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The next day, Jiang Haokun received a call from the restaurant manager, saying that Jiang Lai and Wang Gang took a chef named Lu Yuan to the restaurant's back kitchen to challenge the original foreign chef.

The reason why I mentioned the original chef is because the chef and Lu Yuandong made a steak Wellington and lost.

The foreign chef had no shame in staying in the back kitchen and resigned directly to go home. Lu Yuan naturally took over as the chef.

When Jiang Haokun heard the news, he almost smashed the phone, but he forced himself to calm down.

He knew that Jiang Lai asked Lu Yuan to be the chef mainly to anger his brother, but Jiang Haokun couldn't be fooled yet.

Because Gan Jing had asked him to introduce a job to Lu Yuan, if Jiang Haokun came forward to drive Lu Yuan away at this time, not only would it be difficult for Jiang Lai to explain, but Gan Jing would also make trouble with him.

Jiang Haokun had to admire Jiang Lai and Wang Gang, this move completely hit his weak point.

Gan Jing was very happy when he learned that Lu Yuan was the chef again. He thought it was Jiang Haokun's help and specially invited him to his home for dinner.

"Haokun, I know that Lu Yuan can find a job, it must be your help. I will let Lu Yuan thank you when I have the opportunity in the future." Gan Jing prepared a few side dishes for Jiang Haokun, and the two of them ate them with red wine.

"It was Jiang Lai who invited Lu Yuan, and I didn't do anything." Jiang Haokun said depressedly.

"The restaurant belongs to the Jiang Group. If you don't agree, how can Jiang Lai make the decision?" Gan Jing said with a smile.

Jiang Haokun explained: "My father gave Jiang Lai full management of that restaurant. I can't decide who to hire as the chef."

Gan Jing was surprised and said: "Is your father trying to train Jiang Lai?"

Jiang Haokun curled his lips and said, "Jiang Lai wanted to join Jiang's family. I didn't agree, so I sent her to the restaurant. But Jiang Lai didn't have any objections and went there honestly."

Gan Jing reassured: "So, uncle still trusts you. I originally thought that the Jiang family cut off the cooperation with my studio because uncle wanted to pave the way for Jiang Lai."

Jiang Haokun said disdainfully: "Don't worry! My dad was worried about the proposal reception, so he broke off the cooperation. After a while, I will introduce some jobs to you."

Gan Jing smiled and poured a glass of wine for Jiang Haokun and said, "Haokun, thank you. I don't know if the studio can continue to open without you."

Jiang Haokun smiled and said, "Why do we need to talk about this?"

While talking, Jiang Haokun slowly touched Gan Jing's green and jade fingers. Just when the atmosphere was perfect, Gan Jing's doorbell rang.

Jiang Haokun put away his hand in embarrassment. Gan Jing straightened his clothes and went to open the door, only to see Peng Jiahe standing at the door with an angry look on his face.

"Aunt Gan Jing, please take care of Lu Yuan! He actually wants me to work in the restaurant's kitchen as a chore." Peng Jiahe walked into Gan Jing's house minding his own business, and then saw Jiang Haokun.

Peng Jiahe glanced at the side dishes and red wine on the table, and said to Gan Jing with some embarrassment: "Did I disturb you?"

Jiang Haokun wanted to say: "Yes, you are disturbing me!"

But Gan Jing had already spoken: "It's okay, we are eating, Jiahe, have you eaten?"

"Not yet, I'm almost exhausted." Peng Jiahe shouted.

"Well, you can sit down and eat with us!" Gan Jing said politely.

When ordinary people see this fight and know that Jiang Haokun and Gan Jing are dating, they will naturally not be a light bulb.

Unfortunately, Peng Jiahe is not an ordinary person.

"Can I have some red wine?" Peng Jiahe stared at the red wine on the table and asked greedily.

"You are not of age yet, so why not drink? There is freshly squeezed orange juice in the refrigerator. I will give it to you." Gan Jing said.

Peng Jiahe hated it when people said she was young, but when Gan Jing said so, she couldn't get angry.

Jiang Haokun watched Peng Jiahe sit down as if there was no one around, picked up Gan Jing's chopsticks, took a bite of food and put it in his mouth.

Jiang Haokun had no good impressions of this girl who was close to Lu Yuan.

"Jiahe, you just said that Lu Yuan asked you to do odd jobs?" Gan Jing brought orange juice and bowls and chopsticks and handed them to Peng Jiahe.

"Yes, Lu Yuan didn't know which tendon was wrong. He insisted on letting me work in the kitchen to do odd jobs, saying that the family didn't have enough people to support him!" Peng Jiahe said angrily.

Gan Jing advised: "Lu Yuan is doing it for your own good. You are not yet eighteen years old and you are unwilling to go to school. Why not learn a craft seriously so that you can have a bright future in the future."

"I don't want to be a cook." Peng Jiahe said: "My dad has been a cook all his life, and I don't want to be like him when it comes to pots and pans."

"Then what do you want to do?" Jiang Haokun asked, "In other words, what can you do?"

Peng Jiahe rolled his eyes and said to Gan Jing: "Aunt Gan Jing, how about I become your assistant! I don't want a salary, as long as you are willing to teach me!"

Jiang Haokun rolled his eyes and said: "Gan Jing is an architect, and her assistant needs to have very professional knowledge. Can you do it?"

Peng Jiahe said unconvinced: "Why not? I learn things very quickly!"

Gan Jing smiled and said: "Jiahe, it's not that I don't want to teach you, it's just that I'm very busy at work and really can't spare the time?"

Peng Jiahe lowered his head in disappointment and used chopsticks to pick up the vegetables a few times.

Gan Jing couldn't bear to see Peng Jiahe like this, so he asked Jiang Haokun, "Haokun, can you help Jiahe?"

Jiang Haokun said in a deep voice: "She doesn't even have a high school diploma. Which unit is willing to hire her? I would say that although Lu Yuan is usually a bit messy, he has a good arrangement for Peng Jiahe. Learning a craft is better than living a life."

Peng Jiahe said unconvinced: "Can't I do anything else besides being a cook?"

Jiang Haokun thought for a while and said: "Actually, your best choice now is to go to school. You are still young. It is not too late even if you start learning from scratch."

"Ah!" Peng Jiahe said with a grimace: "But I hate those textbooks the most. I get a headache when I read them!"

Gan Jing persuaded: "Jiahe, we are all doing this for your own good. It is difficult to move forward without a diploma in today's society. I will talk to Lu Yuan later and ask him to find a school for you."

When Jiang Haokun heard that Gan Jing wanted to find Lu Yuan, he was a little jealous and said: "Lu Yuan has just returned to China and doesn't know much about domestic education. It's up to me to find a school!"

"Thank you, Haokun." Gan Jing said gratefully.

"It's okay, no trouble, it's just a matter of a few phone calls." Jiang Haokun turned to Peng Jiahe and said:

"But the tuition for school is not cheap. Can you and Lu Yuan afford it?"

Peng Jiahe saw that he could not escape the fate of going to school, so he could only hold his nose and admit it.

"My dad's pension is still with Lu Yuan, and he refuses to give it to me."

Jiang Haokun frowned and said, "Lu Yuan wouldn't be greedy for that money, right?"

"Impossible, Lu Yuan is not that kind of person." Gan Jingyi said righteously.

When Jiang Haokun heard this, his heart sank and he felt a little unhappy again.

At this time, Gan Jing's doorbell rang again.

"I'll open the door." Gan Jing walked over to open the door, and then saw Lu Yuan standing at the door.

"Gan Jing, has Peng Jiahe come to see you?" Lu Yuan said awkwardly.

"Jiahe is inside." Gan Jing said subconsciously.

Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and shouted into the room: "Peng Jiahe, come out quickly and follow me home. Don't disturb Gan Jing."

Jiang Haokun walked out with Peng Jiahe.

"Lu Yuan, tell me, have you embezzled my father's pension?" Peng Jiahe came up and asked.

Lu Yuan was stunned and said, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Peng Jiahe pointed at Jiang Haokun and said: "He said that you have been unwilling to give me the pension. It must be because you are greedy."

Jiang Haokun's head is full of black lines, does he mean that? If you can't speak, don't talk nonsense!

When Lu Yuan heard Peng Jiahe's words, he became completely angry.

"Jiang Haokun, you are stirring up trouble!"

Jiang Haokun explained: "I didn't mean that!"

"Then what do you mean?" Lu Yuan said angrily.

The two stared at each other, and the atmosphere became tense for a moment.

Gan Jing had to stand up and explain clearly what had just happened.

When Lu Yuan heard that Jiang Haokun was looking for a school for Peng Jiahe, his face suddenly became much better.

"I don't give you a pension because I'm afraid that you are young and spend money indiscriminately, but if you pay for tuition, I can give you the money!" Lu Yuan said to Peng Jiahe.

"Do you really want to go to school?" Peng Jiahe hesitated.

"If you don't want to go to school, then come into the kitchen with me and learn a craft. After all, you can't just sit around at home, eating and waiting to die." Lu Yuanyi said righteously.

Gan Jing glanced at Lu Yuan in surprise. At this time, Lu Yuan was a little different from his usual carefree look.

In fact, Lu Yuan felt guilty about Peng Jiahe, so he forced her to learn cooking skills and wanted to pass on his cooking skills to her so that she could make a living in the future.

It's just that Peng Jiahe didn't understand Lu Yuan's painstaking efforts.

"I'm going to school, what should grandma do?" Peng Jiahe asked.

"I contacted a nursing home and was willing to take your grandma in!" Lu Yuan explained patiently.

"You want to throw my grandma into a nursing home, and you don't want to care about us anymore?" Peng Jiahe said angrily.

"When did I say I don't care about you?" Lu Yuan explained: "You think nursing homes are cheap! I usually have to work and don't have time to take care of your grandma."

Gan Jing nodded and said: "Jiahe, Lu Yuan did the right thing. Your grandma's illness requires professional care."

Peng Jiahe said gloomily: "Aunt Gan Jing, you don't know that before Lu Yuan returned to China, he said that after he had taken care of my affairs, he would find a place where no one was around to hang himself."

Gan Jing and Jiang Haokun looked at Lu Yuan in shock.

Lu Yuan said awkwardly: "No, what I said was drunken talk at that time, don't believe it!"

Gan Jing's eyes flashed with tears and he said: "What have you experienced in these years and why do you want to die?"

Lu Yuan turned his head in pain, not daring to look into Gan Jing's eyes.

Jiang Haokun naturally knew the reason, but he did not expect that Lu Yuan would seek death.

Peng Jiahe jumped out and said, "I know what happened to him!"

"Shut up." Lu Yuan shouted angrily, pulling Peng Jiahe and trying to leave.

Gan Jing blocked the door and said firmly: "If you don't explain things clearly today, don't even think about walking out of this door."

Peng Jiahe shook off Lu Yuan's hand and said to Gan Jing: "Aunt Gan Jing, Lu Yuan served in prison in the United States for several years and lost his sense of taste. Later he was reduced to washing dishes in a restaurant with the worst environment."

"How is that possible?" Gan Jing asked in surprise: "Weren't you very successful in your career in the United States at that time?"

Lu Yuan said angrily to Peng Jiahe: "Peng Jiahe, shut up, don't talk nonsense about things you don't know."

Gan Jing couldn't bear it anymore. He pulled Lu Yuan's hand and asked, "What happened to you?"

"It's nothing!" Lu Yuan forced a smile and said, "Don't you think I'm fine now?"

Peng Jiahe said angrily: "What's so good! Did you drink and get into fights before?"

Gan Jing turned to stare at Jiang Haokun and asked, "How much do you know about Lu Yuan? Was it because he was in jail when he disappeared in the United States?"

Seeing that Jiang Haokun couldn't hide, he could only confess honestly.

It turns out that in order to give Gan Jing a prosperous life, Lu Yuan not only worked hard, but also imitated others in investing. Unexpectedly, he unfortunately encountered a financial crisis and lost a large sum of money.

In order not to implicate Gan Jing, Lu Yuan shouldered the debt alone and even took the risk of smuggling with his friends. He was caught the first time he did so.

Before going to jail, Lu Yuan asked Jiang Haokun to take care of Gan Jing, but he did not expect that Jiang Haokun would take care of Gan Jing in bed.

Gan Jing burst into tears after learning about the hardships Lu Yuan had endured over the years.

In fact, she always knew that Lu Yuan's motivation for working hard was all for her.

"Jiang Haokun, you have always known about Lu Yuan, why didn't you tell me?" Gan Jing asked Jiang Haokun.

Jiang Haokun wondered: "It was Lu Yuan who didn't let me say it. He felt he wasn't worthy of you, so he entrusted you to me!"

Lu Yuan was unconvinced and said: "That's not what I said at the beginning. I just asked you to take care of Gan Jing more, not to entrust her to you!"

Jiang Haokun said: "Lu Yuan, you can't bring Gan Jing happiness. Only I can make Gan Jing happy in this world."

Lu Yuan said angrily: "So you found someone to trick me, so that I would be caught doing smuggling for the first time!"

When Gan Jing and Peng Jiahe heard this, their eyes widened in shock.

"Lu Yuan, what do you mean by this?" Gan Jing said in disbelief.

A trace of panic flashed across Jiang Haokun's face.

"Forget it, I no longer want to pursue what happened back then. In the final analysis, I still took the wrong path." Lu Yuan sighed.

"No, you must speak clearly!" Gan Jing said reluctantly: "Does it have something to do with Haokun that you are in jail?"

Lu Yuan shook his head in pain and said, "It's been so long, why do you need to delve deeper into it?"

"Lu Yuan, don't talk nonsense and deliberately damage the relationship between me and Gan Jing." Jiang Haokun said in a panic.

Lu Yuan frowned and said: "Jiang Haokun, you think what you do is perfect.

Huh! When you found the person who harmed me, you ended up living in the same prison as me."

Jiang Haokun couldn't help but take two steps back.

Gan Jing's eyes changed when he saw Jiang Haokun. He stared at him and said, "Haokun, tell me whether Lu Yuan's imprisonment has anything to do with you."

Jiang Haokun gritted his teeth and said, "No, his imprisonment has nothing to do with me."

Gan Jing kept staring at Jiang Haokun's eyes. At this time, she only saw panic in Jiang Haokun's eyes.

"Jiang Haokun, do you know? Every time you lie to me, your right hand will be behind your back unconsciously." Gan Jing closed his eyes in pain.

Jiang Haokun put his right hand in front of him and said nervously: "Gan Jing, you have to believe me, I really don't want to harm Lu Yuan."

Gan Jing pointed to the gate and said to Jiang Haokun: "You go! I want to be quiet."

Jiang Haokun's face turned pale, his mouth was full of bitterness, and he finally left Gan Jing's house unwillingly.

Lu Yuan sighed, pulled Peng Jiahe who wanted to comfort Gan Jing, and walked out of the house.

After everyone left, Gan Jing squatted down in pain, holding his head and crying bitterly.

This chapter has been completed!
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