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Chapter 68: Hydrodynamic Punch

An epoch-making punch machine was actually built. Although the structure is simple, it is definitely a punch machine that can stamp hardware by installing a mold. Looking at the very simple and rough punch machine, Ma Hanshan actually had the urge to burst into tears.

Unexpectedly, this thing can be transformed from an idea into a real machine under my own "guidance".

Ma Hanshan stretched out his hand and gently stroked the iron lump like he was stroking his lover for the first time. He circled the machine around and around, excited. A Niu and Qin Nanyue were very surprised. Could it be that this lump was bigger than

Is a steamer even more magical?

In their opinion, the steamer is magical enough. Pour the lees into it and you can get such good wine. So why is the steamer steaming wine? It is simply steaming silver. What comes out is not wine, but silver.

"Zhang Machinery...has this...this...been checked?" Ma Hanshan finally stopped.

"Master, we have checked it three times. As long as the master opens the gate and releases the water and lowers the transmission box, the machine will be able to rotate." Zhang Jiachou nodded.

"Okay, okay, Zhang Jiji, if the test run is successful, you will be the number one hero of Wagangzhai, no, the number one hero of Dasong, and the ancestor of machinery in this world." Ma Hanshan patted Zhang Jiji and said.

In fact, calling Zhang Jiji the ancestor of machinery is a bit too high and goes too far. In the past, Zhuge's wooden ox and flowing horse should be regarded as machinery, and there are many mechanisms in the royal tombs, which can also be regarded as a type of machinery. Zhang

The ancestor of machinery has built many precision machines.

Who is Zhang Jiji’s ancestor? Why does he have such a strange name?

The ancestor of Zhang Jiacheng is a famous and talented person. He is the astronomer, mathematician, inventor, geographer and writer Zhang Heng who invented the seismometer and improved the armillary sphere.

This talented man has invented many sophisticated things. The most famous ones are the seismometer and the cloudy sky instrument, as well as the compass car, the mile-drum car, and the map... Ma Hanshan is also planning to let Zhang Machinery refer to the Ruilun invented by his ancestors.

Rui Lun Pod was the earliest automatic calendar. He felt that based on this principle, an automatic chronograph could also be built.

Ma Hanshan sighed that the inventions of this Zhang Niu man were all great, and they were all practical and promoted science. Many of them would be widely used thousands of years later, such as the Jili Drum, which was actually the car of Ma Hanshan's previous life.

The odometer.

Zhang Machinery's original name was Zhang Qizhong. After Liu Guisan introduced him to Wagangzhai, Ma Hanshan felt like he had found a treasure and directly made him the director of a hardware factory with only a few people. He also served as the director of a mold factory that had not yet started to be built.


Haha, Ma Hanshan can really imagine that in the world of his previous life, a mold factory must at least have milling, gong, grinding, wire cutting, spark machines and other machines, and his mold factory, except for Zhang Machinery, only

A few hammers, saws, etc.

However, Liu Guisan and Zhang Machinery, together with a group of disciples and disciples, worked day and night for half a year, and actually produced a punch press and a mold for a lighter copper plate machine.

Of course, this mold is not the continuous mold that Ma Hanshan has seen in his previous life. This is the simplest mold. Put in the material, punch one thing, then take it out, and punch the second one.

A lighter only has a few accessories: shell, oil drum, oil drum bottom, lighter trigger, flint barrel, spring, grinding wheel, etc. Because the lighter trigger needs to be assembled with the lighter grinding wheel shell, it cannot be turned over.

The mold can only be used for stamping.

The lighter "designed" by Ma Hanshan is based on the old-fashioned kerosene lighter he played with when he was a child. Of course, he also simplified it and made it extremely simple. Only by simplifying can the accessories be manufactured with reverse molds. Stamping parts? Even if there is a machine,

The mold is also an extremely difficult problem to solve. Therefore, the structure must be simplified.

According to Ma Hanshan's "design", only two parts of his fire and water lighter need to be stamped. The rest can be made by casting. Although the things produced by casting are not as exquisite as stamping, only

It can be remedied or solved in secondary processing. After all, this is a zero-industry world.

Zhang Machinery was praised by Ma Hanshan for a while, and his old face turned red. He was very embarrassed. Village leader, mechanical things have been used for a long time, such as this water turbine driven by water. Before the Spring and Autumn Period, some people made waterwheels and water-powered rollers. Although

The appearance is different, but the principle is similar.

Mahanshan uses the simplest axial flow turbine. In fact, it is to build a waterway, then make a "water nest" with a drop, install the water wheel in this "water nest", and then use the pressure, suction, and rotation of the water

Push it to rotate. Of course, if it is the oldest horizontal-axis axial flow turbine, it is much simpler, just rush the water to the water wheel casually.

Waterwheels, the ancient ones were made of wood, while the modern ones are of course made of metal and are very precise.

The waterwheel "designed" by Mahanshan is made of iron.

In Wagangzhai, under the research and development of several master craftsmen who play with iron, such as Liu Guisan and Luo Tiejiang, the casting technology can be said to have made incredible progress. It can be as large as this water wheel with a diameter of more than one meter, as small as a lighter.

All components can be cast. Moreover, the accuracy is actually very good.

Regarding the issue of accuracy, the so-called "modern weights and measures" promoted by Mahanshan and many "modern standards" are indispensable.

"Master of the village... let's open the gate and let out the water for a test run." Zhang Jiachian said with a red face.

"Okay, test run." Mahanshan rushed outside the factory and pulled up the water gate of the waterway. With a bang, the water in the creek rushed into the waterway and rushed into the "water nest". The turbine was easily driven by the water flow.


Of course, axial flow turbines can also transmit power through gears or crankshafts, but Ma Hanshan, who has nothing to do and relies on guesswork and trial, naturally uses the simplest belt drive.

There is a wheel on the shaft of the hydraulic turbine, which transmits the rotation to the force-splitting box through the belt, and then to a simple gearbox, so we need to make a force-splitting box because Ma Hanshan thinks that this hydraulic turbine can drive multiple machines.

Boom boom.

The "big fly" of the punch press was rotating. Ma Hanshan stepped on the clutch, and then the gears, crankshaft, and connecting rods rotated. The upper die fell, click... stamping... open the mold... the upper die rose... to complete a stamping cycle.

"Haha...Okay...Okay...Great...Zhang Machinery...succeeded...we succeeded..." Ma Hanshan personally punched out a few parts. Although the punched out parts were not satisfactory, it was a problem with the mold. As far as machinery is concerned,

, it was successful.

Ma Hanshan was so happy that the test run was successful. He felt that Zhang Machinery was born for machinery. He could actually tinker with a real machine with his ghostly "conception diagram", and he was able to successfully test run it in one go.

Success is neither luck nor accidental. Any success requires hard work, sweat, and even life.

Ma Hanshan didn't know that the reason why the test run was successful in the first time was because Zhang Machinery had put in a lot of sweat. He had made more than ten such "punches" out of wood for testing. Although it is impossible to install a wood punch press on a hydraulic turbine for testing,

Various data can be manually rotated to test.

"Congratulations to the village master, congratulations to the village master, we have a punch machine..." Zhang Machinery, Liu Guisan and others congratulated Ma Hanshan.

Ma Hanshan waved his hand and said: "What congratulations are you giving me? This is the credit of Zhang Jisan, Liu Guisan and everyone in the forging and casting factory and the hardware factory. I...I want to reward these meritorious officials. After Zhang Jiji, I will be the deputy director of the Mechanical Research Institute."

You will be in charge of the work. Guisan, you have performed well after joining the science department, so you can take on the position of vice president of the Metallurgical Research Institute first."

Haha, the leader of Ma Dazhai has appointed officials again. The so-called Mechanical Research Institute and Metallurgical Research Institute have not even existed yet, and he has appointed two deans.

"Thank you, teacher, students must work harder and live up to their teacher's cultivation." Liu Guisan bowed to Ma Hanshan.

"Well, you all have a long way to go. You must guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and you must study hard..." Ma Hanshan said, suddenly feeling like a magic stick. In fact, he didn't know anything, but he created a science and even recruited Liu Guisan.

Wait for a master-level person to become your disciple.


Suddenly, Zhang Jiji knelt in front of Ma Hanshan.

"Zhang Jiji, what do you want to do?" Ma Hanshan said, stepping aside.

"I want to become my disciple. I also want to become my disciple to the leader of the village. I also want to join the science sect..." Dong Dong, Zhang Jiji turned around and kowtowed to Mahanshan. Ancient people were real, and this was a real kowtow.

The floor tiles made a thumping sound.


Do you also become a disciple? Brother, let alone designing machinery, in fact, I can’t even draw a three-dimensional view, okay? You... You are such a powerful designer, engineer, and machinist and you want me to be your teacher... What do you want me to teach you?

Different from steaming wine, different from blacksmithing, different from plowing the land, Zhang Jiji wanted to worship him as his teacher, but he really didn't dare to accept it. He had nothing to "teach" in this game.

But Zhang Jiji doesn't see it this way. Although Ma Hanshan didn't say anything about the specific design, Zhang Jiji understands that Ma Hanshan's words or hints can often make him understand something or suddenly realize it. For example, he is in his thirties or forties.

He has been addicted to inventions and playing with machinery since he was sensible, but he has never invented or designed anything, such as a punch press, the power transmission of a hydraulic turbine, etc. He never even dreamed of being able to create such a thing.


Although Mahanshan did not do anything specifically with these things, it was precisely because of Mahanshan's "conception" and prompts that Zhang Machinery designed such an amazing and new type of machinery.

For example, water turbines actually existed a thousand years ago. The water wheel used to drive water to the fields is actually a horizontal axis water turbine. The hydraulic grinding machine that uses water power to grind flour is a serious horizontal axis water turbine. But he never thought about it.

, you can build a waterway, make a "water nest" and then change the blades of the water wheel to make a vertical axis water turbine with greater power.

As for the design of the punch press, Ma Hanshan only drew a "picture" of the appearance and some transmission crankshafts. There were no dimensions or formulas. But without these "pictures" and the schematic diagrams of the transmission, he would never be able to figure it out even for the rest of his life.

Such a mysterious machine.

Therefore, Zhang Jiji believes that Ma Hanshan is a genius. He has many more mysterious things in his mind and is definitely qualified to teach. Moreover, he believes that the science that Ma Hanshan created must be the future of mankind.

Because in this sect, everything learned and created are mysterious techniques that have never been heard of before.

This chapter has been completed!
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