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Chapter 165 Disgusting man

Tang Qing and Li Li talked all night long in front of the big-haired lady. All the questions about Aunt Li in the past were solved. Although the two were relieved, they were still depressed about each other, just like this late summer night, before a new day came.

Nowadays, the darkness before dawn is confusing.

"Things of the past should indeed be allowed to pass. The key is whether they can be allowed to pass. Should they be allowed to pass? How should they be allowed to pass?"

"Whether it can pass must be passed. Whether it should be allowed to pass is not up to me. As for how it should be allowed to pass, let everything take its course!"

"Li Li, it seems that you have really changed a lot."

"Fate is like this, things are like this, you have to change if you don't change."

"No matter how you change, your confidence, persistence, and love cannot change!"

"Life is thinner than paper, and people are thinner than yellow flowers. Are confidence, persistence and love still useful?"

"You must be yourself. As long as you stick to that self-confidence, stick to that persistence, and stick to that great love, you will definitely be able to be the Li Zapo of Yancheng!"

"Tang Qing, time is not forgiving. You and I are no longer young. You are no longer the Youth League, but the Nine Jin Master."

"Li Li, don't worry, the incident between Li Zhen and Li Ya will not affect your image in Yancheng. Even if it does, I will do my best to help you eliminate it."

"Thank you, Tang Qing. There is no need or necessity. I will leave Yancheng tomorrow."

"Or are you going to the northern metropolis?"

"Go there for now."

"You want to stay with him?"

"He doesn't have much time left, so I'll do my best to show my filial piety."

"Did he raise you or nurture you? Did you show your filial piety to him?"

"This is not what your Master Jiujin should say."

"I am not Master Jiujin now, I am your classmate now."

"Are they just classmates? Can't they be friends?"

"As long as you are willing, I am willing to be your friend, or even go one step further, like a best friend or a relative!"

"Tang Qing, I am satisfied that you can regard me as a friend. As for my best friends and relatives, I no longer dare to expect that."

"Why? I, the barber, am not worthy enough to be my best friend and family member, the female boss?"

"Tang Qing, I am not worthy. Let's not talk about this for now. You will understand later."

"Which one should I say?"

"I'll tell you who set the trap for me and how."

"Isn't it Li Zhen? But I don't think he has that level. There should be someone more skilled behind him."

"Did you know there was an expert behind you?"

"I thought he was your biological father."

"It's not him. Although he failed my mother and me, he still has deep feelings for my mother and me."

"Who is that? Is it him?"

"Who else are you thinking of?"

"If it's him, his level is limited. He can't be a master and he can't hit you."

"He is not a master to begin with, but he knows me too well, so he can hit my weak point and kill me with one move!"

"It's really him?!"

Tang Qing never expected that the person who really ruined Li Li's family was actually her ex-husband.

Li Li picked up the coffee cup and took a sip. In fact, there was no coffee in the cup. She only drank helplessly and helplessly.

Tang Qing did not expect that Li Li had already expected that her ex-husband would not give up after he left home, but she did not expect that he would retaliate against her in this way.

Li Li's marriage was a passive one. She was as beautiful as a proud peacock in Yancheng. Everyone her age wanted to kiss Fangze, but no one had the courage.

Young guys don't have the guts, but those big guys tried their best to take advantage of Li Li. This created a demonic resistance for her when she was just starting her own business.

People who don't understand always think that Li Li's success in starting a business depends on her beauty. In fact, for a woman with a good heart, good looks are a double-edged sword. When you go to do things, stinky men will always open the door for you.

But after things are done, they often make shameless requests. If you don't agree, I'm sorry, you will be stuck next time!

Li Li didn't care about their cards. She relied on her true ability to overcome obstacles and would never use her appearance to gain any advantage.

But it would be difficult for a single, beautiful woman to refuse a boss’s explicit invitation, otherwise others would say you are putting on such a stinky air?

Words are worth their weight in gold, and saliva can drown. Li Li had no choice but to use her marriage as a protective shell to avoid the endless buzzing and stinging of blowflies.

It is impossible to fall in love like ordinary people, and Li Li has no extravagant expectations. She only hopes to have a good man to start a family with her and live a normal family life.

Her driver is also her assistant. He has been following him since she started working at the clothing stall. He has always been unknown, hardworking and uncomplaining, never saying a word or taking a step beyond the realm of possibility.

Li Li asked him if he wanted to live together. He immediately knelt down and proposed to Li Li, took out a ring from his pocket and put it on Li Li.

Li Li asked him, did you know I would choose you?

He said, you must choose me!

Li Li asked why?

He said, because you have no one to choose from!

Li Li immediately wanted to regret it, but he had already sent the message and the date of the wedding banquet in the hotel had been set.

At that time, what Li Li wanted was face. A glamorous wedding announced the beginning of a loveless marriage and was doomed to have a tragic ending.

The only time he failed to build a strong barrier was when he succeeded. With Xiaomei, Li Li accepted her fate because she wanted to give Xiaomei a complete home, a home where he could grow up healthy and happy.

Li Li's own life experience made her cherish this home even more. She was very beautiful outside, but Li Zapo in Yancheng had everything she wanted. At home, she was submissive and tortured. This torture included both physical and mental.

But no matter how painful it was, Li Li didn't want to break up for Xiaomei.

Thinking that he had pinched Li Li's seven inches, he completely tore off the disguise and brought the woman to his home while Li Li and Xiaomei were at home.

Li Li couldn't bear it anymore and broke up with him, refusing to let him get any benefits and let him leave the house.

In order to celebrate that she had driven away the gloom, Li Li held a divorce banquet in a hotel. At the banquet, she invited all his women and let them sit at the same table with him.

"I'm not afraid of a man's skill, I'm afraid of a man's scheming. It's normal for you, Li Li, to fall for such a scheming man."

"Well, since I parted ways with him, I have been on guard day and night to prevent him from retaliating, but I didn't expect that he would set a trap for me through Li Zhen."

"If he asked Li Zhen to come to you directly, you might still take precautions, right?"

"That's right, I have a strict verification mechanism for men who directly negotiate business with me and discuss matters with me. They can't even think of taking advantage."

"He asked Li Zhen to contact you through the contractor and tell you your life story. Your Maginot Line of Defense collapsed completely."

"The key is that Li Zhen took out my mother's belongings and my birth certificate. Can I not be broken by him? I am a woman and a mother!"

Li Li's tears surged down and fell into the coffee cup.

Tang Qing hugged Li Li tightly, feeling sad for her and crying with her.

The hateful thing about the scheming man is not only that he used Li Zhen to take revenge on Li Li, but the most hateful thing is that he took advantage of Lao Longtou's selfishness and jealousy, and deliberately asked Li Zhen to say in front of Li Li that Aunt Li was bullied. After having Li Li, Lao Longtou could

Help her find the man who bullied Aunt Li.

In this way, Li Li only had hatred in her heart. Her only wish was to find out the person who bullied Aunt Li through Lao Longtou, and put all business and career behind her.

"Where is he now? What is he doing?"


"Scheming man, your ex-husband!"

"Tang Qing, don't provoke him. You can't imagine or measure his insidiousness, his cunning, and his ways of harming others."

"Don't worry, no matter what kind of scheming man he is, my master Jiujin's razor will definitely make him suffer a bloody head and a terrible death!"

"Tang Qing, thank you. My mother's matter is over, and so is my matter. I just hope that you can repay Mr. Li some justice, return him justice, and don't let him carry a bad name underground.


"Of course I want to rectify Mr. Li's reputation, and I want to rectify that scheming man even more!"

Tang Qing couldn't help but squeeze the razor tightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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