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Hu Dahai was finally rescued, but he was seriously injured by a big insect bite. Even if he recovered, he was destined to be a cripple.

When Du Yuanwai heard that Hu Dahai was trying to save Wang from the injury he had just sustained, he immediately expressed suspicion.

Du Yuanwai knew very well what kind of person Hu Dahai's son-in-law was, and it was impossible to save him and get him involved.

But Du Yuanwai had nothing to do against Wang Gang, because more than thirty government officials were witnesses and could prove that Wang Gang did not lie and that Hu Dahai's injury was really just an accident.

Du Yuanwai could only hold his nose and accept the debt, and took the seriously injured Hu Dahai home.

As the county lieutenant of Jiujiang County, Hu Dahai has many responsibilities. Nowadays, someone has to do the work of seriously injured people. It is natural for Wang Gang to temporarily act as the county lieutenant.

The next day, Wang Gang began to rectify the government officials.

This tiger encounter made Wang Gang see clearly that the government officials in Jiujiang County were all greedy for life and afraid of death, and it was impossible to rely on these people to wipe out the mountain bandits.

Wang Gang, with the power of county magistrate and county captain, began to train these government officials the next day.

Originally, those people were dissatisfied with Wang Gang, but when Wang Gang beat them all and even asked them to join him, and finally were beaten to pieces, the government officials became honest.

Wang Gang transformed into a devil coach and trained the government officials who neglected to exercise to the point of death.

However, Wang Gang is very good at training people. Not only does he play in person, eat and train together, but he also gives generous rewards to the top three government officials.

Using carrots and sticks, Wang Gang quickly conquered a group of people.

During this period, Du Yuanwai and Niu Xiancheng did not think of causing some trouble for Wang Gang, but they were resolved by Wang Gang's wit, and Hai Chaoyun gave Wang Gang a lot of support.

Hai Chaoyun was worthy of being born into a wealthy family and became Wang Gang's virtuous wife. Not only did she manage the yamen's backyard in an orderly manner, she even cooked meals herself to comfort the yamen servants, which earned her a lot of favor.

Those originally rebellious government officials now not only admired Wang Gang's ability, but were also inspired by Hai Chaoyun's virtuousness.

In less than two months since Wang Gang and his wife arrived in Jiujiang County, they have won the hearts of many people at the lower levels of the county government.

Du Yuanwai saw that Wang Gang was getting better and better, so he wanted to ask Hu Dahai to go to work quickly and share Wang Gang's power.

It's a pity that Hu Dahai was injured so seriously that he didn't have the energy to work even if he wanted to.

Two months later, Wang Gang saw that the training results were almost the same, so he wanted to review the combat effectiveness of the government officials.

Wang Ermazi from Santoushan became the best target for inspection.

The government officials originally resisted the suppression of the bandits, so Wang Gang directly took out one hundred taels of silver and told the government officials that whoever could capture the bandit leader Wang Ermazi would have the money, regardless of life or death.

Under the heavy reward, there must be brave men, and the enthusiasm of the government officials was indeed mobilized.

Wang Gang also knew that relying solely on the thirty or so people from the yamen to suppress the bandits would lead to death, so he used some means before suppressing the bandits.

He found some people to inquire about the origin of Wang Ermazi, and found that the bandit leader was originally an honest farmer, but he went up to the mountains and fell into the grass because he couldn't survive.

Wang Ermazi's men were in a similar situation to him.

Wang Gang sent people to find Wang Ermazi and some of his relatives and neighbors. They first played the emotional card and tried to summon peace.

However, he soon discovered that those neighbors and relatives had a close relationship with Wang Ermazi, and even secretly colluded to send supplies and food to the mountain.

In contrast, the money stolen by Wang Ermazi will also be given to them, creating some kind of interest relationship between the two parties.

It's easy to handle if they have contact. Wang Gang immediately controlled those people and cut off the supply of Santoushan.

In the second step, Wang Gang issued a serial order, and anyone who helped the bandits would be regarded as a partisan and directly imprisoned without any tolerance.

The third step is to implement a semi-blockade of Santou Mountain. The yamen will take turns patrolling and no food or water will be allowed to go up the mountain.

If you find someone sneaking down the mountain or sneaking up the mountain, the government officials will mainly destroy materials and do not confront them head-on.

With three axes coming down like this, the bandits on San Tou Mountain couldn't stand it immediately.

If you don't have enough to eat and don't even have enough water to drink, how can you still rob or fight?

Wang Ermazi realized what the problem was and thought of bringing in some people to deal with Wang Gang and the government servants. There were many of them anyway.

Then Wang Gang told Wang Ermazi that sometimes having more people doesn't always work. There is a difference between a sheep leading a group of sheep and a wolf leading a group of sheep.

Wang Gang personally led his men to fight against Wang Ermazi three times, and won all three times, and the victory was a big one.

In every battle, Wang Gang rushes to the front, armed with Baji Quan and Baji Spear, combined with a physical fitness that is twice that of an ordinary person.

Wang Gang is like a fierce general in ancient times, who defeated the bandits and made everyone fearful.

Anyway, Wang Ermazi was frightened by Wang Gang's attack, so he only dared to hide in the mountain and defend it.

Wang Gang never kills them all. He also knows that if you hurt the enemy by one thousand, you will suffer eight hundred losses.

Those people in the yamen simply can't afford it.

Wang Gang and Wang Ermazi had been in a stalemate for a month, and some people on Santoushan couldn't sit still.

After being defeated again and again, and unable to get enough to eat, who could not be tempted by Wang Gang's timely offer of Zhao'an's conditions?

People on Santou Mountain were impetuous, and Wang Ermazi felt that it was difficult to lead the team.

Soon Wang Ermazi decided to accept Wang Gang's imperial edict and solve the current dilemma first.

Yes, Wang Ermazi had already thought about it, pretending to recruit peace, and when Wang Gang was careless, he led his brothers to rebel again and stormed the county town.

Of course Wang Gang guessed Wang Ermazi's intention, but he still accepted his surrender and held a rather grand surrender ceremony, which was attended by many people from Jiujiang County.

What's even more amazing is that Wang Gang brought the relatives of those bandits to the surrender ceremony, so that their relatives could meet and cry out their hearts.

Wang Ermazi immediately discovered that many of his brothers had been influenced by their relatives and sincerely wanted to join the imperial court.

He could only hold back for the time being and wait until night to contact his close men to prepare for a surprise attack.

The attack was a real attack, but as soon as Wang Ermazi took action, Wang Gang led someone to make dumplings for him and a few of his henchmen.

"Chief Wang, why don't you stay up late at night and take your brothers for a walk?" Wang Gang pointed a spear and said to Wang Er with a smile.

Wang Gang not only brought people from the Yamen, but also some bandits from Zhao'an, and surrounded Wang Er.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! County Prime Minister Niu Wenjin and Chief Secretary Du Ming didn't want to come, but they couldn't stand Wang Gang's high force value, so they were forced to come.

Wang Er looked at his former brother, turned the gun to himself, and cursed angrily:

"What did this dog officer give me to make you betray me?"

Faced with the questioning from their former leader, many people lowered their heads.

Wang Gang said at this time: "Commander Wang, since you took your brothers to accept the imperial edict, why bother to do so many things again? I promised you at the beginning that as long as you surrender sincerely, all the past officials will be forgotten and your relatives will be reunited.

Just because you, Wang Er, have no relatives and no worries, it doesn’t mean that others don’t have them either!”

Questions coming from the soul made some people raise their heads and no longer feel guilty in their eyes.

Wang Er gritted his teeth and shouted: "Brothers, come to me."

Wang Er, with the last person loyal to him, wanted to break out of Wang Gang's encirclement.

Wang Gang didn't give him a chance, and a spear came to Wang Er during the sweep like a dragon entering the sea.

Wang Er wanted to use a knife to resist, but as soon as they met, Wang Gang picked up a flying steel knife.

The steel knife flew in the air, as if it had eyes, and plunged directly from top to bottom into the shoulder of the county prime minister Niu Wenjin.

Niu Wenjin never expected that even if he was hiding behind the theater to watch a show, he would suffer an unexpected disaster, and a steel knife falling from the sky would kill him.

Du Ming, the chief clerk, was so frightened that he tried his best to escape from the battlefield.

But under the fierce fighting situation, who could control him? Someone poked him in the waist, causing him to fall to the ground in pain.

Then countless big feet stepped on Du Ming, no matter how much he shouted for help, no one heard him.

Wang Ermazi's rebellion was quickly suppressed by Wang Gang. When he counted the losses, he discovered that except for a few unlucky detectives who were slightly injured, only Niu Wenjin and Du Ming lost their lives.

"The county magistrate and the chief registrar sacrificed their lives heroically for Jiujiang County and must be given a generous burial."

Wang Gang stood in front of the corpses of Du Ming and Niu Wenjin, crying sincerely. People who didn't know better thought he had lost a relative.

When Du Yuanwai received the news, he was stunned.

First, Hu Dahai was seriously injured, and Wang Gang took over the armed forces of Jiujiang County.

Later, Niu Wenjin and Du Ming died tragically, and the senior officials Du had placed in the yamen were almost uprooted.

If he hadn't understood that it was Wang Gang who had done this, his decades of life would have been in vain.

"Isn't this reasonable? If you really think you are an official of the imperial court, I won't dare to kill you?" Du Yuanwai was so angry that he trembled at home, and then he called for his son-in-law Hu Dahai.

"You go and find a way to contact other bandits in the Jiujiang area. I want to avenge Niu Wenjin and Du Ming."

Hu Dahai was seriously injured and had not recovered. He was forced to go out to work for Du Yuanwai. He visited famous bandit gangs around Jiujiang County and offered them large sums of money to unite them.

When Wang Gang learned the news, a bandit alliance consisting of three thousand people had already assembled.

Many people in the government asked Wang Gang to ask for help from the Hongzhou government and send troops to support Jiujiang.

Wang Gang said:

"What are you afraid of? It's better if they gather together and save me from having to knock on every door."

This chapter has been completed!
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