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Chapter 66: Agency Fees

"Yes, in the catering industry, build a national...multi-national chain of large-scale hotels. Think about it, this umami powder will make the dishes in the hotel so delicious, will it attract all the rich and foodies in the city? They are The cash machine allows you to withdraw money every day." Ma Hanshan said with certainty.

Shen Wuwan was a little dizzy. He felt that opening a restaurant to make money with such a unique product was like taking off his pants and farting. It was unnecessary. Wouldn't it be better to sell it directly? However, the word cash machine, he thought I’ve never heard of it, but it sounds like it’s very powerful.

There is no way to sell this thing alone. Even if you sell it for gold, you won't make much money. Shen Wuwan seems to have no choice but to acquiesce to Ma Hanshan's proposal.

The reason why Shen Wuwan was dizzy was mainly because he had not changed his mind. He believed that the money earned by opening a restaurant was hard money, and he could not make a lot of money.

His thinking is wrong. In fact, a big hotel can make more money than a warehouse.

"What? You look down on the hotel business?" Ma Hanshan saw the clue from his expression.

"Well...how much money can you make by selling some wine and food? It's so tiring..." Shen Wuwan Qiqi Ai Ai said.

"Hey, you guys are all thinking... do you have a copper?" Ma Hanshan said helplessly, shaking his head gently.

"Yes, what are you doing?" Although he was used to Ma Hanshan's jumping style, this was too jumping, and Shen Wuwan was a little confused.

"Here, I will teach you a lesson today, one copper coin for tuition." Ma Hanshan took the copper coin from Shen Wuwan's hand and said, "I tell you, don't underestimate the business of selling wine and food. It is a big business, a large-scale one." You know best how much wine a hotel sells in a year. Moreover, what I am talking about is a hotel, which is different from the restaurant you mentioned. It should be a combination of entertainment and accommodation. In addition, I am talking about chains from various countries, that is Open hotels in Dasong, Donghu, Xixia, Dali and other major cities in the country."

"Have you ever known how much money the largest restaurant in Lin'an makes in a year? Let me tell you, it can beat one of your warehouses in a minute." Ma Hanshan raised the umami powder in his hand and said, "Moreover, with this artifact, the price has increased by one." Doubling is not a problem at all, some original dishes can be sold at sky-high prices. Think about it, there are a lot of people queuing up to eat before the door opens every day, what is the situation? They are all lucky boys. "

Shen Wuwan remained silent, but in his mind he was sorting out the restaurants that took out the most drinks, secretly calculating the money they earned every day. Not that he didn't know, he found that the approximate profits of these restaurants were really scary.

Opening a restaurant with a magic weapon like umami powder is, in fact, undoubtedly a unique business. If planned well, it will really make more money than running a warehouse. However, this investment...

You may not think much of opening one, two, or three or five restaurants, but if you want to open them in all major cities, the investment is really scary. How many big cities are there in these countries? What's more, in a big city like Lin'an and Bianliang, opening one is If it doesn't work, at least open two.

"The investment is too big." Shen Wuwan said after being silent for a while.

"Oh, boss Shen, why are you so smart all your life and so stupid for a while? Who asked you to open so many hotels by yourself? You open one in Lin'an and one in Bianliang. Use these two as a model for other places. The boss has met you, but he still won’t cooperate with you? Then you can just buy shares. Let them unify the store name and style, and then you can manage it exclusively. This is how a large chain restaurant group was established." Ma Hanshan stretched out his palm and followed Shen fifty thousand for copper.

Shen Wuwan thought for a moment and immediately understood the operation method. He couldn't help but laugh. He took out a handful of copper coins and stuffed them into Ma Hanshan's hand and said: "Haha, here you go, all of it. Tell me, what is the umami powder?" price."

"This thing is not expensive, but we should discuss the cooperation method first. There are two ways of cooperation. One is that Ruyi Warehouse buys out all the agency rights, and you underwrite all the umami noodles I produce. The other way of cooperation is, Bid every quarter to buy out the production." Ma Hanshan said with a bad smile.

"What does bidding to buy out production mean?" Shen Wuwan discovered that this guy had new ways to make money from him every time.

"Every quarter we report a production volume, and then invite all merchants who are interested in the product to bid. The highest bidder will get it. The highest bidder will have all the production for this quarter. If others want it, they can only Buy with the winning bidder." Ma Hanshan explained with a smile, but Shen Wuwan felt that this guy's smile had evil intentions no matter how he looked at it.

Of course he has bad intentions. If he bids for sales every season, he estimates that the umami powder will be sold at sky-high prices after it is popularized.

"Hmph, you are such a bad boy." Shen Wuwan figured it out and thought for a moment before saying, "You said, the exclusive agent gave it to me."

"Okay, the agency fee for the seven countries is 500,000 yuan per year. We are old friends and brothers. I won't compete in the first year and will give it to you directly. The product will cost ten taels of silver per catty." Ma Hanshan put away his smile and said seriously.

"Ah! The agency fee is five hundred thousand a year? Master Mazhai, are you trying to steal money? How many of these things do you produce in a year? How much is the agency fee per kilogram on average?" Shen Wuwan looked like he had been bitten by a snake. He screamed in surprise and almost jumped up.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious. This kind of thing is more valuable in its precision, not its quantity. In the first year, the output should not exceed 5,000 jins." Ma Hanshan was shocked as he said that if the production of 5,000 jins was , the agency fee is 500,000, isn’t that the agency fee per catty... Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but blush, oh, I’m too greedy, I dare to ask for so much agency fee.

"Stop talking, I'm going to eat and go back to sell my daily groceries. Alas..." Shen Wuwan waved his hands and sat down to eat. However, he became angry when he tasted the dishes with chicken powder. She yelled at Shen Hua to take away the dishes with added ingredients.

Seeing this, Ma Hanshan scratched his head and said: "Boss Shen, have you ever calculated how much profit five thousand kilograms of umami powder can create? Just like this pot of beef bone soup, if no umami powder is added, no matter how good it is, It shouldn't cost more than one tael of silver. But if you add umami powder, it doesn't need to be much. Just add 2 taels of umami powder. Even if it sells for 4 or 5 taels of silver, no one will find it expensive. Two taels of silver is enough. Earn an extra three or four taels of silver..."

Shen Wuwan was determined, even though Ma Hanshan's tongue was shining like a lotus, he just stopped uttering a word. It was too much. To produce a product of five thousand kilograms, but to charge an agency fee of five hundred thousand, this... This is worse than a robber who steals money. .

"Okay, okay, four hundred thousand." Ma Hanshan had no choice but to take the initiative to lower the price.

But Shen Wuwan was unmoved and still lowered his head to eat.

"Three hundred thousand, this is the lowest." Ma Hanshan said with a bitter face.

Shen Wuwan said nothing, and Ma Hanshan scratched his head again. Shen Hua looked on and found it funny. It was the first time she saw this guy deflated, and she was so happy that she almost laughed out loud.

"Two hundred thousand, you want it, you don't want me to give it to others. There are a few big merchants living in the guest house over there. Humph, don't think you are the only one with money." Ma Hanshan said as he walked out, looking like he was about to leave. posture.

"One hundred thousand, no less than ten thousand catties a year." Shen Wuwan finally spoke.

"One hundred and fifty thousand, the first year's output is 3,000 to 5,000 jin, and we can increase it a little bit more in the second year." Ma Hanshan came back and said.

"Oh, you're too greedy. Okay, I'll sign a one-year contract with you first." Shen Wuwan means that if you can't make any money from this thing after one year, you can throw away 150,000 yuan.

"Okay, but I will bid next year." Ma Hanshan gritted his teeth and said.

Huh, people in this world really don’t have much talent for eating. Not many people know how to cook. They always boil and cook, let alone any decent condiments. Ma Hanshan feels that once his chicken noodle is launched, Anyone who has eaten it will want to eat it again. He believes that it can be as popular as Zuixianjiu.

"You...you...you are a devil who eats people without spitting out their bones..." Shen Wuwan pointed at Ma Hanshan and said, "Five years, I want five years of exclusive rights, and the agency fee is 500,000."

"Five years and six hundred thousand." Ma Hanshan replied calmly.

"Oh, okay, Lao Shen has never won against a monster like you..." Shen Wuwan finally compromised.

"You should be lucky to have met me. If someone else had met me, your Ruyi Warehouse would have been crushed." Ma Hanshan picked up the wine and said, "So, we should have a drink to celebrate. Come on, it's your toast to me." "

Well, he serves the wine first and then asks others to respect him. This is probably the only person in the world who has such a thick skin.

Shen Wuwan stayed at Wagangzhai for one night, threw down a million in silver notes the next day, and drove away with dozens of cars of Zuixianjiu. When he came, he knew that Ma Hanshan wanted money from him, so he He would bring so many banknotes with him, and this umami powder was an unexpected gain during his trip to the mountains.

In fact, Ma Hanshan made nearly more than one million yuan in these two or three days, which was also an extremely unexpected gain.

Perfume and lipstick are "by-products", so he didn't ask Yelu Tie for much agency fees. Since Yelu Tie also supplied brine stone and glass products to the village, after deducting the reservation fee, Ma Hanshan only received 200,000 from Yelu Tie. Agency fee. The same business, the same five-year agency fee. The double standard is so serious. If Shen Wuwan knew about it, he would definitely be pinched.

The winter solstice is here, which means it’s time to take “annual leave.”

But there is no "annual leave" in Wagang Village this year. Not only do they not have annual leave, they also have to work overtime.

The Winter Solstice is a festival, and in some places there is a saying that the Winter Solstice is the New Year's Eve, because it is a day to take stock of the fruits of a year's hard work.

The south where Mahanshan lived in his previous life was a place where the winter solstice was more important than the Chinese New Year. Therefore, he wanted to give Wagang Village a day off, but he was opposed by the whole village, including the workers.

They have regarded Wagonzhai as their home and the work in Wagonzhai as their job. Seeing that the work is so intense, no one is willing to waste time. More importantly, no one wants to miss the chance to complete the work on time. Generous rewards.

This was announced by Ma Hanshan that day when he paid Shen 50,000 and more than one million in agency fees. As long as each project is completed on time and with quality, there will be bonuses, very generous bonuses.

Everyone is so dedicated and dedicated, and Ma Hanshan doesn't want to go against everyone's wishes, so he won't take a holiday during the winter solstice, but won't work overtime, and then sends everyone holiday condolences and other gifts. This guy also copied the practice of welfare in his previous life. He doesn't mind plagiarizing practices that can increase efficiency and warm people's hearts.

There are welfare benefits and big meals during the festival, so of course everyone is happy.

However, what makes everyone happiest is the planning for Wagangzhai next year. If there is planning, there will be construction, if there is construction, there will be work, and if there is work, there will be money. Who is not happy?

This chapter has been completed!
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