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569 Qiao Family

Wang Gang opened his eyes again, and the scenery he saw was completely different. There were also bursts of crying in his ears, and an unpleasant smell of disinfectant penetrated his nose.

"I'm in the hospital."

Wang Gang had traveled through so many times and was already familiar with it. He immediately realized that he should be reincarnated again. Next, he would have to receive the memory of the original owner, and his head would probably hurt for a while.

Speaking of Cao Cao and Cao Cao, familiar feelings flooded into his mind, and a large number of memories emerged, making his head hurt so much that he couldn't help but bend down.

"Second Qiang, what's wrong with you?"

A concerned voice sounded in Wang Gang's ears, making him somewhat familiar. He seemed to be someone he knew, but he couldn't quite remember it.

The fusion of a large number of memory fragments in his mind made it impossible for him to control his body and fell backwards.

Wang Gang felt his body being caught by someone, and then many people around him called him "Second Strong" and "Second Brother".

When he woke up again, he had received all the memories of the original owner.

"Brother, second brother is awake." A little girl's voice rang in Wang Gang's ears. He couldn't help but turn around and found a four or five-year-old little girl at the head of the bed, looking at him in surprise.

"Sanli?" Wang Gang recognized the little girl as his third sister Qiao Sanli based on the memory of the original owner.

Soon a large number of people gathered beside Wang Gang's bed and looked at him with concern.

"Second Qiang, are you okay? Why did you faint so well?" A middle-aged woman in her thirties held Wang Gang's hand and asked with concern.

"Auntie, I'm fine." Wang Gang asked himself to sit up, and the middle-aged woman quickly helped him.

"Your mother just left. If something happens to you, how can I explain to my poor sister?" the woman cried.

According to the memory of the original owner, Wang Gang knew that the middle-aged woman was his mother's sister, his aunt Wei Shufang.

"Get up if you have nothing to do, you're wasting my money." A domineering man's voice came from behind Wei Shufang.

Wang Gang looked for fame and couldn't help but call out "Dad".

The man said impatiently: "You can still recognize me as your father, so it seems that you are okay."

The man's appearance is exactly the same as that of Wang Gang's father, Sheng Hong, in the world of Zhifou. The sound of "father" just now has the memory of the original owner and is also an instinctive reaction.

"Qiao Zuwang, what did you do? The child fainted due to excessive sadness. You don't care about his health, so you only care about the hospital bills." Wei Shufang shouted to the man.

"I don't care about money. It will cost a lot of money for your sister to be hospitalized. Now I have to pay for this little kid's hospitalization fee. How can I have any money?"

The man, Qiao Zuwang, was holding a big teapot with a reluctant look on his face, showing no sense of responsibility as a father.

According to the memory of the original owner, Wang Gang also knew that Qiao Zuwang, who looked exactly like Sheng Hong, was an irresponsible father. Not only did he not care about his children, he even played cards all day long and didn't know how to care about his children's food and drink.

If it weren't for the hard support of my mother, Wei Shuying, the family would have broken up long ago.

It is a pity that this great mother also passed away not long ago. She was unable to save her youngest child due to severe hemorrhage during labor and delivery.

It is foreseeable that the loss of the mother, the backbone of the family, will cause earth-shaking changes.

When Wei Shufang wanted to continue the quarrel with Qiao Zuwang, a little boy of eleven or twelve years old came out and persuaded:

"Auntie, since the second strongman is fine, let's go home!"

The boy's name is Qiao Yicheng, the eldest brother of Wang Gang's original owner Qiao Erqiang. He was born in 1966 and is just eleven years old this year, three years older than Wang Gang.

Qiao Yicheng was accompanied by two little cubs, his third sister Qiao Sanli and Qiao Simei.

Qiao Sanli was born in 1971 and is six years old this year.

Qiao Simei was born in 1973 and is four years old this year.

Including the newly born Qiao Qiqi, the Qiao family has a total of five children. Now that their mother is gone, they don’t know how they will survive.

As an aunt, Wei Shufang felt sorry for her children, so she took the four children back to her home and prepared some food.

The newborn Qiao Qiqi was only as big as a palm due to difficult labor and premature birth, so she remained in the hospital for observation.

Qiao Zuwang shamelessly went to Wei Shuying's house and begged for a meal.

Wei Shuying's husband, Qi Ziqiang, Wang Gang's uncle, was an honest man. He felt pity for the fifth child of the Qiao family who had just lost their mother. He did not object and even cooked and prepared a rich meal himself.

After eating, Wei Shufang asked the Qiao family's children and her own children to play in the back room, while the adults discussed Wei Shuying's death.

Wang Gang could vaguely hear the quarrel between Wei Shufang and Qiao Zuwang in the back room, as well as Qi Ziqiang's dissuasion.

"Second Qiang, don't be too sad. People can't be resurrected after death, and my aunt doesn't want you to fall ill because of her."

The speaker was Qi Weimin, the eldest son of Wei Shufang and Qi Ziqiang, and Wang Gang's eldest cousin.

Wei Shufang and Qi Ziqiang have three children, and only their eldest cousin Qi Weimin is closer to the Qiao children.

"Cousin, I'm fine." Wang Gang shook his head, with no too sad expression on his face.

Qi Weimin is actually about the same age as Qiao Yicheng. He is eleven or twelve years old, but he has the air of a young man.

"Yicheng, you are the eldest brother, and your younger brothers and sisters will have to rely on you to take care of them from now on." Qi Weimin didn't know how to comfort the Qiao children, so he could only warn his eldest brother Qiao Yicheng.

Since his mother's death, Qiao Yicheng was very silent and did not cry, but Wang Gang knew that he was the saddest person.

The funeral affairs of his mother Wei Shuying were almost entirely taken care of by his aunts Wei Shufang and Qi Ziqiang. Qiao Zuwang acted as if it had nothing to do with him the whole time, but he was very active in collecting money from his family members.

The mourning hall was located at Qiao's house, which was relatively simple. Most of the people who came to express their condolences were neighbors and colleagues from Qiao Zuwang's factory.

Qiao Sanli and Qiao Simei cried very sadly, but Wang Gang and Qiao Yicheng did not cry a word. Many neighbors also said that the Qiao family's sons were hard-hearted and did not even cry once when their mother died.

But Wang Gang really couldn't cry. He had just traveled through time, and although he had received the memory of the original owner, he really had no feelings for Wei Shuying.

Besides, after living for so many years, he has long been used to birth, old age, illness and death, and he does not feel that death is the end of everything.

As for Qiao Yicheng not crying, it was because he buried all his sorrow in his heart. Everything seemed normal, but in fact he was bleeding inside.

After Wei Shuying was buried, in the dead of night, Qiao Yicheng still couldn't hold back and cried heartbreakingly.

The Qiao family was very poor, with only two tile-roofed houses. Four children slept in one room, and Wei Shuying and Qiao Zuwang slept in the same room.

After Wei Shuying left, Qiao Zuwang occupied a room by himself and let four children squeeze into one room.

Although Wang Gang was dissatisfied with this, he had nothing to do.

Qiao Yicheng's crying could not be hidden from his younger siblings in the same room.

"Brother, I miss my mother." Qiao Sanli and Qiao Simei missed their mother and couldn't help crying with their eldest brother.

When the three children cried, Wang Gang felt his head hurt.

"Okay! Stop crying." Wang Gang sighed: "If you cry, mom won't come back."

"Second brother, what should we do in the future?" Qiao Sanli looked at Wang Gang aggrievedly and asked.

What else could Wang Gang do? If it weren't for these brothers and sisters, he would have left long ago.

"Don't worry! I will take good care of you." Wang Gang said helplessly.

When Qiao Yicheng heard what Wang Gang said, he didn't want to cry anymore.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I am the eldest brother, and I will take care of you if you need it."

After his mother died, Qiao Yicheng seemed to have grown up all of a sudden, and he had decided to shoulder the responsibility of his eldest brother.

It's not that Wang Gang looks down on Qiao Yicheng, it's just that he is only eleven years old, how he will take care of his younger brothers and sisters, and he doesn't know what he will eat tomorrow morning.

"The boat will straighten out when it reaches the bridge. Let's go to sleep." Wang Gang scratched his head and said.

"Second brother, I'm afraid." Qiao Simei said timidly.

"Then you come and sleep with your second brother." Wang Gang picked up Qiao Simei and tucked her into his bed.

Qiao Sanli looked at Wang Gang and Qiao Yicheng with a longing look on her face, but she never spoke.

"Brother, take Third Sister to bed." Wang Gang felt soft and said to Qiao Yicheng.

"Okay." Qiao Yicheng picked up Qiao Sanli and put her on his bed.

It is said to be a bed, but it is actually a simple bed board made of several pieces of wood.

The Qiao family relies on Qiao Zuwang's salary to support themselves. There are many children in the family, so it is a little better to live just four walls away from the family.

None of the four children has a decent bed.

Wang Gang was lying on the bed and coaxing his little sister Qiao Simei to sleep, but he couldn't fall asleep.

He wasn't worried about money. He checked the space as soon as he traveled through it, and found that hundreds of millions of gold were still lying in the space.

But how to convert gold into money has become a problem.

It is now 1977, the reform has not yet begun, and the social atmosphere is still conservative. If an eight-year-old child exchanges gold for money, it will be too conspicuous.

Age has become the biggest problem in Wang Gang's mind. It would be okay if he met a reliable parent, but looking at Qiao Zuwang's appearance, it is impossible to count on him, and everything has to be relied on by himself.

"Never mind, I'll worry about it tomorrow!"

Wang Gang lowered his head and glanced at his sister who was already sleeping soundly, and then at Qiao Yicheng who was also unable to sleep and was still crying silently.

"Don't mention it, Qiao Zuwang and Wei Shuying have good genes, and no one in this family is ugly."

This chapter has been completed!
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