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868 Meet the world

After Wang Gang came into contact with Lin Lei'er, he found that he was really a genius with a high IQ and a superhuman memory.

But he also has many shortcomings.

Lin Lei'er's emotional intelligence is too low. She only lives in her own world and doesn't care about others when she does anything.

Take buying snacks, for example. It was originally a very simple thing, but Lin Lei'er had to exercise her memory at an inappropriate time, forcing Fang Yifan to be unable to pay the bill.

You said you use bar codes to train your memory, can't you go home? You have to be in the supermarket, and you force Fang Yifan to accompany you.

This kind of behavior is very weird no matter where it is, and it can easily attract other people's attention.

Wang Gang somewhat understood why Lao Lin didn't like his son.

It is really difficult for an ordinary person to understand the psychological thoughts of a genius.

Just like Tong Wenjie now.

"Lei'er, let's go back and exercise our memory, okay?" Tong Wenjie said patiently to Lin Lei'er.

Lin Lei'er lives in her own world and doesn't listen to Tong Wenjie at all.

"What is my mother asking you?" Fang Yifan shouted to Lin Lei'er.

"Wait a minute, I still have three pictures to finish memorizing." Lin Lei'er carried the barcode on her back, not even bothering to raise her head.

Wang Gang snatched the product and said to Lin Lei'er: "Lei'er, do you want the three of us to stand in the supermarket and wait for you to finish carrying it? You also delayed other customers in the store."

Only then did Lin Lei'er realize that there were several customers behind her waiting to pay.

"Uncle, I'm sorry." Lin Lei'er pushed up her glasses and apologized.

Wang Gang could tell that Lin Lei'er did not realize his mistake and was just apologizing out of habit. Someone should have taught him this.

"Fanfan, pack your things, let's go back." Wang Gang handed the goods to Fang Yifan for bagging, and pulled Lin Lei'er out of the supermarket.

They first took a taxi and returned to Lin Lei'er's home.

Along the way, Lin Lei'er lowered her head, as if she was introspecting.

But Wang Gang knew that he was simply recalling the barcode he had just memorized.

The house that Lin Lei'er lives in now is located in a high-end community in the city. It has an area of ​​more than 200 square meters. He is the only one living in it for the time being.

Lin Lei'er's mother insisted on buying this house, but it was named after her husband.

In the past few years, Lao Lin has been doing business and contracting forests, and most of the money he earned has been invested in this house.

Lin Lei'er's mother was probably worried that her body would not survive until her son reached adulthood, so she invested all her family's money in real estate.

Of course Lao Lin was unwilling. He wanted to invest all his savings in the business, but he couldn't bear it and his wife forced her to death.

In fact, it was because of this house that the couple completely broke up.

Wang Gang brought Lin Lei'er back just to discuss selling the house with him.

"Leier, your father has agreed to sell this house and use half of the money to set up an education fund for you." Wang Gang said to Lin Lei'er:

"You pack up and come back to the capital with us later."

"I don't want to sell my mother's house." Lin Leier suddenly said excitedly.

Tong Wenjie explained patiently: "Lei'er, we are doing this for your own good. This house is in your father's name. Now he is going to remarry. If you have a stepmother, the house may not be yours."

"This house contains all the memories of my mother and I, and I don't want to sell it," Lin Leier said excitedly.

Wang Gang said with relief: "The memories of you and your mother are in your heart, not in the house, and we will keep all your mother's things. You can remember her at any time."

Lin Leier cried: "Uncle, can I no longer live here?"

Wang Gang held Lin Lei'er's shoulders and said, "When you go to college and earn money after graduation, you can buy this house back!"

Lin Leier sniffed and nodded, saying, "I will definitely buy my mother's house back in the future."

Wang Gang sighed and asked Fang Yifan to take Lin Lei'er to eat snacks.

Tong Wenjie thought about it for a long time before saying to Wang Gang: "How about we buy the house! The house prices here are not expensive, and we have enough money to buy a house."

Wang Gang shook his head and said: "What Lei'er wants is not the house, but the memories of his and his mother's life in the house.

When we helped him buy a house, we were not helping him, but causing him to be trapped in his past memories and unable to get out."

Tong Wenjie sighed: "Sometimes it is not a good thing to have a good memory. If it were our family Fanfan, he would forget those unhappy things within two days."

Wang Gang shook his head and said: "Are you praising your son, or are you hurting your son?"

"I just feel that Lei'er is so pitiful." Tong Wenjie said sadly.

"It's not easy to get over the pain of losing a mother. Let's take care of Lei'er as much as possible in the future!" Wang Gang sighed.

Wang Gang and Tong Wenjie split up. He went to find an agency, and Tong Wenjie helped Lin Lei'er pack her things.

Because the house was in a good location and the price quoted by Wang Gang was also reasonable, many people came to view the house on the first day it was listed.

Lao Lin and Xiufen also brought some acquaintances to see the house.

Wang Gang took the opportunity to chat with Lao Lin again and found that Xiufen had even found a new house and was more proactive about selling the house than Wang Gang.

In the end, the house was sold for 4.6 million, of which 2.3 million was used to establish an education fund in Lin Lei'er's name.

During the past few days of selling the house, Wang Gang was not idle and took Fang Yifan to visit several places in Fujian.

Fang Yifan was very happy about this. As long as he was not allowed to study, he would be happy, but he soon became unhappy.

Because the places Wang Gang took him to were all remote areas, the poorest areas in Fujian. Many places couldn't even drive a car, so he had to walk on two legs.

Wang Gang just wanted Fang Yifan to see a place that was completely opposite to the environment where he grew up.

When Fang Yifan saw a classroom with leaks everywhere, and a dozen students holding broken umbrellas and still studying, it had a great impact on him.

Wang Gang took Fang Yifan to the poor ravines again, and saw those poor families who didn't even have electric lights, adults who had never seen a mobile phone in their lives, and children who could laugh for a long time with just one candy.

Fang Yifan really can't understand why there are still such poor places in China.

"Dad, isn't our country very prosperous? Doesn't it say that it will soon catch up with Europe and the United States?"

Wang Gang took Fang Yifan to the mountain, looked at the dilapidated tile-roofed houses at the foot of the mountain, and said: "Some parts of the country have indeed become rich and powerful. The GDP of a province can be equivalent to that of a small country.

But there are still many poor places, where the annual family income is less than 10,000 yuan, and they live a life without enough food."

"If the annual income is less than 10,000, doesn't the monthly income still be less than 1,000?" Fang Yifan said in shock.

Wang Gang said: "Fanfan, you find it incredible because you have been living in the comfort zone created by me and your mother.

Although we are not a wealthy family, we are still richer than more than 99% of the people in the country.

One thousand yuan may not have been enough for us to have a meal before, but for some people, it is the last dignity they need to survive."

Fang Yifan opened his mouth and was speechless for a long time.

He had seen some poor counties on TV before and thought it was just a show.

It wasn't until he saw it with his own eyes that Fang Yifan realized how happy he was.

Wang Gang continued: "Has your teacher ever asked you to go out and see the world?"

"I've said it before." Fang Yifan nodded and said, "Many of my classmates' parents have taken them abroad to see the world."

"Going abroad is tourism." Wang Gang said, "The real way to see the world is not to visit developed countries in Europe and the United States.

It’s about seeing the most real side of the world, the side you don’t usually see.”

Wang Gang pointed to the hard-working people at the foot of the mountain and said, "Those are the real world."

"Dad, why did you bring me here to see these?" Fang Yifan's mouth was a little bitter.

Wang Gang confessed: "First of all, I want you to realize that the life you are living now is the envy of many people and how hard-won it is.

Secondly, I want to ask you, what do you think after seeing this?"

Fang Yifan said bitterly: "I couldn't bear to see those children."

Wang Gang raised the corner of his mouth, feeling that although Fang Yifan was a little naughty, he had no problem with his outlook on life.

"Do you want to change this place?" Wang Gang asked.

"Can I?" Fang Yifan said confused.

"You're not good at it now, but if you master the knowledge in the future, maybe you can!" Wang Gang said.

"Knowledge." Fang Yifan's eyes lit up and he said, "Knowledge changes destiny."

"Yes." Wang Gang said with satisfaction: "Knowledge can not only change your own destiny, but also the destiny of others.

Now you are qualified to talk about that only if you have been admitted to a good university."

Fang Yifan was confused, with a look of struggle on his face.

Wang Gang gave him time to think about it. It would be good if Fang Yifan chose to work hard from now on.

?If he chooses to lie down and turn a blind eye, Wang Gang won't blame him. At worst, he will support him for the rest of his life.

?But from now on, Wang Gang will never waste his energy on Fang Yifan again.

This chapter has been completed!
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