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Chapter 161 Li Li's Demeanor

Tang Qing accompanied Li Li to pay homage to Da Mao Niang. He was worried that Da Mao and Sha Gu would be worried about the "big yellow croaker" and even turn against Mao.

Unexpectedly, Da Mao and Sha Gu were uncharacteristic, especially Sha Gu, who actually admitted to stealing the "big yellow croaker" to exchange for money, and said that he would redeem the "big yellow croaker" and return it to Li Li.

Shagu's words and deeds were beyond Tang Qing's expectations, and his understanding of her changed again.

Da Mao and Sha Gu faced Li Li calmly and took the initiative. How will Li Li respond next?

Tang Qing looked forward to Li Li's performance, and all the neighbors present looked forward to Li Li's praise.

Li Li held the stack of banknotes in her hand and patted the silly aunt on the shoulder. She did not respond to the silly aunt's topic about "big yellow croaker", but shouted to Tang Qing:

"Master Jiujin, who is in charge of accounting? Please help me register."

"Master Wang, you are responsible for managing the accounts."

Tang Qing took the banknote from Li Li's hand and handed it to Wang Carpenter.

"Where are Xiaomei and Xiaoqiang going so crazy? Uncle Tang, could you please go find them and offer incense to the old lady and bow?"

Li Li looked around and then walked up to Tang Qing's father. Her tone, complexion, and steps were all very natural. However, she wanted to see how she would deal with the "big yellow croaker" Tang Qing and her neighbors who were a little unnatural, so she left them alone.

Sha Gu and Da Mao are even more unnatural.

When Li Li pretended to be looking for her daughter, her eyes swept over everyone. Although it was only for a moment, her momentum was enough to suffocate everyone present, including Tang Qing, Sha Gu and Da Mao.



Xiaomei and Xiaoqiang pounced on Li Li at the same time.

"Come, light the incense and pay your respects to the great grandmother."

Li Li lit three sticks of incense for Xiaomei and Xiaoqiang respectively, and taught them how to bow to Da Mao Niang.

"Mom, why do we worship the great-grandmother?"

"Because she is our relative."

"Godmother, is my grandma as close as my grandparents?"

"Yes, I am as close as my mother."

"Oh, I see."

"I understand too."

"As long as you understand, can you recite an ancient poem to the great-grandmother?"

"Mom, which song should you recite?"

"Godmother, I can recite many ancient poems."

"Well, I know that Xiaomei and Xiaoqiang can recite many ancient poems. Why don't you recite "Wandering Son's Song" to Grandma?"


"The thread in a loving mother's hand,

Wanderer's shirt.

Before leaving, there is a tight seam,

I'm afraid I'll be back soon.

Who says nothing about grass,

Reward three spring rays."

The childish voices of Xiaomei and Xiaoqiang were like a gentle breeze or a gurgling clear stream, soothing and nourishing the body and mind of everyone present.



Da Mao and Sha Gu knelt down in front of the old man's body and cried loudly. This cry was more heartbreaking than any other time.

Li Li led Xiaomei and Xiaoqiang out of the mourning hall and came to Tang Qing's side.

"You take care of me, I'll go to a few places."

"Come over for dinner?"



Tang Qing didn't ask any more questions. She knew what Li Li was going to do.

Policeman Xiao Wang and Director Liu had already left Da Mao's house. If they were still there, Li Li probably wouldn't have left so quickly.

"Master Jiujin, Allah..."

"I, I, I..."

Auntie Shanghai and the Pig Butcher came to Tang Qing.

"Butcher, why are you still here? Didn't Bao ask you to go shopping with Pig Killer?"

"Master Jiujin, he doesn't believe the pig-butcher."

Bao Wenzhen quickly swung up to Tang Qing.

"Go, you two go ask Caijiao and Fatty Sun respectively about what you want to buy, and then make a list, show it to Da Mao, and come back to Carpenter Wang to report the account."



Bao was very happy to find out and agreed without hesitation. The butcher looked at Tang Qing and then at Aunt Shanghai, standing there hesitating.

"Master Jiujin asked Nong Qi to buy things. He is just thinking of Nong. Why don't you hurry up?"

Auntie Shanghai pushed the butcher.


Then the butcher happily went to buy supplies with Bao Wentan.

"Go sit down and have a rest. Don't move the fetal force. By the way, go help the silly girl up. You two take care of each other. The baby in your belly is important."


The Shanghai aunt felt completely relieved. She walked to Silly Gu and whispered a few words, then helped her up, and the two of them sat side by side in the mourning hall to observe mourning.

The mourning hall is located in the small house, which is where Da Mao and his mother originally lived.

A temporary bamboo shed was erected in the open space in front of the hut, and five Eight Immortals tables were placed for the relatives, friends, and neighbors who came to express their condolences to sit down and have a rest.

"Mom, you take Xiaoqiang and Xiaomei to the square to play, and I'll go to the store to get the hair-shaving box."

Tang Qing is going to give Da Mao and Sha Gu a haircut.

It is a custom in Yancheng that before or after a person dies, not only the person himself has to get a haircut, but also relatives have to get a haircut on the same day, otherwise they can only get a haircut after completing five "sevens".

Why can't relatives get a haircut during the "May 7th" period after a person dies? The main meaning is that a person's hair and skin are inherited from his parents, and his parents have passed away. If you get a haircut during the "May 7th" period, it will harm your parents' health.

Of course, this is superstitious, and not many people pay attention to it now.

The reason why Tang Qing went to get a hair-shaving box to give Da Mao and Sha Gu a haircut was to let them remember the reflections he made before his mother's death and not make the same mistakes again after a while.

"You'd better rest in the shop for a while, and I'll shave your head."

Tang Qing's mother accompanied Xiaoqiang and Xiaomei to play in the square. Tang Qing's father and Tang Qing came to the People's Barber Shop to pick up the shaving box.

"I'd better go."

"Don't trust dad's craftsmanship?"

"I'm afraid you'll be tired."

"Are you afraid that I won't be able to beat Da Mao and Sha Gu?"

"Dad, you can always see through me at a glance."

"Who calls me Master Jiujin's father?"

"It should be said that Master Jiujin is Manager Tang's daughter!"

"It's good to know."

"Dad, how are you going to beat up Da Mao and Sha Gu?"

"Don't worry, Master Jiujin has become a bad person. It's appropriate for Manager Tang to be a good person now!"

"Dad, it seems that old age is still hot, and an old fox will be an old fox after all."

"Have you ever called your father a fox? Remember, your body is more important than anything else. Take a good rest."

"Dad, I know."

Tang Qing's father picked up the shaving box and walked out of the People's Barber Shop.

"Hey, Dad, my razor has just been sharpened. Please be careful with your hands."

Tang Qing chased him to the door to remind his father.


Tang Qing's father disappeared at the entrance of the alley.

"This old man is as cute as Xiaoqiang when he is cute."

Tang Qing returned to the shop. As soon as he sat on the barber chair and wanted to relax for a while, the contractor walked in.

Tang Qing ignored him and pretended not to see it.

"Master Jiujin, Master Jiujin..."

Tang Qing's eyes were originally squinted, but through the barber mirror she saw the contractor standing in front of the barber chair, leaning forward and calling her softly, so she simply closed her eyes.

"Master Jiujin, Master Jiujin, are you asleep?"

Tang Qing still ignored the contractor.

"Master Jiujin, I have something important to discuss with you."

Tang Qing still ignored the contractor.

"Master Jiujin, it's about my aunt. She goes, she goes..."

The contractor's tone was a little anxious.

"Did you go to the institute?"

Tang Qing asked lazily, without opening his eyes.

"Master Jiujin, you know this? You knew it and still let her go? Her departure will be very dangerous!"

The contractor is near the barber's chair.

"What's the worst?"

Tang Qing opened his eyes.

"Master Jiujin, do you know? The institute is currently investigating the case and it will be closed soon. Wouldn't she be at gunpoint when she comes over at this time?"

"What case is it?"

"Li Zhen's illegal pyramid scheme case."

"Which Li Zhen?"

"Master Jiujin, you know, he is the one who set a trap for my aunt."

"Since he is the one who set a trap for your aunt, shouldn't your aunt go to the police station to testify against him? How can it be more dangerous than good?"

"Master Jiujin, you don't know something. My aunt has something that fell into his hands. Maybe he surrendered early to protect himself. Then wouldn't my aunt have thrown herself into a trap in the past?"

"How do you know that Li Li has something in his hands?"

Tang Qing sat up from the barber chair.

This chapter has been completed!
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