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Chapter 150: Big Hair Goes Inside

When Bao DaCheng heard that this bad news was also good news, Wang Carpenter sat down again with his butt raised, stretched his neck and asked Bao DaCheng:

"Why are you talking so much? Bad news is bad news, how can it become good news?"

Bao Wenqiu straightened his back and said seriously:

"When it is extremely bad, it is good; when it is good, it is bad. Everything has two sides. The key lies in the angle and standpoint from which you look at it."

"I didn't expect you to be able to explain such a profound truth."

"Wang Carpenter, this is philosophy! Do you understand philosophy?"

"I don't understand. I only know that when Master Jiujin shaves his head, there will be blood."

"Ah?! Master Jiujin, what are you going to do?"

Carpenter Wang and Bao Dawen jumped up from the benches at the same time.

Tang Qing was seen standing in front of Carpenter Wang and Bao Qingtan with a shiny and cool razor in his hand, his face ashen and his expression stern.

"My mother, it's not about philosophy, it's about seeing blood!"

"Run quickly, you will really see blood if you run too slow!"

Carpenter Wang and Bao Wenzhen ran outside the People's Barber Shop. As a result, you bumped into me and I bumped into you. One was skinny and the other was limping. If they bumped into each other, would it be okay?



Carpenter Wang fell first to the door of the People's Barber Shop, and Bao Datan landed heavily on Carpenter Wang.

"Hey, what are you two doing? A wrestling match or a sumo wrestling match? Preparing for the Olympics?"

Big-bellied Qian walked into the People's Barber Shop with two food boxes in his hands.

"Get up quickly!"

"I'm lame from birth, how did I get up? You get up first!"

"You are lying on top of me like a dead dog, how can I get up?"

"You are a dead dog. You are so skinny that you have no meat at all. You are all old bones. The chrome makes my stomach hurt!"

"All you have to do is run to Chicken Farm Road all day long, and sooner or later you'll end up with old bones there!"

"It's better to reimburse me there. Anyway, I'm a bachelor. If I die at home, no one will care about me."

"You are so good at kung fu, why don't you let those oh-oh chickens give you a queen?"

"Hey, your words reminded me that maybe I really have a baby, so I have to ask the contractor to introduce me to a paternity test."

"Hey, do you want me to identify you two now? Are you human? Are you lying on the ground like a bastard, unable to get up, and you are still talking about big books?"

Tang Qing walked up to Carpenter Wang and Bao Wentan with a razor in hand.

"stand up!"

Upon hearing this, a Gulu rolled to the side of a long row of stools, grabbed the wooden bars of the stool with both hands, exerted force and swayed, and stood in front of Tang Qing in an orderly manner.

"stand up!"

Carpenter Wang also rolled to the side of the long bench, but unfortunately he rolled too hard and actually rolled under the long bench.

"Huh? No!"

Carpenter Wang grunted again, rolled to the side of the barber's chair, stretched out his hand, grabbed the armrest of the barber's chair, propped up his body and jumped up, then rushed to stand next to Tang Qing.

"Haha, you two can definitely participate in the Olympics. With this skill, you will definitely win the gold medal, and you may even break the world record."

The big belly of money is just a joy to watch.

"You should also behave yourself."

Tang Qing pointed his razor at his belly full of money.

"Okay, okay, I'll behave myself. I'll behave myself."

Dadu Qian stood at attention, and the two food boxes in his hands fell to the ground with a "snap".


Tang Qing raised his leg and wanted to kick him.

As soon as he said it, he fell down with his big belly and stood in front of the food box.

Tang Qing didn't stop his kick and kicked Da Qian in the belly.

"Oh, I didn't expect your big belly to be softer than the carpet in the golden banquet hall of the hotel!"

Tang Qing retracted his feet, stepped over the pot-bellied body, and picked up the two food boxes that fell on the ground.

"Hey, it smells so good, it's confiscated!"

Tang Qing came close to the food box, smelled it, turned around and walked into the storage room.

There are two small rooms in the innermost part of People's Barber Shop, one is a bathroom and the other is a storage room.

I don’t even know what the bathroom is used for.

In the storage room, Tang Qing not only kept some uncommon hairdressing tools, but also placed a rice cooker, which was regarded as a kitchen.

However, except for cooking in the rice cooker, Tang Qing never cooks in the store, mainly because of the air and cleanliness in the store.

When opening a store, no matter what kind of store it is, cleanliness and tidiness are the first elements.

If a customer comes to your store and feels bad at first, how can you talk about repeat business?

Therefore, in addition to paying attention to the hygiene of the shop, Tang Qing would never allow anyone to smoke in the People's Barber Shop.

"Master Jiujin, I packed this food box from the hotel and brought it here specifically to honor you."

Da Qian struggled to get up from the ground.

"Thank you, have you had lunch by yourself?"

It's rude to come and go without reciprocating. Since Dadu Qian specially brings food here, Tang Qing must also care about him.

"I haven't yet. I'll go back to the hotel right away. I have clients to receive."

After Dadu Qian finished speaking, he winked at Carpenter Wang and Bao Qinqin.

"Master Jiujin, you eat, I'm going back."

"Master Jiujin, my stomach is growling with hunger. I'm going to eat. Goodbye."

Carpenter Wang and Bao asked to understand the meaning of Big Belly Money, and walked towards the door of the store while talking.



Tang Qing shouted, "Big Belly Qian, Wang Carpenter, and Bao Wenwen" all shuddered at the same time and stood still without daring to move.

"Bao asked, you want to leave before you finish reporting the bad and good news?"

"Master Jiu, Jiu, Jiujin, I have already reported the good news."

"What about the bad news?"

"Master Jiujin, that bad news should actually be good news for you."

"Hurry up, I want to hurry up and eat the big meal sent by President Qian."

"Master Jiujin, something big happened to Damao's family."

"Something big happened to Da Mao's family? What happened?"

Ever since Da Mao Niang bought dozens of large yellow croakers for Da Mao and Sha Gu to buy a big villa, Tang Qing no longer cared about their family affairs.

"Master Jiujin, Da Mao went in to eat some steamed buns, but the baby in the silly girl's belly is gone."


Tang Qing was shocked.

"Master Jiujin, you were so kind to them at the beginning and gave them money during the holidays. But now that you are rich, you have said such ugly things to slander you. Now you are fine. It's your own fault!"

"The white-eyed wolf will definitely not end well, and slandering Master Jiu Jin will definitely not end well!"

"This is due, retribution!"

Bao Wentan, Wang Carpenter, and Dadu Qian angrily denounced Da Mao and Sha Gu.

"Cut the nonsense and let me ask, why did Da Mao go in to eat steamed buns? Didn't he himself work as a security coordinator?"

Tang Qing couldn't figure it out.

"Master Jiujin, as the saying goes, men become bad when they are rich, and women become rich when they become bad..."

"I want you to talk nonsense. You men become so bad one by one because you have money. We women will not become bad because of money. Tell me, how did Da Mao get in?"

Tang Qing didn't wait for Bao Qing to finish hearing what he said, then slapped Bao Qing for his big mouth.

"Master Jiu, Jiu, Jiujin, this big guy has money. Not only can he not control his mouth, he talks about you everywhere. He can't control his own guy, he went to a KTV with a few sales girls and was caught. Right on."

"Isn't a ktv a place for singing? How can you do this? Besides, it must have been the sales lady who seduced Da Mao. If you want to go in, it's the sales lady who goes in?"

"Master Jiujin, I have inquired carefully. Da Mao gave each sales lady five thousand yuan. That means the nature has changed, so she has to go in and eat light steamed buns."

"Is this chamber pot egg really rich? Five thousand yuan each? How many are there in total?"

"According to reliable information, there were three sales ladies on site."

"Grandma, you're a bear, fifteen thousand?!"

Tang Qing clenched his teeth angrily, wishing he could immediately grab Da Mao and beat him up.

"According to my reliable information, those three sales ladies are actually not regular sales ladies. They are just trying to sell things like dogs and cats. They specifically look for the nouveau riche to sell insurance and sales. They do everything in between!"

Daduqian added.

"Seek death, seek death, seek death!"

Tang Qing vigorously slapped the backrest of the barber chair.

"Master Jiujin, please calm down, calm down, this big-haired girl is probably only here for a few days."


Tang Qing rushed out of the People's Barber Shop.

This chapter has been completed!
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