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937 guidance

Wang Gang and Li Qixing stood on the ring, more than three meters apart. Li Qixing maintained a boxing posture and approached Wang Gang slowly and cautiously.

Under the ring, many people came over to watch, not Li Qixing and Wang Gang, but Fang Zhiheng as the referee.

Fang Zhiheng is very popular in the gym. I heard that she brought a stranger and Li Qixing to the ring, which immediately attracted many people to watch.

Wang Gang stood there with a lazy look on his face. Just looking at his body shape, he didn't look like a person who knew Kung Fu.

"Who is this guy? How dare he act so carelessly in the ring."

"Maybe you are a layman, come here to experience it!"

"Why did Lucy bring a layman here?"

The whispers under the ring made Li Qixing a little impetuous on the ring.

Wang Gang said nonchalantly: "If you don't attack me, will I?"

Li Qixing was startled and subconsciously punched Wang Gang. His fist was not only weak but also not fast.


Wang Gang grabbed Li Qixing's fist, shook his head and said: "The punching movements are not standard, let's try again."

Li Qixing was pushed away by Wang Gang, and his face suddenly became confused.

"Ah!" Li Qixing yelled violently and kicked Wang Gang.

Wang Gang shook his head, not even bothering to hide, but turned slightly to the side, and Li Qixing fell to the ground like a dog.


Li Qixing's miserable appearance immediately aroused a lot of ridicule. Even Fang Zhiheng chuckled twice, but he quickly covered it up.

"Damn it." Li Qixing got up angrily, lowered his head and rushed towards Wang Gang, like an angry bull.

Wang Gang dealt with it more easily. Li Qixing, who weighed more than 100 kilograms, felt like a puppy in his hand.

Every time Li Qixing charged, Wang Gang easily resolved it with one hand, and soon everyone watching the battle shut their mouths.

Experts watch the door, but laymen watch the excitement. There are many practitioners in the gym, and it can be seen that Wang Gang's Tai Chi cloud hand has been practiced to the best state.

After a few moves, Li Qixing also realized that there was a huge difference in strength between himself and Wang Gang. They were not at the same level at all.

"I surrender." Li Qixing surrendered decadently and stopped humiliating himself.

Wang Gang put his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "Don't you want to play anymore?"

"I'm no match for you." Li Qixing said helplessly.

Fang Zhiheng walked up to Li Qixing and said, "Don't be discouraged. Your foundation is actually pretty good."

Li Qixing's eyes turned red. Fang Zhiheng's comfort not only did not make him feel better, but made him even more embarrassed.

Fang Zhiheng turned to Wang Gang and said, "Can I practice with you?"

Wang Gang shook his head and refused: "I don't hit women."

After saying this, Wang Gang wanted to leave, but Fang Zhiheng blocked his way.

"There are no distinctions between men and women in the arena, there are only opponents." Fang Zhiheng said with firm eyes.

Wang Gang said helplessly: "You are no match for me."

"I know, but I want to know more about the difference between myself and the real masters." Fang Zhiheng clenched his fists and said.

After a few seconds of silence, Wang Gang said: "Okay, I'll give you this opportunity, but I hope you won't regret it."

Fang Zhiheng was overjoyed, but Li Qixing dissuaded him with worry: "Lucy, he is very powerful, don't act out of emotion."

Fang Zhiheng said to Li Qixing with a straight face: "Please go down, it's my turn next."

Li Qixing saw Fang Zhiheng's eyes and swallowed back his words.

Under the ring, Zhu Zhe and others couldn't understand Fang Zhiheng.

"Xiao Gang, please be gentle." Zhu Zhe said loudly to Wang Gang.

Wang Gang made an OK gesture to Zhu Zhe.

After Li Qixing stepped down, Fang Zhiheng was about to put on his boxing gloves, but suddenly realized that Wang Gang was close at hand.

Fang Zhiheng was startled and quickly backed away until there was no way to retreat.

"If I had taken action just now, you would have been defeated." Wang Gang said calmly to Fang Zhiheng.

Fang Zhiheng was shocked and doubtful, and Li Qixing in the audience fought against her injustice.

"This is a sneak attack. Lucy is not prepared at all."

Wang Gang said disdainfully: "Who will give you time to prepare for a real actual fight? As a boxer, you should always be vigilant."

Fang Zhiheng's heart moved.

"I'm sorry, it's my problem. Let's try again."

Wang Gang took two steps back and said, "I'm coming again!"

"Wait a minute, I haven't put on my gloves yet." Fang Zhiheng said in panic.

"That's not necessary." Wang Gang raised the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, Wang Gang suddenly disappeared in front of Fang Zhiheng. When she came back to her senses, two fingers stopped in front of Fang Zhiheng's eyes.

Fang Zhiheng was really frightened and broke into a cold sweat this time.

"Foul, attacking the eyes is a foul!" Li Qixing excitedly wanted to get on the ring, but was stopped by others.

"Shut up and don't disturb us." Fang Zhiheng shouted angrily at Li Qixing and immediately told him to stop.

Wang Gang retracted his finger and said: "Haven't you always wanted to learn actual combat kung fu? Real actual combat is to use all possible means to knock down the opponent, insert eyes, kick the crotch, and attack the fatal point. There are no rules at all."

Fang Zhiheng swallowed and asked, "How did you disappear just now? Could it be the legendary Qing Gong?"

Wang Gang chuckled and said: "There is no such thing as Qinggong. The reason why you can't see me taking action is just because I am faster than you."

While speaking, Wang Gang raised his right hand, and there was a rubber band on his fingertip.

Fang Zhiheng subconsciously touched his hair, and sure enough he found that it had all spread out, and the rubber band that originally tied his hair was now in Wang Gang's hand.

"How is that possible?" The onlookers were all shocked. No one noticed when Wang Gang took action just now.

"Give it back to you." Wang Gang threw the rubber band to Fang Zhiheng, and then walked off the ring. There was no need for them to compete anymore.

Although Fang Zhiheng has been practicing mixed martial arts for several years, his foundation is too poor. He can do just fine against ordinary people, and he doesn't even have the ability to fight back against the trainers.

"This gentleman is so handsome. Are you the Baji master that Lucy mentioned before?" Among the onlookers, a middle-aged man in his forties came out and took the initiative to talk to Wang Gang.

"I am Toyota, one of the coaches at this gym."

Wang Gang looked at Lu Toyota up and down and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Lu Toyota should also practice Baji, but unfortunately his skills are not deep and he has not even mastered Ming Jin, let alone Dark Jin.

Wang Gang and Lu Toyota walked aside and after chatting for a while, they became even more disappointed.

According to Lu Toyota, there are very few people in China who have learned the true teachings of Bajiquan. Most of them practice performance boxing. Many actual combat techniques have not been passed down, and Anjin is about to become a legend.

Wang Gang wanted to find a way out after transforming his energy, but it was basically impossible.

As for Dan Jin and Gang Jin in the novel, in Lu Toyota's opinion, they are more like the novelist's imagination without any basis in reality.

Wang Gang was slightly disappointed, but he didn't feel too relieved.

For him, boxing is just a means of self-preservation, not a lifelong pursuit.

Lu Toyota was very interested in Wang Gang's Baji Quan and even invited him to attend a gathering held by the domestic Kung Fu Association, but Wang Gang refused.

After Zhu Zhe and his daughters visited the gym, they also felt that boxing and mixed martial arts were too violent and not suitable for them, so they gave up studying.

Fang Zhiheng was shocked by Wang Gang's strength, and blocked him and Zhu Zhe during morning practice the next day.

"Mr. Wang, please accept me as your disciple." Fang Zhiheng begged sincerely.

This chapter has been completed!
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