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1351 Analysis of the truth

Ma Kui had dinner at Wang Gang's house. Wang Jianguo pulled him and Liu Jishi to exchange glasses. They couldn't even finish one bottle of white wine and almost opened another bottle.

Wang Gang saw that Ma Kui had suppressed a lot of things in his heart. He was released from prison this time, but the outside world had changed a long time ago. Most of his former friends and colleagues parted ways. For most people, there has to be a process to adapt.

Wang Jianguo took Ma Kui and talked about the past. Wang just knew about Ma Kui's past history.

Before the accident, Ma Kui was hailed as a rising star in the police force. In terms of status, he might still be above Wang Gang now.

Because of a mistake in catching a thief, the criminal jumped out of the car and died, completely rewriting Ma Kui's life.

You can imagine the treatment a policeman will receive when he goes to jail. Ma Kui persisted for ten years just for a belief.

He was rehabilitated, walked out of prison, and stayed with his family forever.

Ma Kui finally came out, but the cruelty of reality often hits people even more.

When he returned home, he almost burst into tears when he saw his house in ruins.

Ma Kui realized that Wang Sufang and Ma Yan were under no less pressure from outside than he was.

What made him even more uncomfortable was the betrayal of his friend.

"When I had an accident, Wang Yongge was clearly in the carriage, but he refused to testify against me, causing me to spend ten years in prison unjustly." Ma Kui drank and shouted with his face flushed.

"Wang Duanchang? Wang Xin's father?" Wang Gang looked at Ma Kui in surprise.

Wang Jianguo said: "Old Ma, don't blame Duan Chang Wang. I have learned about your matter from him. He was indeed not in the carriage and did not see the prisoner jumping out of the carriage. The police also verified it many times."

"Impossible." Ma Kui said drunkenly: "When I was arrested, I saw him hiding in the carriage. At that time, it was just me, the prisoner and him.

If he is willing to testify for me that the prisoner jumped out of the car and fell to his death, I will not serve ten years in unjust prison."

Ma Yan opened her mouth in shock. This was the first time she heard about the feud between the Ma family and the Wang family.

"Dad, I've met Wang Xin's father. He looks very kind. He shouldn't be a person who refuses to save anyone. Are you wrong?" Ma Yan doesn't want Ma Kui and Wang Yongge to fall out. She still likes her in her heart.

Where is Wang Xin!

"With my eyes, I can tell which one is a good guy and which one is a thief from a mile away. How can I see wrongly?"

Ma Yan said anxiously: "Wang Xin's father has no reason to harm you!"

Wang Sufang also advised: "Yes! Wang Duanzhang has also helped our family a lot in these years. Wang Yongge's son Wang Xin is the only one in school who is willing to play with Yan'er. I have always been grateful to them and their son.


"Wang Xin is Wang Yongge's son." Ma Kui said in shock.

"Yes! Don't you know?" Wang Jianguo said: "Wang Yongge and Wang Xin live in this compound and are our neighbors. We have always had a good relationship."

Hearing this, Ma Kui couldn't sit still any longer and said with the strength of his wine: "I'll go find Wang Yongge and find out."

Ma Yan hurriedly grabbed Ma Kui and said, "Dad, what if you and Uncle Wang quarrel after drinking? If you have anything to do, we can talk about it when you sober up tomorrow!"

Wang Jianguo and Liu Jishi also pulled Ma Kui.

"I just drank two taels, and now I am very rational and not impulsive." Ma Kui said with a red face.

Wang Gang sat still, thinking about Ma Kui's words.

"Uncle Ma, what happened on that train?" Wang Gang asked seriously.

Ma Kui was stunned for a moment, as if he was remembering what happened ten years ago, he couldn't stand still and sat down.

"I still remember when my colleagues and I caught three thieves on the train. One of them tried his best to resist and ran away. I chased after him first.

The thief was very cunning and closed the door of the train car first. When I opened the door and rushed in, I saw him hanging out of the window.

I wanted to save him, but it was too late. He fell off the train and died. Later, his accomplices unjustly accused me of pushing him down."

It was also the first time for Wang Sufang and Ma Yan to hear what happened that year, especially Ma Yan. She was still young when the incident happened and many things were unclear.

"It's strange that the comrades who handled the case back then believed in the suspect's testimony. How could you say, Uncle Ma, that they were all one of your own?" Wang Gang said in confusion.

Ma Kui sighed: "When I was taken off the train, I saw Wang Yongge hiding in the carriage and thought he could testify for me. But I didn't expect that Wang Yongge said he was not in the carriage and didn't see it.

The comrades who handled the case at the time believed that my testimony was untrue and that I was guilty of concealment, so I was found guilty."

Wang Gang touched his chin and said: "So, Wang Yongge's testimony back then was very crucial!"

"Yes, that's why I haven't been able to let go of him for ten years." Ma Kui said angrily: "It's a shame that I considered him a friend back then."

Wang Gang frowned and said, "Uncle Ma, you and Wang Yongge had a very good relationship back then?"

Ma Kui nodded and said: "Ten years ago, I was the captain on the train, and Wang Yongge was the conductor. Because of work, we had a lot of contact, and we have always had a good relationship."

Wang Gang became more and more strange as he listened, and asked: "Uncle Ma, when you rushed into the carriage, you didn't see Wang Yongge. Did you see him when you were taken away from the car?

Is there a possibility that Wang Yongge entered the carriage later and really didn't see what happened?"

Ma Kui said resolutely: "It's impossible. After the accident, that carriage was sealed off, and all the people in the two carriages before and after it were even moved to other carriages."

Wang Gang narrowed his eyes and said, "So, Wang Yongge has always been in that carriage, or the two carriages before and after him."

"Yes! He is the train conductor and sometimes goes to the dining car to help." Ma Kui didn't understand what Wang Gang meant.

Wang Gang stared at Ma Kui and asked, "Uncle Ma, did you really not push that man out of the car?"

Ma Kui shouted angrily: "I didn't. I wanted to save him, and I never pushed him down."

Wang Gang analyzed: "If Uncle Ma didn't lie, then Wang Yongge lied. But why did he lie? He was obviously there but kept insisting that he was not there. Could there be other reasons?"

Ma Kui also reacted and said: "Could it be that Wang Yongge saw the prisoner jumping out of the window, but chose not to save him, and was afraid of being held accountable afterwards, so he lied."

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Wang Gang shook his head and said: "I originally thought so, but Uncle Ma, you said that Wang Yongge has a good relationship with you, and he refuses to save prisoners until they die. I can understand,

But there is no reason to refuse to save you!"

"Why is that?" Ma Kui asked anxiously.

Wang Gang said solemnly: "There are only two possibilities. First, Uncle Ma, you did see it wrong. Wang Yongge was really not in the carriage at the time and did not see the process."

"No, I am confident in my eyesight. Let alone a living person, I can see even a pin dropped on the ground."

While talking, Ma Kui bent down and picked up a sewing needle from the ground.

"Ah!" Liu Shufang exclaimed: "This is the needle I lost, and I even said where I dropped it!"

Everyone saw that Ma Kui could spot even a thin needle and no longer doubted his eyesight.

Wang Gang touched his chin and said: "Then there is only one last possibility left. The prisoner jumping out of the car may have something to do with Wang Yongge, so he refused to say that he was in the car."

Ma Yan swallowed her saliva and said, "You mean that man was pushed out of the car by Wang Yongge and my father was made the scapegoat."

Wang Gang said seriously: "This possibility is not impossible, but after so many years, the only one who really knows the truth is Wang Yongge. He refuses to explain, and no one can do anything about him."

Ma Kui's face was gloomy and uncertain. He really hadn't thought about it in that direction.

"Uncle Ma, why have you never thought that Wang Yongge was the real murderer?" Wang Gang asked.

"I always thought that the fugitive jumped out of the car on his own, and I was wrongly accused by the two accomplices. This is only logical!

Wang Yongge is as timid as a mouse and doesn't even dare to kill a chicken. How could he kill someone?" Ma Kui himself didn't quite believe Wang Gang's inference.

Wang Gang said: "When you eliminate all impossible situations, no matter how unbelievable the remaining ones are, they are facts.

Only by first confirming the premise that Wang Yongge pushed someone out of the car can we explain his subsequent behavior, right?"

?Ma Kui lowered his head and remained silent, the only sound left in the room was breathing.

This chapter has been completed!
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