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785 Hunting

After sparring with Fang Wu in martial arts, Wang Gang spent several days practicing martial arts in the military camp, practicing against some generals who were talented in martial arts, and gaining a reputation by the way.

The army believes in respecting the strong, and Wang Gang's powerful display of force saved him a lot of trouble and allowed him to fully integrate into the Beimo Army.

The Beimo Army had a very good sense of this powerful and low-arrogant prince.

After these days of sparring, Wang Gang has basically mastered the ninth-level "Tenglong Jin", and can be said to be invincible against all Beimo armies.

Wang Gang may have had too high expectations for internal strength, leading to a misjudgment of the strength of military masters.

The overall force value of Langya Bang is much lower than Wang Gang expected.

Take Fang Wu as an example. As the commander of Beimo Army, he is already considered one of the top masters in Daliang. Although he is not among the top ten masters, there are actually not many people in Daliang who can defeat him.

However, in Wang Gang's view, Fang Wu's strength is very average, his fist and kick strength are mediocre, his internal strength is not strong, and his overall combat power is slightly higher than that of ordinary dark strength masters. If he encounters an inner strength master, he may not be able to take more than ten moves.


Later, after Wang Gang carefully studied "Tenglong Jin", he finally understood the reason!

The internal strength in the Langya Bang world is actually not magical. Although it can bless the warrior's physical power, it cannot be released externally. It is simply impossible to turn a sword into a sword with sword energy. It is impossible to kill a dragon casually by using sword energy to hurt people.

Internal force is more like a physical amplifier, which can enhance your energy and physical defense, but has no other magical functions.

The most fundamental thing for a warrior in Langya Bang is the physical body. A strong physical body means strong combat power.

Wang Gang's inner strength has been perfected, and his physical body has long been in a leak-free state. Even if there is no internal strength, a single punch can have a force of thousands of kilograms. Coupled with the addition of internal strength, it will naturally be even more exaggerated.

Every time he travels through time, Wang Gang's physique will return to the peak of his previous life, which may be considered a benefit for time travellers.

After accumulating so many lives, Wang Gang's own physique has long been different from ordinary people, and is even stronger than ordinary warriors.

This strong physique is also beneficial to the cultivation of internal strength. When he started practicing "Tenglong Jin", he was so successful that he reaped the dividends of his strong physique.

In other words, the prerequisite for warriors in the Langya Bang world to practice internal strength is a strong body. The stronger the body, the faster the internal strength cultivation. This is a virtuous circle, but it also has a consequence.

The strong become stronger and the weak become weaker!

Through the study of "Tenglong Jin" in the past few days, Wang Gang discovered that the so-called internal force is the product of the blending of essence, energy and spirit in the body, which is somewhat similar to the chakra in the Naruto world.

Internal energy is a brand new energy that is converted into a new type of energy by mixing the physical energy and mental energy produced by the 130 trillion cells in the body. However, it cannot release ninjutsu, but can only perform physical arts, and cannot be released externally.

In other words, the better the warrior's physique, the tougher his spirit, and the easier it is to cultivate his internal strength.

After unraveling the mystery of internal strength, Wang Gang became less enthusiastic about internal strength, and was more interested in studying how to combine the martial arts of the two worlds.

The internal force stimulates the acupoints and explodes with powerful force, which makes Wang Gang's eyes shine. These days, whenever he is not practicing martial arts, he hides in the tent to study the acupoints.

Sometimes he feels that such a life is not bad, but unfortunately there are people who don't want him to stop.

On this day, Tianwang was just studying how to integrate internal force into Neijiaquan in the school yard, and use the internal force and dark energy together to cause huge internal damage.

As soon as he got a clue, Lie Zhanying and Fang Wu hurried over.

"Your Highness Prince Jing, the Northern Yan cavalry has begun to move south, and seems to be heading towards Liugu City." Fang He said anxiously.

Wang Gang frowned and recalled the border map. Liu Ancient City was a small city at the junction of Daliang and Dayan. Its geographical location was not very important.

"Why are the Beiyan cavalry going to Liugu City?" Wang Gang asked Fang Wu: "General Fang, are there any important facilities or minerals near Liugu City?"

Fang Wu shook his head and said: "The general is also confused. It's just that not many Beiyan cavalry were dispatched this time, only 500 at most, and the rest of the army stayed still."

Wang Gang touched his chin and said: "How many defenders are there in Liugu City?"

"Less than a thousand." Fang Wu said: "There are not many people in the city. Liugu City is not so much a city, but actually a small town."

Wang Gang was even more puzzled.

"General Fang, in your opinion, what should we do?" Wang Gang threw the problem to Fang Wu. After all, he was the commander-in-chief of the Beimo Army, and he was only the supervisor.

Fang Wu gritted his teeth and said, "The imperial court's order to the general is to stick to it."

Wang Gang raised his eyebrows, understanding that Fang Wu wanted to give up Liu Ancient City.

"General Fang, although Liugu City is not big, it still has people from Daliang!" Wang Gang sighed.

Fang Wu's face changed several times, and finally he sighed deeply and said: "His Royal Highness Prince Jing does not know something. The Yan cavalry comes and goes like the wind. The general suspects that the five hundred cavalry are just to lure the enemy and lead us to disperse our troops for rescue. Their real goal is

They are three important towns in the north."

Wang Gang recalled the border map between Daliang and Dayan, and understood that Daliang's defense against Dayan mainly consisted of three cities, each with large armies stationed to guard them. There was no need for Beimo's army to take over.

As long as the three big cities are not lost, the Northern Yan army will not be able to march straight in. As for the losses of other small cities, the court can accept them.

The Beimo Army's main defense is not Dayan, but Dayu next to it.

Daliang and Dayu are feuding, and the 30,000 cavalrymen of the Beimo Army are there to prevent Dayu from taking advantage of the situation. As for the Dayan border, others are naturally in charge.

Wang Gang wanted to understand the cause and effect, and also understood Fang Wu's helplessness.

"Your Highness Prince Jing, Dayan's five hundred cavalry should just go to Liugu City to plunder, and they will retreat soon." Fang Wu said: "His Majesty sent you to supervise the Beimo Army, and did not issue an order for you to meet the enemy.


"You don't seek merit, but you seek no faults?" Wang Gang snorted coldly and said, "I am not here to gain military merit."

Fang Wu frowned, as if he felt that the Prince Jing in front of him was a little different from the royal nobles he had come into contact with.

"General Fang, give me five hundred people, and I will go and support Liugu City." Wang Gang said with a serious look on his face.

"Absolutely not." Fang Wu said in shock: "The prince has a noble status, how can he put himself in danger?"

Wang Gang made up his mind and said, "Don't worry, General Fang. I will write to the court and bear all responsibilities."

Fang Wu was in a dilemma.

"I'm sorry, I will not be able to obey the order." Fang Wu really didn't want to disobey the court's order.

Wang Gang stared into Fang Wu's eyes and smiled: "I want to go hunting, so you can send some people to protect me. That's okay!"

"My lord, do you really want to support me?" Fang Wu said with a complex look on his face.

"Don't worry!" Wang Gang said with a faint smile, "I really just went hunting."

Fang Wu was at war with heaven and man in his heart for a long time, and he still couldn't make up his mind.

Wang Gang didn't want to wait any longer, and said to his adjutant Lie Zhanying: "Zhanying, go and kiss five hundred people and go 'hunting' with me!"

Fang Wu: "..."

This chapter has been completed!
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