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Chapter 37: Fire Water Lighter

Huozhezi? Is there such a kind of Huozhezi? Does a Huozhezi look like this? Doesn’t a Huozhezi require blowing? Is the flame head of a Huozhezi so small? Is a Huozhezi so bright? You... you are lying...

Shen Wuwan reached out and snatched the "Huo Zhezi" from Ma Hanshan's hand. It was much heavier than the usually used Huo Zhezi, and... and... it seemed to be a pretty good-looking thing.

"Why was it destroyed?" Shen Wuwan said.

"It's very simple. Press this...this lid back and the fire will go out. When you want to start a fire, press here and open the lid and the fire will light up." Ma Hanshan took the lighter and demonstrated it twice.

"Ah, so convenient? Is this fire stick afraid of wind? Is it afraid of water? Can it be blown out?" Shen Wuwan took the lighter and tried it twice. He found that it was very convenient and seemed to be easier to use than the original fire stick. Finally, he was a little moved. Already.

"You must be afraid of the wind, as it will go out as soon as it blows. But this thing is not like other fires that keep burning without being sealed with a lid. This thing needs to be rekindled after the fire goes out, and it will not keep burning. Water... you can It’s not something to worry about, because if it gets wet, the water on the flint can be used again after it dries. Of course, if you soak it for too long and water enters the oil bottle, you need to replace the oil bottle. Oh, the biggest advantage of this kind of fire stone Yes, it's durable. If the oil is gone, add more. If the flint is gone, replace it with flint." Ma Hanshan removed the so-called oil bottle filled with cotton and showed it to Shen Wuwan. The flint cannot be replaced in this version. It is an improved version that uses a grinding wheel to start a fire. Only then can you exchange for flint.

"You mean, this thing can be used forever?" Shen Wuwan finally got excited.

"Theoretically, this is true, but that is impossible. The life of this kind of lighter depends on the life of the ignition parts. Generally speaking, the life of the ignition parts is about 10,000 times. That is to say, even if it is lit ten times a day, Once, it can also be used for three years." Ma Hanshan made an estimate and said.

"A lighter can last three years? It's too long and durable. It's not easy to do business." Shen Wuwan's joyful face immediately disappeared when he heard that a lighter could last three years.

After a fire dumpling is used for three years, the number sold will be less. Now those fire dumplings are lit dozens of times, and every family buys them every month, so there is more business.

Ma Hanshan looked at Shen Wuwan's face and wanted to call him a big profiteer. Damn it, a lighter must be much more expensive than a fire discount. If it was not as durable as a fire discount, no one would buy it from you.

"Haha, shopkeeper Shen counts very quickly, but I think you made a mistake in counting." Ma Hanshan said with a smile.

"Wrong calculation? How to say." Shen Wuwan was stunned.

Ma Hanshan was also shocked, why didn't this thing surprise Shen Wuwan as much as he imagined?

"How much does a Huozhenzi cost?" Ma Hanshan said.

"There are prices ranging from 40 to 120 yuan. The best ones, the fire discounts produced by Perak Hall sell for 150 yuan each." Shen Wuwan thought for a while and then said, "The profit from the intermediate transaction is two to three yuan, and the terminal retail price The profit is three to five cents, that's about it."

"So, how much do you think this lighter can be sold for? Retail." Ma Hanshan asked again.

"It should be possible to sell it for two hundred coins." Shen Wuwan thought for a while and said.

"Haha, it's impossible. The manufacturer has to sell it for 300 Wen, and the retail price can be at least 400 Wen. No matter how you divide the profit margin of 100 Wen between the middleman and the retailer, you can make more than selling ten hot discounts. If you calculate the profit rate, it is much higher than that. Think about it, if you buy ten 120-wen fire coupons, you will have to spend a total of 200 yuan, and the profit will be only 50 yuan. And selling this fire-water lighter only costs 200 yuan. With a cost of 300 yuan, you can earn 50 yuan." Ma Hanshan did elementary school math problems for Shen Wuwan.

Huozhezi is a very mature technology in this world. Many people produce it, and the profit of the merchants is very thin, but it is a necessity of life, and the demand is indeed a lot.

However, would anyone buy such a new type of fire discount product sold for 400 yuan? Shen Wuwan expressed doubts.

"Does anyone want 400 yuan for a retail sale? You have to know that the average family's monthly living expenses are only 2 yuan." Shen Wuwan said worriedly.

"Manager Shen, you are too smart to be confused. This thing, even without oil, the original bottle of oil can be used to ignite hundreds of times. This is equivalent to how many fire discounts it has. It is very cheaper than today's fire discounts. Okay?" Ma Hanshan stared and said, "Nowadays, a fifty-cent fire discount can be lit fifty times at most, one penny once, but my fire-water lighter, even with the original oil, can be lit five to six hundred times. Calculated, one penny can be used to light the fire almost twice. Moreover, as long as you spend another two cents to refuel, you can light it hundreds of times..."

Yes... that's right... Shen Wuwan finally calculated the "ignition cost" and had a smile on his face again. This thing is good, really good, cheap, durable, and highly profitable...

As for business, there are now tens of millions of households in Dasong, and each household uses one. That’s a terrifying number. When will we be able to produce so many?

"This thing is called a fire and water lighter?" Shen Wuwan finally regained his identity as a businessman.

"Yes, a fire and water lighter. This is the original version. It is handmade. A real mass-produced version will be launched later. There will be many styles. If the outer shell can be made of iron instead of copper, the cost should be reduced a little..." Ma Hanshan The troublesome thing is that now there is no way to perform secondary treatments such as electroplating and oil spraying on the metal. The outer casing is made of iron. If it is not electroplated, it will rust. It is really distressing.

"When can the goods be delivered?" Shen Wuwan is a big businessman. When he sees the profit, he will boldly place an order.

"It will be May next year at the earliest." Ma Hanshan estimated that it would take half a year to manufacture the hydraulic press and modify the lighter. Therefore, formal mass production would not be possible until May next year at the earliest.

It is not difficult to make a few samples by hand, but mass production is a different matter.

In Ma Hanshan's idea, if he wants to build a water-powered stamping workshop, he must first build a tablet press to press the copper plate into copper sheets, and then use a stamping machine to punch out the lighter casing...

If these problems were not a problem in Ma Hanshan's previous life, just buy copper sheets of any thickness in the market, then buy a punch machine, build a mold and install it, plug in the electricity and start production.

But in this world with zero industry, everything has to be started from scratch. Half a year is actually a long time.

"Next May? Then why are you showing me this thing now?" Shen Wuwan was unhappy.

"So I show it to you so that you can have a taste of the new products that Wagonzhai will launch." Ma Hanshan said with a mischievous smile.

Hum, it’s fake to give you insights, but it’s real to lend your hands to investigate the market.

Although Ma Hanshan thinks it's okay to deliver this thing for 300 yuan, he hasn't investigated it, so he really doesn't feel confident.

"Huh, you think I don't understand your thoughts? Let's go, I'll tell you the results later." Shen Wuwan put the lighter into his sleeve and said.

"Wait a minute, I'll give you three. Let me tell you in advance that the officially launched models will be smaller in size, and the flints can be replaced." Ma Hanshan took out two more lighters and handed them to Shen Wuwan.

"Well, you'd better cook the bar quickly and give me at least 50,000 jin before the end of the year. By the way, has your Wanhe Township liaison station been completed? I'll also build a receiving and dispatching station in Wanhe. Do you have it? If you have any news, just tell the people at the sending and receiving station. We have flying pigeons to send messages, which is faster than the post office." Shen Wuwan put away the lighter and said.

"Ah, if you didn't mention it, I forgot. Please, help me find two people who raise pigeons and help me buy some pigeons." If Ma Hanshan wants to raise pigeons, he mainly needs to contact the three contact stations in the village and outside the mountain, although there are only four Fifty miles, but riding back and forth is too tiring.

"Well, this is business. I'll help you find some people later." Shen Wuwan left, taking with him the world's first kerosene lighter prototype.

Time passes quickly or slowly, depending on your mood. Mahanshan feels like he has been in this world for a long time, but in fact he has only been here for ten months, which is less than a year.

However, he has done a lot of things in the past ten months. If the old village leader comes back to life, he will definitely not recognize the current Wagang Village.

As we enter October, the weather has actually become cooler, and the temperature difference between day and night has widened, reaching 20 degrees Celsius during the day and dropping to 10 degrees Celsius at night.

In previous years, at this time of year, people would squat at the foot of the wall with nothing to do, hiding at home and counting their fingers. But this year is different. At this time, Wagang Village is still busy day and night, and no one feels that it is getting cold. People feel like winter is coming.

The work of picking tung trees, camellia oleifera and medicinal herbs in the mountains is naturally done by people who have just planted winter wheat. They pick back loads of tung fruits every day, which makes people like it.

Beside the river, one of the planned workshops has been built, and the others are under construction.

The most nervous one should be Watank Winery. Li Zhuoshui can really be described as busy now. It is no joke to hand over 60,000 kilograms of Zuixian Liquor before the Chinese New Year. Although, there are now ten steamers. That’s it. In theory, each steamer can produce more than one hundred kilograms of wine per day, which is four to five thousand kilograms in one month. Ten steamers can produce sixty thousand kilograms of wine in two months. But that’s just arithmetic, not production.

The original scale production was completely manual, and anything could happen during the process. Therefore, Li Zhuoshui did not dare to be careless. The output of two months, if fully calculated, would definitely exceed 60,000 kilograms for ten steamers. If the distiller's grains were followed by If so, what Li Jiushui is worried about now is that he can't keep up with the distiller's grains. For 60,000 jins of wine, he has to distribute more than 200,000 jins of grain...

Although measures had been taken, the weather was getting colder and the fermentation of the lees was much slower. Moreover, it was only after ten steamers were installed that it was discovered that there was a serious shortage of space in the fermentation workshop.

No, this won't work. We must continue to reform. The production area and the living area must be separated... Ma Hanshan was lying on a recliner with his eyes closed and thinking about something. He felt that the Shanzhai needed to be further reformed. This time, he wanted to make more thorough changes... How? It was thorough. It was easier to change when you had nothing to eat. Now that things are getting better, the reform is different...

"A Niu... A Niu... When will Manager Yu and Mr. Qi come back?" Ma Hanshan shouted.

"Master, it's hard to say. It is expected that they will be back at the end of the month." A Niu said.

"Well, take note. When Manager Yu and Mr. Qi come back at the end of the month, you can arrange for a high-level closed-door meeting for managers above the third level of administration. Remember to remind me when the time comes." Ma Hanshan said while Aniu took notes.

Aniu, who attended night classes and was eager to learn, is now a competent secretary...

This chapter has been completed!
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