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Chapter 49: Ignition Grenade

After climbing over another mountain, we left Wagangzhai with two mountains and one valley. Mahan Mountain made a steep slope, and asked Aniu to go down the slope to bury the "pot mine" and connect the "pulling fire rope". Yes, it is to pull the fire. Others use fuses to detonate, but Mahanshan's Tao Lei uses a fuse to pull the fuse, and it will catch fire and explode as soon as it is pulled.

"Okay, Division Battalion Commander, Staff Officer Shen, who of you will pull it? Let me tell you, as long as you pull this rope, the clay pot buried in the ground below will explode."

"What? He exploded when you pulled it?" Shi Hualong was surprised.

"When I was working in the Imperial City Department, I read records that said that during the reign of Emperor Dasong Zhenzong, there was a man-made earthquake thunder, which looked similar to this Tao Lei. However, the earthquake thunder at that time was to be set on fire and thrown out. The power is still very strong. However, I don't understand why Donghu didn't use such a powerful weapon when he invaded our country." Shen Lang, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke.

"What are you talking about? Someone in Dasong actually made a land mine? No, his Sky Thunder... wants to ignite... Is it the same as my ignition grenade... Damn it, then why is Dasong still being bullied by others? I I understand, it must be the people who created such weapons, who were harmed by those civil servants and corrupted the country." When Ma Hanshan heard that someone had made landmines earlier than him, he couldn't help but feel depressed.

"My subordinates have seen the data in the palace. Although it looks a bit similar, it is not the same thing as the village leader's Tao Lei. It is also different from this ignition grenade. Although it is ignited and thrown out to hurt the enemy, this grenade is much lighter. , you will know if it is more powerful than the Thunderbolt." Shen Lang took an ignition grenade and looked left and right.

"Huh, is it the same? You'll know if you try it." Ma Hanshan took out a lighter, lit it on fire with a ding, and said, "Here, Staff Shen, you are the first one to throw it. Pay attention, after lighting the fuse, this thing is about It will explode in five seconds. Therefore, calculate the target distance of the throw and the time of the throw. You must calculate it well. It will explode when it lands at the target position. If it explodes too early, it will still be in the air and has no effect. If it explodes late, the target will be lost. There’s time to hide… Come on, order it yourself.”

However, Ma Hanshan handed the lighter to Shen Lang, pointed to the pit in the distance, and asked him to light it and throw it there.

In fact, Ma Hanshan got one thing wrong. A black powder grenade may not be effective when exploded in mid-air, but if it is a grenade made of yellow powder and there are many targets, the power of the grenade exploded on the target's head will be greater than that exploded on the ground. effective.

"Wait a minute, village leader, what does five seconds mean?" It was the first time Shen Lang heard such a unit of time.

"Oh, this is the time unit of modern science. Captain Shen, you should study modern mathematics and modern weights and measures when you have time. It is too inaccurate to use hours, quarters, etc. as time units. Let me explain it to you first. An hour is two hours of scientific time. One hour is equal to sixty minutes, and each minute is equal to sixty seconds. One second is one 7200th of an hour, which is about 900th of a quarter... 1. "Ma Hanshan's implementation of his scientific weights and measures has achieved remarkable results in Wagangzhai. Otherwise, if the original measurement method is used, it is really impossible to make precise things.

Apart from anything else, the original time unit is very troublesome. A five-second explosion, can it be said that it is a fraction of a moment? Or is it an instant? Or a blink? It is impossible to express the real situation.

Shen Lang was a little confused. He really didn't know how long it was for one part of seven thousand two hundred and two hundred.

"Okay, if you don't understand it the first time, just light it and throw it away." Ma Hanshan glanced at Shen Lang who was in a daze and said.

"Oh, okay, let's get started." Shen Lang took a step, looking very solemn. When Ma Hanshan saw it, he smiled and said, "There's no need for this, the lighter is in your hand, what are you waiting for?"

"Oh, this...how do you use this fire discount..." Shen Lang looked at the lighter in his hand and said.


Ma Hanshan sighed and said: "Originally, I asked you to be the first to play with the fire grenade, but now it seems that I should be the one to demonstrate."

Ma Hanshan took the lighter and the grenade, and first demonstrated how to use the lighter. The Shen Lang brother and sister saw each other, and their eyes lit up. This kind of fire stick is really easy to use. It can catch fire without blowing.

"Look, light the index, count silently, one, two, three, throw..." Ma Hanshan threw the grenade in his hand, and the grenade flew downhill to a pit about ten feet away with a string of white smoke and sparks.


There was an explosion, and mud and gravel flew up from the pit and scattered in all directions. A cloud of black smoke rose into the air. When the breeze blew, a smell of sulfur hit your face.

"This...is so powerful...can...can blow up so many mud balls? If it were a human being..." If a human being was blown up like this, his body would not be broken into pieces, and his limbs would probably be severed.

However, Ma Hanshan was very dissatisfied with this effect. Compared with the grenade in the previous life, the effect was far inferior. Even compared with the wooden handle grenade used in the army in the previous life, it was also very inferior.

But he has no choice, because he doesn't know how to make yellow gunpowder, and time travelers are not omnipotent.

"That's awesome. Unless it explodes right in the enemy's belly, it won't kill anyone." Ma Hanshan said very dissatisfied.

"Master, you are being too modest. Once this thing explodes, as long as a piece of iron is stuck in the enemy's body, he will lose his fighting power." Shen Lang was very excited and almost clapped his hands. He said excitedly, "This is

Long-distance attacks that require no training can be used by any sergeant with a simple explanation. Unlike archers, which require long-term training. It may take several years to train an archer, but for a sergeant to know how to use this grenade...

, it only takes a quarter of an hour... Village Master..."

Shen Lang's excitement was justified. Not only was this grenade countless times more powerful than an arrow, but more importantly, everyone could use it.

"Really? So you have it now? Okay, you throw the other one." Ma Hanshan handed the other ignition grenade to Shen Lang.

This was exactly what Shen Lang meant. He happily took another ignition grenade, gently unscrewed the cover on the handle, took out the lighter from the inside, lit the lighter with a ding, lit the primer...threw it...

"I went, and you said you had the key, and we almost blew you up." After the grenade went off in the air, Ma Hanshan pointed at Shen Lang and cursed.

Shen Lang's face was on fire, and he argued: "Zhai Leader, you are too worried. I am counting in my heart, and I will definitely throw it away when I count to three..."

"Shit, your speed is wrong... Let me tell you, if you can't grasp the time of this second, then just cover your heart and count. Generally speaking, one heartbeat is one second." Ma Hanshan thought of a way to make everyone speed up.

The way to know how long one second is is that the heartbeat of an adult is usually sixty to seventy beats per minute, so if one heartbeat counts as one second, it’s not much different.

"Ah? So that's it." Everyone was surprised.

"Of course, it doesn't count when you are excited, nor when you are frightened. It is normal, normal heart rate." Ma Hanshan was very distressed. He asked people to learn the time unit, but he couldn't get an alarm clock.

Making an alarm clock is not as simple as setting off a fire grenade. If Ma Hanshan wants to make an alarm clock in this world, it is probably impossible to achieve it.

"Comrade Leader, Captain Shen has already thrown the grenade, so I will pull the tow mine." Shi Hualong had no chance to throw the grenade, so he had to use the rope to pull the tow mine.

"Well, okay, the division and battalion commander will do it." Ma Hanshan covered his ears and squatted in the pit.

The torpedo's charge is much larger than that of the grenade, and the sound is definitely loud enough, and it must be as scary as thunder.

When A Niu saw the young master "squatting in the pit", he also squatted down in the same manner. Shi Hualong was very excited and said to the village leader, can I pull him? Ma Hanshan said, "You pull it, and no one will stop you."


Earth-shattering? The ground cracked and the mountains shook, the mountains collapsed and the ground split apart...

Anyway, it was very loud, like thunder in my ears, it was so scary.

Shen Hua's face turned pale with fright, and Shen Lang's expression was not much better. He had no idea that this Tao Lei would be so loud.

"Okay, great...Comrade leader, give me dozens of these Tao Lei, and I guarantee that those beggar soldiers will never come back to Wanghai." Shi Hualong was stunned for a while, and suddenly grabbed Ma Hanshan's shoulders excitedly. explain.

"Hey...hey...let go..." Ma Hanshan knocked off Shi Hualong's hand and said, "No, not one."

"Then... you can give me two to three hundred ignition grenades..." Shi Hualong retreated and settled for the next best thing.

"Grenade... maybe ten or twenty." Ma Hanshan said angrily.

These are the first-generation test products. Ma Hanshan has never thought of producing them like this, and he is not capable of producing them now. These are all hand-made prototypes.

"Ah? Then...why does the village leader want us to see these things..." Shen Lang was not happy either.

"Haha, I'm just telling you what new things we have researched." Ma Hanshan smiled and patted Shen Lang on the shoulder and said, "Company Commander Shen, don't worry, I will definitely give you powerful weapons to deal with those donghu dogs. Thief."

Ma Hanshan stopped playing riddles and filled two glass bottles with gasoline. He stuffed a handful of rags into the mouths of the bottles. After a while, the rags were filled with gasoline.

"With this thing, not to mention only 200 people coming to Xiangwanghai, even if we come to 2,000, they will never even think of touching our Wagang Village." Ma Hanshan raised the gasoline bottle in his hand and said.

"Zhai leader, this... what is this thing? Why does it stink?" Shi Hualong bent down and smelled it, and said with surprise on his face, "What is this thing? It smells stinky when you first smell it. After smelling it a few more times, you will feel it. It smells pretty good.”

"This is called kerosene, and this thing is called kerosene bottle." Ma Hanshan said with a weird smile.

"Fire oil bottle? Very powerful? Can it repel the enemy?" Shen Lang said.

"Of course, keep an eye on it." After saying that, Ma Hanshan lit the lighter with a clang, then lit the rag and threw it down the slope with all his strength.


It's not an explosion, it's the sound of a bottle shattering when it hits the ground. In fact, a gasoline bottle is also called a gasoline bomb. If you time it correctly, it will explode. However, the fire is too strong and it is difficult to control the time. Often, it will fall to the ground. The time point for it to explode was not reached.

As the oil bottle shattered, there was a roar, and a fireball exploded on the ground. A heat wave blew to the mountain with the mountain wind, and everyone felt the heat was overwhelming.


How can it be so hot at such a long distance? What a powerful fire oil bottle.

This chapter has been completed!
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