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811 Meet again

A man and a woman were chasing each other, and it was obvious that the thieves were stealing the plot. Wang Gang didn't intend to pay attention to it. In the development process of Bicheng City, there are always some dirty things that cannot be controlled by one person.

It's just that the thief couldn't run away, so he ran towards Wang Gang and wanted to use Han Mu to block the pursuers behind him.

The thief's mind was also simple. He grabbed Han Mu and pushed her to the people behind, creating a chance for him to escape.

It's just that he far underestimated Wang Gang.

Just as the thief was about to reach out to grab Han Mu, Wang Gang's legs were faster than his and he kicked the thief in the stomach.

Under everyone's surprised gazes, the thief flew up to a height of three meters. He didn't even have time to scream and rolled directly to a place more than ten meters away.

The girl whose bag was stolen stopped chasing her now. She covered her mouth with her hands in shock and her eyes widened.

Wang Gang also observed the girl carefully at this time and found that she was dressed in a very western style, with a dress, short skirt and high heels, none of which was what Guangzhou should have in the 1980s.

Mother Han glanced at the thief lying on the ground not far away, and said worriedly to Wang Gang: "Xiao Wu, you won't kick someone bad, will you?"

"Don't worry! I acted carefully, he just fainted." Wang Gang said confidently: "When he wakes up, he will have some bruises on his body at most."

Mother Han felt relieved and said to the girl: "Daughter, why don't you go get the bag back."

The shocked girl came to her senses and approached the thief with some scruples. After trying a few times to make sure that the person fainted, she took the bag back.

Wang just turned around and left with Han Mu and Qiao Gu. He didn't care whether the girl wanted to call the police or take revenge.

"Please wait a moment."

The girl took her bag back and suddenly ran towards Wang Gang and the others. Although she was wearing high heels, she ran very slowly and quickly caught up with Wang Gang and the others.

"Thank you for helping me catch the thief. This is my little thought."

The girl took out ten dollars from her purse and handed it to Wang Gang.

Wang Gang glanced at the Great Unity with a cold look, and Han Mu and Qiao Gu's expressions were not good either.

"No need, if that person hadn't wanted to arrest my mother, I wouldn't have taken action." Wang Gang said coldly.

The girl was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized that her behavior was a bit contemptuous, and said hurriedly: "Please don't misunderstand me, I don't mean anything else, I just want to express my gratitude."

Mother Han said in a deep voice: "You have already said thank you, there is no need to express anything else."

The girl blushed with embarrassment and stood there at a loss.

Wang Gang ignored her and left with Han Mu and Qiao Gu. This time the girl was too embarrassed to catch up.

Along the way, Mother Han and Aunt Qiao were still talking about the girl's clothes.

"The girl's clothes just now were so beautiful." Mother Han sighed.

"And her shoes, I have never seen such high shoes. Isn't she tired from wearing them?" Qiao Gu said with some envy.

"Her clothes are all foreign famous brands, which are not available in China." Wang Gang said: "Her family should be very wealthy."

Qiaogu asked curiously: "Brother Chunming, why is she naked with both legs? Isn't she ashamed?"

The girl just now was wearing a short skirt that directly exposed her knees. This may be normal in foreign countries, but it seems out of place in China.

China is still relatively conservative at this time, and most women wear long pants and long skirts.

Wang Gang smiled and said: "They are all dressed like this in foreign countries. They look very beautiful with high heels. When we slowly develop, we will be the same."

Mother Han's eyes lit up and she said: "Xiao Wu, you like girls dressed like this!"

Wang Gang knew that Mother Han was planning something big for his life again, and he couldn't help crying or laughing: "Mom, I didn't say that, don't think nonsense."

The three of them talked and laughed all the way back to the hotel. After a night's rest, Wang Gang went to the Canton Stock Exchange. Since he agreed to be a translator, he couldn't just do it perfunctorily.

Wang Gang came to the Canton Fair early in the morning and met with the director of the company's contact department who invited him.

The Canton Fair of this era was naturally not as large as that of later generations, but it was still very lively.

There are a wide range of products from various manufacturers, and there are also some foreign exhibitors.

Wang Gang also discovered that most of the foreign companies that came to the exhibition this time brought mediocre products, at least products that had been obsolete for several years.

Even so, major domestic enterprises and factories are still flocking to those products. In the final analysis, this is still the reason for lagging behind.

Products that were eliminated abroad a few years ago are considered high-tech in China.

Wang Gang followed Section Chief Kuang around the Canton Fair, and finally stopped at a Xiaoriguo booth.

Section Chief Kuang was attracted by Xiaoriguo’s embossing machine.

"Xiao Han, I'm interested in this machine. Please translate it for me." Section Chief Kuang said urgently.

Wang Gang glanced at the little boy on the other side of the booth, but didn't speak for a while.

Section Chief Kuang was born in a technical field and has some deficiencies in interpersonal communication. With his eager look now, isn't he clearly telling others that he is a fat sheep and should be slaughtered quickly?

"Chief Kuang, don't be so excited. During the negotiation, the other party will guess what they are thinking and it will be difficult to bargain." Wang Gang reminded in Section Chief Kuang's ear.

Section Chief Kuang also reacted, quickly withdrew his gaze, and pretended to go to the side with Wang Gang to take another look.

The people from Xiaori Kingdom saw Wang Gang and the others looking at them before leaving, but they were not in a hurry. They acted like I have good things and I am not afraid that you will not come back.

Sure enough, Section Chief Kuang still couldn't keep his temper and turned around again within ten minutes, leaving Wang Gang speechless.

After all, Wang Gang is just a translator and can only follow Section Chief Kuang's requirements.

"Hello, are you a staff member of Panasonic Corporation?" Wang Gang first spoke in English to the people from Xiaoriguo.

Although Wang Gang's English pronunciation is standard, people from China are obviously not good at English and cannot even understand simple spoken English.

Just when Wang Gang was about to say it again in Japanese, the staff of Xiaoriguo waved to the side, probably looking for a translator.

There were very few interpreters at the Canton Fair in this era. Many people were gesticulating with their hands, like chickens and duck feet. Many exhibitors shared the same interpreter.

When the translator came over, Wang Gang was startled and realized that he was someone he knew.

"It's you!" The translator also recognized Wang Gang.

The translator is the girl whose bag was stolen yesterday.

In my childhood, the people from Japan said something in Japanese to the girl.

The girl really wanted to catch up with Wang Gang, but she had to work.

"Hello, Mr. Matsushita would like to ask, are you interested in machines?" The girl acted as translator.

Wang Gang replied directly in Japanese: "We are employees of Yang's Department Store and are interested in Panasonic's embossing machines."

When the girl heard Wang Gang speak fluent Japanese, a glint suddenly flashed in her eyes, which she quickly covered up.

Xiaoriguo is very happy that Wang Gang can speak Japanese, so as not to waste time in translating and delivering messages.

Section Chief Kuang is indeed interested in the Panasonic embossing machine, but feels that the price of the machine is too expensive and wants to make a counter-offer.

It's a pity that Section Chief Kuang's intentions were discovered by the people from Xiaori Country from the beginning, and the price could not be negotiated.

In the end, Wang Gang became a little impatient. He crossed over to Section Chief Kuang and said to the people at Panasonic Corporation in Japanese:

"As far as I know, your company's equipment was produced ten years ago. The new equipment has reached the third generation, and the price in your country is less than half."

The people at Panasonic Corporation looked embarrassed and hesitated for a long time, not knowing how to explain.

Wang Gang continued: "I also know that your third-generation products exported to the United States are priced at only one-third of ours. Why are the old models so expensive in our country? Do you want to take advantage of the situation?"

When the people of Xiaori Kingdom were questioned by Wang Gang, their faces turned red with embarrassment, and they were even a little angry.

"If you don't want to buy it, please leave and don't waste our time."

Section Chief Kuang couldn't understand Japanese, but he could tell that the people from Panasonic Corporation spoke unkindly, and he couldn't help but look at Wang Gang.

Wang Gang asked Section Chief Kuang to calm down for a moment, and he continued to say to the people of Panasonic Corporation:

"There are many companies in your country that can produce this kind of backward machinery, such as Sanlin Company and Xiaobaichuan Company. We can definitely contact them to purchase it, and the price is even cheaper."

After saying this, the people at Panasonic Corporation changed their faces. They did not expect that Wang Gang was so familiar with the embossing machine manufacturer.

Panasonic Corporation's original plan was to sell the company's backlog of backward products to China and take advantage of the information asymmetry between the two countries to earn a high price difference.

This is what they did last year, and the results were very good. Many Chinese fools paid for it.

I didn’t expect to meet someone knowledgeable this year.

Wang Gang continued: "I also know that a machine with the same function has been successfully copied by South Korea's Sanxin Company."

The people from Panasonic Corporation couldn't sit still at all. They immediately changed their faces and said with a smile: "Sir, we can negotiate the price. The performance of our machines is very good, and it is not comparable to the Korean knockoffs."

Wang Gang raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Since you said the quality is good, can you add another three years of free warranty! If not, I will go to South Korea to buy imitation goods."

Everyone at Panasonic Corporation has turned green.

In the end, Section Chief Kuang bought five embossing machines at half the price and enjoyed three-year free warranty service from Panasonic Corporation.

This chapter has been completed!
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