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1198 Rokujo

The godhead mask uses unknown methods to collect the spiritual power that people reveal when worshiping gods, and seals it. When necessary, perform it until others believe it, perform it until you believe it, use yourself to play God, and use yourself to play God.

Become a god.

Xia Liuqing is wearing a divine mask, and the dark makeup on his face is none other than the goalkeeper Yuchi Jingde.

Wang Gang heard Xiao Zizai mention that the Divine Mask has very strange abilities. The more you act like it, the stronger your ability will be.

This kind of skill is usually practiced by former actors, who are better at acting and acting better.

But the Godhead Mask has two obvious flaws.

The first flaw is that evolving oneself into a god requires extremely high mental requirements. Many people who practice this technique will suffer from severe mental illness and split personality.

The second flaw is that the body suddenly possesses power beyond its own, which requires extremely high physical fitness. The user cannot always wear the godhead mask. Moreover, as one gets older, physical strength declines, and the strength will inevitably drop off a cliff.

Generally decent people rarely practice this kind of exercise with obvious disadvantages.

Wang Gang used the Eye of Truth to carefully observe Xia Liuqing's godhead mask, and then showed a disapproving expression.

"The so-called godhead mask is nothing more than that."

Xia Liuqing pinched her throat and said as if she was singing: "You guys in the company are so boastful. Today, let me, a senior, educate you on what it means to respect the elderly and love the young."

Wang Gang was slightly surprised, and couldn't help but glance at the foreign mercenaries who were fighting Feng Bao'er, and said, "You know I'm from the company? Did you deliberately block Sister Bao'er?"

Xia Liuqing said: "You are not very old, but you are very clever."

After saying that, Xia Liuqing took the initiative to attack, and with a flash of black light in his hand, there was an extra single whip.

Wang Gang discovered that Xia Liuqing's strength and speed had more than doubled, and when she swung her whip with a single whip, the violent wind could tear the air apart.

"It's a small trick." Wang Gang took a big step, got into Xia Liuqing's arms faster, raised his palm to the sky, and hit him hard on the chin.

The eight-pole heaven-reaching palm.

Xia Liuqing screamed and was knocked directly into the sky, and the godhead mask on his face almost collapsed.

Awakening the Eye of Truth and controlling the power of time in strange arts, Wang Gang's five senses are so strong that he can easily dodge flying knives that exceed the speed of sound. Xia Liuqing's old arms and legs are not even qualified to challenge Wang Gang.

Xia Liuqing fell to the ground with a thud, and the bones all over his body made a crisp sound. If it were not for the divine mask state, Wang Gang might have broken all his bones with one palm.

"Pfft!" Xia Liuqing spat out a mouthful of old blood, along with two teeth, making his few teeth even less.

Xia Liuqing gasped for air and slowly got up from the ground. The godhead mask finally returned to its original shape.

Wang Gang said coldly: "You are so old, why bother to come to Longhu Mountain to swim in this muddy water?"

Xia Liuqing wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and said with a wry smile: "Young people today are incredible. The Heavenly Master was not so scary at your age!"

Wang Gang didn't want to waste time on Xia Liuqing, so he said: "For the sake of half of your body being buried in the ground, hurry down the mountain, otherwise I won't hold back the next palm."

"Hey! Boy, do you think I only have these two brushes?"

Xia Liuqing seemed to feel a little embarrassed to be knocked down by a junior with one move. A large amount of black ink-like Qi emerged from his body, and the godhead mask on his face was also changing.

"Today, let me show you the second stage of the Godhead Mask."

Xia Liuqing burst out with huge Qi, and her whole body was wrapped in black Qi. She grew taller and turned into a statue of the door god.

At this time, Xia Liuqing was not only acting as a god, but also looked like Yuchi Gong had come into the world, exuding a huge sense of oppression and a divine aura. Anyway, he didn't look human at all.

Wang Gang used the Eye of Truth to observe the secret of the Godhead Mask, but found that Xia Liuqing was enveloped by a huge spiritual power, which actually cut off his sight.

"Act until you believe that people are gods, gods are people, and you are the door god Wei Chigong?" Wang Gang said to himself.

"A bold mortal who offends the gods is an unpardonable sin." Xia Liuqing's voice completely changed at this time.

Wang Gang sneered and said: "There are no gods in this world at all. The so-called gods are all spiritual idols worshiped by mortals based on their imagination and combined with the power of incense and wishes."

Eight sword energies emerged from Wang Gang's body and transformed into eight arrays of strange gates. Wang Gang was ready to fight quickly.

What surprised him was that Xia Liuqing suddenly ran in the opposite direction to Wang Gang. The speed was so fast that the second stage of the Godhead Mask was used entirely for escaping.

"Huh?" Wang Gang looked at Xia Liuqing's retreating figure, and for a moment he forgot to chase her.

"Forget it." Wang just raised his foot and quickly put it down again, watching helplessly as Xia Liuqing left.

"According to the company's investigation, although Xia Liuqing is a bisexual old man, she has not had many bad deeds in the past."

Wang Gang turned his head and observed Feng Baobao's battle with the mercenaries again.

"Hey! This foreign mercenary is very skillful."

Wang Gang discovered that the mercenaries were evenly matched with Feng Baobao, and even had the upper hand, suppressing Feng Baobao.

You know, Feng Baobao, as a temporary worker in the North China Region, is naturally not strong enough. Wang Gang may not even dare to say that he can definitely beat her now.

Especially in terms of inner energy, Feng Baobao's energy is extremely large, more than three times that of Wang Gang. I'm afraid even the Heavenly Master is slightly inferior.??

After watching it for a while, Wang Gang knew the reason why Feng Baobao was suppressed.

That foreign mercenary's body was extremely strong, almost reaching the limit of the human body. Although his internal energy was not as good as Feng Baobao's, he was still extremely powerful.

The mercenary seems to have some kind of secret method. While fighting, he can absorb the energy in the outside air to replenish himself and increase his endurance.

More importantly, mercenaries have a strong sense of combat and are very good at hiding their Qi. They are the most difficult type for Feng Baobao to deal with.

Feng Baobao's advantage is that he has a strong internal energy and does not play according to common sense in battle.

Her fighting ability basically comes from instinct, and she responds to the opponent's energy in an emergency, without any overly sophisticated skills.

But once Feng Baobao encounters someone who is good at hiding Qi and has extremely powerful fighting skills, he will almost be defeated.

"Sister Bao'er, let me deal with him!" Wang Gang shouted to Feng Bao'er.

Feng Baobao did not hesitate, turned over to avoid the mercenary's attack, and retreated to Wang Gang.

"I don't like this person, so I asked you to do it." Feng Baobao's innocent heart didn't have much desire to win or lose.

Wang Gang smiled slightly, unfolded the Baji Fist, took over from Feng Baobao, and started fighting with the mercenaries.

Now, the mercenaries have no way to gain the upper hand.

In terms of fighting experience, Wang Gang, as the master of Bajiquan Huajin, is definitely superior to his opponent.

Compared with physical strength, Wang Gang's double baptism of Neijiaquan and Neiqi has already exceeded the limits of the human body, stabilizing the opponent's head.

Although Wang Gang is slightly inferior to his opponent by three points compared to Neiqi, he can call upon the eight powers of heaven, earth, water, and fire from the outside world and integrate them into his own attacks, which is enough to close the power gap with the mercenaries.

If Wang Gang hadn't been interested in the strength shown by the mercenaries, he would have ended the battle long ago.

The mercenary was a little confused at this time. His name was Barron. He was entrusted by Gong Qing to go up the mountain to arrest Feng Baobao. He didn't expect to encounter a tough guy like Wang Gang.

Barron's full name is Barron Grylls. Despite his appearance, he is only in his early thirties. In fact, he was born in 1960 and is almost sixty years old.

In his early years, Allen was an explorer. By an unexpected opportunity, he met the descendant of one of the eight magical skills, "Liuku Immortal Thief", and thus stepped into the alien world.

Over the years, Barron has long since trained the "Liuku Immortal Thief", possessing the most powerful internal organs, and even his body has been trained to the extreme state of human beings.

After Wang Gang played two tricks with Barron, he discovered that he was special.

Wang Gang originally thought that Barron was a master who was very good at hiding his qi, but after contacting him, he discovered that he was not good at hiding, but his own qi was almost the same as the outside world, so he couldn't detect it.

It may be related to the other party's ability to absorb the "qi" in the outside air.

Wang Gang used the Eye of Truth to observe Barron's body. In his eyes, the human body had no secrets.

His eyes are like a clairvoyant machine, seeing the other person clearly from the inside out, and even the route of the inner energy in the meridians can be seen at a glance.

Wang Gang discovered that the visceral digestive organs of the mercenaries were extremely powerful, significantly surpassing other organs, especially the stomach. It was like a melting pot, transporting nutrients from the outside air into the stomach through the lungs, where they were instantly digested and absorbed.

It is transmitted to all parts of the body and finally turns into the original inner energy.

This way of digestion gave Wang Gang a lot of inspiration.

In Neijia boxing, there are also methods to exercise the internal organs and even the bone marrow, but Barun's use of inner energy to strengthen the body opened Wang Gang's horizons.

In order to observe more about the opponent's internal energy operation, Wang Gang deliberately let his opponent down and maintained an undefeated situation.

But Barron couldn't fight for a long time and became a little anxious. The gastric juice in his stomach tumbled and flowed back up and into his mouth.

Wang Gang realized something was wrong, so he directed the power of the wind to his feet and used the "Sword Step". His speed doubled instantly and he quickly retreated.

"Pfft!" Barron spat out a large mouthful of gastric juice, mixed with saliva and almost sprayed it on Wang Gang.

Of course, he can't beat dirty tricks. Children's fighting methods like spitting are useless against ordinary strangers, let alone a master like Wang Gang.

Barron's saliva came into contact with the surrounding flowers and plants, and immediately made a corrosive sound.

Anything that Barron's saliva touches will disappear in an instant.

"Your gastric juice can actually perfectly digest the nutrients in substances." Wang Gang glanced at it and understood the principle of Barron's move.

"You are very powerful. When most people see this move of mine, they think I am spitting out sulfuric acid." Barron said with a smile.

Wang Gang's face sank, and he frowned and said: "The kung fu you used is a bit like the Liuku Immortal Thief, one of the Eight Wonders."

Barron's eyes lit up and he said: "What a great insight. It seems that I can't complete my task today. Mr. Xia has run away, so there's no point in me staying here."

Wang Gang also wanted to see the secrets of the Liuku Immortal Thief again, so naturally he would not let Barun run away.

The eight arrays of strange gates instantly unfolded, wrapping both Barron and Feng Baobao inside.

Barron was not worried, but instead took out a detonator from his hand.

"I have buried explosives all over Longhu Mountain. If you don't let me go, everyone will be destroyed."

Wang Gang smiled and said: "I didn't expect you, a foreigner, to understand our idioms."

Barron smiled and said: "I like Chinese culture very much, and I also studied as a graduate student at your highest institution as an exchange student."

Wang Gang said: "That's amazing, I haven't even been admitted to the highest university."

Barron raised the detonator and said: "I installed a countdown device on the bomb. Only the remote control in my hand can turn it off. How about making a deal? Let me go and I'll give you the remote control!"

Wang Gang snorted coldly: "What I want, I will take it myself."

Having said that, Wang Gang used the power of time in the Eight Arrays of Qimen, and the speed around him instantly slowed down or even stopped.

"Hey! Why is he not moving?" Feng Baobao asked when he saw that Barron was motionless.

"You are not affected by the power of time?" Wang Gang glanced at Feng Baobao in surprise.

Feng Baobao blinked his eyes cutely, everything was normal, but it seemed very abnormal.

Don't you see, after Wang Gang expanded the time domain, Barron seemed to be frozen, and his entire time stopped.

Why can Baobao Feng act normally?

Wang Gang soon understood the reason why Feng Baobao was not affected.

"So it turns out that the heart of a child is not controlled by the five senses?" Wang Gang understood everything with a sweep of his eyes of truth.

The time affected by the Qi Men Technique is actually just a control over the five senses of the human body, causing the user and the other party to misunderstand time.

Barron's time has not stopped now, but his vision, hearing and touch have infinitely slowed down in response to the outside world, so his body has become sluggish.

This ability actually has limited effect on those aliens with strong mental power, such as the old Celestial Master. Wang Gang estimates that he cannot affect the old Celestial Master for even a second.

As for Feng Baobao, it's another situation.

Feng Baobao's innocent heart has no worries. His perception of things does not rely solely on the five senses, so he is not affected by the Eight Arrays of Qimen.

Wang Gang stopped worrying about Feng Baobao and quickly grabbed the detonator in Barron's hand. But just when he was about to touch Barron's hand, Barron's stomach rumbled.

"Huh!" Barron suddenly exhaled, regained control of his five senses, and cracked Wang Gang's eight formations.

Wang Gang's hand froze in mid-air, and Barron had already put the detonator behind him, with a smile on his face.

"What a powerful Qi Men technique. Although you deceived my five senses, you couldn't deceive my stomach." Barron smiled and said: "Unlock the Qi Men and let me go, otherwise I will detonate the bomb immediately."

Wang Gang looked stern and said: "Your digestive organs are actually independent of the body and are not under your control!"

Barron patted his belly and said: "My digestive system is its own system and is not affected by the five senses. Your ability can no longer affect me."

Wang Gang had unlocked the eight formations of strange gates. He was confident of defeating Barron, but not confident enough to stop him from pressing the detonator.

"I don't believe you have the guts to die with us. You only have one life, who dares to waste it." Wang Gang slowly walked towards Barron, not to be threatened by him.

Barron took out the detonator again, his thumb already on the button.

"Do you dare to gamble with the lives of everyone on Longhu Mountain?"

Wang Gang paused in his steps.

This chapter has been completed!
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