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Chapter 19: Wolf Valley

Ma Hanshan, who was barely qualified in chemistry in his previous life, certainly didn’t know how to refine oil. However, fortunately, there happened to be an oil refining company where he was a boss in his previous life, and he happened to have done some good things for the oil refining company. So, he went to visit

He went to an oil refining company and listened to the people in the company briefly explain how to refine oil, so he knew that kerosene can be steamed out of crude oil like wine.

He remembered that people from the company told him that whether it is gasoline, diesel, kerosene, or other oil products, they can be "steamed" out of crude oil, but the methods are different. The simplest normal pressure distillation is really the same as distilling wine.

It's almost the same, except that the temperature of the steamed oil is higher and the cooling tower is slightly different. The cooling tower used for distilling wine only needs one outlet, but the cooling tower for steaming oil needs to have a stepped outlet and fractionate several different types of oil at the same time.

products only.

What products are fractionated by atmospheric distillation? Ma Hanshan actually forgot. However, he felt that it didn’t matter. What was separated was what, and he would know when he tried it. He felt that the most important thing was that he actually remembered the general cooling tower.

Out of the total number of exits, he remembered that there were six exits, the top one was steam, and the other exits were all liquid.

Alas, if I had known that I had studied chemistry well in my previous life, wouldn't I be a god-like existence now? Forget it, let's get some black oil and study it slowly. Ma Hanshan felt sorry for himself in his heart, regretting that he didn't study well in his previous life.

He has a good mentality and studies slowly, but this game is not like other things. If it is not done well, it will explode.

Hei Zai and the others had followed Ma Hanshan's request and built a diversion trough on the "black mud" platform. The black oil coming out of the center finally no longer overflowed to the four sides, but flowed through the diversion trough they had made.

A pit they dug to collect soil.

"Master, the flow is too slow. Maybe it won't be much until night." There wasn't much black oil coming out of the "black mud pond", it was very slow. Ma Hanshan wanted to fill the water bag they brought, but it was really

Have to wait until tomorrow.

Just kidding, in the world of Mahanshan's previous life, you had to drill deep into the earth's crust to get oil. If a lot of it popped up here automatically, probably this "bottom of the pot" flat land would have long ago become a "fire cave" that has been burning for a long time.


However, since it can come out automatically, the oil must be in the shallow layer. When the time comes to extract it, will it be... Mahanshan has entered samadhi again. He is wondering whether he can get a few manpower or animal-powered kowtow machines to extract oil by then?

The principle of the kowtow machine should be the same as that of the hand-cranked water pump, so Ma Hanshan is very confident that he can make it. Besides, it is not important whether the kowtow-knotting machine is the same as the hand-cranked water pump. What is important is that the water pump can pump up the oil.


Ma Hanshan is really a bit "ignorant". The crude oil here can automatically rise to the ground, and the pressure below must be quite large. Maybe, after he cleans up the earth on the ground, maybe the black oil that can change the world will look like Bao

It spurted out like a spring.

"Liu Heizai, please take a few people back to the village." Ma Hanshan found that the automatic flow of black oil was indeed too slow, so he simply sent people back to the village to get some loaded bottles and cans, and those who stayed behind could start

Check out Wild Wolf Valley.

"Go back to the stronghold? Why do you want to be the leader of the stronghold?" Liu Heizai was confused.

"The young master asked you to take someone back to get the black oil." When it comes to brains, A Niu is definitely smarter than Liu Heizai.

"Yes, just go back and get buckets or cans. You can take four people back. The others and I will go explore the Wild Wolf Valley first. When you come back from the village, we should also come out of the Wild Wolf Valley."

"Okay, now, village master." Liu Heizai absolutely carried out Ma Hanshan's orders.

"It's already past time. Go back to the place where you camped last night. Early tomorrow morning, you take the people back to the village, and I take them over the mountains and into the valley." Ma Hanshan said as he glanced at the sun in the sky.

"Okay, let's go back to the place where we camped last night." Liu Heizai waved to everyone to pack their things.

"I object, young master," A Niu said suddenly.

"Haha, Aniu, what are you objecting to?" Ma Hanshan found it funny that this guy actually objected.

"I object to the young master bringing so few people into the Wild Wolf Valley. That's where wild beasts roam. Brother Hei Zai brought four people back, leaving only seven people. It's too risky." What A Niu has to consider is the young master's safety.

He doesn't care about the rest.

"Seven people are quite a lot. Besides, I think Wild Wolf Valley has a deserved reputation. If it is full of wild beasts, why can't there be a trace of a wild beast here with just one mountain? This mountain is not very big.

It's so high that wild animals can turn it over at any time." Ma Hanshan has been paying attention to this issue since yesterday.

If the mountain is very high, generally wild animals such as tigers and wolves will not climb over the mountain. But this mountain is not that high, so why are there no traces of wild beasts here? Maybe there were wild beasts in the Wild Wolf Valley a long time ago.

"Anyway, I object." Aniu knew he couldn't convince the young master, but he had to have his own stand.

"The objection is invalid. Let's go. Let's all return to the place where we camped last night and prepare dinner." How could A Niu change what Ma Hanshan decided.

Ma Hanshan really didn't know the pros and cons. Encountering a pack of wolves in the wild, especially a pack of hungry wolves, with seven ordinary people with only waist knives and wooden sticks, was absolutely extremely dangerous.

After another peaceful night, the next day it was still dark, so everyone divided into two groups, heading back to the village and climbing over Langshan Mountain.

"Wait a minute." Just as Liu Heizai was about to leave, Ma Hanshan suddenly stopped them.

"Captain, what's going on?" Liu Heizai was confused.

"The place where the black oil was discovered must be kept secret. You are not allowed to tell anyone, not even your own family." Ma Hanshan said seriously.

It doesn't matter now, but in the future when the kerosene is refined, the black oil will be valuable. Therefore, the place where the black oil is found must be firmly in your hands.

"Yes, we will not reveal the location of the black mud pond." Liu Heizai and others thought the village leader was very funny. Is this kind of thing rare to others?

"What you say doesn't count, you swear, kneel down and swear to God. Aniu, you have to swear too." Ma Hanshan said solemnly.

People in this world are absolutely serious about their oaths and will not swear easily. Therefore, if they kneel down and swear a poisonous oath to the sky, Ma Hanshan will believe them.

"Ah? Master..." A Niu didn't expect that he would also swear.

"Yes, we swear." Aniu was very smart and knew that the young master wanted him to set an example, so he only hesitated for a moment and immediately knelt down.

Everyone knelt down when they saw A Niu, and they also knelt down with Liu Heizai.

So, several militiamen and villagers, together with A Niu, knelt on the ground, raised their hands to look at the sky, and solemnly swore to keep the location of the world's first "oil well" secret.

After swearing a poisonous oath, the two groups finally set out on the road.

Langshan should be a medium-high mountain in the Guogai Mountains, which is much higher than Yunshan. However, Langshan is definitely the largest mountain in the Guogai Mountains.

This mountain is very special. From the direction coming from Mahan Mountain, the slope is very steep, but when you turn to the other side of the mountain, the slope is much gentler.

Climb to the top of the mountain and turn to the other side to go downhill. Below is the Wild Wolf Valley. The Wild Wolf Valley runs northwest and southeast, and the place where Mahan Mountain turns over is exactly the innermost end of the Wild Wolf Valley.

"Turn around and go down the valley to the east where there are no trees." Mahan Shan said after scanning the valley with a telescope on the top of the mountain.

"Master, why are there such lush woods on the west slope of Wild Wolf Valley, while the east slope has only sparse small trees and is covered with white grass?" A Niu gave Ma Hanshan another chance to show off.

"It's very simple. The soil is not suitable for the growth of big trees. The soil there should be very thin...or very shallow...or the content of metal elements is very high..." Mahanshan suddenly thought of something and ordered, "On the east slope,

Disperse the people and carefully examine the stones and soil on the mountain. If you see anything special, tell me immediately."

Going into the mountains to find treasures is not just about finding a few herbs or tea leaves, minerals are the most important thing.

In the world of Mahanshan's previous life, many places, counties, cities, and even provinces and countries relied on mineral resources to become prosperous. If a few iron-rich and copper-rich mines could be found in Guogai Mountain, it would be great. He

I just hope that some gold, silver, copper and iron ores will be discovered in this world. It will be useless to discover other ores. Even if you know how to wash ore and refining, it will be useless. Of course, if you find high-quality coal or phosphate ore, Ma Hanshan still knows how to use it.

.However, there should be nothing like that in this Wild Wolf Valley.

"Yes..." Everyone responded to Ma Hanshan, and then dispersed into four groups to search the east slope of Wild Wolf Valley.

"Ouch... I fucking died. Why are the rocks here so loose..." Ma Hanshan was hoeing here and there on the hillside, looking at the rocks. Suddenly, A Niu not far away stumbled and fell.

, rolled on the hillside until it reached a grass nest below and stopped.

The hillside was very gentle and overgrown with weeds. A fall would not cause any harm, so Mahanshan just glanced at A Niu and continued to look down at the dug stones.

Mahanshan was not very good at chemistry in his previous life, but he didn't understand geology at all. People who know geology can basically determine the general soil type of the mountain by looking at the water flowing under the mountain and the vegetation on the mountain, and then looking at the surface soil.

, what types of minerals are there in this mountain? Only when it is necessary to analyze the specific content and find specific veins, will we dig here and there, or even drill, like digging all over the mountain like Mahan Mountain.

"Master...Master..." Ma Hanshan didn't want to pay attention to A Niu, but A Niu just called him.

"What are you doing? You're not a child. If you fall, you have to find your parents?" Ma Hanshan said impatiently without raising his head.

Master, I am just a child, okay? If you don’t take care of me, forget it, but you want me to take care of you? Ma Hanshan shook his head and complained secretly to A Niu.

"Master...Master...there are...good rocks...good rocks..." Aniu continued to call, but in a suppressed voice.

A Niu rolled into a collapsed grass nest, cursed and got up, and took out two stones that were touching his butt from the grass. He was about to throw them away, but suddenly he discovered that the stones actually shone, and there were more than one dot.

of flash.

He was really an orphan who couldn't even write his name, but even so, he had heard people say what gold was like, and the little stars on the stone would actually shine when exposed to the sun. He immediately thought of this extremely valuable thing.

Maybe it's gold. Even if it's not, the young master will definitely like the shiny stone.

So, he yelled at Ma Zhishan like a thief.

This chapter has been completed!
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