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963 Strange brain circuit

Wang Gang sent Ye Zhenzhen to the hospital. She clutched Wang Gang's clothes all the way. She must have been in shock and had not yet recovered.

He Minhong originally wanted to go to the hospital with her, but the police asked her to go to the police station to explain what happened.

Yu Feixue may be in big trouble this time, and it can't be solved only by money. If she is investigated, she may go to jail.

After arriving at the hospital, Wang Gang asked Ye Zhenzhen to do a detailed examination and even wanted to see a psychiatrist for her, but she refused.

At this time, Ye Zhenzhen also recovered and stopped holding on to Wang Gang. The doctor said that she was fine, but her left foot was slightly sprained and she would be fine in two days of recovery.

An hour later, Zhu Zhe, Fang Zhiheng, and Yu Chuhui rushed to the hospital one after another to show concern for Ye Zhenzhen.

"Zhen Zhen, are you okay? Are you injured?" As soon as Zhu Zhe arrived, he looked at Ye Zhen Zhen up and down and made sure she was okay before he felt relieved.

?When they heard that Yu Feixue was stabbing people with a knife, they thought they had heard wrongly.

"Sister Zhu, I'm fine. Thanks to Brother Wang's timely arrival this time, I wasn't injured." Ye Zhenzhen said with a smile.

Yu Chuhui complained: "Is this Yu Feixue crazy? How can he stab someone with a knife?"

Fang Zhiheng sighed and said: "She may have been influenced by Internet public opinion. Now many people on the Internet say that she is a prostitute."

Zhu Zhe shook his head and said: "You can't kill people then! Seriously, He Minhong, why did he post Yu Feixue's incident on the Internet and cause so much trouble?"

Ye Zhenzhen's face suddenly darkened when she heard this.

The moment He Minhong closed the door, Ye Zhenzhen had already decided that they would no longer be friends.

"Ye Zhenzhen kindly saved He Minhong, but she didn't expect that she would retaliate. She locked Zhenzhen outside and faced the crazy Yu Feixue alone." Wang Gang said disdainfully: "It's really a real-life version of the farmer and the snake."

Ye Zhenzhen said with a gloomy face: "Forget it, I don't want to mention her again."

Everyone could see that Ye Zhenzhen was exhausted physically and mentally by this incident.

"Everyone, let's go back first!" Zhu Zhe suggested.

"Order some takeout on the way, everyone is hungry." Wang Gang said to Yu Chuhui: "I will give you the money when I get back to Ode to Joy."

Several people divided the work and cooperated. Fang Zhiheng called a taxi, Wang Gang and Zhu Zhe supported Ye Zhenzhen who sprained his foot, Yu Chuhui ordered takeout, and the five of them returned to Ode to Joy together.

But when Ye Zhenzhen came to the 22nd floor and saw the door of her house covered with knife marks, she still felt a little frightened.

Fang Zhiheng said thoughtfully: "Zhenzhen, you can stay at my house today! The door will be changed tomorrow."

Ye Zhenzhen did not refuse, she was still a little frightened when she saw the front door of her house.

At this time, He Minhong walked out of 2202 and must have been waiting for them to come back.

"Zhen Zhen, I'm sorry." He Minhong said to Ye Zhen Zhen with an apologetic look.

Ye Zhenzhen didn't want to see He Minhong at all, nor did she want to talk to her.

Yu Chuhui pointed at He Minhong and shouted: "How dare you come to Zhen Zhen? Why didn't you think of apologizing when you left her outside the door and faced Yu Feixue's kitchen knife alone?"

He Minhong said anxiously: "You have to believe me, I was really panicked at the time and didn't know what I was doing!"

"Stop talking." Ye Zhenzhen said with a cold face: "I don't blame you."

Ye Zhenzhen's good behavior allowed her to forgive He Minhong, but she had already decided to stay away from this person in the future.

I really can't afford to be hurt.

Everyone went to Fang Zhiheng's house, leaving He Minhong standing alone in the corridor. No one asked her to go to dinner together.

The next day, the police found Ye Zhenzhen and asked her if she wanted to hold Yu Feixue legally responsible.

After Yu Feixue calmed down, she regretted it very much and asked her two cousins ​​to come to Ye Zhenzhen to talk about reconciliation.

The police also said that this matter mainly depends on the attitude of Ye Zhenzhen and He Minhong. As long as they do not pursue the case and are willing to write a letter of understanding, Yu Feixue will not go to jail.

Ye Zhenzhen specially called Wang Gang and others to negotiate with cousin Yu Feixue.

As a result, when they sat down to talk, Ye Zhenzhen found out that He Minhong had already written a letter of understanding without consulting anyone, which made her very passive.

To tell Yu Feixue, Ye Zhenzhen couldn't bear it. She was already so miserable, and if she went to jail and had a record, the rest of her life would be ruined.

If she didn't complain, Ye Zhenzhen would become mentally ill.

Ye Zhenzhen thought about it for a long time, and she finally chose to let Yu Feixue go as she was kind-hearted, as long as she paid for the door to her home.

Cousin Yu Feixue was very happy, but when they learned that the gate Yu Feixue chopped down was worth 50,000 yuan, they almost thought that Ye Zhenzhen deliberately tricked them.

"A gate costs 50,000 yuan. Isn't it too expensive?" Cousin Yu Feixue said, "You know, Feixue was defrauded of all her money by Chen Zufa. We also owe her money to pay for the banquet."

A pile of debt.

Do you think you can buy a cheaper one for this gate?"

Wang Gang said angrily: "You can check the brand of Ye Zhenzhen's door to see if she has tricked you."

Ye Zhenzhen is the second generation of rich people. The house arranged for her by her family is naturally of the highest quality. The doors are all imported from abroad, and the cost price of 50,000 yuan is not even enough.

"Zhen Zhen, it's really difficult for Yu Feixue. Do you think it's a good idea to use a cheaper gate first? When Chen Zufa is found, Yu Feixue recovers all the money and then replaces it with an identical one." He Minhong said.

Yu Chuhui rolled his eyes speechlessly and said to He Minhong: "Are you out of your mind? Yu Feixue stabbed you with a knife, and you still speak for her?"

Others also didn't understand He Minhong's brain circuit. It was not such a way to forget grudges and grudges with a smile, right?

"Yu Feixue has realized her mistake, and in the final analysis, this happened because I exposed her personal information. Why can't everyone be more generous?" He Minhong explained.

Yu Chuhui said angrily: "Your holy mother's heart, it's your business to forgive Yu Feixue, why should Zhen Zhen suffer a loss?"

He Minhong said anxiously: "I didn't say that Zhen Zhen would suffer a loss. When Yu Feixue gets her money back, won't she create an identical gate with her?"

"Then if we can't get the money back, we don't have to pay compensation?" Yu Chuhui asked rhetorically.

"That's not what I meant!" He Minhong said angrily: "Can you have some sympathy? Yu Feixue is already so miserable, and she wants to add insult to injury."

Wang Gang couldn't stand listening and said to He Minhong: "Since you are so kind, you should just pay the money for Yu Feixue!"

He Minhong hesitated and said: "How can I have the money to compensate?"

"You don't have it, and neither do your parents? You can ask your family for it! Aren't you kind?" Wang Gang sneered.

He Minhong said in surprise: "Why should my family compensate Yu Feixue?"

Wang Gang asked back: "Then why do you ask Ye Zhenzhen not to compensate.

Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you. Why should you ask others for things you can’t do yourself?”

He Minhong was stunned by Wang Gang and was speechless.

"Compensating the door is my bottom line, otherwise it will be a matter of business." Ye Zhenzhen was also a little angry at this time.

Yu Feixue is pitiful, but that doesn't mean she can abuse other people's sympathy and do whatever she wants.

Everyone must take responsibility for what they have done.

Except for He Minhong, no one thought that Ye Zhenzhen was making things difficult for Yu Feixue, and they even said that she was generous.

Cousin Yu Feixue also knew that he was being unreasonable, so he could only go back and find a way to raise money and get his sister out of it first.

This chapter has been completed!
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