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542 deceived

Three hours later, Wang Gang failed to find Xie Zhiyuan and returned to Xie's house first. Xu Hongdou and Grandma Xie asked when they saw Wang Gang:

"Have you found A Yuan?"

Wang Gang shook his head and said: "We didn't find him. We searched the entire Yunmiao Village and couldn't find anyone. I suspect he left the village."

Xie Granai asked anxiously: "Ayuan goes out of the village alone, will it be in danger?"

Xu Hongdou comforted her: "Don't worry, Grandma, Ayuan is very familiar with the terrain near Yunmiao Village, nothing will happen to her."

Wang Gang also said: "Yes! Ayao has already gone to Ayuan's friend to inquire. Maybe he is at his friend's place."

When they heard that Cao Cao had arrived, Xie Zhiyao ran into the yard sweating profusely. Wang Gang felt half-hearted when he saw it.

"No one found?" Wang Gang asked anxiously.

"Ayuan's friends all said they didn't see him." Xie Zhiyao shook his head.

Grandma Xie took her grandson's hand and said, "Ayao, you must find your brother. If something happens to him, how will I explain it to your father?"

"Don't worry, Grandma, as long as he is still in Yunnan, we will definitely be able to find him." Xie Zhiyao persuaded:

"Maybe he will get hungry and run back by himself."

Several people waited until dark, but Xie Zhiyuan didn't come back. Xie Zhiyuan called all the people he could at home and asked everyone he could, but they all said they hadn't seen Xie Zhiyuan.

However, Xie Zhiyuan's embarrassing incident of unzipping his pants pocket at school has been spread to everyone, making Xie Zhiyao quite upset.

What made Xie Zhiyao even more upset was that Wang Gang received a call from the Sun Mansion. The details of Xie Xiaoxia's friend had been investigated and he was a liar.

"Xia Xia's friend has a criminal record and has been engaging in pig-killing scams in Shanghai. He deceives inexperienced people into arranging jobs and giving him money."

After Wang Gang hung up the phone at Sun Mansion, he said to Xie Zhiyao: "I need to go find Xia Xia immediately. You can look for Ayuan."

Xie Zhiyao knew that Xie Xiaoxia's side was also a big deal and he couldn't delay it, so he could only let Wang Gang leave first.

Xu Hongdou stayed on and comforted Grandma Xie.

Wang Gang first went to Xie Heshun's wood carving workshop, and sure enough he found Xie Xiaoxia.

He told him what Sun Mansion had investigated, but Xie Xiaoxia still didn't believe it.

"Impossible, it's impossible for my friend to lie to me. He also gave me a lot of money as a reward before, how could he lie to me!"

Wang Gang felt something was wrong when he heard it, and quickly asked: "Have you already sent him money?"

Xie Xiaoxia said with some guilt: "I, I gave him 30,000 yuan, and he said he would use the money to help me smoothen my relationship and solve my work."

Wang Gang was speechless, and Xie Heshun on the side even cursed angrily.

"You idiot, someone cheated on you and you didn't realize it. He gave you a reward before. It's like a small fortune can't come out, and a big fortune can't come in. A fool like you will be fooled."

Xie Heshun was Xie Xiaoxia's master, so it was appropriate to say this angrily, but Wang Gang could not add fuel to the fire.

"Thank you, Master. Please calm down first and don't get excited. We have something to talk about."

Wang Gang first asked Xie Heshun to sit down and gave him a glass of water. Then he turned to Xie Xiaoxia and said:

"You should contact him immediately to see if you can get the money back."

Xie Xiaoxia quickly took out her mobile phone and wanted to contact her friend, but no one answered the call for a long time. She sent her a message and found that the other party had deleted her friend.

Xie Heshun became even more angry when he saw it.

"Let me tell you what's good about you. I told you before that there is no such thing as a pie in the sky. But you are so focused on money. You still want to develop in the magic city with your little ability, and you don't even consider how much you weigh.


Wang Gang advised: "Master Xie, Xia Xia wants to go to the Magic City not only for herself, but mainly because she doesn't want to drag you down, and she also wants to promote the wood carving culture.

His intentions are good, but even if he encounters unkind people and is deceived, don't say anything bad about him."

Xie Heshun glanced at Xie Xiaoxia in surprise and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Wang Gang sighed and said: "Xia Xia, don't worry. Since we have found out the other party's true identity, we should go to the police immediately. Maybe we can get the money back."

"Yes, yes, go call the police." Xie Heshun didn't care about being angry and quickly took Xie Xiaoxia to the police station.

Wang Gang secretly informed Xie Xiaochun and asked her to go directly to the police station to meet him.

Several people met at the police station. Xie Xiaochun did not blame his brother too much. Instead, he took him to negotiate with the police and explained in detail how he was deceived.

After the police finished taking the records, they also asked for a copy of Xie Xiaoxia's payment records, saying that they would follow up in time. However, cases involving other provinces did not progress so quickly, so they asked Xie Xiaoxia to go back and wait for news.

After leaving the police station, Xie Xiaoxia felt very depressed. Xie Xiaochun comforted her brother and said:

"Don't worry too much. Didn't the police say it? The money can be recovered, but it will take a long time."

Xie Xiaoxia looked frustrated and said, "Sister, do you think I'm useless?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could my brother not? You are too kind and have no heart, so you are taken advantage of by bad people." Xie Xiaochun said while hugging his brother.

"Xiaochun is right. Don't take the blame of others for yourself. It's not you who's wrong, it's the person who committed the crime."

Wang Gang patted Xie Xiaoxia on the shoulder and said, "Every time you learn something, you will gain wisdom. Let's just pay more attention to it in the future."

Xie Heshun said to Xie Xiaoxia with a straight face: "Okay! Things have happened. It's useless to think about it anymore. From now on, you can learn the craft from the master with peace of mind and don't think about it. It's more useful than anything else."

Xie Xiaochun said aggrievedly: "Master, the workshop has been out of business for a long time. I don't want to drag you down."

Xie Heshun said angrily: "You don't have to worry about business matters, I have my own way."

Wang Gang and Xie Xiaochun both knew in their hearts that Xie Heshun was a tough talker, and he wouldn't have left so many apprentices if he had his way.

However, they had no better way to do this. They could only rely on Xie Heshun to figure it out on his own and keep up with the development of the times.

"Since we have all come to the police station, should we help Ayao report the case? His brother has not been found yet." Xie Xiaochun asked Wang Gang.

"No." Hearing this, Xie Xiaoxia suddenly shouted: "It hasn't been 24 hours since the person disappeared, so the police won't accept it!"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Wang Gang took a deep look at Xie Xiaoxia and realized that he must be hiding something from him.

"Do you know where Ayuan is?" Xie Xiaochun asked, looking into his brother's eyes.

Xie Xiaoxia's eyes were a little evasive, not daring to look at Xie Xiaochun.

"I don't know! Isn't that what they say on TV? The police only care about missing persons for 24 hours."

Xie Xiaochun still wanted to ask more questions, but Wang Gang gently pulled the corner of her clothes.

Xie Xiaochun looked back at Wang Gang and found that Wang Gang was winking at her.

"A Yuan is not in a hurry. Let A Yao report the case later. We are not A Yuan's family members, so the police may not pay attention to us." Wang Gang said, "Let's go back to Yunmiao Village first."

Wang Gang had been observing Xie Xiaoxia and found that he was secretly relieved, and he knew it in his heart!

He sent the person home first, and then went to find Xie Zhiyao.

At this time, Xie Zhiyao also began to worry about his younger brother. Seeing that it was already late at night and he hadn't been found yet, he was really afraid that something would happen!

Wang Gang pulled Xie Zhiyao to the side and told him Xie Xiaoxia's weirdness. Then Xie Zhiyao couldn't wait any longer and hurriedly ran to find Xie Xiaoxia.

Xu Hongdou saw something and asked Wang Gang: "Do you know the whereabouts of A Yuan?"

Wang Gang smiled and said: "Let's wait for a while, Ayao will bring back good news soon."

Twenty minutes later, Xie Zhiyao ran home, with no anxious look on his face.

"Have you found Ayuan?" Xu Hongdou asked hurriedly.

Xie Zhiyao paused, glanced at Grandma, shook his head and said, "I haven't found anyone yet."

Grandma Xie was a little disappointed, but more worried.

Wang Gang frowned. He noticed that when Xie Zhiyao said that he had not found anyone, his face was relaxed, and he was not at all nervous.

Xie Zhiyao comforted Grandma Xie and asked her to relax, saying that Ah Yuan was almost an adult and could take care of herself.

Wang Gang watched clearly and felt more and more that something was wrong with Xie Zhiyao.

Carrying Xie Ah Nai on his back, he pulled Xie Zhiyao aside and asked, "Have you found A Yuan yet?"

Xie Zhiyao was shocked. Seeing that he couldn't hide it, he could only tell the truth.

"That kid Ayuan didn't leave at all. He was hiding in his friend's house. He also planned to go to the ancient city to work serving dishes without telling us. I plan to temper him and let him know that life is not easy, so he will naturally go back to school obediently." Xie Zhiyao was sneaking around.


"I don't object if you want to train A Yuan, but why are you hiding it from A Nai? Didn't you see that she is about to get sick?" Wang Gang said dissatisfied.

"I'm worried that Grandma won't let Ayuan suffer." Xie Zhiyao said earnestly.

Wang Gang frowned deeply and said, "You are really a good grandson of grandma. If I were your father, I would give you a good beating."

Xie Zhiyao was puzzled, but Wang Gang didn't like him. He ran directly to Xu Hongdou and Grandma and said:

"Ayao found Ayuan."

This chapter has been completed!
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