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Chapter 250 : Praise the evildoer

"The emperor's uncle is a militant. The reason why he wants to seize power is that he thinks Li Zunxu is too weak. He thinks that at this time, we should unite with Mongolia to attack Hu, or go south to attack Song or capture Wusi." Yelucai said while holding a wine glass,

"As a businessman, what I hate most is war, so Li Zunxu should be supported."

Ma Hanshan looked at Yelu Cai and smiled and said, "Are Brother Yelu and Li Zunxu directly connected?"

"No...no...that's possible..." Yelucai waved his hands and shook his head desperately.

"Haha, I said, brother Yelu, your acting skills are not good." Ma Hanshan's smile became even stronger. He was sure that Yelu Cai must have channels to directly contact Li Zunxu. Otherwise, as a businessman, there is no need to speak for Li Zunxu.


Yelu Cai continued to deny, but his acting skills were really bad. Ma Han was sure that he had direct contact with the Xixia Emperor. No matter why Ye Lu Cai had direct contact with Li Zunxu, no matter who he was, Ma Hanshan felt

, this is a channel that can be exploited.

However, from now on, some things will be blocked from this guy. As a Donghu person, he can directly contact the Xixia Palace. This is definitely not easy.

Next, Ma Hanshan and Yelucai no longer talked about any political topics. They kept talking about business and romance. Although Ma Hanshan is only more than ten years old now, he is a man of two generations. No matter what topic he talks about, he can talk about it.

Bujue. Although Yelucai is a barbarian, he is very familiar with the customs and customs of the Central Plains and the northwest countries. Moreover, he is as cunning as a fox. Such a person can chat with a person like Ma Hanshan for three days and three nights without stopping.


"Brother Yelu, can you arrange for me to meet with Li Zunxu? Or one of his cronies can do it." After the reception banquet was over, Ma Hanshan stood at the door and said.

"Brother Ma, I'm just a businessman, how can I arrange this?" Yelucai said with a grimace.

"It can be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If Brother Yelu can handle this matter, I will consider increasing the supply of lipstick and perfume. Well, it is not impossible to maintain the original supply of Zuixianjiu for two months."

Ma Hanshan was too lazy to look at Ye Lucai's poor acting skills. He put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked out while talking.

The "modern clothes" in Wagangzhai are great. They have trouser pockets for insertion, which is much more comfortable and cooler than carrying your hands behind your back.

"I'll give it a try, but it may not work." Yelucai had no choice but to agree.

Ma Hanshan smiled and left. He knew very well that Yelu Cai would definitely handle it. Lipstick and perfume were always in short supply, and the profits were frighteningly high. Increasing the supply would be equivalent to giving away money. This temptation Yelu Cai could not resist.

Regarding the production and sales of lipsticks and perfumes, it is difficult for the entire Wagonzhai and Shen Wuwan and other agents to understand. None of them understand why it is obvious that production can be increased, but Ma Hanshan has always controlled the production, and has always banned the production of lipsticks and perfumes in the country.

Ode to sales.

The economy is actually a weapon, but even in modern times, many people don't understand it, or don't know how to use it. Ma Hanshan has a unique set of evaluations for products, which are negative and positive products, each with three levels.

The so-called negative-effect products are products that produce negative effects on society during the production or use of the product, while positive effects are the opposite.

Lipstick and perfume are level three negative-effect products, which are the highest-level negative-effect products. Why? Mahanshan’s theory is that perfume production requires a large number of flowers, and growing flowers will occupy a lot of land. The more flowers you plant, the less food you can produce.

The quantity will be less, which is a production inefficiency. During the use of these two things, they are just a kind of psychological and visual enjoyment, and will not produce any social effect. On the contrary, because it costs a lot of money to buy such things, it consumes

It is also negative.

In fact, the consumption of lip balm is still somewhat effective, because the series of products includes anti-crack lip balm, which is very useful for people in the north.

Of course, Mahanshan's theory is only applicable to an era when the products and productivity were the same as the era he is in now.

The purpose of selling ineffective products to hostile countries is to consume and plunder the wealth of hostile countries. Two perfumes as thick as your fingers can be exchanged for a cow. The more people in the East Hu, West Gorges and Northern Mongolia use the money, the faster the money will flow away...

….To control the output, one is to ensure the high price of the product, and the other is to occupy less food output. Perfume is a high-profit product. If the output is released, the flower planting area must be released. In this era of low food production, if

A large number of grain fields have been turned into flower fields, and the consequences are disastrous.

Yelucai acted very quickly, and the next day he helped Ma Hanshan make an appointment with Tuoba Qiang, the prime minister of Zuo in Xixia.

The meeting place was still Xingqing Restaurant, but it was not reserved today. Ma Hanshan entered the restaurant through the front door, while Tuoba Qiang entered through the back door. This was Ma Hanshan's request. What was said to the outside world was that Ma Hanshan invited Yelu back today.

Cai, so the first one to arrive was Ma Hanshan and picked up Yelu Cai at the door. Then Yelu Cai quietly went to the back door to wait for Tuoba Qiang.

Ma Hanshan would not wait. He would not accept the meeting with the emperor of Dasong, let alone the prime minister of a small country?

Although Xixia pretended to be emperor, in Ma Hanshan's eyes, he was actually just a small vassal state.

"Prime Minister Tuoba, I have admired you for a long time..." After Yelu Cai introduced the two of them, Ma Hanshan reached out and held Tuoba Qiang, who looked confused, and said.

"Ah? I have admired you for a long time...this is..." What does shaking hands mean? Tuoba Qiang really doesn't understand.

"Haha, Prime Minister, this is the highest etiquette in Mr. Ma's hometown, a handshake, and a good friend." Yelucai explained to Tuoba Qiang with a smile.

"Oh, good friend, good friend." The others couldn't understand, but the words "good friend" were still understandable.

"Prime Minister Tuoba, please sit down." Ma Hanshan asked Tuoba Qiang to sit down, then picked up the wine glass and said, "Thank you, Prime Minister Tuoba, for taking the time out of your busy schedule..."

"You're welcome, you're welcome..." Ma Hanshan toasted Tuoba Qiang wine. After drinking for three rounds, he entered the formal theme.

"Brother Yelu, do you have any intention of informing the Prime Minister's younger brother?" Ma Hanshan looked at Yelucai and said.

Yelucai nodded and said, "The reason why the prime minister is here is because he wants to hear the details."

Specifically, well, I have roughly thought about it, but I really don’t have any specifics, because for this kind of thing, I can’t set specific content or methods.

Ma Hanshan thought for a while and said to Tuoba Qiang sincerely: "The first thing Donghu and Northern Mongolia covet is Dasong, and the second is Xixia. Everyone knows this. However, I don't think so.

, I think the one that Northern Mongolia wants to eat the most is Xixia, the second is Donghu. Then comes Xifan, Dali, and Dasong should be placed last."

In the history of the time and space in Ma Hanshan's previous life, the Yuan Dynasty did precede Dali and then the Southern Song Dynasty. Ma Hanshan's historical understanding of the time and space in his previous life can only name a few dynasties at most. Therefore, his current rhetoric is completely based on

What can be inferred from the national strength and situation of each country is strikingly similar to the history of another time and space.

"Why do you see that?" Tuoba Qiang said disapprovingly.

"Donghu is fat, Dasong is big fat. However, with the current national strength of Northern Mongolia, it is not possible to directly eat Donghu, but if it puts all its efforts into eating Xixia, it can. If Xixia is eaten, he can

He faced Da Song directly. However, even if he ate Xixia, he was still not sure of eating Da Song in one bite. If Bei Mongolia attacked Song by force, Dong Hu would definitely go south to fight with him, and even Dong Hu would steal his retreat. Therefore, Bei Mongolia

If Mongolia eats Xixia, it will definitely continue to eat Xibo and Dali..." Ma Hanshan dipped his finger in tea and drew a simple picture on the table.

"The emperor of Xixia is quite wise. While showing favor to the East, he also secretly communicates with Northern Mongolia. However, this is only a temporary measure. This method cannot make Xixia peaceful for a long time. When Northern Mongolia arrives,

When Donghu's northern territory is full, trouble will come from Xixia." Ma Hanshan looked at Tuoba Qiang and said, "Prime Minister Tuoba, if Northern Mongolia attacks Xixia, what will Donghu do?"

"Donghu will take the opportunity to go west and divide our country with Northern Mongolia." Tuoba Qiang thought for a while and said.

Although he didn't want to admit it, if Northern Mongolia moved south, Donghu would definitely attack the Xixia. This conclusion did not require analysis at all, and Donghu would never let go of the opportunity to carve up.

Now, the reason why Donghu does not look westward and Northern Mongolia does not go south is because Northern Mongolia and Donghu are equally powerful, and both are in a period of strategic adjustment.

In fact, Donghu's strategy has always been wrong. If Donghu, after cutting off half of Dasong, did not stop eating Dasong, but instead transferred his troops to the west and attacked the west with all his strength, the Xixia would have been gone long ago.

Later, Donghu adjusted his strategy and set his sights on Xixia. At this time, Northern Mongolia was already powerful. If Donghu used the whole country to conquer the west and the northern border was empty, Northern Mongolia would definitely take the opportunity to go south. If he did not use the whole country to conquer the west, Xixia

With the Huangshui River as a natural barrier, Donghu at this time could not eat the West Gorge at all.

"Since Prime Minister Tuoba understands, it will be easier for us to talk." Ma Hanshan said with a smile.

"How do you say that?" Tuoba Qiang looked at Ma Hanshan in confusion and said, he really didn't understand why this big kid businessman had such a clear understanding of the situation in various countries.

"Unite, unite with Dasong." Ma Hanshan said with a smile, "This is a truth that everyone in the world understands, and it is also the most beneficial method for Xixia."

"If we unite with Dasong, won't Donghu and Northern Mongolia unite?" Tuoba Qiang certainly knew that Donghu and Northern Mongolia would not unite. Otherwise, Xixia would have been gone long ago.

"Haha, does Prime Minister Tuoba care about you? They are feuding people. They can unite with anyone in the world, but it is absolutely impossible for them to form an alliance. Otherwise, Xixia will be gone long ago." Ma Hanshan said with a smile.

"What's the use of saying these things? You're just a businessman." Tuoba Qiang said with a smile.

"These things must be done by businessmen, and they must start from business." Ma Hanshan lit up his cigarette again. Whenever he talked about important and specific things, he liked to light up the cigarette. He took two puffs of the cigarette.

Said, "In fact, Xixia and Dasong do not need a military alliance now, or even a political alliance. They only need to look after each other and make gestures when necessary."

"Business? What's the explanation?" Tuoba Qiang really didn't understand, how could business affect the country's situation?

"With the liberalization of mutual trade, Xixia will get more people's livelihood needs, the people's lives will immediately improve, and the country will also receive a lot of commercial taxes..." Ma Hanshan said a set of methods on how to use trade to influence national affairs.

Tuoba Qiang was shocked. How could there be such a monster in Dasong? It was so powerful.

This chapter has been completed!
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