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1179 parents

After Wang Gang punched, everyone looked at him blankly, especially Xu San, as if he was looking at a monster.

"My puppets!" Liu Yanyan screamed and found that all her zombie puppets were blown away by Wang Gang's fist wind and turned into a pile of dust.

These puppets were saved by Liu Yanyan with great effort. Each one cost her a lot of effort. Now that Wang Gang had killed them with one punch, her heart was bleeding.

What Xia He and Lu Liang thought was relatively simple.

"Sister, why don't we run away!" Lu Liang was the first to back down.

Xia He looked at Wang Gang bitterly. Although he was unwilling to do so, he also knew that the enemy was strong and we were weak. If they still fought hard at this time, they would be the unlucky ones.

Especially since Wang Gang is immune to her abilities, it is really a serious concern.

"Let's go." Xia He was decisive and made his decision instantly.

Seeing that the person was about to run away, Feng Baobao started to chase him with two kitchen knives.

Xu San grabbed her and said, "Don't chase after poor bandits."

Wang Gang was slightly surprised, Xu San obviously wanted to let Xia He go.

Because he couldn't figure out Xu San's attitude, Wang Gang didn't move.

Zhang Chulan became anxious at this time and said: "Third brother, my grandfather's body is still in their hands."

Xu San said calmly: "Don't worry, this place is full of people who know where I am. If they don't hand over the body, it will be difficult for them to fly."

Xia He chuckled and said, "If you want Zhang Xilin's body, go to the garbage dump and find it yourself!"

After saying that, Xia He took action and hit an employee next to him.

"Help me stop them."

The Nadoutong employees immediately rushed towards their own people with their eyes wide open.

Xia He followed suit and controlled ten people in a row, causing chaos here for a while.

Xu San was determined to let Xia He leave, and deliberately let Lu Liang and Xia He rush out. However, Liu Yanyan lost the zombie puppet, and her combat effectiveness was reduced by 99%, and she would not be able to escape for a while.

Feng Baobao put two kitchen knives on her neck. She was so frightened that she quickly asked Lu Liang and Xia He for help.

"help me!"

Lu Liang and Xia He sat on the motorcycle, raised the corners of their mouths, and said, "Bless yourself!"

Liu Yanyan was stunned, watching helplessly as Lu Liang and Xia He abandoned her, started their motorcycles and drove away.

Zhang Chulan jumped up and down anxiously.

"Why didn't you stop them? What would my grandfather do?"

Xu San confidently said: "Don't worry! Liu Yanyan stole the body, she must know where it is!"

Turning around to see Liu Yanyan who was wearing a power suppressor, Zhang Chulan's face improved a lot.

Wang Gang asked in confusion: "You seem to have let Xia He go on purpose?"

Xu San nodded and said: "Now is not the time to start a war with Quan Xing. I have communicated with my superiors and feel that if Xia He is caught now, it will be easy to force Quan Xing to jump around, which is not conducive to social harmony."

Wang Gang raised his eyebrows, and he probably understood what kind of official organization Nadutong was.

After Xia He and Lu Liang left, Xu San pushed Liu Yanyan back to Nadutong, and took Wang Gang and Zhang Chulan with him.

Wang Gang discovered that Nadutong is really a courier company. The North China Region headquarters is located in the suburbs. It looks like a sorting center. Not only does it have normal business, but there are also a large number of couriers sorting express delivery.

Feng Baobao took everyone directly to a hidden location in the warehouse and opened the secret door.

After the secret door is a large elevator, which leads directly to the underground. It turns out that there is a huge space under the sorting center. This is where everything is really accessible.

As Xu San walked, he explained to Wang Gang: "There is a clear distinction between the alien world and ordinary people. At the beginning, the ten people in the alien world set a rule with us and were not allowed to disclose alien information to ordinary people, so we use express delivery everywhere.

The company serves as a cover, and when you join the company, you will also have a job on the surface."

Wang Gang asked: "I forgot to ask before, how are our company's welfare benefits?"

Xu San smiled and said, "I thought you wouldn't ask."

Zhang Chulan stretched out his ears.

"Don't worry, we are considered to be half a state-owned enterprise after all. Our welfare benefits are definitely no worse than those of civil servants in first-tier cities. If you do well, you may still have the opportunity to receive welfare housing."

Zhang Chulan asked: "Is it difficult to divide houses? And how big a house can be divided?"

Xu Sandao: "As long as you have worked in the front line for ten years, you can apply for a house according to your level. Generally, employees can get about 60 square meters."

Zhang Chulan's eyes lit up and she said, "Is it 60 square meters in a first-tier city?"

Xu San pushed up his glasses and said, "Of course."

Zhang Chulan pointed at Feng Baobao and asked: "Were the villas you lived in before also divided?"

"Not entirely." Xu San said: "That villa belongs to the company's safe house."

Zhang Chulan was attracted by the scale of Nadutong. He went to college and studied hard. In the end, he didn't want to find a good job. If he could land in advance, it wouldn't be impossible.

Wang Gang saw that Xu San wanted Zhang Chulan to join the company.

"Why do all the people in the world insist on staring at Zhang Chulan and his grandfather?" Wang Gang changed the subject.

Xu San hesitated for a while, and then said: "This involves a secret event from back then."

Zhang Chulan said: "The omnipotent person before asked me what "The Source of Qi Ti" I wanted? What is that?"

Xu San looked at Zhang Chulan in surprise.

Wang Gang was moved in his heart. He had heard of "The Origin of Qi Ti" and had read it before, but not in this world.

Wang Gang had been obsessed with Taoist classics for a while, and he had read "The Origin of Qi Ti" by Taoist Zhang Zhishun in the previous world.

Taoists believe that "Qi" transforms the three pure beings, "Ti" can carry Tao, "Source" is the innate Taoist lineage, and "Liu" is Laojun's dharma lineage, so it is called "Qi Ti Yuanliu".

In the previous life, it was just a book introducing Taoism, and it had no magical powers, but in this world, it is not the same thing.

Xu San said at this time: "Years ago, in Siguniang Mountain, a major event that caused a sensation in the alien world happened. Many masters in the world once besieged a person, but they were killed and no one survived."

Zhang Chulan's heart moved, and she felt that Xu San would not say this for no reason.

"The person who was besieged is your grandfather Zhang Xilin." Xu San said to Zhang Chulan seriously.

Zhang Chulan's eyes widened in shock.

Xu San said regretfully: "It's a pity that your grandfather died of serious injuries after that incident, but Quan Xing really wanted to get the secret of your grandfather's power."

"Qi Ti Origin?" Zhang Chulan asked.

"It should be. I don't know much about the details. I still have to interrogate that Liu Yanyan." Xu San said firmly:

"But I'm sure that all people believe that your grandfather passed down the source of Qi Ti to you, or your father."

Zhang Chulan frowned and said, "I swear, my grandfather never taught me anything about the origin of Qi Ti."

"It's useless for me to believe you. Only people of all genders can believe it." Xu San sighed.

"You have already come into contact with Quanxing. They are a group of lawless people. You alone cannot stop them."

Xu San’s topic turned to asking Zhang Chulan to join Nadutong.

"Join us! Only if you join Anywhere, people of all genders will have scruples and not dare to take action against you." Xu Sanzhen said.

"How do I know that you are also here for the source of Qi Ti?" Zhang Chulan said in a deep voice.

Xu Sanxin said: "You don't know that we have access to everything. When you really join us, you will know that we have access to everywhere and we don't even care about the source of Qi Ti."

Zhang Chulan looked at Wang Gang hesitantly and asked: "Brother Gang, do you think I should join Nadutong?"

Wang Gang shook his head and said: "It's up to you to make your own decision, but I want to remind you that the crime of having a jade is that before you are strong enough to protect yourself, it is not a bad idea to join a big force."

Zhang Chulan lowered his head and started thinking.

Xu San gave Zhang Chulan time to consider, first arranged for him to live there, and then made an appointment with Wang Gang alone in the office and gave him a contract.

"After signing the contract, you will be my official employee everywhere." Xu San said with a smile.

"My review is over?" Wang Gang took the contract and signed his name.

Xu San put away the contract and said, "It's over a long time ago. Your background check was easier than I thought."

Wang Gang felt that there was something in Xu San's words.

"If I had known you were one of our own, I would have signed a contract with you directly." Xu San said cheerfully.

"One of our own?" Wang Gang was stunned.

At this time, the door of the room was opened, and a middle-aged couple walked in.

Seeing the person coming, Wang Gang stood up in surprise and shouted:

"Mom and Dad!? Why are you here?"

The people who walked into Xu San's office were Wang Gang's parents in this life, Wang Qing and Liu Lan.

"Have you signed the contract?" Wang Qing asked after seeing the contract in Xu San's hand.

Xu San proudly held up the contract in his hand and said with a smile: "Now Wang Gang is our official employee in the North China Region."

Wang Qing regretted it and said: "Oh, hurry up and hurry up, it's still a step too late."

Wang Gang finally figured it out. His parents obviously knew Xu San, and even had a close relationship with him.

"Mom and Dad, are you also from the company?" Wang Gang asked.

Liu Lan walked up to Wang Gang and said with a complicated expression: "Son, I originally wanted you to live your life as an ordinary person, but I didn't expect that you would end up in the alien world."

Wang Gang said in surprise: "Mom and Dad, are you all strangers? I always thought you were just ordinary office workers."

Wang Qing explained: "Your mother and I are both well-connected to East China. We heard that you had awakened your powers and rushed here in a hurry, but it was still a step too late."

Wang Gang raised his eyebrows and asked in confusion: "You don't want me to join Anywhere?"

Liu Lan sighed: "Son, the alien world is too dangerous. We didn't want you to join this circle, so we never taught you the skills. I didn't expect you to awaken the innate alien on your own. This is all destined!"

Wang Qing said to Xu San angrily: "Xu San, even if my son wants to join Nadutong, he should join our East China Region. You North China Region dare to rob people."

Xu San said proudly: "Mr. Wang, we in the North China Region will not let go of talents like Wang Gang."

Wang Qing gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay for my son to enter the North China Region, but you can't put him on the front line."

Liu Lan also said: "The front line is too dangerous. Lao Wang and I only have one son. If something happens, how will we spend the rest of our lives."

Xu San assured: "Mr. Wang, you can rest assured that our North China Region attaches great importance to employee safety and will never let Wang Gang be in danger."

"Fucking safety!" Wang Qing yelled: "My son is only safe when he is with us. Please transfer the contract to the East China Region."

Xu San chuckled and said: "Mr. Wang, you know the rules. Once the contract is signed, it cannot be changed. I just reported it."

Wang Qing gritted his teeth angrily, a bone-chilling chill spread all over his body, and an icy cold energy emanated from his body.

Seeing that something was wrong, Liu Lan quickly advised: "Old Wang, calm down. If anything happens, we can discuss it slowly. The company does not allow private actions."

Wang Gang felt that the Qi in Wang Qing's body was very powerful, even three points stronger than his Qi.

"Where's Mr. Xu!" Wang Qing said angrily: "I want to have a good fight with him."

Xu Sanyou said confidently: "Mr. Wang, calm down, my dad is already waiting for you in the office."

Wang Qing turned around and left, seemingly wanting to settle a score with Xu San's father.

Wang Gang was worried that his father would mess things up, and just as he was about to stop him, Liu Lan said, "It's okay. Your father and Mr. Xu had a close relationship. They were just catching up on old times."

Wang Gang was full of questions and said: "Mom, you and dad are different people, why did you hide it from me before?"

Liu Qing sighed and said: "Your father and I have worked in the company all our lives, and we are well aware of the dangers and difficulties of this industry, so we don't want you to set foot in the alien world. It's a pity that fate has played a trick on you, and you still came in."

Xu San said at this time: "Mr. Liu, I have arranged a dormitory for Wang Gang, otherwise you can go back to the dormitory and chat slowly."

"Manager Xu, I'm sorry to trouble you." Liu Lan said softly.

"No trouble, no trouble." Xu San said politely.

Wang Gang found that Xu San was very polite to his parents, and it seemed that they had a high status in the company.

After returning to the dormitory, Wang Gang couldn't wait to ask more questions.

"Mom and Dad, are you also a congenital stranger? When did you join the company?"

Liu Lan knew that her son was full of questions, so she slowly explained: "I am a stranger from birth, and your dad is a stranger from day one. Before you were born, we joined Nadutong. Now your dad is the vice president of East China.

I'm in charge of logistics."

Xu San and Wang Gang introduced Nadutong. Nadutong appears to be a courier company, but is actually a secret organization responsible for managing strangers.

In the name of an express delivery company, Nadutong binds foreigners for the country. It is considered a half state-owned enterprise. All its members are foreigners. It has 6 directors and has a branch in each of the seven regions across the country. Each branch has a person in charge.

One person.

As the vice president of the East China Region, Wang Qing's status is second only to the person in charge, and he is definitely considered a senior executive. As for Liu Lan, who is in charge of regional logistics, he is the best among the best.

The couple are top-notch masters in the alien world. One is good at ice palm, and the other is good at fire powers. In addition, the couple has been in touch with each other for decades. Together, the two of them can compete with the top masters.

Wang Qing chatted with Xu Xiang, the person in charge of the North China Region, and quickly came back.

"Son, I have discussed it with Lao Xu. He will focus on training you in the future, and I will find you a master to practice your skills." Wang Qing said to Wang Gang as soon as he sat down.

Wang Gang did not refuse his father's arrangement. He really needed a master to learn about the alien world!

"Who are you going to let teach your son?" Liu Lan asked.

"What do you think of Lao Xiao?" Wang Qing said.

"Are you crazy? You actually let Xiao Zizai be our son's master!?" Liu Lan said excitedly.

This chapter has been completed!
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