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Chapter 61: Double Light Crack

Qi Nanyue spread his hands with a grimace on his face. Ma Hanshan thought for a while and realized that Qi Nanyue had saved money. If he paid off all the debt now, it would be hundreds of thousands less.

Alas, I have to get money again.

Ma Hanshan waved his hand and asked Qi Nanyue to leave. He lay on the chair and began to "enter meditation".

Every time he thinks about something, he must "enter concentration." Shen Hua has now mastered some of Yi Hanshan's rules, so when she saw him like this, she did not dare to disturb him, dimmed the lights and quietly exited Ma Hanshan's "office."

Mahanshan is really worried about how much money he has to spend to build the village he envisioned.

There are many things that can be exchanged for money, but what he wants is not only money, but also a network that is beneficial to him. Therefore, some things cannot be sold just because he has money. For example, he plans to sell 20 to 30% of the shares of Zuixianjiu. .But these two to three percent shares will never be sold to anyone who pays for them. If you want to buy these shares, you must at least have a certain power in the government or have great influence in society.

"A Niu...A Niu..." I don't know how long I had been sitting in the chair "in meditation", but Ma Hanshan suddenly jumped up and shouted.

"What's the ghost screaming in the middle of the night..." The door opened, and Shen Hua appeared at the door very unhappy.

Shen Hua is now a "personal" 24-hour follower. Even when Ma Hanshan sleeps, she has to sleep in a small room outside Ma Hanshan's room and be at her disposal at any time. What's damning is, this bastard doesn't care whether it's day or night, what's going on in his mind It's about to be done. How many times has Shen Hua been awakened from her dreams?

"Go, call your brother." Ma Hanshan often ignored Shen Hua's temper.

"Humph, it's always such a torment, in the middle of the night." Shen Hua stood still.

"Midnight? What time is it now?" Ma Hanshan said, stroking his forehead.

"It's midnight." Shen Hua said angrily.

"Oh, then don't look for him. Write it down and ask your brother to notify Ruyi Warehouse and other merchants selling Zuixianjiu tomorrow morning. From now on, the production of Zuixianjiu will be reduced by 20%, and the selling price will be increased by 300 yuan per catty." After Ma Hanshan finished speaking, he walked out with his hands behind his back. As he walked, he muttered, "You won't let me go back to the room to sleep in the cold weather. Let me sleep on a chair. If I freeze, it depends on how you explain it to everyone."

Haha, I blame Chenhua for not letting him go back to his room to sleep.

Although the temperature outside is indeed quite cold, Ma Hanshan's office is not cold at all, because this guy has installed "heating" and anthracite-burning stoves in his office and bedroom.

This night was actually an ordinary winter night, but not only did Ma Hanshan not sleep well, Suishui Shuangguang also didn't sleep well, especially Ge Guangpei.

The reason why he didn't sleep well was not because he didn't see Ma Hanshan when he went to Wagang Village, nor was it because there were too few filial piety people in the village. Although he only had a mere one hundred taels of silver, it was his salary for several months. , his salary is fifteen taels, welfare is twenty taels, and Waganzhai's filial piety of one hundred taels is not stingy.

What made him sleep poorly was the ten bottles of Zuixianjiu given by Wagangzhai. This wine was so strong, fragrant, mellow, strong and so transparent. Such a good wine was brewed in his own territory, and This is the first time for such a dignified county captain to drink this wine. It is really embarrassing.

He asked someone to check it out and found that this wine sold for several taels of silver a bottle on the market. It was really expensive.

So, how much money does Wagonzhai make from such expensive wine?

No wonder, no wonder Wagangzhai suddenly became rich. It turned out to be because of Zuixianjiu.

Damn it, why don’t you know this? What a good wine-making technology this is. Are you afraid of not having enough money to get this wine-making technology? Even if you can’t get the wine-making technology, you can get some dry stocks or something… Haha, that’s a lot

Beautiful thing.

The more Ge Guangpei thought about it, the more he fell asleep. He finally stayed up until dawn and hurried to the county government office to find Tang Guangxiong.

According to the past, if he arrived at the county government office at this time, Mr. Tang would have been having breakfast in the backyard, so he entered the county government office directly through the back door.

Tang Guangxiong really got up, but instead of having breakfast, he walked around the hall like a trapped animal.

"Yucheng is here? So soon...have you heard about it?" Tang Guangxiong saw Ge Guangpei coming in, his face full of surprise.

"So fast?" Ge Guangpei was a little confused, what did he hear? He hadn't heard anything.

"Yes, I just sent someone to ask you to come over early, but you arrived unexpectedly..." Tang Guangxiong sat down and said, "You really haven't heard? There are huge rumors outside that Donghu has invaded Guogaishan San of this county.

There are nine villages and eighteen villages in the township.”

"Ah? No one knew about this yesterday, so how come everyone knows about it today? And... and it even mentioned the Three Townships and Eighteen Villages? How many soldiers did Donghu have to bring?" Ge Guangpei was shocked.

Of course he was surprised. If this kind of talk spread to the state, the government, and then the capital...not to mention what the emperor is like, it is certain that there will definitely be a lot of people using this matter to attack him.

Political attacks in the temple never require real evidence, as long as there are such rumors. Sometimes he will create some if he doesn't. Now... The drunken immortal wine in Ge Guangpei's head was suddenly gone, and he would be beaten in minutes.

The imperial court held him to account, and his hat was almost gone, so how could he care about Drunk Immortal Wine?


Ge Guangpei sat there gritting his teeth for a moment, then suddenly clapped his hands and stood up and said: "Brother Qiming, someone is making rumors. This is a rumor. Someone is going to counterattack Donghu again...Brother Qiming, I think I should go to Beijing immediately."


"Ah? Entering the capital?" Tang Guangxiong was surprised. Without an imperial edict, it was a violation for local officials to enter the capital at will, or for officials to leave the capital at will. The censors said that he would lose his official position if he was responsible for the crime.

Many people were imprisoned, and beheadings also occurred.

Tang Guangxiong did not dare to enter Beijing casually.

"Yes, let's go to Beijing. Brother Qiming, this is a major matter, a national matter, a war matter, a side matter. For such an important matter, of course we have to go to Beijing. What's more important is that we have to go to Beijing to meet with the Prime Minister. Otherwise, this matter will be very serious.

Trouble." Ge Guangpei frowned and walked around the hall. Who, who started the rumor?

Although Tang Guangxiong is the county magistrate, if someone wants to be held accountable for border affairs, the first responsibility should be the local garrison commander, and the second responsibility should be Ge Guangpei, because Suishui's public security and military affairs are his main responsibilities. But

He, the chief officer, didn't react at all and didn't even know about this. If the higher-ups were to hold him accountable, he would be the first cannon fodder.

Therefore, he encouraged Tang Guangxiong to go to Beijing immediately. He must find someone to protect him before the news of his opponent reached the court meeting, otherwise...

Although Ge Guangpei's mind was not very good, he turned around in circles for a while and finally figured out the key points, and couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

Poison, who is so poisonous, why would you attack a little county captain like him?

Could it be... could it be Wagonzhai?

If the rumors were spread by Wagangzhai, he would not be afraid. As long as those rumors were not spread by the warring faction, there would be no back-up, and then he would not be in any danger. He was just afraid that these rumors were spread by the warring faction.

There must be some backup plan. If they can counterattack Donghu, that's fine. If they can't, then he will definitely become cannon fodder.

But why did they react so quickly? It only happened two days ago...

"Yes, we should go to Beijing." Tang Guangxiong thought for a moment and nodded. "However, it's because you came to Beijing. Don't forget that border affairs are your responsibility. Now there is an enemy invasion, and you haven't reported it for two days."


Haha, we are as close as brothers? Love as brothers and sisters? Are you kidding me? That was something you said while drinking. When something happens? You must clearly define your rights and responsibilities, and you must not "bend the law for personal gain".

When Tang Guangxiong came to Beijing, he was the one who carried the thunder. Obviously this matter was Ge Guangpei's responsibility, so of course he would not be so foolish as to shoulder the thunder. Not only did he not shoulder the thunder, he also pointed out that two days after the incident happened, Ge Guangpei had already

He did not report this matter to the county, nor to the state, so he, the county magistrate, did not know that such a thing had happened, and it was not his sole responsibility.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. Although we were good brothers when we shared the money, now we must clearly define our rights and responsibilities.

"Brother Qiming...this...this matter..." Ge Guangpei was dumbfounded. He never expected that Tang Guangxiong would draw a line with him so soon.

"Go quickly, Yucheng. I will send someone to inform the state and the government immediately. You don't have to worry. I still have some friendship with the magistrate. He will definitely protect you and me." Tang Guangxiong said very calmly.

Haha, my title has come out, I am no longer a brother, I am no longer a brother. Ge Guangpei felt anger rising in his heart, and secretly thought, hum, surnamed Tang, don't let me get close to the Prime Minister, otherwise I will let you "

Prosperous official career."

Ge Guangpei was still a member of the city government. Although he was secretly angry in his heart, his face was still full of fear. He respectfully bowed to Tang Guangxiong with his fists clasped and said: "Then, the county government will protect the prefecture. Yucheng will go to Beijing immediately.


In the evening of the next day, Huang Chongba's family arrived at Wagang Village, and almost at the same time, Huang Chongba's first piece of information also reached Ma Hanshan's hands.

After reading the intelligence, Ma Hanshan was not interested in Ge Guangpei rushing to Lin'an at all. What made him happy was that the intelligence said that Ge Guangpei and Tang Guangxiong had produced Mao Dun. In the matter of Donghu's cross-border invasion, Tang Guangxiong

We need to draw a clear line with Ge Guangpei.

Great, great. This was completely beyond Ma Hanshan's expectation. He thought that letting the Money Gang spread the news of Donghu's invasion would only put some responsibility on Suishui County. Unexpectedly, it actually caused the two of them to have an affair immediately.

It's such a surprise.

"A Niu...No, Huahua...Huahua asked your brother to come over..." Ma Hanshan scratched his pot head and said.

"Company Commander Shen is accommodating your distinguished guest... Huh, I really don't understand how two women and two children became honored guests. Are those two children your children?" Shen Hua said deliberately disgusted.

"Are you envious? Do you want to have a couple? Do you need help?" Ma Hanshan blinked and said with an ambiguous look. How could such words disgust a person like Ma Hanshan? He underestimated the leader of Ma Dazhai.

"Bah, ivory can't grow in a dog's mouth." Shen Hua was often ridiculed, but this time...she actually blushed and her heart beat, damn it.

Oops, the little girl is already a mustard in October at such a young age?

Ma Hanshan glanced at Shen Hua, who was extremely embarrassed, and left the office calmly with his hands behind his back. As he walked, he said, "Where are they? Take me over and have a look."

Those who have done something wrong will be punished, and those who have merit will be rewarded. This is the most basic rule in Ma Hanshan's management concept. Huang Chongba has made a small contribution, and Ma Hanshan decided to personally resettle his family, which can be regarded as a reward.

This chapter has been completed!
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