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Chapter 44: The Slutty Brother

Does Ma Hanshan fall in love with Shen Hua? How is it possible? She is just a fifteen-year-old child, okay?

Shen Hua is indeed very beautiful. Although she is only thirteen or fourteen years old, her little face with dimples is already very charming. This girl definitely has the potential to bring disaster to the country and the people. When her body and bones grow, she will definitely be a beautiful flower.

To be honest, Ma Hanshan was really a little tempted. Shen Hua was a pretty girl. However, as soon as his heart moved, he immediately called himself a beast. We are all still children, how could we have such thoughts?

It’s really difficult for Ma Hanshan’s thirty-year-old soul to continue to pretend to be young.

He suddenly recalled the days in his previous life where he had sex with all kinds of women and had a feast of feasting and feasting.

Hey, when can I pick up girls?

Ma Hanshan didn't know that no one would say anything to him if he wanted to marry after he turned fifteen. In this world, fifteen is considered an adult. However, in his mind, he had to be at least eighteen before he could pick up girls. Alas, he still had to wait. Two or three years.

Shen Hua thought of this guy's shamelessness yesterday, ignored him, snorted secretly, filled a bowl with two bowls of white porridge, and Shen Lang lowered his head to eat.

Humph, are you getting angry with me? Ma Hanshan was unhappy when he saw this.

"Haha, very good, very good. Since you are so charming, I can save on my medicine." Ma Hanshan said to himself while eating.

What? The medicine was saved? What do you mean?

Chen Hua stopped talking and looked at Ma Hanshan, and suddenly understood that this guy was threatening her not to change her brother's dressing.

Ye Zhanyan smiled and said: "This white porridge is not delicious. Are the wontons really delicious? Then I will give it a try."

Chen Hua obediently went to fill up a bowl of wontons, and took out a meat bun and a piece of fried egg. In short, she ate everything Ma Hanshan "introduced" just now... She couldn't eat it. This shameless guy threatened I don’t want to change my brother’s medicine.

A Niu tried his best to hold back his laughter and thought to himself, Haha, girl, please don't play with yourself to death. Manager Yu can't even beat the young master, so who do you think you are?

Yu Tianchuan and Ma Hanshan secretly fought each other and lost several times.

Shen Lang's reaction seemed a bit slow. He looked at his sister and then at Ma Hanshan strangely. He didn't know what was going on for a while.

"Shen Langlang, I heard that you are hiding from revenge?" Ma Hanshan ignored Shen Hua and looked at Shen Lang and said.

"Master of the Ma Village, my name is Shen Lang, not Shen Langdang." Shen Lang replied with a bitter smile. This Master of the Ma Village has good medical skills, but... he likes to change people's names too much.

"Shen Lang...is that a nice name? Oh, whatever, I mean, your injuries should be fine. This means I saved your life, so you have to give me something in return." Ma Hanshan was too lazy to mince words. , let’s get straight to the point, here comes the “request for reward”.

"Hey, how could you do this? Didn't I already pay the consultation fee?" Shen Hua quit and looked up at Ma Hanshan angrily.

"You paid for the consultation fee, but he hasn't paid for the operation yet. By the way, you said you would stay by my side to serve me. From tomorrow on, you have to learn how to serve me. My habits, you Learn more from A Niu, you have to figure out what you should do and what you can't do." Ma Hanshan was not joking, she said she must stay.

Hehe, my sister has stayed, but let’s see where you, Shen Langdang, can go.

"You...you are shameless..." Shen Hua was angry again. Is there anyone more scoundrel than this guy? After collecting the consultation fee, he also charged the surgery fee.

She didn't know that in the world that Ma Hanshan came from, not only were consultation fees and operation fees charged separately, but also examination and laboratory fees...even entrance fees were charged (the registration fee was the entrance fee, and Ma Hanshan felt that hospitals would go to any lengths to make money.)

"Let's go and have breakfast. From now on, you have to wait for me to have breakfast. Today is the last day that you will be served by others. Enjoy it." Ma Hanshan waved his hand and ignored Shen Hua, looking up and staring at Shen Lang.


Shen Lang put down his chopsticks, took a deep breath and said, "What do you want me to do?"

He felt that this village leader was indeed a bit shameless. He had "cheated" so much "diagnosis money" from his sister, and actually asked for surgery fees from himself. But he also felt that this guy had indeed performed the surgery...sigh. , what is this surgery about?

Haha, in this world, surgery is a new word.

Ma Hanshan smiled, this guy was so smart, he actually guessed that he wanted him to work.

"I heard that you came from the City God's Temple?" Ma Hanshan said with a smile.

"It's the Imperial City Department, not the City God's Temple. The Imperial City Department is an organization that specializes in inquiring about the emperor and protecting the emperor." Shen Lang explained, "A certain person who was once the Imperial City Department was not on good terms with the emperor and was not in line with the public." He was complicit in the crime, so he was squeezed out. Without his official status, the people who had been investigated by a certain person regarded him as an enemy and chased him all the way. A few days ago, he was accidentally injured by a hidden arrow. Fortunately, the leader of the horse village rescued him. I am very grateful. "

"Well, it turns out I'm a spy. It's very good, very good." Ma Hanshan said with a smile.

"Spy?" I really haven't heard of it before. It's a new word. Of course Shen Lang can't understand it.

"Haha, it's just about the details of spying on information. Okay, don't worry about such details." Ma Hanshan smiled and said, "I really have something to ask you, a spy with a false reputation, to take action."

Um,, people say that they are wasting their reputation before they even take action? That’s too much to look down on.

"Tell me what the village leader is doing. As long as it's within my ability, and it doesn't violate laws and regulations, and doesn't harm morality, I'm willing to go." Shen Lang thought for a moment, stood up and said with fists in his hands.

"Sit, sit, on my territory. You don't have to make so many false gestures, clasping your fists, bowing, and so on. If you can, just skip it." Ma Hanshan pressed his hands and said, "It's actually very simple. I received news recently, The officials of Donghu and Dasong both want to bite me in Wagangzhai, go and help me find out what they want to do."

For a spy, this kind of thing is indeed a trivial matter.

But for someone like Shen Lang who had just left the royal institution, it was taboo and forbidden to inquire about the government's information while dressed in white, so he fell silent upon hearing this.

"Why? Not willing?" Ma Hanshan was unhappy. Your uncle, you are not willing to do such a simple thing?

"Mazhai Leader, this matter... is not easy to handle... I have no job now, and it is against the law to inquire into official affairs..." Shen Lang stood up and said.

"Humph, what taboo is being violated? Are you treasonous or something? Is this a state matter? Who is tabooed by inquiring about corrupt officials and exploiting the common people? Bastard, idiot, who is stupid and loyal? What if the emperor is wise? You know how to support corrupt officials who fight against the autumn wind? Damn it, you still insist on this, it is really unreasonable..." As he said this, Ma Hanshan actually got angry.

Haha, what Ma Hanshan hates most is feudal thinking.

However, it was not allowed to investigate officials in his previous life. Not to mention ordinary people, even law enforcement agencies could not easily investigate officials.

"Mazhai Master, you..." Shen Lang didn't know what to say.

"You...you bastard, I asked you to inquire into the selfish motives of two corrupt officials, and I didn't ask you to investigate national affairs. You are full of nonsense and it makes me so angry." Ma Hanshan stood up and was about to slap the table and curse.

"Master, it's not convenient for Brother Shen to inquire about Dasong's officials. You can go to Donghu. Maybe Fuyang County in Donghu is also interested in us..." Aniu knew that the young master was acting in a big drama again, so,

Cooperate immediately.

He will always be the best supporting role for the young master.

"Not only Fuyang, but also Tangzhou..." Ma Hanshan expressed his approval of A Niu's proposal.

If you investigate officials of your own country for violating laws and regulations, you don't have to worry about investigating those of other countries.

Shen Lang had nothing to say and could only nod.

For him, checking several state officials and county magistrates is a trivial matter. As long as he passes the psychological test, there is nothing to worry about.

When Ma Hanshan saw Shen Lang nodding, he immediately changed his smile and said: "Brother Luang, although the New Year is approaching, it is the time when those dog officials are searching for money, but your injury is not healed yet, so there is no need to rush to Fuyang. You can rest assured."

It’s not too late to leave an injured animal in the village for half a month.”

"No... no, after the village master's magical treatment, my wound is actually no longer painful. I estimate that I can set off in two or three days." Humph, it's ironic, who doesn't understand. Shen Lang

He turned around and glanced at Shen Hua and said, "Master Mazhai, do you really want to let my sister-in-law..."

Ma Hanshan didn't wait for him to finish, waved his hand and said: "Brother Lust, don't worry, how dare I ask Huahua to serve her? She is a golden branch, and I can't wait for her."

After saying that, Ma Hanshan always felt that it was a bit weird to say that the waiter came and served. It seemed that that thing was also called waiting.

"Hmph, I'm not that delicate. I told you that I would stay and serve you after you healed my brother's injuries. I won't break my promise and enrich myself." Shen Hua said angrily.

Ma Hanshan grinned at her, then quickly turned to Shen Lang, and said with a grimace: "Brother Luang, you see... I... your sister is really too strong. It was a complete joke, but she took it seriously."

"Hmph, aren't you just saying this because you are afraid that I won't fulfill my promise? Don't worry, even though I am a prostitute, my words will definitely count." After Chen Hua finished speaking, she left the canteen angrily.

Shen Lang smiled bitterly and was speechless. As a girl, sometimes she was too strong-willed and had too many ideas. She knew it was a trap but still jumped into it.

"Brother Wanderer, tell me in advance when you are going to leave, and I will prepare some manpower and things for you." After finishing his breakfast in silence, Ma Hanshan put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and threw it away in disgust.

Ma Hanshan was extremely uncomfortable with wiping his mouth with a handkerchief. He had already ordered people to research napkins. He believed that next year he would be able to use paper towels like in his previous life. Soft facial tissues are more convenient to use. It is really inconvenient to use handkerchiefs.

Well, the papermaking industry has been quite developed in this world, but no one has ever made paper for brushing mouths and buttocks. Therefore, Ma Hanshan easily found a master in this field. Unfortunately, the uncle refused to worship him as his master.


"Manpower? Are you afraid that I will slow down my work? Or are you afraid that I will never come back?" Shen Lang said unhappily.

Ma Hanshan said with a serious look on his face: "Brother Shen Lang, you are overthinking it. As the saying goes, do not trust the people you trust, but do not trust the people you employ. How could I be afraid that you would slow down your work? Miss Shen Hua is right here, how could I be worried about you leaving?

What if I don't return? The reason why I want to help you prepare manpower is to send you and help you. Although the things to be done are not big things, there are always some things that are not convenient for me to do personally. "

"Okay, if you must give me people, then let A Niu come with me. As for the materials, I don't need them." Shen Lang felt comfortable when he saw that Ma Hanshan was serious about what he said and showed rare respect for himself.

I followed Ma Hanshan’s arrangement.

"Haha, Brother Shen Lang, your eyes are really poisonous. To be honest, although A Niu is called A Niu, he is the smartest person in the village." Ma Hanshan stood up and said, "Please rest well these days to recuperate, and be careful.

Be careful and don't eat things that are easy to cause inflammation."

The so-called things that are easy to break out are spicy food and high-protein food.

This chapter has been completed!
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