshang, the privy envoy, Zhang Tiangang and Wanyan Chenghui, the left and right ministers of the Shangshu Province, and Miao Daorun, the deputy privy envoy and the marshal of the capital.

Wanyanxun had already told him about his current predicament twice, but these close ministers still looked sad and did not provide him with any advice.

As a last resort, Wanyanxun had no choice but to ask questions by name. The first person he asked was Miao Daorun, a minister of the Han Dynasty.

"Miao Qing's family is Han, and Dasong is an old minister. What do you think of Dasong's massive denunciation and demand for compensation? This matter has been fermenting between the two countries for more than a month. If it is not dealt with, it may lead to chaos.

"Wan Yanxuan looked at Miao Daorun and said.

Among the imperial officials and local officials at all levels in the East Hu Dynasty, there were many Han ministers who praised their old ministers. However, in the court, the only ones who became Wanyan Xun's confidants were Miao Daorun and Zhang Tiangang. This is an honor, and it is also

A kind of pressure.

The reason why Miao Daorun became Wanyanxun's confidant is different from Zhang Tiangang. Zhang Tiangang gained Hu Huang's appreciation and trust by specifically giving Hu Ting ideas to harm Song Dynasty. But Miao Daorun was because he was a

Counter rebellion and conquer famous generals.

It has been a hundred years since Hu Ting ruled half of the country, and the indigenous people have gradually acquiesced in the Hu people's rule. However, due to the emptiness of the national treasury in recent years, the increasing taxes, and the behavior of local officials scraping the ground, many people have been forced to

Rebelled. Of course, it was not just the Han who were forced to rebel, even the Hu people also rebelled. For example, Yelu Ge, the king of Eastern Liao who rebelled against the Hu and proclaimed himself king, was not a Han.

In recent years, there have been rebels against Hu Ting in the southeast, northwest and northwest. The ones in the south are mainly Han people, while the majority of Hu people are in the north. Miao Daorun led the troops to suppress the rebellion, and successively wiped out the rebels in Xijing Road, Hebei Road and other places.

, he also led troops to conquer the Xixia and resisted the attacks of Northern Mongolia. Miao Daorun was actually a Confucian general, but he was rigorous in running the army, used soldiers like a god, loved his soldiers like his sons, and not only the rebels were frightened when the soldiers pointed at him.

North of the Bianjing line, Miao Daorun's reputation was very high. It is said that it was mainly because his soldiers and horses never harmed the people.

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen has always been obsessed with military affairs and rarely interferes with political affairs, especially international affairs. But based on Wei Chen's understanding of the Song Dynasty, they may just want face." Miao Daorun thought for a moment and said.

Of course it's not that he doesn't understand, he just doesn't want to say too much. As a Hanchen, it's really difficult not to say too much but also to say nothing.

"Face? Qing family, what does this mean?" Wanyanxuan and others didn't understand, so they all looked at Miao Daorun.

"Your Majesty, I believe that all parties in the Jingzhao Prefecture who secretly sent troops south should be severely punished, and then send envoys to apologize to the Song Dynasty. As for actual compensation, I believe that only a symbolic payment of some silver grain is enough." Miao said.

Run's poem was based on Hu Ting's actual situation. He believed that Dasong was just a matter of saving face.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say." Zhang Tiangang jumped out.

This guy likes to be different from other Han officials and likes to trick Song Chao to please the Hu people.

"Oh? The Zhang Qing family has also thought of a way to share their worries with me? Come quickly." Wan Yanxuan glanced at him and said, feeling a little unhappy, bastard, you didn't say anything when I asked him twice just now, and now Miao Daorun

I came up with an idea, and you're talking nonsense again.

"Your Majesty, I believe that Song Chao Qiyan must not be tolerated. I believe that the border conflict is not entirely the fault of our border troops. As the saying goes, a slap can't make a difference. Our border troops are also highly disciplined. How could there be no Privy Council?

They rashly went south after receiving an imperial edict from the Ministry of War, the General's Office or the Emperor? Now all the soldiers of our dynasty will be captured or killed by Song Dynasty. The real reason may have been covered up by Song Dynasty. I think that we should first claim back our border with Song Dynasty.

Army, we can discuss other matters after we find out the whole story." Zhang Tiangang's words shocked everyone in the palace, and even Wanyan Xun felt that he was extremely shameless.

Haha, if Zhang Tiangang's words were placed in modern times, people would not be surprised at all. After all, there is an ugly country in modern times that specializes in such shameless things as calling deer a horse, spreading rumors and smearing people, and spreading lies.

"Zhang Qing...what you said...is feasible? How can I...Qing handle it?" Wan Yanxu looked at Zhang Gang and said.

"Your Majesty, this matter... Han Chen can't handle it. It has to be done by Hu Chen." Haha, this guy doesn't dare to show off, because it's too shameless and it's impossible to get it done.

"Zhang Tiangang, you despicable and shameless villain, do you want the Pope to come to me and let the world scold you for being shameless? Get out, get out." Haha, the emperor didn't even let him get out, who was so bold to ask Zhang Tiangang to get out?

Others really don't dare, but there is someone who dares. He is Wanyan Xun's younger brother and half-brother Wanyan Shouxu.

Wanyanxuan knew that Zhang Tiangang just wanted to win power for Hu Ting and send praise to the court. He did not intend for the world to scold him or Hu Ting. Therefore, he knew that this was a shameless strategy and could not be realized, but he did not scold him.

He, but Wanyan Shouxu couldn't help it.

Why is this imperial uncle so awesome that he dares to scold ministers in front of the emperor? Although he is not a court official, he is the most powerful person in Hu Ting besides Wanyan Xun.

Why is a person who is not a court official so powerful? Because he controls the Zongzheng Mansion. What does Zongzheng Mansion do? It is to manage the emperor's relatives. Hu Ting's people and the emperor's relatives are not afraid of Yushitai.

Dali Temple is not afraid of the Ministry of Punishment. However, it is absolutely afraid of the Zongzheng Mansion, because the Zongzheng Mansion can take advantage of them at any time without any reason or evidence. For example, if Wanyan Shouxu doesn't like anyone, he can just say something about someone who doesn't respect his respect.

Give him a good beating.

Although the relatives of the emperor did not serve in important departments and agencies in the court, they were relatives of the emperor, so they naturally had great power. However, Wanyan Shouxu was able to control these relatives of the emperor who held great power, which shows that his power was

How terrible.

The emperor's relatives are afraid of him, and the court officials are also afraid of him, because he also helps the emperor control his own institution, the computer speed room.

What is this computer speed room? Simply put, it is an institution directly controlled by the emperor like the Imperial City Division.

Why did Wanyanxun let Wanyan Shouxu help him manage the computer speed room? This is his own direct management organization.

Because Wanyanxuan believed in him.

This kind of thing has never happened in all dynasties. Historically, emperors have been unwilling to hand over power institutions and departments to the control of people in the royal family. Because people in the royal family are the easiest people to seize the throne. Just think about it.

It's disturbing. If a member of the royal family who controls the real power department has a different intention, wouldn't it be easy to seize the throne?

But Wanyan Xuan believed in Wanyan Shouxu, because the late emperor, his uncle, originally intended to pass the throne to Wanyan Shouxu, but Wanyan Shouxu gave it to him. Another reason is that this younger brother also adopted a

Give him an extremely smart daughter.

The throne was given to others, and he could take it back if he wanted it, so Wanyan Xuan could rest assured and handed over both the machine room and the Zongzheng Mansion to Wanyan Shouxu. Fortunately, Wanyan Shouxu enforced the law strictly and managed a group of royal relatives who were causing harm to the country and the people.

Sufang had another great harvest, otherwise Hu Ting would have declined even faster.

"Your Majesty...Your Majesty...I will die...but I..." Zhang Tiangang was also very afraid of this imperial uncle.

"Zhang Qing, please return to work." Wan Yanxuan waved her hand and said.

Zhang Tiangang lowered his head and returned to his seat, with no sadness on his face. He knew very well that the emperor needed him.

Wanyan Xun glanced at Wanyan Chenghui and Wanyan Chen Shang and said, "Don't you two have any good ideas?"

"Your Majesty, I heard that the envoy Song Chao was confused." Privy Councilor Wanyan Chen Shang suddenly said.

"Hmph, Song Chao is really embarrassed. He actually took the initiative to leave our Northern Barbarian territory." Zhang Tiangang whispered disdainfully, "They are just making this gesture to put pressure on our Chao. Northern Mongolia may not cooperate with them."

"Your Majesty, the latest news from the Machinery Room is that Song Chao's team on an envoy to Northern Mongolia traveled all the way westward, less than a hundred miles a day, and it took them more than twenty days to reach Xiangfan. It is obvious that they are here for Li Zhixiao, who is on an envoy to our dynasty.

To build momentum." Wanyan Shouxu interrupted.

"So, do you think they will cooperate with Northern Mongolia?" Wan Yanxun said irritably.

"Your Majesty, I believe that they will cooperate." Privy Councilor Wanyan Chen Shang said, "In recent years, Northern Mongolia has annexed many small neighboring tribal countries and has become stronger. Going south has always been their dream, because even if they

If all the land in the west and north is taken, it will not be as good as the Central Plains. Those places are just barren land, but the Central Plains is different. There are people and there is output. Where there are no people, no matter how many people there are, what is the point?


"It is our Donghu who are preventing Northern Mongolia from moving south. Therefore, Northern Mongolia will definitely offer very attractive conditions to seduce Song Dynasty and attack our Dynasty from the north and south. Your Majesty, I believe that our Dynasty will just take advantage of Raofengguan.

Make a concession and make amends with the Song Dynasty, form an alliance to stabilize the southern border, and resist Northern Mongolia with all our strength." Wanyan Chenshang is worthy of being a privy envoy, and he clearly sees Northern Mongolia's intentions.

"Yes, what the Prime Minister said is right. But I don't understand. Is it possible that no one in Song Dynasty, which has always been famous for its political and horizontal skills, understands the intentions of Beimeng? It actually took the initiative to send an envoy to Beimeng." Wanyanxun said.

Haha, who said that no one in Song Dynasty understood the intentions of the Mongolian people? Many people understood it, but many people were blinded by hatred and would rather destroy Donghu with Northern Mongolia first and then deal with Northern Mongolia. And those who opposed

, the strength is far less than those who support joining forces with Mongolia to exterminate Hu.

Of course, these people's ideas are naive. If Donghu Dashong can't deal with him now, how can he deal with the more ferocious Beimeng?

However, fortunately for Dasong, the emperor believed in Ma Hanshan and obeyed Ma Hanshan's instructions to unite with Mongolia to control Hu.

There is a one-word difference between uniting with Mongolia to control Hu and uniting with Mongolia to destroy Hu, but the entire strategic intention and situation are completely different. Moreover, uniting with Mongolia to defeat Hu is very confusing, and it is definitely a coup.

"Your Majesty, I have other opinions." Wanyan Chenghui, who had been silent until now, spoke up.

"If you have any opinion, tell me quickly." Wan Yanxun said urgently.

"I think that perhaps Song Dynasty is not incomprehensible, but is just pretending to put pressure on our country. Their purpose is to seek compensation," Wanyan Chenghui said.

Oh? Pretend?

After listening to Yan Chenghui's words, everyone had different expressions. After Miao Daorun's eyes flashed with surprise, he shrank his neck, pretending not to understand, and sat blankly aside without making a sound.

In fact, he thought the same way.

This chapter has been completed!
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