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Chapter 168 Two packs of fast food

It was stormy early in the morning, and the trees and grass fell. By noon, the sun was shining brightly, and the sky was blue and white with white clouds. Now, the dark clouds on the gray sky are like a huge lid pressing down, like the doomsday scenes in some blockbusters, magnificent.

It makes people feel panicked.

"Everyone, it rains and clears sometimes, which is the most typical changeable weather before a typhoon. The weather news has just predicted that this typhoon will be a super typhoon level. After landing, our city of Shan will be attacked from the front. Everyone must not

Take it lightly."

The old dragon head was very worried and walked out of the People's Barber Shop from time to time to look at the changes in the clouds in the sky.

As an old water conservancy worker, Lao Longtou is more sensitive to strong winds and heavy rains than ordinary people.

After changing jobs and returning to the local area, Lao Longtou first held important positions in key departments. Later, he almost lost his life because of Aunt Li's incident. Fortunately, he kept his identity and continued to work in the water conservancy department until his retirement.

"Master Long, do you think this typhoon is more windy or rainy?"

The little bald head asked the old dragon head.

In the afternoon, after the People's Barber Shop's anti-Taiwan anti-Taiwan commando team gathered, according to Director Liu's division of labor in the morning, they conducted another carpet-type anti-Taiwan anti-Taiwan inspection in the area. After making sure everything was safe, they returned to the People's Barber Shop to stand by.

"Of course the wind is severe in the sea and coastal landing areas, but the rain here is even more severe."

The old dragon head replied to the little bald head.


"When a typhoon passes through us and is blocked by mountains, the wind will definitely weaken, but the clouds will gather more and more. These clouds will combine with the inland airflow to produce heavy rainfall."

"Lord Long, does heavy rainfall mean heavy rain?"

"More than just heavy rain? Heavy rain, heavy rain, extremely heavy rain."


The little bald man shrank his neck, a little panicked.

"Well, I'm worried that this typhoon will cause floods in our city of Yan."

The old dragon head went out and looked at the sky again.

"Master Long, it's not up to you to decide whether there will be a flood. If there is a flood, there will be no problem in our old city. We just need to take precautions against the wind."

"What the old city is afraid of is strong winds. These small tiles and old houses cannot withstand strong winds."

"Don't worry, the old town is backed by Deer Ti Mountain, so even if there is a strong wind, it will be covered."

"That's right, our ancestors were smart. In the past, there were floods in the south of the city, but the old city remained safe and sound."

The pig-butcher, with big hair, little bald head, and big belly, sat on a long bench and sighed.

"Well, I'm just worried about floods in the south of the city. That area used to be farmland, and some places are still flood detention areas."

The old dragon's brows were furrowed and he was worried.

"Long Ye, don't worry unfounded, we just need to do a good job in preventing and resisting typhoons in our own region."

Lao Zhang advised Lao Longtou.

"There are no eggs left behind when the nest is overturned. Even if there is nothing going on in the old city, isn't that south of the city our Yancheng?"

The old dragon's brows became more and more furrowed.

"Don't think so far ahead. There are still several hours before the typhoon makes landfall. I don't know when it will arrive in our city of Shan. Right now, it's important to fill your stomach. Master Jiujin, should we go back for dinner or Lao Zhang's tofu and steamed buns?

Shop tofu and steamed buns?”

Fat people tend to get hungry easily when the money hits their big belly.

"President Qian, there is no way to open fire in my store at night. Yesterday, Director Liu of the neighborhood committee informed us in advance that we would not open today. Safety comes first, so we did not prepare any ingredients in the store."

Lao Zhang didn't wait for Tang Qing to answer and explained to Dadu Qian first.

"Director Liu asked us to stand by at the People's Barber Shop. We must stand by at the People's Barber Shop. No one can leave without permission. Let's do this. I'll go back and cook it. Once it's done, I'll bring it over for everyone to eat in the shop."

Tang Qing stood up from the barber chair.

"Master Jiujin, this is too troublesome. You've been tired all day. It's not like we can cook meals for more than a dozen people at once. Let's just make instant noodles."

The old leader suggested.

"Yes, as long as it can fill your stomach during special times, I'll go buy instant noodles. Da Mao, you go and get them with me."

The pig-butcher greeted Da Mao.

"No, no, no, how can we let the commandos eat instant noodles? Hot fast food is here!"

The contractor walked into the People's Barber Shop covered in sweat.

"fast food?"

“Where’s the fast food coming from?”

The butcher and Da Mao looked at the contractor in puzzlement.

"Everyone, I miss the opportunity to be a commando, and I regret it very much. After thinking for a long time, I decided to set up a two-person logistics team with Bao Weidiao to deliver food and supplies to everyone. Little bald man, please help Bao Weidiao carry fast food to the car."

The contractor's fat hand pointed at the rickshaw outside the People's Barber Shop.

"Hey, that's great. You two have come to us just in time."

"It doesn't sound good to have rain in time. We don't want rain or wind now, we just want brotherhood!"

"Yes, yes, the brotherhood of neighbors!"

Pig Killer, Big Mao, Big Belly Money, Little Baldy and others were chatting and laughing while unloading fast food and other supplies from the rickshaw.

"Boss Bao, thank you for not only delivering fast food, but also so many instant noodles, mineral water and pastries."

Tang Qing sincerely thanked the contractor, but he never expected that he would turn back the prodigal and do a real good deed.

"Master Jiujin, you're welcome, you're welcome. This is my respect to the commandos. You hurry up and eat. Master Long, you also eat quickly. It's still warm."

The foreman handed Tang Qing a box of fast food and then handed Lao Longtou a box of fast food.

"Thank you, you impressed me!"

The old leader took the fast food from the contractor and patted his fat hands.

"Master Long, there is also me. I visited several stores to buy supplies."

The inquiring man approached the old dragon head.

"Okay, okay, you deserve praise too!"

Lao Longtou used the disposable chopsticks that had not yet been opened to hit Bao Qingzi's head.

"I'm sorry, you do deserve praise, but please don't ride in a rickshaw again. It's too dangerous. Let's have some fast food later. Park the rickshaw in a safe place and then come to the store to wait!"

"Yes, Master Jiujin!"

When Bao inquired about it and heard what Tang Qing said, he shook his head and felt very proud.

"Master Jiu Jin, I'm waiting for you at the People's Barber Shop. What about me?"

The plump round head of the contractor came close to Tang Qing.

"Same for you, I'll be on call at the People's Barber Shop tonight."


The contractor's belly bulged, he saluted and smiled extremely happily.

"Master Jiu Jin, then Boss Bao and I have also become members of the People's Barber Shop's anti-Taiwan anti-Taiwan commando team?"

The inquiring man approached Tang Qing again.

"You two "bags" performed well today, and I, the captain..."

Tang Qing took a bite of the food.

"Master Jiujin, captain..."

"Captain, Master Jiujin..."

Bao Wenqing and the contractor leader looked at Tang Qing eagerly, waiting for her next step.

"You two 'bao' have performed well. As the captain, I certainly agree with you becoming a commando, but I don't know if the other team members agree?"

Tang Qing deliberately looked at Lao Longtou, Pig Killer, Damao and the others.

"Master Long, everyone..."

"Everyone, Lord Long..."

Bao inquired and the foreman turned to the old dragon leader and the butcher.

"Based on your performance today, I agree."

The old leader expressed his position first.

"Well, the food in this fast food is really good, two 'bags'. I welcome you to join the commando team."

The pig-butcher expressed his stance.

"I'm very happy to be teammates with the two 'Baos' in the commando team. Boss Bao, can you add more braised pork or ribs to your fast food next time? Haha."

Da Mao's fast food box has been turned upside down.

"Da Mao, there's more here. I'll definitely add more braised pork and ribs next time!"

The foreman handed Da Mao another box of fast food.

"Two Mr. Bao, you don't need to ask us anymore. As long as you send us such delicious fast food every day, we will definitely agree!"

"Hey, hey, little bald head, you have the wrong idea. If we eat fast food here every day, doesn't it mean that this typhoon is gone?"

Big belly money refutes little bald head.

"Everyone, eat quickly, the wind and rain are getting louder outside."

After Tang Qing finished eating, he walked to the door of the store and looked around.

This chapter has been completed!
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