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634 half a year

After Wang Gang invited all the neighbors away, he and Qiao Yicheng moved a chair to sit opposite Qiao Zuwang.

With money in hand, Qiao Zuwang had confidence and was not afraid of his son at all.

"What are you doing? I can't do business to make some money."

Wang Gang snorted coldly: "I don't care about your business, but there is one thing. It's your business to make money. Don't drag others into it."

Qiao Zuwang said angrily: "What does it mean to drag people into the water? What I mean is to lead everyone to make a fortune together."

Qiao Yicheng frowned and said, "Do you know what kind of business you are doing?"

Qiao Zuwang said indifferently: "It's foreign trade business! Uncle Li can get Japanese goods, but don't sell them too easily."

"Are there any customs clearance materials? Are there any formal documents?" Wang Gang asked.

"What is that?" Qiao Zuwang asked doubtfully.

Qiao Yicheng rolled his eyes and said angrily: "You don't know anything, and you still learn how to do business? Oriental goods without customs clearance documents are called smuggling!"

"I don't care if he has information or not, as long as he can make money." Qiao Zuwanghun said nonchalantly.

Qiao Yicheng said angrily: "Smuggling is illegal and you will go to jail. How can you have the nerve to drag your neighbors into trouble?"

Qiao Zuwang was surprised, he really didn't know that much.

"Uncle Li has been working for so long, and I don't think anything has happened to you." Qiao Zuwang muttered.

"It will be too late if something happens. You can stop it in time." Qiao Yicheng said.

"I gave all my money to you, Uncle Li." Qiao Zuwang said anxiously.

"Come back quickly." Qiao Yicheng was also anxious and said, "Why didn't you ask us before doing business?"

Qiao Zuwang stood up and said, "I'll go find your Uncle Li right away."

Wang Gang and Qiao Yicheng waited at home for a while, and then saw Qiao Zuwang walking in calmly.

"Is the money coming back?" Qiao Yicheng asked eagerly.

Qiao Zuwang said nonchalantly: "I asked your Uncle Li, he said that all the money was used to buy goods and he can't get it back. Besides, he has people at the customs and nothing will happen. Once this batch of goods arrives, I can make a lot of money."


"You're crazy. You believe whatever he says. What if he cheats you?" Qiao Yicheng went crazy and asked, "How much money did you invest?"

Qiao Zuwang shrank his neck and said, "It's only five thousand yuan."

Qiao Yicheng's vision went dark and he almost fell down.

Five thousand yuan is already the entire savings of the Qiao family.

Wang Gang no longer wanted to persuade Qiao Zuwang, this man was not worth helping.

"It's your business if you want to die. Don't encourage your neighbors and friends to invest in the future, otherwise don't blame me for annihilating relatives and reporting you." Wang Gang said coldly.

"How dare you, I am your father!" Qiao Zuwang said with wide eyes.

Wang Gang glanced coldly, and Qiao Zuwang suddenly shrank.

"You can try and see if I dare." Wang Gang snorted coldly: "There is no way I will let you drag down my younger brothers and sisters."

Qiao Zu felt a chill in his heart. He knew that his second son was a man who kept his word, so he didn't dare to say anything.

Qiao Yicheng said anxiously: "Erqiang, just watch him seek death."

Wang Gang sneered and said: "We have tried to persuade you, but what else can we do?"

After saying this, Wang Gang left Qiao's house and Qiao Yicheng chased him out.

"Second Strong, you really don't care about the old man?"

Wang Gang shook his head and said: "He is obsessed with money now, and no one's words are of any use. Recently, he asked Sanli and Simei not to go home. I guess the old man's thunder will explode sooner or later."

"Okay, I'll let Sanli return to the capital early, and Simei will stay at my place." Qiao Yicheng frowned.

"Simei should stay at my house!" Wang Gang sighed.

Qiao Yicheng remembered that it was really inconvenient for him to take his sister home as he was still living under someone else's roof, so he had no objection.

After all the children of the Qiao family moved away, Qiao Zuwang was a little sad at first, but soon he let himself go completely, stopped going to class, and devoted himself to business.

Wei Qiaodong from the security department finally fired Qiao Zuwang because he had been absent from work many times.

However, Qiao Zuwang, who had money in his hands, did not like the monthly salary of more than 100 yuan from the sports team.

Some neighbors couldn't stand the temptation and approached Qiao Zuwang, hoping to do business together.

Qiao Zuwang was worried that his son would report him, so he refused to report them all, which would make it difficult for anyone to do anything.

After going back and forth, the neighbors started to have opinions, saying that Qiao Zuwang turned his back on him after he got rich.

Qiao Zuwang didn't care at all. Anyway, he had already thought about buying a building and moving out when he made more money.

He, Qiao Zuwang, has never lived in a building in his life.

Lao Li's business grew bigger and bigger, and more and more money was given to Qiao Zuwang.

Qiao Zuwang didn't keep a penny and gave it all to Lao Li, hoping to make more and more money.

Human desires are endless. When you earn one hundred, you want to earn five hundred. When you earn five hundred, you want to earn one thousand.

Qiao Zuwang was not a person with strong willpower to begin with, and could not control his desires at all. If Qiao Yicheng hadn't come to see him again later, he might have sold the house to start a business.

Wang Gang didn't want to care about Qiao Zuwang at all, as long as he didn't harm his children, he would let him fend for himself.

Half a year has passed without realizing it, and it’s time to celebrate the New Year again.

Wang Gang's new house has been almost decorated and can be moved in after the Chinese New Year.

The money owed to Xiang's father has been paid off, and Wang Gang paid back two thousand more as interest.

Qiao Sanli called back early in the morning and said that she needed to prepare for the competition this year and would not go back to Jinling to celebrate the New Year.

Qiao Simei has adapted well in the new school. She studied hard to get into the film school and her grades remained in the middle of her grade, which was neither good nor bad.

Qiao Qiqi went on winter vacation and was taken home by Wang Gang, but she did not return to Shamao Lane.

Wang Gang has already agreed with Qiao Yicheng to spend the Chinese New Year at his place this year.

After the Chinese New Year, he will move to a new house, and the small apartment he lives in now will be given to Qiao Yizheng.

The house has been bought by Wang Gang, and Qiao Yicheng will pay a monthly rent of 100 yuan.

Qiao Yicheng persuaded his wife for a long time before Wen Ju'an agreed to move out and live alone.

There has been no news from Qiao Zuwang for a long time. Qiao Yicheng will go back when he has time, mainly because he is afraid that Qiao Zuwang will sell the house.

Wang Gang heard from Qiao Yicheng that Qiao Zuwang was extremely crazy now. He looked aloof to everyone he saw and looked at people with his nostrils.

Wang Gang didn't invite Qiao Zuwang during the Chinese New Year. He thought it was pretty good now, with no one interfering in anyone else's life and each of them being well.

The day before the Chinese New Year, Wang Gang and Xiang Nanfang both had a day off and started preparing new year's goods.

The Xiang family had already said hello that Xiang Beifang would not be back until the first day of the Lunar New Year, so Wang Gang and Xiang Nanfang went to the Xiang family on the first day of the Lunar New Year, and they spent New Year's Eve at home with Qiao Yicheng.

In order to celebrate the New Year, Xiang Nanfang was busy and bought a lot of things. There was not enough to put them at home, so he had to put some of them in his new house first.

If the new house paint hadn't smelled too bad, Wang Gang would have wanted to celebrate the New Year directly in his new house.

On New Year's Eve, the first to arrive were Qiao Yicheng and Wen Ju'an.

Qiao Yicheng brought some New Year's goods over and said "Happy New Year" to them when they met, but Wen Ju'an was a little depressed and didn't pay much attention to others.

Since marrying Qiao Yicheng, Wen Ju'an has not been close to anyone in the Qiao family, so Xiang Nanfang can only say a few words, maybe because Xiang's father is a big leader.

Qiao Yicheng talked to Wen Ju'an several times behind Wang Gang's back, but she remained the same.

"Ju'an, if you're celebrating the New Year, don't put on a showy face." Qiao Yicheng secretly touched his wife and reminded her.

Wen Ju'an rolled his eyes at Qiao Yicheng and continued to eat melon seeds and watch TV.

After getting married, Qiao Yicheng felt more and more that Wen Ju'an was like an immature child who didn't understand anything about the world and lived in his own world all day long.

He felt that Wen's mother was so protective of her daughter that she developed Wen Ju'an's character. It might be better to move out and live alone after the Chinese New Year.

The second person to arrive was Qiao Qiqi. He didn't come alone, Qi Weimin personally delivered it.

"Cousin, do you want to stay and celebrate the New Year with us?" Wang Gang was very enthusiastic when he saw Qi Weimin.

"No, my parents are still at home waiting for me to go back to celebrate the New Year. We will get together in two days if we have a chance." Qi Weimin said with a smile.

"Bring your partner with you in two days." Qiao Yicheng teased Qi Weimin.

"I'll ask Xingyu if he's free first," Qi Weimin said generously.

Qiao Qiqi said at this time: "Sister Xingyu will have time after her third year of junior high school."

Wang Gang joked: "How do you know if my cousin's girlfriend is free?"

Qiao Qiqi said proudly: "Sister Xingyu is the sister of my head teacher. She often plays with me and brings me gifts."

Qi Weimin's partner is called Chang Xingyu, and Wang Gang has met her twice. She looks very much like his sister Sheng Rulan, who knows the world, so Wang Gang has great feelings for her.

Chang Xingyu is Qi Weimin's junior high school classmate. The two have had a crush on each other since childhood and have long agreed to get married after graduating from graduate school.

"It seems that Qiqi has long regarded Xingyu as his sister-in-law." Wang Gang touched Qiao Qiqi's head and said with a smile.

"Of course, if sister Xingyu doesn't marry my brother, I will go to the head teacher." Qiao Qiqi said innocently.

Everyone laughed. Qi Weimin exchanged greetings with the Qiao family and was about to leave when Qiao Zuwang hurried over.

"Yicheng, Erqiang, help!"

This chapter has been completed!
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