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Chapter 79: Mr. Gai's praise

The "surgery" was performed in the so-called elegant "meeting room" of Gaosheng Inn, because Shen Hua said that of all the rooms, this room had the best light. Open all the windows and light would come in from all sides.

The reason why she did not choose to have surgery outdoors, which Ma Hanshan liked, was because the sun outside was too strong at this time. She was not worried about what happened to the injured person, but he was worried about damaging Mahan Shan.

Tsk, I don’t know when she started to care about Ma Hanshan.

"No one is waiting, please go out." Shen Hua went to change clothes, and Ma Hanshan, who had changed into a white coat, was chasing people away.

"Ma...Master Ma...can I watch from the sidelines?" For Gai Rencong, who had heard the word surgery for the first time, he really wanted to see what the surgery was like.

"Yes, let's stay and help..." Of course Lu Wenkuan also wanted to see how Ma Hanshan sutured the wound.

"It's okay, let's watch from the window... But you can't block the light..." Ma Hanshan was worried that these two guys would scream when they saw the rotten flesh from his cuts, so he wanted to drive them out.

"Climbing up the window and looking at it will block the light. If we stand in this corner and look at it, we can't block the light..." Gai Rencong pointed to where he was standing and said.

Ma Hanshan knew that it was impossible not to let them see it. After thinking about it, he nodded, but he made a three-part agreement with them. No matter what they saw, they could not scream or stop it.

Otherwise, he is not responsible if anything happens because they interfere with the surgery.

Gai Rencong and Lu Wenkuan nodded repeatedly and promised not to interfere with his healing.

Shen Hua, who had changed into a white coat, came back and began to disinfect the scalpel with alcohol. Ma Hanshan gave Ma Fei San to the two injured government servants, letting one of them lie down and the other on the table that served as an operating table to wait for the Ma Fei San to take effect. .

Seeing the strange-shaped but gleaming knives in Shen Hua's hand, Gai Rencong and Lu Wenkuan trembled involuntarily. What are these knives... so sharp, used for?

After a while, Ma Hanshan called out twice to the government servants who had taken Ma Fei Powder, pinched them twice with his hand, and found that the medicine had taken effect.

"Huahua, start the operation." Ma Hanshan covered a piece of cloth with a big hole cut out on the bearded officer's back, and Shen Hua brought over a glass of alcohol and a box of cotton.

The bearded yamen servant's wound has not yet become inflamed, so it only needs to be cleaned with alcohol, then sutured, and bandaged with medicine.

Soon, the wound was cleaned and Ma Hanshan began to suture it.

Gai Rencong and Lu Wenkuan's eyes almost dropped to the ground. He...he really used needles and thread to sew the wounds...

A foot-long wound required dozens of stitches. Fortunately, Hu Yamen took Ma Fei San, otherwise, these dozens of stitches would probably make him faint from the pain.

After the wound was sutured, Ma Hanshan applied cotton soaked in medicated oil to his wound, and then wrapped it with a gauze bandage and it was done.

Why not use Peach Blossom Powder? Because this wound is not suitable for Peach Blossom Powder.

Peach Blossom Powder is most suitable for use on wounds that have just been injured and are bleeding, or on wounds that have suppurated. The Bearded Yamen's wound has stopped bleeding, has been infected, and is in the fever stage before suppuration. Therefore, at this time, It is absolutely not possible to use peach blossom powder to completely seal the wound. The infection must be controlled first, and the fever must be controlled.

Peach Blossom Powder does not have this effect. In Ma Hanshan's previous life, this phenomenon would have been very simple, just use antibiotics. But in this world, the only thing Ma Hanshan can use is the ten thousand flower oil he just trial-produced.

That's right, it's Wanhua Oil. Ma Hanshan had just successfully tested Wanhua Oil before he came out of the mountain. In this world, the bearded Yamen was the first to use it.

"Okay, tell him when he wakes up. If the wound feels itchy, it is getting better. If the wound feels hot and painful, then it is troublesome." Ma Hanshan said to Gai Rancong who was standing aside.

"Then...those wires...don't need to be removed?" Gai Rencong woke up from the shock and said.

"It will take about seven to ten days to remove the sutures. By then, if I have left Xiangfan, I will tell your doctor how to remove the sutures." Ma Hanshan said while changing his gloves.

Yes, they are thin "medical gloves". Since the extraction of Eucommia gum was successful, he first made some "medical" gloves.

Shen Hua put the used knives aside and took out another set of surgical instruments for disinfection. The so-called other set was actually a few commonly used scalpels and a few clamps. Although Ma Hanshan remembered many styles of surgical instruments, unfortunately, some This world's technology cannot create things.

"Doctor Ma, the operation is ready." Shen Hua sterilized the knife, cut off the trousers of the round-faced yamen servant, and fixed his hands and feet with ropes before saying.

Well, when she entered the "operating room", she had to call her Dr. Ma Hanshan, not Young Master. This was Ma Hanshan's rule.

He has a lot of rules, the purpose is to show the solemnity of the operation. Of course, he is also a bit pretentious.

Although the wound of the "round-faced director" yamen servant has suppurated and looks scary, his "surgery" is actually faster than that of the bearded yamen servant. Ma Hanshan quickly cuts off the rotten flesh with a sharp scalpel. Then clean it with alcohol.

Although Yuan Mianyao had taken Ma Fei Powder, his sensory nerves were numb and his brain could not feel the pain. However, it was really painful to wash the wound with alcohol, so his thighs were shaking, which must be too much. Muscle trembling caused by stimulation.

If the round-faced yamen servant hadn't taken Ma Feishan at this time, he would probably be so painful that he would break the rope.

Originally, normal saline and hydrogen peroxide should be used to clean wounds, but Ma Hanshan used alcohol instead. It would be strange if he did not hurt the person to death.

He had no choice. He could make physiological saline, and it was also prepared in Watan Village, but he didn't bring it out. Hydrogen peroxide was actually not difficult to produce, but for a chemically illiterate person like Ma Hanshan and the conditions of this world, he couldn't Apart from being able to write the words hydrogen peroxide, he couldn't do anything else.

After cleaning, blot it dry, apply it with ten thousand flower oil, sprinkle it with peach blossom powder, and wrap it up and you're done.

That's right, peach blossom powder can be used on this round-faced government officer's wound, but peach blossom powder must be used.

Peach Blossom Powder can not only stop bleeding and relieve pain, but also sterilize. The bacteria in the rotten meat must be killed by using it.

"It's an eye-opener. It's amazing. Master Ma's unique skills are really amazing." Gai Rencong was greatly impressed. This was a healing method he had never seen before, and it really shocked him.

After the operation was completed, when Ma Hanshan invited Gai Rancong and Lu Wenkuan to drink tea in the small courtyard where he lived, Gai Rancong clasped his fists and said to Ma Hanshan with a look of admiration on his face.

"Yes, it's really shocking. He actually sewed the flesh..." Lu Wenkuan always remembers the way Ma Hanshan skillfully sutured the wound. That... that action... was really unforgettable.

"Haha, actually, it's all common sense and minor surgeries that can be completed by nurses in my hometown." Ma Hanshan waved his hand and said.

"Where is Master Ma's hometown, and who is the nurse?" Gai Rencong always felt that Ma Hanshan was very mysterious.

"Haha, nurses only care for patients...it's all details...it's all details, don't worry about these details..." Ma Hanshan covered it up with a haha, secretly cursing himself for being so loud and always talking about his hometown.

"Yes, you don't need to worry about these details..." Gai Rencong nodded and said. He also believed that this was the secret of the Mahanshan sect and it was not convenient to disclose it to others.

In ancient times, personal privacy may not have been taken seriously, but the secrets of the master's sect were valued by everyone. Anyone who leaked the secrets of the master's sect would be deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors.

"Master Ma... what... can you also sell us some needles and threads for sewing wounds?" Lu Wenkuan felt that these things were extremely useful. With these things, he would definitely be able to greatly reduce the number of deaths in battles with the barbarians in the future.

"No, first of all, these things can't be mass-produced, and secondly, it's useless to sell them to you because you don't have anyone who knows how to use them." Ma Hanshan shook his head and spread his hands.

The mulberry thread is easy to handle, but the suture needles of various shapes are really difficult for Ma Hanshan now. The steel is not good and the technology is not good. The ones he is using now have taken a lot of labor to grind them into this shape, but

He still thought it was too rough. But if it was sharpened again, it would lose its hardness and would break.

Therefore, if we want to comprehensively promote suturing surgery, we must not only train people who perform suturing, but also continue to work hard on steel.

"Ah...Is that so...Is this injection so difficult to produce?" Lu Wenkuan was disappointed.

"Yes, if the material production was mature, I would have recommended it to General Lu long ago." Ma Hanshan said with a smile, just kidding, would I let it go if it can make money?

"Master Ma, I just saw you using a potion with a strong smell. What is it? What is it used for? You can sell some of this to us." Gai Rencong's observation was really careful.

"Oh, that's a medicinal oil called ten thousand flower oil. It has the effect of stopping bleeding, relieving pain, reducing inflammation, promoting muscle growth, reducing swelling, dissipating blood stasis, relaxing muscles and activating collaterals. It can be used to treat bruises, sprains, knife wounds, and burns. This

The medicinal oil cannot be sold to you now because it has not started production yet. It has just been developed. In the second half of the year, it should be ready for mass production after autumn." Ma Hanshan said with a smile, "However, I still have some trial samples here.

, you can give some for free for adults to try."

Ma Hanshan is telling the truth. Although the formula and method for making Wanhua oil are ready, there are no materials now. It is spring, and there is no way to gather the herbs for making Wanhua oil, because some herbs cannot be collected until autumn.


"Ah, this thing is so effective? Master Ma is really a genius." Gai Rencong liked Ma Hanshan more and more. This guy's science is really good. He actually has so many miraculous medicines and so many miraculous medicines.

Medical skills.

"Haha, Mr. Gai is so complimentary." Ma Hanshan said in a pretentious manner.

"We all want these things. When we go back, Master Ma will give us a formal quotation. We will determine the purchase quantity after discussing with Mr. Fan." Lu Wenkuan said, rubbing his hands.

He was most anxious, as this was really related to his military strength and the supplies he had lost in battle.

"Haha, easy to say, easy to say, I will give the formal quotation to Mr. Gai tonight." Ma Hanshan said with a laugh.

Of course he had to laugh. He didn't expect it to be so easy to sell the hemostatic kits and peach blossom powder into the military camp. He thought it would take a lot of effort to convince them to accept it.

This chapter has been completed!
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