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1372 Abandoned Baby

Wang Gang naturally didn't know that his old mother actually bought a wedding room for him.

The day after his uncle Liu Jishi's wedding, Wang Gang returned to work in the criminal police team and became busy again.

Recently, a group of drug dealers have appeared in Harbin, and there is a trend of spreading to the three northeastern provinces from Harbin.

The superiors attached great importance to this matter and set up a special task force. After a month of investigation, they found that the drug dealers spread through three provinces through railway lines, and Ningyang was also one of the dispersion points.

Wang Gang received the order from Team Chen to search the transportation channels with all his strength. He spent most of this time on the train and caught several small sellers.

After catching the person and having a breakthrough, the next thing became much simpler. Wang Gang also got on the train back to Ningyang.

In the train dining car, Wang Gang was eating with his colleagues when he accidentally bumped into Ma Kui.

"Uncle Ma, you are the captain of this bus." Wang Gang stood up happily and greeted Ma Kui.

"Xiao Wang, do you have a mission?" Ma Kui looked at Wang Gang's two colleagues and said.

"I just finished my mission and went home." Wang Gang smiled.

Ma Kui suddenly understood, and then said: "I still have to patrol the car, and I will come to you later."

"Okay, you are busy first." Wang Gang sat back in his seat.

Not long after Ma Kui left, Wang Gang met an acquaintance again.

The old blind man Meng Qingshan.

Wang Gang didn't see Meng Qingshan at first, but Meng Qingshan took the initiative to find him.

We haven't seen him for a few years, and Meng Qingshan no longer looks like a beggar. Not only is he well-dressed, but he is also accompanied by a woman in her forties, who behaves in an intimate manner and must have a close relationship with him.

"Meng Qingshan, what a coincidence, you are also taking this train."

"Haha, I looked just like you from a distance, but I didn't expect it was really Officer Wang."

Meng Qingshan was wearing sunglasses, walked up to Wang Gang and took them off.

"Are your eyes healed?" Wang Gang asked.

"I would also like to thank Officer Wang for introducing your grandpa to see a doctor. His eyes have been cured a long time ago. Even though he cannot see bright light, it does not affect his life." Meng Qingshan said while bending down.

"It's good if you can see it." Wang Gang turned to look at the woman next to Meng Qingshan and asked, "Who is this...?"

"She is my lover." Meng Qingshan said sheepishly, "I just got married last year."

Wang Gang was slightly surprised. He really didn't expect that Meng Qingshan would actually get married. A few years ago, he was looking for his daughter like crazy. Wang Gang even helped him draw a portrait of his daughter when she grew up.

"Has your daughter been found?" Wang Gang asked curiously.

Meng Qingshan nodded with a smile and said: "I found it, thanks to your portrait, otherwise our father and daughter may not be able to meet again in this life."

"How did you find it?" Wang Gang asked: "Did you also catch the trafficker?"

Meng Qingshan shook his head and said: "The human trafficker was not caught, but the daughter was indeed found, and now she is living with her adoptive parents."

Through Meng Qingshan's description, Wang Gang knew that his journey to find a girl was not smooth.

Although there is a portrait of Wang Gang, looking for a person in the vast sea of ​​people is no less than finding a needle in a haystack. Fortunately, Meng Qingshan never gave up and finally found the person.

Meng Qingshan's daughter was abducted when she was two years old and sold by traffickers to a couple who could not have children.

The couple treats their adopted daughter very well. Not only did they raise the child, they also provided for her to finish high school.

Later, by chance, the couple saw their daughter's portrait at the train station and realized that Meng Qingshan had not given up searching for her all these years.

After much hesitation, the couple told their daughter everything and took out the clothes they were wearing when they bought her.

Meng Qingshan's daughter finally found her biological father and took out the small set of clothes, and the father and daughter recognized each other.

After getting to know each other, Meng Qingshan saw that his daughter was reluctant to leave her adoptive parents, and was grateful to the couple for taking good care of her daughter, so he took the initiative to let her go and let her live with her adoptive parents. He went to see her every now and then and was satisfied.

Meng Qingshan's current wife was introduced by a colleague at the incense factory to a widow. Wang Gang saw that they respected each other as guests and should be able to grow old together.

"Lao Meng, when you have time, ask that couple if they remember what the trafficker looks like. I can draw it and arrest him."

"Okay, I'll ask when I get home." Meng Qingshan said without hesitation: "But after so long, they may not remember."

"It's okay, just do your best. If we don't catch the traffickers, we don't know how many victims there will be," Wang Gang said.

"Yes, the human traffickers are too hateful. If we don't catch them, more children will be victimized." Meng Qingshan said:

"I heard that those traffickers are inhumane and will beat disobedient children with disabilities and then force them to beg for food and money."

Wang Gang nodded indifferently and said: "Yes! This situation is very common. I have seen even worse children."

Meng Qingshan lowered his head silently, as if thinking of something sad.

Wang Gang gave Meng Qingshan a phone number from the criminal police team and asked him to contact his daughter's adoptive parents and notify him.

After chatting for a while, Ma Kui came over with a baby in his arms.

"Uncle Ma, where did this child come from?" Wang Gang asked curiously.

Ma Kui said: "I just went on patrol and found him under the seat. After asking around, I couldn't find his parents. I don't know if he was left behind when he got off the car."

"Can there be such confused parents that their children can forget?" Meng Qingshan heard this and said distressedly: "Show me your children quickly."

Ma Kui saw that Meng Qingshan and Wang Gang were talking and laughing, so he was probably not a bad person, so he handed the child over to him.

Meng Qingshan saw how cute the baby was and couldn't put it down. He even opened the swaddling clothes and took a closer look.

"Why does the child have so many rashes on his body?"

Wang Gang looked over and found that there were indeed many small red rashes on the baby's body, which looked like eczema.

"The child won't be sick, right?" Meng Qingshan's wife whispered.

"Baby eczema is a very common disease. It only takes a few days to apply some medicine," Wang Gang said.

Ma Kui frowned and said: "The child's parents wouldn't think he was seriously ill and abandon him!"

"With such cruel parents, no matter how sick the child is, we can't throw it away!" Meng Qingshan said distressedly.

Meng Qingshan looked at the baby. The more he looked at him, the more pitiful he became. He suddenly raised his head and said to his wife: "If no one wants this child, let's adopt it!"

"Yeah." Meng Qingshan's wife also likes children and agreed wholeheartedly.

Ma Kui said: "You still have to find the child's parents first to make sure it is really abandoned. The child must be sent to an orphanage first, and then you can adopt it."

Meng Qingshan reluctantly returned the child to Ma Kui.

Ma Kui bought some milk powder and fed the milk into the child's mouth little by little with a spoon. Maybe he was starving, but the child ate happily and even smiled at Ma Kui.

After the train arrived at the station, Ma Kui first took the child to the hospital, prescribed some eczema medicine, and then took him home to nurse him for a few days.

Wang Sufang liked this baby very much, because when Ma Kui was wrongfully taken away, she had been pregnant with a son, but unfortunately she could not keep it.

With Wang Sufang's current physical condition, it is very difficult to get pregnant again, so she intends to keep the child. Even if her cancer relapses and Ma Yan gets married again, there will always be someone at home who can keep Ma Kui company.

Ma Kui didn't care, as long as his wife liked it, but he was a little worried about the child's parents coming to find him, so he still took the child to an orphanage first. Even if he wanted to adopt, he had to go through the formal procedures.??

??The police team never found the child's parents, nor did they receive a report of a missing child. In the end, they could only treat him as an abandoned baby.

Ma Kui and Wang Sufang originally wanted to go to the orphanage to adopt a child, but when they arrived there, they discovered that Meng Qingshan and his wife had gone through the adoption procedures eagerly.

The two families almost quarreled over this.

This chapter has been completed!
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