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691 Meet the world

Wang Gang was watching TV with Jiang's mother at home when Zhu Suosuo's uncle suddenly came to visit.

"Lao Jiang, do you know the address of Suosuo's new location?"

Wang Gang said in surprise: "Didn't Suosuo move tell you the new address?"

The uncle said awkwardly: "Maybe she was in a hurry and forgot to mention it."

Wang Gang felt strange. Since he forgot to mention it, why don't you call your niece directly? Why are you looking for me?

"What happened to your family?" Wang Gang asked directly.

"Lao Jiang, don't ask, just tell me the lock address." The uncle said anxiously.

In fact, after Zhu Suosuo moved away, Luo Jiaming went on a hunger strike. Her aunt called her and asked her to go back and persuade her cousin, but Zhu Suosuo disagreed.

The aunt scolded Zhu Suosuo as a white-eyed wolf, and then vented her anger on her husband. Then the uncle was forced to come to Wang Gang, ask for the address, and prepare to go to find his niece in person.

As the saying goes, family scandals should not be publicized, and my uncle did not want to tell outsiders about the family scandals.

"I say you should call Suosuo and ask her to tell you the address!" Wang Gang rejected Uncle Zhu Suosuo because he also felt that he should not get involved in other people's family affairs.

The uncle let out a long sigh and said, "That girl Suosuo, she has been like a kite with its string cut off since she moved out. Not to mention coming home to visit us, she even doesn't bother to answer the phone."

Wang Gang didn't quite understand Zhu Suosuo's feelings for her uncle's family, but it was her own choice, and Wang Gang, an outsider, couldn't comment.

"If you have a chance, have a good talk with Suosuo. I think she has some misunderstandings about you." Wang Gang advised.

"If you want to talk, you need to be able to meet the person." The uncle said, "Old Jiang, just tell me the address and I will come to find the lock myself."

Wang Gang was really curious now.

"What happened to you that you have to find Suo Suo?"

The uncle was silent for a long time before telling Wang Gang about Luo Jiaming.

After Wang Gang heard this, he was completely speechless.

"How old is your son? You are still playing childish tricks like a hunger strike. Who is he going to show his hunger strike to?" Wang Gang sneered.

The uncle was surprised and said: "How come what you said is the same as Suo Suo?"

Wang Gang chuckled: "Because what Luo Jiaming did is indeed too childish. Does he think he can catch a girl through a hunger strike?"

"Alas!" The uncle sighed: "This child has been cowardly and introverted since he was a child, and he was too well protected by his mother, so he became like this."

Wang Gang asked back: "What do you mean? Do you want to kiss each other?"

"Actually, I know very well that Suosuo doesn't like Jiaming." The uncle sighed heavily.

"It's Jiaming's mother who has wishful thinking, thinking that since they grew up together and have a relationship, it will be fine if they get married in the future."

Wang Gang shook his head and said: "It's not that Zhu Suosuo doesn't like Luo Jiaming, it's that he looks down on him at all. Even if you force the two of them to get together, they won't be happy in the future."

"I know, but now that Jiaming hasn't had any water or rice for a day, we have to find a way to get him to eat first!"

Wang Gang smiled and said: "Okay, for the sake of the two of us getting along well, my son, I will help you wake him up."

The uncle was surprised and said: "Old Jiang, what do you want to do?"

Wang Gang smiled and said: "Luo Jiaming just has too little experience and there are not many outstanding women around him, so he keeps staring at Zhu Suosuo. I plan to take him to see the world and broaden his horizons."

Uncle Zhu Suosuo didn't understand what Wang Gang meant by broadening his horizons.

Wang Gang raised the corner of his mouth, and then said: "Go back and tell Luo Jiaming that Zhu Suosuo wants to meet him outside. I will send you the location later."

The uncle asked suspiciously: "Will Jiaming be fooled?"

"It should be no problem. Just tell him that Zhu Suosuo is waiting for him there."

After his uncle left the Jiang family full of questions, Jiang's mother said, "Pengfei, why do you care about Luo Jiaming's affairs?"

"The Zhu Suosuo family helped us a lot when we were in trouble and reciprocated the favor. I can't just watch Luo Jiaming live and die."

Mother Jiang said disdainfully: "A grown man who can't chase a woman and is looking for life is also hopeless."

Wang Gang chuckled and said: "Jia Ming, that kid, is good in nature, but he is too honest and introverted, and sometimes it is easy to get into trouble."

While talking, Wang Gang sent the address to Uncle Zhu Suosuo and then made a phone call.

"Julia, I'll be here in a minute, please leave me a private room."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Gang directly picked up the car keys.

"Mom, I may be back late today, so don't wait for me."

Mother Jiang watched the TV and said impatiently: "I know, you haven't been home every now and then for the past three days, so I don't know what you're busy with."

On the other side, when Uncle Zhu Suosuo returned home, his wife ran over and asked, "Are you going to Suosuo's new address?"

The uncle remembered Wang Gang's words and said, "Suosuo asked Jiaming to meet outside."

The aunt frowned and said, "That little white-eyed wolf, we have raised her for so many years in vain. Jiaming has not eaten for so long, how can she have the strength to go outside."

"Okay, don't say Suosuo is a white-eyed wolf every day." Uncle said displeased:

"Jia Ming is a big young man. He will starve to death if he doesn't eat for a day."

My aunt wanted to scold her again, but seeing that her husband's expression was getting worse, she had no choice but to give up.

"Suosuo asked Jiaming to meet him wherever he wanted to go, and I'll go with him," my aunt said unconvinced.

"What are you going for? Don't scare Suo Suo away."

The aunt rolled her eyes at her husband and said, "Am I that terrible?"

"Hey, let's not get involved in the children's affairs and let them handle it on their own."

"No, what if Suo Suo hurts Jiaming?" Auntie said reluctantly.

"Okay, you can rest at home, why don't you let me follow you? I am Suosuo's uncle, she can still listen to what I say."

"Can you do it alone?" my aunt said in disbelief.

The uncle didn't bother to talk to his wife and knocked on Luo Jiaming's door.

"Jia Ming, Suosuo promised to see you and asked you to meet outside."

"Really." Luo Jiaming's voice came from the room.

"Why don't Suosuo come back to see me? Don't try to trick me out."

The uncle said: "When have I lied to you, don't worry! I will go with you."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The door slowly opened, and Luo Jiaming walked out with a pale face.

"Jia Ming, you must be very hungry! I made some porridge, you take a sip first." As soon as her son came out, her aunt felt very distressed.

"I don't want to drink, I want to see Suo Suo." Although Luo Jiaming's face looked bad, he was quite angry.

"You haven't eaten for a day. Don't faint if you go outside. You won't see the lock." My uncle also advised me.

Luo Jiaming thought about meeting his sweetheart soon, so he reluctantly drank some gruel.

The uncle called a car and came to Wang Gangfa's address and found that it was a seven or eight-story building located in a prosperous area of ​​the old city.

Wang Gang's car was parked downstairs. Luo Jiaming walked into the building with his stepfather. A girl dressed like a receptionist came over with a smile on her face.

"Are you two friends of Zhu Suosuo?"

"Yes." Luo Jiaming nodded dully.

"She's already waiting for you in the bakery upstairs."

Luo Jiaming could vaguely hear some singing and couldn't help but ask: "Is this a KTV?"

"Yes." The receptionist smiled politely and led the two of them to take the elevator to the fifth floor.

After going upstairs, someone else took Luo Jiaming and others to box 509.

After Luo Jiaming walked into the box, he saw Wang Gang at a glance, but he couldn't find Zhu Suosuo after searching for a long time.

"Uncle Jiang, why are you here, locking people up?" Luo Jiaming asked doubtfully.

Wang Gang and Uncle Zhu Suosuo looked at each other and lied without blushing, "Suosuo went to buy snacks. I'll be back in a while. You guys sit down first. What would you like to drink?"

"No, I'll go outside and wait for Suosuo to come back." Luo Jiaming didn't like the environment of the KTV box very much.

"What's the rush? Let's play with us first." Wang Gang pulled Luo Jiaming to sit on the sofa and said:

"The wine here is pretty good, would you like a bottle?"

"I don't know how to drink." Luo Jiaming lowered his head and said.

Uncle Zhu Suosuo frowned, quietly ran to Wang Gang and said, "Why did you bring Jiaming to a place like this!"

"I won't tell you anymore! I'll bring Jiaming to see the world."

While they were talking, a group of girls walked in and called out sweetly: "Hello, Mr. Jiang."

"Julia is here! Come on, sit down and greet my nephew properly."

Luo Jiaming stood up immediately and wanted to leave.

Wang Gang glanced at him, and two girls grabbed him, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Brother, I've never seen you before! Is this your first time coming to our club to play?"

Luo Jiaming had never seen such a battle before. It was like Tang Monk entering Pansi Cave, his hands and feet suddenly became stiff and motionless.

The other two girls entangled Uncle Zhu Suosuo, and his performance was not much better than Luo Jiaming's.

Both father and son were honest working-class people who had never seen the entertainment and entertainment behind the magic city, so they were quickly taken advantage of by the two little girls.

This chapter has been completed!
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