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Chapter 252: Emperor Xixia

Two days later, Xixia Emperor Li Zunxu finally summoned Bi Liancheng, and Ma Hanshan disguised as a deputy envoy followed Bi Liancheng into the palace.

Naturally, the so-called imperial palace of Xixia Kingdom cannot be compared with Dasong Palace. It is at most a large mansion. To put it bluntly, this is just a state in the Tang Dynasty. Even the surnames of the so-called royal family in Xixia were given by the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

, otherwise, they would still be herding sheep on the grassland.

However, although it is a large mansion, it is still quite large. After all, it is a "palace".

Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. Although the imperial palace in Xixia is not large, it is equipped with everything based on the Han system, including various pavilions, main halls and side halls, palace concubines and so on.

When Ma Hanshan and Bi Liancheng arrived at the palace gate, the officer on duty had already ordered them to be sent to the front hall, and then the eunuch came in to report.

After a while, a eunuch came out to announce their presence, while the others stayed in the front hall to wait.

Enter the palace, salute, and be seated.

Ma Hanshan finally met the Emperor of Xixia Kingdom, a white and fat old man in his fifties. He looked good, but Ma Hanshan found that the emperor was not in good spirits. He was too pale and had no eyesight.

God, the bags under my eyes are so big...

The most serious thing is that the voice he spoke was too light and floating. Although it sounded loud, it seemed to be coming from a very far away place. Ma Hanshan was secretly shocked. This guy was very ill and might not die soon.


Next, there are some long-winded diplomatic rhetoric. Ma Hanshan is not interested in these, and Bi Liancheng handles them all. This is his strength.

After talking a lot of useless nonsense, we finally got to the core content. Bi Liancheng asked Li Zunxu about using some excuses to make things difficult for him.

Borrowing the road is one of the missions of this envoy to the west. No, it is the main mission on the surface. The second mission, which is the secret mission, is to form a joint front with Xixia to jointly deal with Northern Mongolia and Donghu.

Of course, jointly dealing with Northern Mongolia and Donghu is just a stop-gap measure for Da Song. In Ma Hanshan's strategic design for Long Guangning, Xixia will eventually be destroyed or merged by Da Song. Well, they are all the same

As a result, one is to recover by force, and the other is to surrender peacefully.

Borrowing the road was not in vain. It was written in the credential written by Long Guangning that borrowing the road would bring benefits to Xixia. Li Zunxu thought it was good or not. It didn't matter. Reconciliation with Dasong was also equivalent to reconciliation with Northern Mongolia. Therefore, he

I'm happy to borrow the opportunity.

However, the prime ministers did not think so. Needless to say, Li Qunying would jump out and talk about whatever the emperor decided. But Tuoba Qiang felt that Da Song did not explain what benefits he would give, and the emperor was

You shouldn't agree so quickly. To put it bluntly, it depends on what price Da Song will offer.

"Your Majesty, I think this matter is very inappropriate. Xixia and Donghu are friendly countries, and Song Envoy Meng is obviously detrimental to Hu. If we take advantage of the road, we will make Hu dissatisfied. If Hu is dissatisfied, we may fight or close the door.

Mutual trading is extremely detrimental to the country..." In a word, Li Qunying opposed borrowing money.

Ma Hanshan had known for a long time that there would be objections. Li Zunxu probably also hoped that there would be objections. Otherwise, he would not have left the left and right ministers, the chief and deputy ministers in the palace to meet him. These are two obvious camps. This old man

Is it to balance the two camps, or is it unable to stop the emperor's camp?

After taking a look at Li Zunxu, this old guy actually squinted his eyes, as if he was asleep. Damn, what do you mean, do you want to argue with this guy in front of the hall? Okay, just argue, who is afraid of whom?


Ma Hanshan coughed heavily, which not only made Li Zunxu, who was squinting, open his eyes in shock, but also startled Li Qunying and Tuoba Qiang. This is the main hall of the palace, who is so presumptuous?

Well, just because others didn't dare doesn't mean that Ma Hanshan didn't dare. He was just so presumptuous, and he didn't just say anything. I saw this guy pinching his throat with one hand and coughing a few times.

Then, he said to Li Zunxu with an embarrassed look: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm rude, I'm rude. The foreign minister is a little acclimatized. After arriving at Xixia, he kept coughing... Forgive me, forgive me, the emperor will not...

You won’t blame the foreign minister."

It's obviously intentional, but he wants to say that he is not acclimatized, but in this case, who can say it? So what? Should this be used as a punishment? What a joke, unless Xixia is now the most powerful country in the world, huh, big country

Although Song is unable to fight Donghu, he can still bully Xixia. Not to mention sending troops, Xixia will be uncomfortable just by closing the mutual trade. There are many supplies, and even Donghu doesn't have them.

"I see. If you are not acclimatized, you have to take care of it carefully. I will order the imperial doctor to prescribe a prescription for Deputy Ma later." Well, not only did Li Zunxu not blame him, he also sent the imperial doctor.

He was not stupid, of course he knew that Ma Hanshan was unhappy, so he had to express his "feelings" immediately.

"Haha, thank you, Your Majesty. However, there is no need to prescribe a prescription. Don't you know, Your Majesty? The foreign minister also knows a little bit about medical skills. He is absolutely first-rate in scraping bones and healing wounds." Ma Hanshan laughed heartily, his arrogant demeanor completely unconcerned.

The sick emperor took it seriously.

Haha, let alone the emperor of a small country like Xixia, even the guy in front of Long Guangning didn't feel any pressure.

"Unbridled. Although the Emperor is considerate of your physical incompatibility, it is simply too unrestrained for you to laugh so loudly in the palace..." Li Zunxu said nothing, but Li Qunying immediately started to get angry again.

"Ahem, you are Li Qunying, right? The emperor didn't say anything, so what are you talking about? Doesn't it mean that in Xixia, the emperor's words don't count, and the prime minister's words are the truth? Also, the emperor agreed to use the passage, you are squeaking.

What do you mean?" Haha, not to mention that the people in the palace have never seen people talking like this, even in the entire Xixia, including Dasong, East, Hu, Beimeng and other countries, no one has seen envoys talking like this.

…This is simply the talk of a scoundrel.

That's right, Ma Hanshan used the attitude of a scoundrel to deal with Li Qunying.

No matter which country you are in, the basic etiquette used on this continent is learned from the Han people. At this time, whether it is Xixia, Donghu, Northern Mongolia or far overseas Ryukyu, Japanese, Goryeo and other countries, they have

I don’t even have my own characters, and the characters I use are all Chinese characters.

Since the writing and etiquette are all Han Chinese, the ideas of saints are naturally recognized by the nobles, wealthy officials and people of these countries. Therefore, Ma Hanshan used the rogue method to deal with them, which hit the most painful place. Of course, in this time and space,

, only Ma Hanshan dared to turn himself into a rogue, everyone else was jealous of his reputation.

Reputation is very important in this world, more important than life. If a woman loses her reputation, she will commit suicide, and if a man loses his reputation, he will go crazy... Ma Hanshan doesn't care about this perverted reputation. What he wants is to take care of things.


"You...you..." Although the people of Xixia are particularly aristocratic, and most of the so-called people with national surnames are transformed from nomadic peoples, after hundreds of years of integration and communism, they have long admired the rule of law like the Han people and studied.

Xiwen was respected, and Li Qunying even called himself the Great Confucian of Xixia. When had he ever seen a person like Ma Hanshan? At that moment, he couldn't even speak.

If Lee Jin-ki saw the person he leaned on as his arm being so fearless and incompetent at the scene, he would probably be so angry that he would vomit blood.

"What are you... The emperor has agreed, but you are here beeping. This is disobedience to the holy will, this is treason, Li Qunying, what are your intentions, do you want to rebel against the emperor?" Ma Hanshan said louder and louder.

When he wanted to rebel, he just yelled.

Haha, this trick of randomly labeling, telling lies, and calling deer a horse... was something he learned from the politicians of the Ugly Country in his previous life. When he got this time and space to deal with Li Qunying, he would be considered strong if he didn't beat him to the point of vomiting blood on the spot.


"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, I am loyal to your Majesty. Your Majesty, please don't listen to the nonsense of ministers from other dynasties." Li Qunying was so frightened that he fell to the ground, but he was still very smart and reacted immediately.

Climb a few steps forward, crawl on the ground and kowtow to Li Zunxu to express your loyalty.

Haha, no matter what time it is, no matter which country, the crime of rebellion is the biggest, and no one is not afraid of this hat. And among the emperors, no emperor has a big deal about rebellion. This is what makes them most afraid.


"I know that Aiqing is loyal, but the matter of borrowing money..." Li Zunxu felt very complicated. He knew very well who Li Qunying was. Of course he hoped that this guy would be afraid of making a fool of himself, but Li Qunying was frightened like this by a foreigner.

, and he felt a little embarrassed.

"Your Majesty, think twice..." Li Qunying still refused to give up his objection and took advantage of the situation.

"Your Majesty, the foreign minister has something to say." Mahan Shanshan stepped forward and saluted.

"Well, sir, please tell me." Li Zunxu glanced at Ma Hanshan and said.

"The foreign minister suggested that the emperor take this traitor out and kill him." Ma Hanshan actually suggested that Li Zunxu kill Li Qunying. This...this...

Ma Hanshan's words shocked everyone again. Even Bi Liancheng was surprised. Brother, you are interfering in other countries' internal affairs.

"Why?" If he could kill him, of course Li Zunxu would be willing to kill him, but he couldn't because the emperor's uncle was behind him.

"Because he is a traitor. For his own personal gain, he completely ignores the interests of the Xixia Kingdom and the interests of the people of Xixia. Foreign ministers suspect that he was either a spy of Donghu or bribed by Donghu." Ma Hanshan saluted again and said, "Your Majesty,

The purpose of Da Song's mission to Northern Mongolia was to make peace with Northern Mongolia. To put it bluntly, it was to guard against Dong Hu. Xixia used the road to make peace with Song, which meant that it was on good terms with Song and at the same time it was also on good terms with Mongolia. Two powerful countries, one in the north and the other in the south.

They are all on good terms with Xixia, and they are the best for Xixia in every aspect. However, this traitor just stopped Da Song from taking advantage of the road. Any fool can see clearly what his intentions are."

Even a fool can see clearly. Is it possible that Li Zunxu is worse than a fool? When it comes to this, Li Zunxu can no longer pretend.

"Well, the Li Qing family... Borrowed the road... No need for you to say more. There have been many events in the past few years. Xixia should recuperate and develop its national strength... However, your Majesty, what you said is just a truth. Could it be that this is how your country uses it?

Do you want to have good relations with our country?" Li Zunxu straightened his body, hehe, he wanted to get benefits from Ma Hanshan...that is, from Da Song. It means that it's okay to use the channel, but you have to get some real benefits, talking about those so-called

The situation is all false.

"Of course, Dasong people never write bad checks. Emperor Dasong has already prepared it. Your Majesty, please take a look..." Ma Hanshan gestured, and Bi Liancheng took out a booklet and handed it to the eunuch to show it to Li Zunxu. However, everyone

I don’t even understand what a bad check is.


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