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Chapter 75 Stomach Cancer

Chapter 75 Gastric Cancer

Author: Nerve Third Knife

Chapter 75 Gastric Cancer

Wang Gang heard that Zhao Zihao had business to discuss, so he naturally took the people outside the yard. He didn't want He Yuyu to know these things.

The three of them came to the yard and sat on the small bench. Zhao Zihao said eagerly:

"Brother Wang, I have a way to get a batch of TV sets. As long as they are shipped to Sijiu City, they will be sold at a high price."

Wang Gang was a little surprised and said: "TV, black and white TV?"

"Yes, a twelve-inch black and white TV, imported from Neon Country." Zhao Zihao said.

"Imported!" Wang Zangzhang said with a smile: "It must have been smuggled over!"

Zhao Zihao chuckled, scratched the back of his head and said: "There are some irregularities in the channels, but this thing is really profitable. The purchase price is only more than two hundred, and it can be sold for five or six hundred if it is resold."

Wang Gang asked: "How much is the approximate quantity?"

Zhao Zihao said: "About fifteen hundred units."

"Can you eat so much?" Wang Gang asked curiously.

"I am not alone. I worked with many people to make this deal. I only account for about 30% of it," Zhao Zihao said.

"Thirty percent costs 70,000 to 80,000 yuan. Where do you get so much money?" Wang Gang asked.

"I spent all my savings over the years and borrowed some more," Zhao Zihao said.

"You're crazy. The crime of smuggling is not a small one. If something happens, you will not only lose all your money, but you will also have to sit in jail." Wang Gang said in shock.

In recent years, he has cooperated with Zhao Zihao to sell pears, and they have been doing it on a small scale. He has sold 50 tons of pears for eight years and has not sold them all, so he only made 50,000 yuan.

It's not that Wang Gang is timid, it's just that the investigation was too strict and he couldn't be careful.

But this time, Zhao Zihao made a desperate move and put all his wealth on it.

"Brother Wang, let me tell you the truth! I can't do this without betting!" Zhao Zihao glanced at his wife and said, "Meilan is sick."

Wang Gang was stunned and couldn't help but look at Niu Meilan. Only then did he realize that Niu Meilan had lost a lot of weight compared to the previous times they met.

"What disease is it? Have you ever been to the hospital?" Wang Gang frowned.

"I've been to the hospital, and the doctor said it was stomach cancer and that surgery was needed. Because neither Meilan nor I have a public employer, the medical expenses cannot be reimbursed and we have to pay for it ourselves. If the situation is not good in the later stage, we may have to go abroad for treatment." Zhao Zihao sighed.

"Actually, I told Lao Zhao, isn't it just a matter of death? Why treat it? It's better to keep the money for the child." Niu Meilan said openly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? If you are sick, we will treat you. Didn't my son say that? I will treat you even if you sell iron." Zhao Zihao said angrily.

Niu Meilan lowered her head and said nothing.

"Did the doctor tell me what stage of gastric cancer it is?" Wang Gang asked.

Zhao Zihao asked doubtfully: "Brother Wang also knows about this disease?"

Wang Gang nodded. Gastric cancer is indeed a serious disease and is difficult to cure with drugs. The most effective method is to remove part of the stomach tissue. Even after the operation, there is still a long recovery period to prevent recurrence.

"The doctor said that it is the second stage and can be treated through surgery, but the cost is very high and foreign experts have to be invited for consultation. The postoperative expenses are also quite a lot, so I want to make a big deal." Zhao Zihao said.

"Why don't you come to me to borrow it?" Wang Gang frowned.

"Brother Wang, I understand the principle of helping the urgent rather than helping the poor. Besides, Meilan's illness costs a lot of money." Zhao Zihao held his wife's hand and said:

"I have made a desperate move. If I can successfully sell these TV sets, it should be enough to cover medical expenses."

Wang Gang asked: "What's wrong with you now and why did you come to me?"

Zhao Zihao said: "I just want to ask if you have a way to bring the freight to Sijiu City."

Wang Gang suddenly asked: "Where is the goods now?"

Zhao Zihao replied: "The first batch of 500 ships will arrive at Tianjin Port in five days, and the second ship will arrive in 15 days, about 1,000 ships."

Wang Gang thought about it and realized that the pears in his Golden Finger space were selling for about the same price, but they could be used to install 500 TV sets at a time.

The black-and-white TVs of this era were only 12 inches at most, and were not very large. Even 500 of them would not occupy 120 cubic meters.

"I can transport five hundred units into the city, but if it's a thousand units, the quantity is too large, and I may not be able to transport them all at once."

When Zhao Zihao heard this, his eyes lit up and he said: "I can find a warehouse in Tianjin Port to store it temporarily. The TV will be shipped in three times. As long as I enter the city, I won't be afraid of customs inspection."

Wang Gang is not afraid of smuggling. Anyway, no one can find the things if they are placed in the space.

"Okay, tell me the time and place of the ship's arrival and the person who will pick up the goods." Wang Gang decided to help Zhao Zihao this time.

After all, we have been working together for several years, and although there was some unpleasantness at the beginning, it has long been over, and Wang Gang is not a person who refuses to save anyone.

"Thank you, brother. I know it's a bit risky this time, but I really can't help it." Zhao Zihao said gratefully.

Niu Meilan said: "Brother, you make an offer and we will never counter-offer."

After Wang Gang thought for a while, he said: "Five thousand, half paid in advance and half paid afterwards."

Brothers have to settle accounts openly. Transporting 1,500 TV sets to Sijiu City will be very risky even ten years from now, let alone now. It's really a job with one's head in the waistband.

If Wang Gang didn't have a golden finger, he wouldn't have dared to do this.

Zhao Zihao quickly said goodbye and left, saying that he would not be able to give him the specific information until tomorrow.

Anyway, Wang Gang is not in a hurry. He will go back to take care of his wife and children and say hello. He may go on a business trip in a few days.

He Yuyu didn't suspect anything. Wang Gang traveled a lot on business.

The next day, Wang Gang reported back to the factory and brought some red eggs to his colleagues. He also approached his master, Liu Xianxian, and volunteered for a business trip to Tianjin and Hong Kong.

Liu Xianxian thought that Wang Gang wanted to earn more money because he had a son. He also expressed his understanding and asked him to go on a business trip tomorrow to deliver a batch of parts to Tianjin and Hong Kong with a wave of his hand.

In the evening, Zhao Zihao found him and handed Wang Gang an envelope with 2,500 yuan and a note inside.

The note written on it was the address of a dock warehouse in Tianjin Port. It asked him to pick up the goods at 8pm three days later, but no one was there to pick him up.

After Wang Gang read it, he burned the note and continued to work as if nothing was wrong, delivering goods according to the factory's requirements.

After transporting the goods from the factory, Wang just drove to the Tianjin Port Pier, where he had sent Lou Xiaoe's family on the boat, so he was quite familiar with it.

Wang Gang drove the car to the dock warehouse, found the place easily, and parked the car next to the warehouse.

The warehouse door is locked, and there is a piece of paper posted on the door with information about the goods in the warehouse, which is about decoration materials.

Wang Gang found a stone next to the gate with a key underneath.

Wang Gang looked around to make sure no one picked up the key, unlocked the lock, and opened the warehouse door.

Wang Gang took a flashlight and entered the dark warehouse. What he saw was a row of cardboard boxes with patterns of TV sets and the words "Neon Country" painted on them.

After opening a box and taking a look, Wang Gang suddenly saw a TV set. Without saying a word, he put all the TV sets into the space.

Five hundred TV sets were delivered to the space in less than ten minutes. Wang Gang also discovered that there were some goods in the warehouse, which were some imported floors, which should be used to conceal them from others.

Those floor kings just didn't move, they just closed the warehouse door, put the keys in their original place, started the car and were ready to leave.

When the truck reached the exit of the dock, a group of people suddenly rushed out and stopped the truck.

(End of chapter)

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