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260 Party

It only took Wang Gang and Li Wenxin one day to hand over the work, and he also packed his things.

Looking at this place where he had worked for three years, Wang Gang officially went through the resignation procedures and prepared to report to Jiangliao University after the year.

Many colleagues in the magazine came to congratulate him. After all, in this era, universities are very valuable and are known as cadre training bases. If Wang Gang graduates, his job will be reassigned immediately, and he will still be a cadre.

Shao Jingwen was very reluctant to part with Wang Gang and sent him to the gate of the magazine with tears in his eyes and almost cried.

"Teacher Shao, I will come to see you often in the future. Don't find me annoying!" Wang Gang teased Shao Jingwen.

"Xiao Zhou, come over anytime you want. Don't worry, I'll do it right away if you ask me to help." Shao Jingwen held Wang Gang's hand and said solemnly:

"Study hard, maybe you will be assigned to the magazine office after graduation and become my leader!"

Wang Gang laughed and said, "Teacher Shao, you will be my teacher for the rest of your life."

The two said goodbye reluctantly, and Wang Gang returned to the photon film with his things.

Many neighbors and friends would greet Wang Gang warmly when they saw him.

"Bingkun! I heard that you have gone to college. You are the first college student to have our photon film released."

"Bingkun, I have watched you grow up since childhood. When you become rich, you must not forget your old neighbor."

"Bingkun, does your old Zhou family's house have good feng shui? How come there are three siblings, one better than the other?"

Aunt Qiao seemed to have told everyone about Wang Gang going to college. Wang Gang immediately became a big star and attracted attention wherever he went.

When he got home, he didn't know how many neighbors he met and how many compliments he heard.

Wang happened to come home and found that Li Suhua and Zheng Juan were not the only ones at home. Sun rushed to his house.

"Catch up, why are you here?" Wang Gang put down his things and asked.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time. You're a little late from get off work today!" Sun Qianchao said with a smile.

"It's a bit late to hand over the work today. Let's stay tonight and have a drink," Wang Gang said.

Although he does not work in the lumber factory, Wang Gang has not alienated Sun Qunchao and Xiao Guoqing, and they get together for drinks when they have time.

Every year on the third day of the Lunar New Year, Qiao Chunyan would also organize a party, and Wang Gang would also attend as long as he was free.

"Did you come to see me for something?" Wang Gang sat down and chatted with Sun Ganchao.

"Why didn't you tell our brothers about such a big thing like your kid going to college? Now that you're rich, you look down on us?" Sun Ganchao scolded with a smile.

"Yes! I just got the news. I have been busy handing over the work of the magazine these past two days. I officially resigned today and have no time to get together with you." Wang Gang explained.

"You came out of the magazine, you have nothing to do for the time being, right?" Sun Qianchao asked.

"No! I'm going to take two days off and report to school after the Chinese New Year." Wang Gang said nonchalantly.

Sun Ganchao smiled honestly and said, "Then can you do me a favor?"

"What's the big deal? Just tell me! If you can help me, I'll definitely help." Wang Gang didn't dare to take over everything.

Sun Ganchao rubbed his hands and said, "I'm going to marry Yu Hong."

Yu Hong was Sun's target, introduced by Qiao Chunyan, and they had been dating for more than a year.

"Congratulations! When you do something, brother, I will give you a big red envelope."

"Hey, I'm just here to ask for your help about getting married." Sun Ganchao said with a smile.

"What can I do to help you get married? You can't let me enter the bridal chamber!" Wang Gang deliberately teased.

"Go away, can I ask you for help with this matter?" Sun Chanchao said angrily: "Don't I like your cooking skills?"

Wang Gang pretended to suddenly realize: "You want me to cook a wedding banquet for you."

Xiao Guoqing and Wu Qian got married the year before last. Since Wang Gang had worked in the cafeteria, they asked him to help with cooking.

For the sake of his brother, Wang Gang did not refuse, and directly showed off all his special skills. During the meal, the people who came to the wedding all walked on the wall.

Sun rushed to get married, and Wang Gang couldn't refuse.

"When are you getting married? Have the dishes for the wedding banquet been prepared?" Wang Gang asked.

"Everything is ready, on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year." Sun Qianchao said hurriedly.

"Okay, I have nothing to do on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. I'll be there early and I also need to prepare some seasonings." Wang Gang said with a smile.

Hearing Wang Gang's promise, Sun Qianchao almost jumped up with joy. In the evening, the two drank some wine at home. Li Suhua went to Zheng's mother's place to let the young people get together.

Wang Gang later also called Xiao Guoqing.

As a result, Xiao Guoqing met Qiao Chunyan on the way to Zhou's house. When he heard that Wang Gang was drinking, he clamored to join him and even invited Cao Debao to come.

"Brother, this is what's wrong with you. You're looking for a friend to drink with, why don't you look for me." Qiao Chunyan is a familiar person with a thick skin. Even after getting married and having children, her personality has not changed.

"It was just a spur-of-the-moment idea. Isn't this talking about catching up and getting married?" Wang Gang looked around and talked to him.

"Jianchao, you are not honest. I introduced your daughter-in-law Yu Hong. You didn't inform me about such a big event like your wedding?" Qiao Chunyan strangled Sun Qianchao's neck and said loudly.

"My fault, my fault, I will punish myself with a drink." Sun Qianchao repeatedly apologized.

Wang Gang turned to Zheng Juan and said, "Is there any food at home?"

Zheng Juan replied: "There are also vegetables prepared for the New Year. I'll fry two of them."

Qiao Chunyan grabbed Zheng Juan and said, "Sister-in-law, you're pregnant. Stop being busy. I'm coming to your house for a drink. How can I be empty-handed?"

Without Qiao Chunyan's instructions, Cao Debao took out the two oil paper bags.

"Pork head meat, soy sauce beef!" Sun Qianchao and Xiao Guoqing's eyes lit up as soon as they saw the contents in the oil paper bag.

"Sister-in-law, you also sit down and have something to eat." Qiao Chunyan pulled Zheng Juan and said.

"No, you guys eat. I also have to deliver food to my mother and brother, so I ate next door." Zheng Juan refused.

Zheng Juan is an introvert and doesn't like too lively occasions. Wang Gang usually goes to the gatherings on the third day of junior high school alone.

Qiao Chunyan also knew Zheng Juan's character and did not embarrass her.

After Zheng Juan left, the atmosphere at the wine table suddenly became lively.

"Qianchao, congratulations on your wedding. I will definitely be there on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year." Xiao Guoqing slowly poured a glass of wine for Sun Qianchao.

Everyone raised their glasses and drank it all.

After Qiao Chunyan congratulated Sun on catching up, she turned the topic to Wang Gang.

"Brother Gan, I've always thought you were outstanding since I was a child. I didn't expect you to be the first college student to graduate from our photo studio. I'd like to propose a toast to you." Qiao Chunyan hugged Wang Gang's arm and insisted on drinking.

Wang Gang reluctantly picked up the wine glass and had a drink with him.

As a result, before he put down his wine glass, Cao Debao came over to toast again, licking his face.

"Bingkun, when you get rich in the future, you can't forget our brothers." Cao Debao said.

Before Wang Gang could reply, Qiao Chunyan shouted.

"Cao Debao, what are you talking about? Is my godbrother the kind of person Lu Chuan is?"

Lu Chuan, Cao Debao's co-worker, was also recommended to go to university last year, but he never came back. He only sent a rare letter. The content of the letter did not ask whether his friend was doing well. The whole letter was written in a bureaucratic tone, which Wang Gang didn't like either.

"My brother is the most conscientious person I have ever met. No matter what happens to him, he will never forget us friends." Qiao Chunyan was obviously praising Wang Gang, but in fact she was wearing a high hat to try to build friendship.

In the past, Qiao Chunyan was the most loyal among her friends, so Wang Gang was willing to date her.

However, after marrying Cao Debao, Qiao Chunyan slowly began to change, becoming more and more utilitarian, especially after she was promoted to deputy director, and she became more and more skillful in speaking and doing things, and lost a bit of sincerity.

"Chunyan, I'm just going to college. How can I be prosperous? You drink too much." Wang Gang said with a smile.

"Who doesn't know that people who go to college are all preparatory cadres, and they have a bright future after graduation, and they all become officials." Qiao Chunyan seemed a little drunk, and her words became more and more arrogant.

Wang Gang glanced at Cao Debao and said, "Debao, help Chunyan quickly, she drank a little too much."

Cao Debao nodded and ran over to help Qiao Chunyan.

"Go away, I'm drinking with my godbrother, why are you joining in the fun?" Qiao Chunyan said without giving Cao Debao any face.

"Chunyan, you really drank too much." Wang Gang put down his wine glass, and Cao Debao held Qiao Chunyan up so that she didn't fall.

"Sorry, Chunyan was too happy today and drank a little too much." Cao Debao apologized to Wang Gang embarrassedly, not seeing Xiao Guoqing and Sun Qianchao at all.

In the end, Qiao Chunyan was carried home by Cao Debao.

Xiao Guoqing and Sun Qianchao had two more drinks with Wang Gang and then went home.

Wang Gang cleared the wine table alone, and Zheng Juan quickly came over from next door to help.

"Chunyan is in high spirits today!" Zheng Juan was at Mother Zheng's house next door and saw Cao Debao carrying Qiao Chunyan away.

Wang Gang sneered and said: "This Chunyan! You've turned all your cleverness on me. It's not a gathering of friends tonight. Every sentence is loaded with guns and sticks."

"Ah! Is Chunyan pretending to be drunk?" Zheng Juan asked confused.

"Sigh." Wang Gang sighed: "When Chunyan came to our house before, she brought vegetables, and the meat dishes were still so good.

She values ​​interests more and more, so you should keep a distance from her in the future!"

This chapter has been completed!
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