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Chapter 10 Fong Market Follow

It was another new morning. After returning from the peak medicine field, Yang Cheng opened the side door and went to the medicine field next to it.

At this time, the medicinal fields in Yangcheng were no longer in a state where there were only a few medicinal herbs scattered here and there, but the rest were basically deserted.

After several months of constant transplanting, most of the herb seedlings were planted in the medicinal field, and in the end only one-third of the place was still empty.

Because he returned late yesterday, Yang Cheng did not plant the seedlings immediately, but took a good sleep first.

As usual, Yang Cheng once again took out the medicinal seedlings from the storage bag, planted them in the soil, and after watering them, looked at the medicinal field, feeling indescribable joy and satisfaction in his heart.

However, when looking along the edge of the medicinal field, Yang Cheng gradually frowned and his face began to look ugly.

In the medicinal field, all the seedlings that were previously planted in the soil survived.

But Yang Cheng had just returned from the Fengnei medicinal field under his care, and by comparing the two sides, it was obvious that the medicinal seedlings he had transplanted did not grow well.

Yang Cheng clearly remembered that when they were dug in the Zijin Mountains, these seedlings were growing vigorously.

But some of the leaves of the seedlings that have been planted now are already drying and turning yellow.

Although the problem is only on the edge of the leaves, Yang Cheng has begun to worry. When they mature, will anyone buy these herbs that are obviously not growing well?

Or, can it still be sold at a good price?

In an instant, Yang Cheng's mood hit rock bottom.

"What exactly is the problem?" Yang Cheng recalled quickly.

When digging out these herb seedlings, Yang Cheng was extremely careful and could make sure that the rhizomes of the seedlings were not harmed at all.

"Under the same conditions, why does the soil and water not suit the soil?" Yang Cheng took a deep breath and eliminated several important factors in herb cultivation in his mind, but still could not find the reason.

However, although there are problems with the herb seedlings, fortunately they have only grown poorly so far and have not withered and died. Yang Cheng still has time to find a way to remedy the problem.

Sighing, Yang Cheng walked out of the small courtyard and walked towards the mountain gate.

During this period, he also picked some mature medicinal herbs, and together with the body materials obtained from killing the red-bellied spiders, Yang Cheng's storage bag at this time was more abundant than ever before.

So I planned to go to the market to sell it and see if I could buy a mid-level magic weapon.

After the incident with the demon spider, Yang Cheng began to really take it seriously.

As long as he continues to go into the mountains to dig for medicinal herbs, he is likely to encounter things like demon spiders or being surrounded by people again.

Yesterday, we met a demon spider with a similar strength and had only advanced for a short time. Yang Cheng successfully killed it.

But what should you do if you encounter someone whose strength far exceeds that of Yang Cheng next time?

By then Yang Cheng might not be able to even run away.

Thinking of these, Yang Cheng felt cold in his heart.

He didn't want to end up losing his life due to his own negligence when the plan was about to be completed, or even worse, being eaten by a monster. That would be too frustrating!

Thinking about various situations along the way, when he saw Yunjianfang City from a distance, Yang Cheng tapped his toes and controlled the purple gold sword to slowly fall to the ground.

Entering Fang City, Yang Cheng went to He Lao Chu, the shop where medicinal herbs had been sold last time, and sold all the medicinal herbs he had accumulated for a long time. Then he found a weapon refining shop and sold the materials obtained from killing the red-bellied spider to the other party.

Finally, Yang Cheng came to a shop called "Duobao Pavilion".

Entering the first floor, Yang Cheng saw a dazzling array of various magic weapons behind the counter, and was almost dazzled for a moment.

I was even more jealous in my heart.

After being received by a female clerk, Yang Cheng could only reluctantly look away at the stairs on the second floor, and followed the female clerk to the counter.

There was no other way. Although Yang Cheng knew that the items on the second floor were definitely better, and might even have top-level magic weapons, thinking about the spiritual stones on his body, he could only make careful calculations.

Moreover, even the female clerk who received him was actually a third-level qi-refining immortal cultivator, which Yang Cheng had no choice but to sneer at.

"Is it this little shield that fellow Taoist is interested in?" the female clerk wiped the sweat from her forehead and asked hurriedly with a hint of joy in her eyes.

"Huh? Forget it, no choice!"

Half an hour later, after Yang Cheng took the trouble to carefully select, he finally selected the magic weapon he wanted, a mid-level magic weapon in the shape of a shield.

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Chenghui has eighty spiritual stones!" The female clerk breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Yang Cheng with bright eyes.


Yang Cheng's eyes darkened, and he quickly stretched out his hand to hold the counter.

"Are you feeling unwell, fellow Taoist?" the female clerk looked at Yang Cheng with concern and asked.

"it's okay no problem!"

Yang Cheng reluctantly showed a smile to the female clerk, then lowered his head to take the spirit stone.

"A magical weapon is so expensive!" After silently complaining in his heart, Yang Cheng had to take out the spirit stone and bought the small shield in the eyes of the female shop assistant with relief.

After leaving the store, Yang Cheng was completely disheartened and wandered around the market for a while before preparing to go back.

After walking out of Fangshi, Yang Cheng took out the purple gold sword from his storage bag, glanced behind him inadvertently, then jumped on the sword, and flew towards the Lingjian Sect with the sword.

Stepping on the sword, Yang Cheng suddenly increased his speed and flew out like a meteor.

After feeling that he was far enough away from Fangshi, Yang Cheng moved again, and the Zijin Sword suddenly slowed down and began to fall.

Then Yang Cheng landed in front of a hill, put away the purple gold sword and disappeared into the woods.

At this moment, a sword light appeared immediately, hovering outside the hill for a few times, and then slowly landed on the ground.

It was a strange man who followed Yang Cheng all the way from Fangshi to here.

"Humph, let's see where you're going?" the man said with a sneer. After looking around for a while, he followed into the woods.

However, the man was not reckless. He controlled the magic weapon to protect him and moved forward very cautiously.

In the dense woods, the light is bright and dark.

Behind a big tree in the forest, Yang Cheng frowned and looked ahead.

Thinking of Yang Cheng, I feel very unlucky.

I finally saved up my spiritual stones and came to the market to buy a magic weapon, but I didn't expect that someone would really target me.

Yang Cheng noticed it when he left the store, so he started wandering around. Unexpectedly, the other party kept following him.

So when he left Fangshi, Yang Cheng used his sword with all his strength, not giving the opponent a chance to intercept him.

After seeing this forest, he rushed in first to see the other party's reaction.
This chapter has been completed!
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