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Chapter 82 The Truth about Retirement

Chapter 82 The truth about retirement

Author: Nerve Third Knife

Chapter 82 The truth about retirement

When Liu Xianxian heard that Wang Gang was resigning, his first reaction was that he was crazy and had broken his brain in the disaster area.

You know, for today's people, a job in a public institution is an iron rice bowl, which guarantees income during droughts and floods. It also involves pensions after retirement, and even medical care. Even a worker's position is taken by others.

Wang Gang's current position is not that of a worker, but that of the driver's squad leader, the head of the rolling mill fleet, and belongs to the factory management.

Being a driver is a high-paying position. As the leader of the driver class, his salary is 87.5 yuan, not to mention that he also has the opportunity to participate in meetings of the factory leadership.

"With your relationship with Director Yang, you may not be able to climb higher in the future, so why resign?" Liu Xianxian still didn't understand.

Wang Gang naturally has his own plans. Although the work in the factory is very good, it is already 77 this year and will be re-opened next year. Business opportunities will be everywhere by then. As long as you dare to work hard, it will not be difficult to make a fortune.

Although guarding one-third of an acre of land in a factory is stable, it is not the life Wang Gang wants. It is not easy to travel through time, and if he does not strive for great wealth, it will not be in vain.

After all, Liu Xianxian is just a retired driver, and his vision is always limited.

"Master, the country is about to take new measures. I am going to take this opportunity to fight for my wife and children." Wang Gang explained.

"Did you hear any news in the disaster area?" Liu Xianxian frowned.

"The state will soon approve private ownership, and I am ready to do business," Wang Gang said.

"In business, do you want to be a capitalist?"

"There are no capitalists anymore. I want to be a businessman."

Liu Xianxian frowned and said, "What kind of business do you want to do? How much money can a vendor make?"

Wang Gang smiled and said: "I want to engage in logistics, purchase goods from the south, and transport them to Sijiu City to sell."

"You are confused. Nowadays, cars are owned by the public and are not allowed to be sold to individuals. How do you transport goods, flatbed trucks?" Liu Xianxian hated that iron cannot make steel.

Naturally, Liu Xianxian didn't know that Wang Gang had space and only needed a train ticket to transport the goods.

Next year, the country will take the lead in trial reform in Guangzhou and Fuzhou. By then, the import and export trade of these two places will increase significantly. As long as Wang Gang sees the opportunity, it will not be difficult to make money.

At first, he used his own space to transport goods and accumulate initial capital. When the time comes and the country liberalizes vehicle sales, he plans to buy a few trucks and form his own transportation team.

As long as he seizes the first opportunity, it is easy to make a fortune.

But he couldn't tell Liu Xian these things, so he had to lie to him first.

"I had dealings with the railway bureau a few years ago and was able to get wagons."

"Do you have this ability?" Liu Xianxian seemed to remember something, his eyes widened and he said, "You are not related to Deputy Factory Director Li's father-in-law, are you?"

Wang Gang asked in surprise: "Do you know Deputy Factory Director Li's father-in-law?"

Liu Xianxian said anxiously: "I'm telling you, Li Baonian and his father-in-law are about to die. Don't provoke them. It's best to draw a clear line with them immediately."

Wang Gang said in confusion: "Master, do you know something?"

Liu Xianxian gritted his teeth, changed his expression several times, and finally said to Wang Gang: "To tell you the truth! My retirement is not voluntary. Factory Director Yang talked to me some time ago."

Wang Gang frowned and asked in confusion: "What is going on?"

Liu Xianxian sighed and said, "You also know that the driver class has helped Li Baonian resell supplies from the factory over the years."

"We were forced by Li Baonian, and Director Yang also knows about this!" Wang Gang said anxiously.

"Yes, Director Yang knows, but no matter what, we are considered Li Baonian's accomplices, and the higher ups will hold us accountable."

Liu Xianxian said with some disappointment: "Later, I took everything on myself. Factory Director Yang begged for mercy from his superiors and refused to hold me responsible. He applied for early retirement and his pension was halved."

Wang Gang was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there was such a thing behind Liu Xianxian's retirement. No wonder Director Yang was hesitant to speak yesterday.

"How could Director Yang do this? I made a promise to him at the beginning." Wang Gang was a little angry.

"Don't be angry with Director Yang. It's not easy for him. He finally resumed his original position. He doesn't want to be implicated again for a trivial matter." Liu Xianxian comforted Wang Gang and said:

"I'm doing pretty well now. I still have half of my pension. With the money I saved in the past few years, it's enough for my retirement," Liu Xianxian said.

Wang Gang glanced at the house and asked, "Master, your house was allocated to you by the factory. Will it be taken back after you retire?"

Liu Xianxian nodded and said: "The factory will let me live here until the end of the month. Your wife has already looked for a house. If it doesn't work, I will go back to my hometown in the countryside."

"Now that houses are not open for sale, how can you find a house?" Wang Gang frowned and said:

"How about this? I still have two rooms in the courtyard. You and my wife can live there first. Mine is empty anyway."

"How can I live in your house?" Liu Xianxian flatly refused: "I haven't reached that level yet. I'm telling you this to tell you that the higher ups have been watching Li Baonian and his father-in-law for a long time. You should stop contacting them.


Wang Gang said: "My two rooms are empty, and I don't live in them. You and the mistress should deal with them first. Life in the countryside is also hard now. You are used to living in the city, but you must not be used to it in the past."

Liu Xianxian wanted to refuse, but Wang Gang held him down.

"Master, believe me, the country will get better and better soon. House sales will be allowed in two years. At that time, someone will definitely sell the house. You take the opportunity to buy a courtyard house for your retirement. It doesn't cost much. If you don't have enough, I will lend it to you first.


"Go away, can I ask for your money?" Liu Xian said with an angry smile: "Don't think that your master has no money. I have been a driver for decades and I must have more savings than you."

Wang Gang actually believed that Liu Xianxian had a better life than him in the past. When eating hot pot, he only cooked mutton and did not eat vegetables.

"I will discuss this matter with your wife later." Liu Xianxian did not refuse Wang Gang this time.

"But even if I live in your house, it won't be in vain. I will pay you rent."

Wang Gang smiled and said: "Okay, just give it as you see, I won't be polite to you anymore."

Liu Xianxian smiled and said: "You should think about resigning again."

Wang Gang nodded and said: "Okay, I will think about it carefully. Anyway, I will have to resign next year."

The master and apprentice chatted for a while, and then Wang Gang went home. After He Yuyu got off work in the evening, he told him about lending the house to Liu Xianxian.

Wang Gang originally thought that He Yuyu wouldn't object, but he didn't expect that He Yuyu would look embarrassed upon hearing this.

"It's not that I don't want to lend my house to your master, it's just that both rooms in our house are occupied by people now."

Wang Gang asked in surprise: "Who lives here?"

He Yuyu said: "Not long after you went to the disaster area, the third uncle found my brother and wanted to lend him Mrs. Long's room for his son to live in."

Wang Gang frowned and said, "What does that have to do with our family?"

He Yuyu said: "Later, the eldest son and the second son of the third uncle's family heard about this and made a fuss when they went home, saying that it was unfair that the third uncle only lent the third son a house to get married.

The third uncle was so annoyed that he couldn't help it, so he came to me again and wanted to borrow the two vacant houses in our house."

"I didn't want to borrow it at first, but the third uncle came here every three days. I was afraid of trouble, so I agreed to lend it to him for half a year."

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Wang Gang asked in confusion.

"What I thought was that they would move out after half a year, and you just came back, so I didn't tell you." He Yuyu said with a guilty conscience.

"They didn't leave?" Wang Gang asked.

"I have already chased them away, but they refused to leave." He Yuyu said aggrievedly.

(End of chapter)

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